Author: Davil

Are return and return null the same thing? Returning null is usually the best idea if you intend to indicate that no data is available. An empty object implies that data has been returned, while returning a null value clearly indicates that nothing has been returned. What to do instead of returning null? Instead of returning null, the method should throw an exception with an explicit message such as “Could not find a connection string named ‘PatientDb'”. Not only does the software crash quickly, but the error message is easier to diagnose compared to the common null reference exception. Why…

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How can I trace a microservices request? These are my best practices for tracing and debugging your microservices. Outsource and centralize the storage of your records. Log structured data. Create and pass a correlation identifier across all requests. Return your identifier to your customer. Make your records searchable. What are the 3 components of a Microservice? A typical microservice architecture (MSA) should consist of the following components: Clientele. Identity Providers. API gateway. messaging formats. Databases. Static content. Management. Service discovery. What are the different types of tests for microservices? There are three modes of testing that I’ve seen in many…

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What are the ps command options? Options for the ps command: Simple process selection: Shows the processes for the current shell: [ [email protected] ~]# ps PID TTY TIME CMD 12330 pts/0 00:00:00 bash 21621 pts/0 00:00:00 ps. View Processes – View all running processes, use any of the following with ps: [ [email protected] ~]# ps -A [ [email protected] ~]# ps -e. What is Ppid in ps command? The PPID is the PID of the parent of the process. For example, if process1 with a PID of 101 starts a process named process2, then process2 will be given…

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How can you get the value of the input tag in jQuery? To get the value of the text box, you can use the jQuery val() function. For example, $(‘input:textbox’). val() – Gets the value of the text box. How do you add input value? Set the value of an input field in JavaScript Text value property. This property sets/returns the value of the value attribute of a text field. setAttribute method. This method adds the specified attribute to an element and sets its specified value. How do I get the input value of Dom? Method 1: document.getElementById(‘textbox_id’).value to get…

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How to show python list in django template? The list is a list of days in weeks, for example, list_days = [‘domingo’, ‘lunes’, ‘martes’] Pass it to the template as a context and then just iterate over it. This is the documentation for the for tag. Where do I find a custom field in Django? For that field that exists in the Django model, it’s very simple to display it in the Django admin page. How can I display a user profile using Django? I want something similar to pinterest where anyone, whether logged in or not, can see people’s…

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Why are my safari images blurry? In Safari on iOS, there is a known limitation when displaying large PNG and GIF images. The issue is triggered by the sheer number of pixels in the image, so even if an image is narrow, you may experience blur if the image is tall enough. This affects both iPad and iPhone and affects all device models. How do you make an image less pixelated on a Mac? Reduce the file size of an image In the Preview app on your Mac, open the file you want to change. Choose Tools > Resize, then…

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How can I get JavaScript to work in Internet Explorer? internet explorer Click Tools > Internet Options. Click the Security tab > Custom Level. In the Scripting section, click Enable for Active Scripting. In the dialog box that appears, click Yes. How do I enable JavaScript in Internet Explorer? To allow all websites within the Internet zone to run scripts within Internet Explorer: From the web browser menu, click Tools or the “Tools” icon (which looks like a gear) and select Internet Options. When the “Internet Options” window opens, select the Security tab. What happens if JavaScript is disabled in…

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How do I set the default SD card storage in Android Kitkat? Go to the “Settings” of the device, then select “Storage”. Select your “SD Card”, then tap on the “three dots menu” (top right), now select “Settings” from there. Now select “Format as internal” and then “Erase and format”. Your SD card will now be formatted as internal storage. Why can’t I move files to my SD card? Not being able to read, write or move files usually means that the SD card is corrupted. But the biggest part of the problem is that you need to label the…

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How to display an image in a matrix? NumPy can be used to convert an array to an image… Approach: Create a numpy array. Modify the above array to the appropriate dimensions. Create an image object from the above array using the PIL library. Save the image object in a suitable file format. Is it possible to link images? Using the text editor Use the image icon to insert your image. Click on the image, and in the options, click on ‘Insert link’. Add the URL of where you want the image to link to and choose the option to…

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How do you create a relationship between two queries in access? Create a select query using tables with a many-to-many relationship On the Create tab, in the Queries group, click Query Design. Double-click the two tables that contain the data you want to include in your query, and also the join table that links them, and then click Close. What is multiple table query? UNION combines queries; multi-tables combine tables. With multiple tables, you can easily join tables if they have the same columns, and then run queries on the resulting table. With UNION, queries can be executed on the…

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How does window location replacement work? The replace() method of the location interface replaces the current resource with that of the provided URL. The difference with the assign() method is that after using replace() the current page will not be saved in the session history, which means the user will not be able to use the back button to navigate to it. Which object does the location override belong to? window. Location. replace replaces the current history item so you can’t go back to it. Is it bad to use window location? You should use location. assign (URL) or location.…

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What does the undefined local variable nameerror mean in Ruby? You may also see the Ruby error “NameError: Undefined local variable” if you intended to input a string. Strings are understood when they exist between quotes. If you didn’t use quotes, Ruby will think you meant to refer to a method or variable (which doesn’t exist) and will throw the error. When do you get a name error in Ruby? In a nutshell, NameError is raised when a supplied token or variable name is invalid or undefined. What does ruby ​​nameerror constant object not initialized mean? NameError: Uninitialized Constant Object::Something…

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What happens to the mean and median in a distribution skewed to the left? To summarize, generally if the data distribution is skewed to the left, the mean is less than the median, which is often less than the mode. If the data distribution is skewed to the right, the mode is usually less than the median, which is less than the mean. What do you do when the data is left skewed? If the data is skewed to the left (clustered on higher values), move up the power scale (cube, square, etc.). x’=log(x+1): Often used to transform data that…

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How do I delete a file in Rstudio? Files can be removed with R using unlink. Deleting a single file is as simple as passing the file name to this function. To remove a directory, you must add the parameter recursive = TRUE. How to force delete a file that won’t delete? Method 1. Force delete a file that cannot be deleted Windows 10 Go to Start, type Task Manager and choose “Task Manager” to open it. Find the application that is currently using the file and select “End task”. Then try to delete the file again on your Windows…

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What is the probability density function of the gamma distribution? The gamma distribution is the probability distribution of maximum entropy (both with respect to a uniform basis measure and with respect to a basis 1/x measure) for a random variable X for which E[X] = kθ = α/β is fixed and greater than zero, and E[ln(X)] = ψ(k) + ln(θ) = ψ(α) − ln(β) is fixed (ψ is the digamma function). How do you calculate gamma from a graph? The parameters of the gamma distribution define the shape of the graph. The shape parameter α and the velocity parameter β…

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What do square brackets mean in regex python? Use parentheses to group and capture. By putting part of a regular expression inside square brackets or parentheses, you can group that part of the regular expression. Brackets define a character class and braces are used by a quantifier with specific limits. How do you get square brackets in Python? One approach to checking for balanced parentheses is to use stack. Whenever you find an open parenthesis, push it onto the stack, and when you find a closed parenthesis, drench it with the top of the stack and pull it out. If…

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How do the words in a string compare? Using String. equals(): In Java, the string equals() method compares the two given strings based on the data/content of the string. If all the contents of both strings are equal, it returns true. If any character does not match, it returns false. How do you compare two elements of a string in Python? Python comparison operators == : This checks if two strings are equal. != < : This checks if the string to its left is smaller than the string to its right. : This checks if the string to its…

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Can you see when a contact was created on Iphone? No. Can you see the call history? You can only view call history if you have the contact in your recent calls list. There is no other setting on the phone to save that information. Use filters to find how many contacts have been added since a certain date Go to your Contacts page. At the top, switch the view to Recently Added People and Companies. Scroll down and see the date each contact was added. Find the date you need and select the contacts to tag them. It means…

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How does the sent_tokenize function work in NLTK? In a line like the above program, you imported the sent_tokenize module. We have taken the same phrase. The additional sentence tokenizer in the NLTK module parsed those sentences and displayed the output. It is clear that this function breaks every sentence. How to tokenize text in sentences in Python? To tokenize a given text into sentences with NLTK, use word_tokenize() or sent_tokenize() returns a Python list containing tokens. The prerequisite for using the word_tokenize() or sent_tokenize() functions is that you must have the punkt package downloaded or download it programmatically before…

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How do you create an empty dataframe with column names in PySpark? To create an empty PySpark DataFrame manually with a schema (column names and data types), first create a schema using StructType and StructField. Now use the empty RDD created above and pass it to SparkSession’s createDataFrame() along with the schema for column names and data types. How do you make an empty spark in DF? Creating an empty DataFrame (Spark 2.x and higher) Create an empty data frame with schema (StructType) Use createDataFrame() of SparkSession val df = spark. Using implicit encoder. Let’s look at another way, which…

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How do I create a large array in Python? ndarray s calling list1 = numpy. asarray(list1) and again for list2. You can get its length using len(list1) . You can then refer to the numpy (hstack) stacking functions to add the numpy arrays together. How big can a 2D array be? 3 answers. If the array is declared using automatic heap duration, then the size limit is remarkably small, around 1 Mb. If you are using heap duration (using new and new[] ), then the limit is much higher. How do I iterate over a 2D list in Python? Access…

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How do you set a global variable in protractor? It is possible to set globals from the Protractor configuration file with the help of the params:exports property. config = { // params: { glob: ‘test’ } // }; Why is variable scope important? In programming, the scope of a variable determines where that variable can be used within the program, and also which functions and objects have access to that variable. How do you declare a variable in a protractor? Protractor sets global variables var balloon = ‘test’; describe(‘test glob’, function () { it(‘must set glob’, function () { browser.get(‘’);…

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Can an IP address have multiple MAC addresses? Yes, it is quite possible for a machine with one MAC address to have two IP addresses on the same segment (LAN). Can Ethernet and WIFI have the same IP address? It is because they are different connections. Each interface, wired or wired, will have its own IP address. The IP itself is assigned by your router. If you are concerned about which pool your IP is assigned to, you should go into your configuration utility and see what is assigned for wireless and what is wired. Can two hosts receive the…

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Can I use React Redux with React Native? It allows your React components to read data from a Redux store and send actions to the store to update the data. As of React Native 0.18, React Redux 5.x should work with React Native. Is Redux the same in React and react native? React Native contains the React library to use as a front end library. Most uses of React are the same for React-Native. And it’s the same for Redux too. React-Native must have other libraries to build apps that can run on both Android and iOS. Is Redux needed…

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When to use cons and add on the racket? If you have two lists, instead of an element and a list, you can combine the lists with add: don’t confuse cons and add. The cons function takes an element and a list, while append takes a list and a list. That difference is reflected in their types: mixing them will result in a type error: a list does not have to contain any values: Why are lists immutable in racket and schema? This is because, in general, Scheme (and Racket in this case) is a language that prefers the functional…

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How do I hide online status in Outlook? Turn online status on or off in Outlook Click the File tab to open Backstage view, and then click Options. On the Contacts tab, under Contact Index, select or clear the Show online status check box next to name. Click OK. How can you tell if someone is online on LinkedIn? Here’s how you can tell: the next time you look at someone you know, you’ll see a green status dot next to their profile picture. This green dot means that they are currently online and it might be a good time…

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What is structural equivalence in social networks? In social network analysis, two nodes are considered structurally equivalent if they have the same neighborhoods, that is, they are connected to each other. What is structural equivalence of type expressions? Structural equivalence: Names are replaced by the type expressions they define. If the resulting type expressions have the same structure, they are equivalent. Name equivalence: Names are not replaced by the type expressions they define. What does it mean that two people are perfectly structurally equivalent in a network? Two actors are exactly structurally equivalent if they have exactly the same ties…

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How to send an HTTP POST request from Vue? Below is a quick set of examples to show how to send HTTP POST requests from Vue to a back-end API using fetch() which comes with all modern browsers. Other HTTP examples available: How to create postcomponent.vue in Laravel? And create a new component name PostComponent.vue. The above code is for sending form data to controller using axios post request in laravel. Next go to resources/assets/js then open the app.js file and initialize the vue js components in this file. How to send form data via POST request in Laravel? Next,…

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How do you update a component in react? A component is updated whenever there is a change in the component’s state or properties… React has five built-in methods that are called, in this order, when a component is updated: getDerivedStateFromProps() shouldUpdateComponent() to loan() getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() componentDidUpdate() Can we use DIV in react? To specify a CSS class, use the className attribute. This applies to all regular DOM and SVG elements like , and others. If you’re using React with web components (which is rare), use the class attribute instead. How do you update DOM in react? React maintains two copies of…

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Why is my ITR status verified correctly? Successfully Electronically Verified – If your return status shows the status as Successfully Electronically Verified, it means you have successfully submitted and verified your return. But the ITR has not yet been processed. Defective: The status of an ITR shows ‘defective’ if it has not been filed in accordance with the provisions of the law. What is the benefit of the income tax return file? Use it as proof of income: Employers issue Form 16 to their employees. It is proof of an individual’s income. The ITR filing document serves as authentic proof…

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Are Microsoft build tools free? Overview. MSBuild is a build tool that helps automate the process of building a software product, including source code compilation, packaging, testing, deployment, and documentation creation. MSBuild is free and open source. Are the Visual Studio build tools free for commercial use? Since you only need the build tool for Visual Studio 2017, you don’t need to purchase a license vs. Also, you’ll find this build tool is a free download: Of course, when you use this build tool, you have to agree to some license terms. How do I install the Microsoft build…

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How do I import a web query into Excel? Other sources: Web Select Data > New Query > From Other Sources > From Web. Select OK. In the Navigator panel, do the following: Select Table View, as Results. Select Web View to view the table as a web page. Select Load to load the data into a spreadsheet. When using a web query to import data from websites, how do you determine if a data table can be imported into Excel? When you have the web page that contains the data you want to import in the New Web Query…

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How do I capture failed test cases? Test Failed Screenshot Create a class. Implement TestNG ‘ITestListener’. Call the ‘onTestFailure’ method. Add the code to take a screenshot with this method. Get the test method name and take a screenshot with the test name. Then drop it into the desired destination folder. How do I screenshot failed test cases in Cucumber? Automatically take a screenshot on failure of a Cucumber scenario @After. public void disassembly(stage-scenario) { if (scenario. failed()) { // Take a screenshot… trailing byte [] screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) webDriver). getScreenshotAs(OutputType. screenplay. } } How are failed test cases retried?…

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How to add extra rows in angular material table? Also, check how to add extra rows in angular material table and implement Expand/Collapse functionality by clicking inside each row and multiple rows by clicking master button. Master button will toggle expand/collapse across multiple rows… How is angular 6 performance on 1000 rows? Angular 6 MatTable Performance on 1000 rows. – Stack Overflow Angular 6 MatTable Performance in 1000 rows. I am using angular material in my project and using Mat-Table to render 1000 Product/row per table. When I change the pagination (we use back-end pagination) of the table to 1000…

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Can a function parameter be an array? If a parameter is declared as an array with a specific size, the corresponding argument in each function call must point to an object that has at least as many elements as the array. Using an array declarator for a function parameter specifies the function’s interface more clearly than using a pointer. How to convert an array to a parameter? To pass an array as an argument to a method, you just pass the name of the array without the brackets. The method prototype must match to accept the array type argument. Here…

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How do you make an anti-left union? In the Sales table, select the CountryID column. In the Countries table, select the id column. In the Join Type section, select Anti Left. Select OK. What remains anti join in SQL? AN ANTISEMI LEFT SEMIJOIN is a type of join that returns only those distinct rows in the left rowset that do not have a matching row in the right rowset. When you use the EXCEPT operator, it appears in the query execution plan as LEFT ANTI SEMI JOIN . What is the difference between semijoin and join? The essential differences between…

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How do I program my Raspberry Pi assembly? How to use a Raspberry Pi and Linux to assemble and run an assembly program Step 1 – Save your code successfully. The Linux command line is the easiest way to assemble your program. Step 2 – Assemble your program into an object file. Step 3 – Create an executable. Step 4: Run the program. Step 5: Exit the program. Does the Raspberry Pi use assembly language? The Raspberry Pi uses a variety of assembly code called ARMv6, so that’s what we’ll need to write. Copy these first few commands. In assembly…

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How do you use sed on a specific line? Just add the line number before: sed ‘s/// . Note that I use . bak after the -i flag. This will make the change to the file itself but will also create a file. What is S in the sed command? The s command (as a substitute) is probably the most important in sed and has many different options. The syntax of the s command is ‘ s/regexp/replacement/flags’. Finally, as a GNU sed extension, you can include a special sequence consisting of a backslash and one of the letters L ,…

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How do I get the images to rotate? Move the mouse pointer over the image. Two buttons with arrows will appear at the bottom. Select Rotate image 90 degrees left or Rotate image 90 degrees right….Rotate an image. rotate clockwise Control + R rotate counterclockwise Ctrl + Shift + R How do you rotate an image in Microsoft Word? Rotate an image or shape a specific amount Select the image or shape. This will open the Format Shape or Format Image ribbon. Select Rotate. Use any of the rotation commands in the list, such as Flip Horizontal. Select More Rotation…

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How do I add the API key to the AWS API gateway? Require API key in a method Choose a REST API. In the API Gateway main navigation pane, choose Resources. Under Resources, create a new method or choose an existing one. Choose Method Request. In the Settings section, choose true for Required API Key. Select the checkmark icon to save the settings. What is the API key in the AWS API Gateway? API keys are alphanumeric string values ​​that you distribute to application developer clients to grant them access to your API. You can use API keys in conjunction…

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Why does the hash value change? The content of a file is processed through a cryptographic algorithm and a unique numerical value, the hash value, is produced that identifies the content of the file. If the contents are changed in any way, the hash value will also change significantly. What happens if the hash values ​​are the same? When two unlike objects have the same hash value, this causes a hash table collision, because both objects want to be in the same slot (sometimes called a bucket). The hash algorithm must resolve such collisions. How are hash values ​​compared? Compare…

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How to convert date to UTC format? The Javascript date can be converted to UTC by using functions present in the Javascript Date object. The toUTCString() method is used to convert a Date object to a string, according to universal time. toGMTString() returns a string representing the date in GMT (UT) time zone. How do you get a timestamp in UTC? Get the UTC timestamp Use the date and time. Date and Time. now() to get the current date and time. Then use the tzinfo class to convert our datetime to UTC. Is JavaScript date always UTC? The time zone…

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What is solidity mapping? The mapping in Solidity acts like a hash table or dictionary in any other language. These are used to store data in the form of key-value pairs, a key can be any of the built-in data types, but reference types are not allowed, while the value can be any type. How do I iterate mapping in Solidity? You could do it by: Save the keys in an array (good for address values, loop through all addresses in the array) Keep keys predictable (integer values, loop from firstKey to lastKey) Can we return the mapping in Solidity?…

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How do you find the percentage change in a table? Percent change | Increase and Decrease First: Calculate the difference (increase) between the two numbers you are comparing. Increment = New Number – Original Number. Then: divide the increase by the original number and multiply the answer by 100. % increase = Increase ÷ Original number × 100. How do you find the percentage decrease between two prices? Calculate the percentage decrease: First, calculate the difference (decrease) between the two numbers you are comparing. Then divide the decrease by the original number and multiply the answer by 100. If the…

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What is the Linux equivalent of a batch file? shell scriptThe equivalent batch file on Linux is the shell script (.sh). You can use gedit, vim or any other available text editor to create one. How do I run a .bat file on Linux? Batch files can be run by typing “start FILENAME.bat”. Alternatively, type “wine cmd” to run the Windows console in the Linux terminal. When in the native Linux shell, batch files can be run by typing “wine cmd.exe /c FILENAME. What is batch command in Linux? The batch command is used to read commands from standard input…

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How do I run PowerShell on multiple computers? You can pass multiple computers to the -ComputerName parameter by separating their names with commas. If you want to include the local computer as well, add “localhost” or just “.” to list By default, PowerShell will immediately send the script to all computers if 32 or fewer computer names are passed. How do I run a script on Active Directory? For a user in Active Directory, you would simply open the user’s properties and click on the Profile tab. In the Logon Script box, type the name of the script that was…

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Why is my session variable not working? Make sure you don’t delete or empty the session. Make sure the key in your $_SESSION superglobal array is not overwritten anywhere. Make sure you redirect to the same domain. Therefore, redirecting from to does not carry forward the session. How do you find the session variable? A session is started with the session_start() function. Session variables are set with the PHP global variable: $_SESSION. How many session variables can you have? No, there is no limit to the space a session can hold (or the number of variables a session…

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How do I pass data from one file to another in React JS? There can be several ways to pass data from one component to another: Use of accessories. You can use props to pass data from parent to child component. Using React ContextAPI or state management library like Redux. Use of props as a callback function. How do you pass Props dynamically in React? Response from “react give dynamic props” code /* PASS PROPS to ‘Greeting’ component */ const expression = ‘Happy’; // statement and expression are the braces (ie. ​ /* USE THE PROPS in the child component…

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How do I enable Rdkit? How to install RDKit with Conda $ conda create -c conda-forge -n my-rdkit-env rdkit. $conda activate my-rdkit-env. $cd [carpeta anaconda]/bin $ source activate my-rdkit-env. C:/> enable my-rdkit-env. How do I use Rdkit in Jupyter? Install RDKit in an Anaconda environment -c rdkit: Uses the rdkit raw material from Conda-Forge. -n my-rdkit-env : the arbitrary name of the environment ( my-rdkit-env ). Pick something you like. For example, rdkit-test also works. rdkit – The identifier of the packages to be installed. What is the use of Rdkit? Working with 2D Molecules: Generating Representations Another option for…

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How do I download JMeter plugins? 1) Download the JMeter Plugins Manager JAR file and then place it in JMeter’s lib/ext directory. 2) Start JMeter and go to the “Options” menu to access the Plugin Manager. 3) And here it is, JMeter Plugins Manager. From this dialog, you can install, uninstall, or update your plugins just by clicking the checkboxes. How do I install the JMeter plugin manager? How do I install the JMeter plugin manager? Download the plugin manager JAR file. Put the file in the lib/ext directory. Restart JMeter. Click “Options” and then “Plugin Manager” Where is the…

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What is __Stdcall in C++? __stdcall is the calling convention used for the function. This tells the compiler the rules that apply to setting up the stack, passing arguments, and getting a return value. What does cdecl mean in C? C-statementcdecl. The cdecl (which stands for C statement) is a calling convention that originates from the Microsoft compiler for the C programming language and is used by many C compilers for the x86 architecture. In cdecl, arguments to subroutines are passed on the stack. What is the difference between Stdcall and cdecl? __cdecl is the default calling convention for C…

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Where is uicollectionviewcell in the view? Change the background color to black so that the bounds of the collection view are perfectly visible. A UICollectionViewCell is visible at the top left of the CollectionView as seen in the image below. The UICollectionView cell is too small. How to create a uicollectionview programmatically in Swift? To programmatically create a UICollectionView, I’ll create a new UICollectionView instance by giving it a UICollectionViewFlowLayout as a parameter. var myCollectionView:UICollectionView? view.addSubview(myCollectionView ?? UICollectionView()) How to assign random background color in uicollectionview? The collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell function is similar to the TableView…

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How do I find my device name in flutter? IosDeviceInfo iosDeviceInfo = expect device information. iosInfo; print(‘device name ${}’); Where do I find the MAC address of my device? Go to Settings->Wireless Controls->Wi-Fi Settings. Tap on the 3 dots in the top right corner. Tap Advanced. Swipe to the bottom and you will see both the IP address and the MAC address. How do I find my IP address on flutter? Use Get external IP. External String = expect FlutterIp.externalIP; // for example, or “” Get internal IP. Internal String = expect FlutterIp.internalIP; // for example, or “”…

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How do I allow a range of IP addresses? Allow or restrict a range of IP addresses Under Configure, choose Network > Protocol > TCP/IP > Security. Select the IPv4 tab and select Enable IPv4 Filtering, or select the IPv6 tab and select Enable IPv6 Filtering. What is the range of usable IP addresses? Subnet Cheat Sheet: Subnet Mask 24, 30, 26, 27, 29 and Other IP Addresses CIDR Network References CIRD Subnet mask # of usable IP addresses /29 255,255,255,248 6 /28 255,255,255,240 14 /27 255,255,255,224 30 /26 255,255,255,192 62 How do I allow a specific IP in Windows…

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How is the PID value calculated? The transfer function of a PID controller is found by taking the Laplace transform of Equation (1). = derivative gain. C = s^2 + s + 1 ———– s Transfer function in continuous time. C = 1 Kp + Ki * — + Kd * ss with Kp = 1, Ki = 1, Kd = 1 Continuous time PID controller in parallel. What does the D in PID stand for? Do not useThe “D” in PID stands for: Don’t use (sometimes)! March 18, 2019/Our Blog. The Derivative Term is not only the last letter…

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How do I host a downloaded zip file? How to create a Zip download link Right click on any blank space on your computer desktop. Choose “New” and then “Compressed (Zip) Folder”. A new folder appears. Right-click on the folder name and choose “Rename.” Type a unique file name for your ZIP file. How do I download and install a zip file? zipper or . zipx) and includes an installation program, one option you have is to open the Zip file, click the Tools tab, and click the Unzip and Install… Unzip and Install button. WinZip extracts all files to…

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How does the Dialogflow API respond to the webhook request? The Dialogflow API receives the discovery intent request. Matches the input to an intent or form parameter, sets the parameters as needed, and updates the state of the session. If you need to call a webhook-enabled fulfillment, you send a webhook request to their webhook service; otherwise, go to step 6. Your webhook service receives the webhook request. Why did my Dialogflow webhook fail to parse? Failed to parse Dialogflow response in AppResponse due to invalid platform response: Could not find RichResponse or SystemIntent in platform response for agentId: 862967e8-4384-403b-aad9-edd16bb0a729…

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What is the purpose of a decision table? A decision table is a graphical way of mapping conditions against actions: it expresses the fact that certain actions will be performed only if certain conditions (or a combination of them) are met. How do you make a decision table? Steps to create decision tables: Step 1 – Analyze the requirement and create the first column. Step 2: Add Columns. Step 3: Reduce the table. Step 4: Determine actions. Step 5: write test cases. How are slime rules written? Drools – Rule Writing Package – Each rule begins with a package name.…

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How do I choose which files to delete? To delete a file or folder (or multiple selected files), right-click the file and select Delete. You can also select the file and press the Delete key on the keyboard. Deleting a folder also deletes all of its content. What files should I not delete? 7 Windows files and folders you should never delete or modify Windows folder. System32 folder. WinSxS folder. Program files folder. System Volume Information. Page file. Exchange file. Can I delete a .a file? Locate the file or folder using Windows Explorer. To do so, right-click Start and…

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How do I point a URL to an IP address? In the Domain Names section, select the relevant domain name from the dropdown list and click the Manage button. Scroll down to the Advanced Domain Settings section and click the Manage DNS (A, MX, CNAME, TXT) link. From the Advanced DNS tab. Select A from the Type dropdown list in the Add New Entry section. Can a URL be an IP address? URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) and IP addresses are just identifiers used for this purpose. It’s obvious to see that an IP address can be part of a URL,…

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How many people use Windows in the world? But that billion figure can and should be compared to the numbers Microsoft touts for Windows 10 (200 million, more recently) or Windows in general (1.5 billion active users, a number that hasn’t magically moved in years). , and that Google promotes for Android (more than 1.4 billion, as of September). How many Windows 7 users are there in 2021? Microsoft has said for years that there are 1.5 billion users of Windows across multiple versions worldwide. It’s hard to get an exact number of Windows 7 users due to different methods…

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Is there a PHP SDK for PayPal RESTful? This repository contains the PayPal PHP SDK and samples for the REST API. Important: The PayPal REST API no longer supports new direct credit card integrations. Consider Braintree Direct instead; i.e. PayPal’s preferred integration solution for accepting direct credit card payments on your mobile app or website. Is the PayPal REST API no longer supported? Important: The PayPal REST API no longer supports new direct credit card integrations. Consider Braintree Direct instead; i.e. PayPal’s preferred integration solution for accepting direct credit card payments on your mobile app or website. How to do…

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Can you run PHP on localhost? If you installed a web server on your computer, the root of your web folder can usually be accessed by typing http://localhost in your web browser. So if you put a file called hello. php inside your web folder, you can run that file by calling http://localhost/hello.php. How do I fix apache2 not executing PHP files? 32 answers Make sure PHP is installed and working properly. Make sure the PHP module is listed and uncommented inside the httpd. Make sure the Apache httpd. Make sure your file has the extension . How can I…

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How many tags can you have in Tag Manager? Today, the number of labels in a GTM container is limited, but the details of the limit have never been announced. Most browsers will not open more than six to eight simultaneous HTTP requests to a single domain, limiting the number of “tracking pixels” you could send to the same system. Can you have two Google tag managers? Multiple users can manage the same Google Tag Manager account, and account administrators can give each user different access permissions. 360 customers can add and control additional containers using zones. Does Google Tag…

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What is the number of observations in a data set? The number of observations provides information about the total number of values ​​contained in the data set. This property is intended to provide an indication of the size of a data set. How many observations will the Work Employee dataset contain? Question 9: How many observations will the data set work? Employee contains? Exp: The number of observations is based on the number of times the OUTPUT statement is executed. The new data set has 20 observations, one for each iteration of the DO loop. What are observations in a…

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What is dynamic Django? To serve dynamic content, we need to change our and files. So now go to and add a route. That’s all it takes to render something using Django. What is the static and dynamic model? Static modeling is used to specify the structure of the objects that exist in the problem domain. These are expressed using class, object, and USECASE diagrams. But dynamic modeling is concerned with representing the interactions of objects during runtime. It is represented by sequence, activity, collaboration, and state diagrams. Is Django static or dynamic? While Django can be…

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How do I get results from Microsoft Forms? Open the form whose results you want to review, and then select the Responses tab. Scroll down to review a summary of responses for each question asked. Select View Results to view detailed responses for each respondent. How do you cheat on the Microsoft Forms test? How to cheat on a Microsoft Forms test – Quora. Bribe Bill Gates to give you the answer key. Bribe your exam proctor to give you your grade. Bribe the Chinese Communist Party to hack the test server and change your rating. How do I get…

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How do I program a random number generator in C#? Code RandomGenerator class. { main static void() { System. Random random = new System. Random(); System. Console. WriteLine(random.Next()); System. Console. WriteLine(random.Next(50)); System. Console. WriteLine(random.Next(10,50)); Which number does the random number generator pick the most? Odd numbers were chosen more often than average: 68.35% of the time. 1 and 10 are rarely chosen because they are the largest and smallest numbers. Even numbers feel less random than odd numbers, and 5 is out because it’s right in the middle. What does .next do in C#? The Next() method of System. The…

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How do you check cardinality in SQL? There is a way to compute cardinality in SQL statements, which is: select Count(column_name) other than Tablename; Database cardinality definition for SQL statements: Database cardinality is nothing more than the uniqueness of the values ​​in the SQL tables that helps determine the query plan for performance optimization. How is cardinality determined? To see the cardinality of the index, use the SHOW INDEXES command. scroll to the right of the output to see the cardinality of the index. In the output, the PRIMARY KEY for the orderNumber column shows that the table has 326…

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Is Tizen compatible with Wear OS? Wear OS meets Tizen OS Although neither Tizen nor Wear OS are up to par with Apple’s watchOS right now, Samsung’s software at least offers good integrated health and fitness tracking, along with a navigation system. which makes common functions easy to find. Does Wear OS work with Samsung? Today at Unpacked, Samsung introduced its new Galaxy Watch4 with Wear OS Powered by Samsung. It is the first smartwatch to run on our unified platform. We’re taking what we’ve learned from Wear OS and Tizen to build together what smartwatch users need. Does Android…

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Can you run 8 GB of RAM on a 32-bit OS? 4 answers. You can install 8 GB on a 32-bit system, but you won’t be able to use it. You need a 64 bit system to do that. Can Windows 7 32-bit use 4 GB of RAM? A 32-bit OS can address up to 4GB, so a 32-bit OS can’t use more than 4GB of ram. Beyond that, a 32-bit OS must reserve some RAM for fixed buffers below the 32-bit line, so the effective available RAM will be less than 4GB. Probably something in the 3.5gb range, depending…

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How do I move a folder from one git repository to another? Step 3: move the folder: to get the source from the local source repository folder and import it into the local destination repository. create a branch with the remote contents of source-rep. merge the new branch into the master branch of the local destination repository. How do I change my local git repository? Close Visual Studio. Move the Repo folder(s) to a new location. Open Visual Studio. Open Team Explorer. Switch to “Connect” view (plug icon at the top). Repositories that were moved locally should no longer show…

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How to use sum function in update query? Try using the code provided below: UPDATE t1. SET t1.field1 = t2.field2Sum. FROM table1 t1. INNER JOIN (select field3, sum(field2) as field2Sum. from table2. group by field3) as t2. at t2.field3 = t1.field3. How do you calculate the sum of salary in SQL? Example: with single expression SELECT SUM(salary) AS “Total salary” FROM employees WHERE salary > 25000; In this SQL SUM function example, we have created an alias for the SUM(salary) expression as “Total Salary”. As a result, “Total Salary” will be displayed as the field name when the result set…

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Use the HTML code element to define a table. What is row and column in HTML? advertisements. HTML tables allow web authors to organize data such as text, images, links, other tables, etc. in rows and columns of cells. HTML tables are created using the label on which The tag is used to create table rows and The tag is used to create data cells. How to make a row clickable in Stack Overflow? Although it uses JS, that’s the only way to make a row (tr) clickable. Unless you have a single cell with an anchor tag that fills…

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What is synthesis and implementation? Synthesis is the process of transforming an RTL-specified layout into a gate-level representation. Implementation means the various steps required to place and route the netlist to the resources of the FPGA device. What is the difference between synthesis and implementation? Synthesis and implementation do not do the same job. Synthesis will convert the RTL code to the netlist. The deployment tool will take the netlist as input and perform optimization, placement, and routing. What is implementation in Xilinx? The Vivado implementation includes all the necessary steps to place and route the netlist to the FPGA…

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What is validation in AngularJS? AngularJS Form Validation AngularJS provides client-side form validation. Checks the state of the form and input fields (input, textarea, selection) and allows you to notify the user about the current state. It also contains the information about whether the input fields have been touched, modified or not. Which of the following are validation directives in AngularJS? AngularJS includes the following validation directives… Validation in AngularJS. directive Description ng-required Sets the required attribute on an input field. ng-minlength Sets the minlength attribute on an input field. What’s dirty in form validation? To prevent the validator from…

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Why is there no such table in Android Pie? It also had nothing to do with files being left open, not closed, emptied, or synced. My code usually overwrites an existing unopened database. What seems to be new/different with Android Pie and different from previous versions of Android is that when Android Pie creates an SQLite database, it sets journal_mode to WAL (write-ahead logging), by default. Where does SQLite save data on Android phone? Just like the files you save to your device’s internal storage, Android stores its database in your app’s private folder. Your data is safe because, by…

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Why do you run away from the characters? Escaping a string means reducing the ambiguity in the quotes (and other characters) used in that string. For example, when you are defining a string, you normally enclose it in single or double quotes: “Hello world”. What characters must be escaped? 6 answers.[thebackslash/thecaret^thedollarsign$theperiodorperiodtheverticalbarorpipesymbol|thequestionmark?theasteriskorstar*theplussign+theopeningbracket(andtheclosingroundparenthesis)[labarrainvertida/elsignodeintercalación^elsignodedólar$elpuntoopuntolabarraverticaloelsímbolodetubo|elsignodeinterrogación?elasteriscooestrella*elsignomás+elcorchetedeapertura(yelparéntesisredondodecierre) Is it necessary to escape the regular expression? To use a literal ^ at the beginning or a literal $ at the end of a regular expression, the character must be escaped. Some flavors only use ^ and $ as metacharacters when they are at the beginning or end…

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How do you write a sum function in JavaScript? Basic JavaScript Addition Add numbers in JavaScript by placing a plus sign between them. You can also use the following syntax to perform addition: var x+=y; The “+=” operator tells JavaScript to add the variable on the right side of the operator to the variable on the left. How can add value in textbox using JavaScript? Input text value property Change the value of a text field: getElementById(“myText”). Get the value of a text field: getElementById(“myText”). Dropdown list in a form: var mylist = document. Another dropdown list: var no =…

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Does Google Hangouts work on iOS? You can use Google Hangouts on your iPhone to send messages or make voice and video calls. You can also use the Start Chat button to quickly create a group chat and add people before the call starts. Visit the Business Insider home page for more stories. Why can’t I type in Hangouts? If you still have problems, try these steps: Close or exit your browser, then reopen it. Restart your computer. Uninstall the Hangouts plugin, then download and install the Hangouts plugin again. Try using the Chrome browser, which does not require the…

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How do I balance left and right audio in Windows 7? Click ‘Properties’ as shown below. Once you click on ‘properties’, you will see a ‘Speaker Properties’ dialog as shown above. Now click on the ‘levels’ tab and click on the ‘Balance’ button as shown above. Once you click ‘Balance’, you will see a dialog to adjust the volume of the left and right speakers as shown below. How do I adjust the volume on my computer headset? In the Sound Settings window, find Input and choose your input device, and then click the blue Device Properties link (circled in…

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How do you pass a model to view? The other way to pass data from the Controller to the View can be by passing an object of the model class to the View. Delete the ViewData code and pass the model class object in the return view. Import the binding object of the model class at the top of the index view and access the properties using @Model. How can I redirect to another action? To redirect the user to another action method from the controller’s action method, we can use the RedirectToAction method. The action method above will simply…

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How do I export the ping results to a text file? When the CMD window is open, type one of the following and press Enter to get started. Normal Ping: Ping [Dirección IP] > [Ubicación del archivo]/pingresults.txt. Continuous ping: ping [Dirección IP] -t > [Ubicación del archivo]/pingresults.txt. Trace route: tracert [Dirección IP] > [Ubicación del archivo] /tracert.txt. How do I export a query to a text file? In the Access Navigation Pane, right-click the source object, point to Export, and then click Text File. You can also start the Export – Text File wizard by highlighting the source object in…

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How is data organized in a database? Follow these steps to decide how to organize your data in tables: Give your database a name. Identify the objects. Define and name a table for each object. Identify the attributes of each object. Define and name columns for each separate attribute that you identify in Step 4. Identify the primary key. What stores a database structure? The database structure is the collection of record type and field type definitions that make up your database: These define the type of investigative entities or objects you want to capture (for example, Person). fields. These…

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How can I find out why my CPU usage is high? The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of a PC. Restart. Terminate or restart processes. You can expect high CPU utilization when playing some games, running a streaming or video editing app, running an antivirus scan, or juggling many browser tabs. Update drivers. Scan for malware. Power Options. How do I analyze high CPU utilization in Windows? Select Debug > Performance Analyzer. Under Available Tools, select CPU Usage, and then select Start. Once the application starts, it starts the diagnostic session and displays CPU usage data. What does…

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Is spark encrypted? Spark supports AES-based encryption for RPC connections. To enable encryption, RPC authentication must also be enabled and configured correctly. AES encryption uses the Apache Commons Crypto library, and Spark’s configuration system allows access to that library’s configuration for advanced users. How can I encrypt my data? How to encrypt your Android device Plug in the device to charge the battery (required). Be sure to set a password or PIN in Security > Screen lock. Go to Settings > Security. Tap the “Encrypt phone” option. Read the notice and press “Encrypt phone” to start the encryption process. How…

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How do you make a nested list? How to build a nested list Create the external list first. Create the main list (either ordered or unordered). Add list items to the outer list. Validate before adding the next level of list. Add the first inner list. Repeat until done. Validate frequently. How do you make a nested list in Python? Python nested list Create a nested list. A nested list is created by placing a sequence of sublists separated by commas. Access the elements of the nested list by index. Negative list indexing in a nested list. Change value of…

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How do I connect to a local Mac MySQL server? You can run the /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p command to connect to the MySQL database server as shown below. After entering the correct password (the root password you set during the MySQL installation), you can enter the interactive MySQL console. Enter the password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. How do I host MySQL locally? Enter 127.0. 0.1 for the host. The default username for a new MySQL installation is root, with a blank password. You can leave the port field blank unless your server uses a port other than 3306.…

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How do you make an unordered list without bullets? Add the CSS class “list style: none” to the unordered list ( ) tag removes any bullets or numbers. Can you insert images instead of bullet points in an unordered list? If you want to create an unordered bulleted list of images, use the list-style-image CSS property. The attribute is used with the HTML. tag, with the list-style-image CSS property to add image bullets to an unordered list. The URL property sets the image source for the list item. How do I make a checklist in HTML? Add checkmark/tick to your…

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What are PIF files used for? A PIF file contains information used to define how an MS-DOS-based program should run. It can also serve as a shortcut to an executable file, such as a . LNK, and is commonly created when the user makes a shortcut to a DOS program or modifies the properties of the program. What is SRC file? What is SRC file? SRC is a file extension commonly associated with source code files. Files with SRC extension may be used by programs distributed for Mac OS, Windows platform. Files with SRC extension are categorized as Developer Files…

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How do you extract content from a URL? How is data extracted from a website? Find the URL you want to scrape. Inspecting the page. Find the data you want to extract. Type the code. Run the code and extract the data. Store the data in the required format. To get all the links on a web page: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup. from urllib.request Import request, urlopen. import re. req = Request(“”) soup = BeautifulSoup(html_page, “lxml”) for link in soup.findAll(‘a’): links.append(link.get(‘href’)) How do I get all the links on my website? How to get all links on a web page?…

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What is the requirement to perform the child query with the parent query? The subquery is usually executed first, and its output is used to complete the query condition for the main or outer query. The subquery must be enclosed in parentheses. Subqueries are on the right hand side of the comparison operator. The ORDER BY command cannot be used in a subquery. What are subqueries in SQL? A subquery, inner query, or nested query is a query within another SQL query and embedded within the WHERE clause. A subquery is used to return data to be used in the…

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What is a root device volume? When you start an instance, the root device volume contains the image used to start the instance. This means that the root device of an instance launched from the AMI is an Amazon EBS volume created from an Amazon EBS snapshot. Which block drives cannot be used for the root volume? Some Amazon EBS volume hard drives cannot be used as root volumes. Block drives are generally known for running database systems or operating systems. EBS Volume HDDs come in two types and 5 different configurations. Three of them are bootable and two are…

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How do I disable the expiration of Windows messages? How do I fix the License Expiring Soon error? Restart the Windows Explorer process. 1.1 Terminate and restart the process. Change your group policy. Press Windows Key + R and enter gpedit. Disable services. Use the command prompt to find your product key. Create a backup for the registry and modify it. How to silence my text notifications? Option 1: In your Settings app Open your phone’s Settings app. Tap Apps & notifications. Notifications. Under “Recently Sent,” tap an app. Tap a notification type. Choose your options: choose Alert or Silent.…

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How does pandas aggregate time series data? To temporarily aggregate or resample data over a period of time, you can take all the values ​​for each day and summarize them. In this case, you want total daily rainfall, so you’ll use the resample() method in conjunction with . addition() . How do I change the timezone in pandas? The tz_convert() function is used to convert the tz-aware datetime array/index from one time zone to another. Time zone for time. The corresponding timestamps would be converted to this Datetime Array/Index time zone. A tz of None will convert to UTC and…

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What is array sorting in C? In this program, we need to sort the given array in ascending order so that the elements are sorted from smallest to largest. This can be achieved through two loops. The outer loop will select an element, and the inner loop allows us to compare the selected element with the rest of the elements. How do you sort a matrix by column N? How to sort a matrix by the nth column? Step 1: Import the library. import numpy as np. Step 2: definition of a random matrix. a = np.matrix([[9, 2, 3],[4, 5,…

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How do I use the Google Cloud command? Click the command line to see the suggested gcloud command. Click Run in Cloud Shell. Press Enter to run the command once you see it at the prompt. Going back to the VM Instances page, you will see the newly created and running VM instance. How do I run an application engine? Running your app locally Select File > Open to open the project you want to run. Browse to the directory that contains your project. Select Tools > Cloud Code > Run App Engine on a local App Engine Standard development…

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How do I change the deployment directory in JBoss? WildFly Deploy Directory Configuration Where is the JBoss deployment directory? jboss_home/server/default/deployAccess your JBoss deployment directory, which is by default jboss_home/server/default/deploy, where jboss_home is your JBoss installation directory. What is JBoss Appclient? The Application Client Quick Start demonstrates how to use the JBoss EAP client wrapper to start the main client program and provide dependency injections (DI) for client applications on the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Server. How do I create a war file and deploy it to JBoss? Deploy as WAR in JBoss EAP 6.4 Deprecated Download and unzip JBoss. Clone…

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How do you call a function in render? This is how you call a method outside of rendering. The recommended way is to write a separate component and import it. First, functions are first-class objects in JavaScript. We then use that variable to call the function by adding parentheses () at the end. How do you call a function after rendering in React? The render() handles the DOM elements and is called each time the component is mounted or updated. Therefore, any JavaScript that needs to be executed after the render method has completed can go inside two methods: ComponentDidMount()…

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How do I limit the size of a docker record? To set logging limits for containers on a host, log-opt can be configured with max-size and max-file so that container logs are refreshed when they reach a maximum limit and only save a certain number of files before discarding them . . Restart the docker service for the changes to take effect. How do I change the Docker logging handler? When you start a container, you can configure it to use a different log driver than the Docker daemon’s default, using the –log-driver flag. If the log handler has configurable…

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How to create a new app in Ember? You can use the ember new command to create a new application. This command will create a new directory called ember-quickstart and configure a new Ember application within it. Out of the box, your application will include: A development server. Template compilation. JavaScript and CSS minification. Modern features through Babel. How to start Docker on Windows command line? First, make sure you’re using Windows containers. Then, from the command line, type Then open http://localhost:8080 in your browser and see the IIS default web page. You can replace the default page with your…

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How do I get unique values ​​in the hive? The DISTINCT keyword is used in the SELECT statement in HIVE to get only unique rows. Row does not mean a complete row in the table, but it does mean “row” based on the column listed in the SELECT statement. If the SELECT has 3 columns in the list, SELECT DISTINCT will get a single row for only those 3 column values. Does it work differently in the hive? ALL and DISTINCT Clauses Note that Hive supports SELECT DISTINCT * as of version 1.1. 0 (Hive-9194). ALL and DISTINCT can also…

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Is Google Analytics real-time data? View real-time data Real-time is available in all Analytics accounts. No changes to the tracking code are required. To see in real time: Sign in to Google Analytics. Why does my Google Analytics have no data? 4. You have enabled the user ID feature in your view settings, but have not configured it. User ID tracking requires additional code implementation, and if you don’t, your Google Analytics view will contain no data. How does Google Analytics count users in real time? The real-time overview shows the top ten pages that users are active on, the…

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Is it worth having Windows on SSD? Anything installed on it will load much faster and it’s probably the best update you can do on any system. I know that everything will be faster, but if the advantage of installing Windows is only the boot time, it is not worth it, these 20 GB will be better used in games. Should I have an SSD just for the OS? Advantages of Using SSD for OS Only You should know that SSD is faster than HDD (hard disk drive). For example, buying a 64 GB SSD and using it only for…

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How do you change the color of pixels? How to change your color profile with Google Pixel 2 or Pixel 2 XL Open Settings on your phone. Scroll down and tap Display. Touch Advanced to open more options for Display. Tap the switch to switch between color profiles. What color would it be when the entire pixel is illuminated? The three primaries (or sub-pixels) illuminated “fully” make that pixel white; lighting only the green and red subpixels makes yellow, and so on. How do I find the color of the pixels on my screen? Open your phone’s Settings app. Tap…

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How do I open phpmyadmin in EasyPHP? Here are the steps to access phpmyadmin from the dashboard: Right click on the Easyphp icon in the toolbar. Click Dashboard. Start the HTTP server and the DB server. Go back to Control Panel. Click “Open” in the “Modules” section next to “MySql Administration: phpmyadmin” at the bottom of the page. How do I run EasyPHP Devserver? Starting Download DevServer. Install. double click on the downloaded executable. Publish installation. a shortcut to Devserver is created on your desktop. Start the HTTP server. Two ways : Start the database server. Two ways : Set…

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How do I create a layout in Crystal Reports? To open the Page Layout option in Crystal Report, go to File → Page Setup. This option allows you to choose page options such as: paper size, paper width, paper height, and margins (left, right, top, and bottom). Select the Page Setup tab from the File menu. Click the Orientation option in the Page Setup group. How do you create a layout in SAP b1? Step-by-step process to create Crystal Layout for SAP Business… Open SAP Crystal Reports for SAP Business One. Go to File -> New -> Blank Report. Create…

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What is change in Perl subroutine? shift() is a built-in Perl subroutine that takes an array as an argument, then returns and removes the first element of that array. It is common practice to get all the parameters passed to a subroutine with shift calls. What does Pop do in Perl? The pop() function in Perl returns the last Array element passed to it as an argument, removing that value from the array. Note that the value passed to it must explicitly be an array, not a list. Returns: undef if the list is empty if it is not the…

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How to record the last 30 seconds in Xbox Game Bar on PC? When playing games on PC, here are shortcuts that you can use to record clips and screenshots. Windows Logo Key + G – Opens the Xbox Game Bar. Windows logo key + Alt + G – Record the last 30 seconds (you can change the amount of time recorded in Xbox Game Bar > Settings) Windows logo key + Alt + R: Start/stop recording. How do I record my games? record your game Open the Play Games app. Select a game. At the top of the game…

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How to print a single list in Python? Printing a list in python can be done in the following ways: Using for loop: Traverse from 0 to len(list) and print all list elements one by one using a for loop, this is standard practice to do it. Without using loops: the * symbol is used to print the list items on a single line with space. How to print part of a text file in Python? Use file. readlines() to print each line of a text file a_file = open(“sample.txt”) lines = a_file. readlines() for line in lines: print (line)…

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How do I get the UTC time in SQL? SQL Server GETUTCDATE() function The GETUTCDATE() function returns the UTC date and time of the current database system, in a ‘YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. mmm format. What is UTC time in SQL? This value represents the current UTC time (Coordinated Universal Time). This value is derived from the operating system of the computer on which the instance of SQL Server is running. SYSDATETIME and SYSUTCDATETIME have more fractional second precision than GETDATE and GETUTCDATE. How do I change the time zone in SQL Azure? Currently, the default time zone in Azure SQL…

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How do you check if all inputs are not empty? Just use: $(“input: empty”). length == 0; If it is zero, neither is empty. How do I stop an empty input in HTML? If you want to prevent the input from being empty, you’ll need to use JS. The following (not the “ugly JS trick”) will work for all number inputs on a page and will insert a value of 0 if the user attempts to leave the input empty. So use HTML5 validation. It will not be sent unless it is valid. How to empty an input field? Therefore,…

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How do I remove items from a SharePoint list? Remove items from a list Open the list in which you want to remove an item. If you can’t find the list, select Site Content, and then open the list. Select the element or elements. On the list command bar, select Delete . When prompted to confirm, select OK. Why can’t a SharePoint list be deleted? Select the List tab, and then select List Settings. On the List Settings page, select Delete this list, and then select OK. Note: If the list settings are disabled or Delete this list is not…

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Is it safe to enable Do Not Track? “Companies are creating detailed files on consumers based on their browsing behavior,” says Soghoian. “The DNT header protects him by sending a clear and unequivocal signal that he does not want to be tracked.” So if privacy is a big concern for you, go ahead and turn on your DNT settings. It can’t hurt. What happens if I activate Do Not Track? When you choose to enable the DNT setting in your browser, your browser sends a special signal to websites, analytics companies, ad networks, plug-in providers, and other web services that…

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How do you join 2 files on the map side in a MapReduce job? Joining two datasets – MapReduce example Input: The input dataset is a txt file, DeptName.txt and DepStrength.txt. Step 2) Unzip the Zip file sudo tar -xvf MapReduceJoin.tar.gz. Step 3) Go to the MapReduceJoin directory/ cd MapReduceJoin/ How many MapReduce jobs will run when multiple are joined? 1 answer. In the background, join operations are MapReduce jobs, and a join column is internally converted to a MapReduce job, and never depends on the number of joins. 3 different join columns (emp_id, location_id, skill_code) are used, in the…

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Do you need a validation set for cross validation? One solution to this problem is a procedure called cross validation (CV for short). A test set should still be reserved for final evaluation, but the validation set is no longer needed when making CVs. How often does validation cross in Python? In the most common cross-validation approach, you use part of the training set for the test. It does this multiple times so that each data point appears once in the test set. How is k-fold cross validation similar to cross validation? Same as K-Fold Cross Validation, just a slight…

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How do I count unique identifiers in Excel? You can use the combination of the SUM and COUNTIF functions to count unique values ​​in Excel. The syntax for this combined formula is =SUM(IF(1/COUNT.IF(data, data)=1,1,0)). Here, the COUNTIF formula counts the number of times each value appears in the range. The resulting array looks like {1;2;1;1;1;1}. How do I count the number of categories in Excel? RECOMMENDED FOR YOU Select any cell in the grouping column. Click on the Data tab. Click Subtotal in the Scheme group. In Excel 2003, Subtotals is found on the Data menu. In the resulting dialog…

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How do I maximize my window to full screen? Full screen mode A very common shortcut, particularly for browsers, is the F11 key. You can switch your screen in and out of full screen mode quickly and easily. When using a document type of application, such as Word, pressing WINKEY and the up arrow can maximize your window for you. How do you force a window to full screen on a Mac? How do you make a window full screen on a Mac? Click the green button to the left of your toolbar, Press Command-Control-F, o. Choose View > Enter…

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How do I disable my IP address? Three ways to hide your IP Use a VPN. A VPN is an intermediary server that encrypts your Internet connection and also hides your IP address. Use Tor. With thousands of server nodes run by volunteers, Tor is a free network that hides your online identity through multiple layers of encryption. Use a proxy. How to release IP address using cmd? How to release and renew IP address in Windows Go to “Start > Run” and type “cmd” (without quotes), then select “OK” Type “ipconfig /release” (without quotes) and press “Enter” Once the…

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When does Moshi work when JSON is nested? When the array is nested inside our beans, there is nothing to do. Moshi will just work. When all the JSON is an array, we have to work harder to achieve this, simply due to some limitations in Java generics. How to parse nested JSON using retrofit? Choose Source Type: JSON, Annotation Style: Moshi (I’m using Moshi, or you can use Gson), Check: Make class serializable It will generate the correct class for your json. The rest of your code should already be correct. How can I call it in the main…

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Are header files necessary? Creating header files is often needed when writing large C programs so modules can share function definitions, prototypes, etc. Function and type declarations, global variables, structure declarations and, in some cases, inline functions; definitions that should be centralized in a file. What is the point of header files? The main purpose of a header file is to propagate declarations to code files. Header files allow us to put declarations in one location and then import them where we need them. This can save a lot of time writing to multiple file programs. Why do we separate…

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Can you use JavaScript functions in TypeScript? For starters, just like in JavaScript, TypeScript functions can be created as a named function or as an anonymous function. This allows you to choose the most appropriate approach for your application, whether you’re building a list of functions in an API or a single function to pass to another function. How to use js file in TS file? In order to migrate from JS to TS we will follow these steps: Add tsconfig. json to project. Integrate with a build tool. Change everything. js files to . ts files. Check for errors.…

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How can I create a heap dump? Start jvisualvm in the /bin/ folder. Right click on one of the Java processes. Click on the ‘Heap Dump’ option in the drop down menu. A stack dump will be generated. How do I get a heap dump from the Kubernetes pod? Installation steps Install the Coherence cluster. Install a Coherence cluster if you don’t have one running: Make sure the pods are running: Open a terminal window on one of the storage nodes: Use the jcmd command to extract the heap dump: Copy the heap dump to the local machine: Use of…

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How do I get my Calculator to stay on top in Windows 10? How to enable ‘Always on top’ for the Calculator app Open Start in Windows 10. Find Calculator and select the top result to open the app. Click the menu button at the top left and select the Standard option. Click the Always on top (Keep on top) button next to “Standard” to turn on the feature. How do I get on my calculator screen? To open and use the Calculator From the Home screen, tap the Applications icon (on the QuickTap bar) > the Applications tab (if…

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How to trigger JavaScript AJAX call on page onload? I can call a javascript function on the body’s load event so the page is fully loaded, but I’m not sure how to trigger the ajax call from there. Is there a better way to achieve this (update the database after the page loads)? This is really easy using a JavaScript library, for example using jQuery you could write: How to call multiple functions in onClick event? JavaScript | call multiple functions in the onclick event. Example 2: This example first calls a single function and now it is the responsibility…

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What should I use instead of AsyncTask? If you don’t prefer third-party libraries and prefer a library with simplicity and good documentation and support, Loaders is the best choice. To our delight, AsyncTaskLoader (subclass of Loaders) performs the same function as AsyncTask, but better and can also handle activity configuration changes more easily. What is the difference between AsyncTask and service in Android? The service is like an activity but it has no user interface. Probably if you want to get the weather for example you won’t create a blank activity for it, for this you will use a Service.…

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How can we get the value of the selected option in a select box using php? Summary Use the element to create a dropdown list. Use the multiple attribute to create a list that allows multiple selections. Use $_POST to get the selected value of the selected element if the form method is POST (or $_GET if the form method is GET). How can I get data after select from dropdown in php? Getting multiple selected values ​​from select dropdown in PHP Add the multi tag with the select tag and also define the array with the name property. Make…

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How do you write a recurrence relation with code? So the recurrence relation is T(n) = 3 + T(n-1) + T(n-2) . To solve this, you would use the iterative method: Start by expanding the terms until you find the pattern. For this example, you would expand T(n-1) to get T(n) = 6 + 2*T(n-2) + T(n-3) . Then expand T(n-2) to get T(n) = 12 + 3*T(n-3) + 2*T(n-4) . How do you find a recurrence relation? A recurrence relation is an equation that defines a sequence based on a rule that gives the next term as a function…

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Does Windows 10 Pro support dual CPUs? Microsoft is also adding faster file support in Windows 10 Pro for Workstations. Windows 10 Pro is currently limited to two physical CPUs and up to 2TB of RAM, so this edition of Windows is clearly aimed at high-performance configurations. Can you build a PC with 2 CPUs? Modern desktop PCs can have a single chip with up to 12 processing cores. Each core can complete a task independently of the other. The use of multiple processors in a computer has as much to do with software as it does with hardware. Can…

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How do you adjust the number of decimal places so that zero decimal places are displayed in Excel? Select the cells you want to format. On the Home tab, select Increase Decimals or Decrease Decimals to display more or fewer digits after the decimal point. Each selection or click adds or removes a decimal place. Your new decimal places setting is now in effect. Do you round to zero decimal places? When you round, everything to the right of the given place value becomes zero, and the digit in the given place value either stays the same or is rounded…

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How are the three balloons inspired in WebGL? Inspired heavily by WebGL Globe, this is a ThreeJS WebGL class for rendering data display layers on a globe, using a spherical projection. See also standalone version. Whether to wait until the globe wraparound image has fully loaded before rendering the globe or any of the data layers. How to change canvas color in Three.js? At the beginning of the init() { function, your canvas is red! Three.js changes it to black with setClearColorHex! – Simon Sarris Apr 23 ’13 at 20:47 I came across this when I started using three.js as…

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How to extract specific data from PDF in Python? Now, we create an object of the PyPDF2 module’s PageObject class. The pdf reader object has the getPage() function which takes the page number (initial form index 0) as an argument and returns the page object. The page object has the extractText() function to extract text from the pdf page. Finally, we close the pdf file object. How do I split a PDF into pages in Python? Split PDF file from PyPDF2 import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader. input_pdf = PdfFileReader(“file1.pdf”) output = PdfFileWriter() production. addPage(input_pdf.getPage(0)) with open(“first_page.pdf”, “wb”) as output_stream: production. write(output_stream) ​…

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How do I change my profile in IntelliJ? To create a new profile, copy one of the default profiles and change its settings. In the Settings/Preferences Ctrl+Alt+S dialog, go to Editor | Inspections. You can also press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H and select Configure Inspections. Select the profile you want to copy, click. Change the name of the profile and press Enter. How do I run a particular profile in Maven? Profiles can be activated in the Maven configuration, through the section. This section takes a list of elements, each of which contains a profile ID inside it. Profiles listed in the tag…

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How do I change SSH listening ports on Windows? How to Change SSH Server Port Number on Windows in 2021 Click the Start button at the bottom left corner of your screen. Click RUN. Type REGEDIT. Click OK. Select the registry key: Select the Edit menu item and then click Modify. Enter the new value for usGSWSSHDPort and click OK. Can the SSH port be changed? Change the SSH port on the server By default, the SSH server still runs on port 22. However, there are times when it runs on a different port. The port number can be configured…

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What is a C programmer? RIOS is a task scheduler written entirely in C that: Can provide non-preemptive or basic preemptive multitasking capabilities for cooperative tasks. Requires only a few dozen lines of C code. Reduces the need for RTOS (Real Time Operating System). What can you do with a task scheduler? In Windows 10, Task Scheduler is a tool that allows you to create and run almost any task automatically. Normally, the system and certain applications use the scheduler to automate maintenance tasks (such as disk defragmentation, disk cleanup, and updates), but anyone can use it. Can I remove…

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Why am I getting an internal server error when saving data to MongoDB? When I send the data to the post request I find the data in the body, but in the process of saving this data I get an internal server error. This is what I get in my server console. What does 500 internal server error mean? 500 Internal Server Error is a collective status code for server errors. Therefore, at first glance, it is not possible to determine where the error really lies. The user only knows that the server has reported an unexpected error. What happens…

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What is the git command to create and check out a branch at the same time? New Branches The git branch command can be used to create a new branch. When you want to start a new feature, create a new branch off the main one using git branch new_branch . Once created, you can use git checkout new_branch to switch to that branch. Does Git pull all branches? git pull fetches updates for all local branches, which tracks remote branches, and then merges the current branch. Gets headers or named labels from one or more repositories, along with the…

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How do you find the intersection of a curve and a surface? The intersection of two surfaces will be a curve, and we can find the vector equation of that curve x = r ( t ) 1 x=r y = r ( t ) 2 y=r z = r ( t ) 3 z=r How do you find the point of intersection in 3d? λ = 1/2 and μ = 1. Substituting λ = 1/2 and μ = 1 into (1), (2), and (3) gives us the intersection point at (5, -3, 3). Remember. Once you have found λ…

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How do I get back to Windows? Fix 4 – Move Option 2 In Windows 10, 8, 7 and Vista, hold down the “Shift” key while right-clicking the program on the taskbar, then select “Move”. In Windows XP, right-click the item on the taskbar and select “Move.” Use your mouse or the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the window back onto the screen. How do I change the back button icon? Change toolbar back arrow icon in Android Change toolbar back arrow icon in Android. The Android Toolbar was introduced in Material Design at API level 21 (Android…

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Can React hooks be used in class components? You can’t use Hooks inside a class component, but you can definitely mix classes and function components with Hooks in a single tree. In the longer term, we expect Hooks to be the primary way people write React components. Are hooks better than class components? Hooks can cover all use cases for classes while giving you more flexibility to extract, test, and reuse your code. However, one of the reasons you should still opt for class components over function components with hooks until Suspense is out of data lookup. Why are functional…

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What does context mean in an Android app? An Android app has activities. It is like an identifier of the environment in which your application is currently running. The activity object inherits the Context object. Allows access to application-specific classes and resources and information about the application’s environment. When to use getapplicationcontext() in Android? getApplicationContext() – Used to return the context that is bound to the application that contains all the activities that run within it. When we call a method or a constructor, we often have to pass a context, and we often use “this” to pass the activity…

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How do I transfer data to my Raspberry Pi? You can drag files from the File Explorer window and drop them into a directory on the Raspberry Pi. You can also drag files from your Raspberry Pi directory in FileZilla to your File Explorer window. At the beginning of each file transfer, you should see a report in the lower transfer status window. Can Raspberry Pi send data to web server? Raspberry Pi can become a web server by installing and running a server application. Your Raspberry Pi will host a website that can be accessed by any device on…

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How to refresh page without reloading Django? Method 1 – Use an AJAX call to get the updated data and refresh part of the page. Make a GET or POST call to a Django view, get a response, and then update some (or all, but usually that would be overkill) of the page’s HTML with the new data. What is Dom in Django? DOM stands for Document Object Model. When we create any HTML page, we have many tags, for example body, p, div etc. All of these tags are stored in the DOM. Let’s consider we have the following…

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Why is my custom content not working in The Sims 4? If that doesn’t work, move the entire Sims 4 folder out of Documents/Electronic Arts, launch the game to create a clean folder, enable cc and mods, exit, download only a mod that is listed as fully updated for patch 1.60 on their page download and add it to the new folder. Why are my mods not working in Sims 4? If mods are not working in Sims 4, they may have been disabled by a game update, the game cache may be corrupted, or there may be compatibility issues.…

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Is it possible to add more than one condition in the WHERE clause? You can specify multiple conditions in a single WHERE clause to, for example, retrieve rows based on the values ​​of multiple columns. You can use the AND and OR operators to combine two or more conditions into a compound condition. AND, OR, and a third operator, NOT, are logical operators. Can case be used in where clause? CASE can be used in any statement or clause that allows a valid expression. For example, you can use CASE in statements like SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SET, and in…

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How do I use get post in WordPress? How to Get Post ID in WordPress (5 Methods) Find the ID within the URL of each post. Use custom code to display post IDs in the Posts tab. Use a plugin to display post ID in WordPress. Find post ID within the WordPress database. Use functions to get WordPress post ID. How do you use get posts? The get_posts() function returns an array of WP_Post objects. Each WP_Post object represents an individual post. Internally, get_posts uses the WP_Query object to build and execute SQL queries based on the passed parameter set.…

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How do you find the index of an element in a list? index() is a built-in function in Python, which looks for a given element from the beginning of the list and returns the lowest index where the element appears. Parameters: element – The element whose lowest index will be returned. start (optional): the position from where the search starts. How do you find the index of an element in a Python list? To find the index of the first occurrence of an element in a given Python list, you can use the List class’s index() method with the element…

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How do I copy one dictionary to another? To copy a dictionary in python, there are several approaches with different properties: Copy a dictionary with deepcopy. Copy a dictionary with a for loop. Copy a dictionary with copy() Copy a dictionary with dict() Copy a dictionary using the = operator. How do I copy one dictionary to another in Swift? In Swift, you have either value types (struct, enum, tuple, array, dict, etc.) or reference types (classes). If you need to copy a class object, you need to implement the copyWithZone methods on your class and then call copy on…

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How do I make the icons smaller on my external monitor? Using Windows 10 screen scaling for two or more monitors Go to Start Menu > Settings > System > Display and choose the monitor you want to scale. Scroll down to the Scale and Layout option and select a percentage from the dropdown menu. Why is everything on my second screen so big? Your second monitor may display an expanded resolution if its settings (such as Overscan) are not set correctly. Before proceeding to correct the resolution on your second monitor, make sure that the problematic applications, Windows, drivers…

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How do I import a python module into Colab? Steps: Save your . py module file to Google Drive – you should have that since you are already using Colab. Right click on it, “Get share link”, copy the part after “id=”: the file id assigned by Google Drive. Add and run the following code snippets in your Colab notebook: How do I import a .PY file into a module? Just import the file without the . py extension. A folder can be marked as a package by adding an empty file. You can use the __import__ function, which…

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How do I install an unsigned extension in Firefox? Package your extension as a zip file. Install the extension… Enable signature checks when installing extensions. Update your manifest.json to include a new key, the id could be any email: Go to about:config , change xpinstall. Just run zip -r -FS ../my-extension. How do I enable unverified extensions in Firefox? Hi, type about:config in the address bar, hit enter, accept the warning, scroll down to xpinstall. signatures required and double click on it to change ‘Value’ from True to False. You may then need to restart Firefox. Can Firefox extensions be…

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How do I find my AWS account number? Find your AWS account ID In the navigation bar at the top right, choose your username, and then select My Security Credentials. Advice. At the top of the page, under Account Details, the account number appears next to the AWS account ID label. Where are AWS credentials stored on EC2? The AWS CLI stores sensitive credential information that you specify with aws configure in a local file called credentials, in a folder called . aws in your home directory. The less sensitive configuration options that you specify with aws configure are stored…

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What is the correct way to reduce the load on the source RDS instance? Use a cache to reduce RDS load and data transfer cost. You can use AWS ElastiCache or your own caching mechanism. Adding a cache layer increases the complexity of your project. However, in the long run, the cost savings and performance of the service could prove to be worth the benefit. What can be used to reduce the cost of running Amazon EC2 instances? You can reduce costs by stopping or reducing the size of these instances. Use AWS Instance Scheduler to automatically stop instances. Use…

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How do I save OneNote locally on Mac? In My Notebooks, right-click (PC) or Control-click (Mac) the name of the notebook you want to export, and then click Export Notebook. On the screen that opens, click Export. Follow your browser’s prompts to save the file to the location of your choice. How do I open a local OneNote file on a Mac? The official OneNote for Mac does not support local files. The only way to get those files into OneNote is by using OneNote 2016 (the version that comes with MS Office, not the free version!) on a Windows…

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How to automatically resize and adjust form controls with change? Set the Anchor property to Top+Bottom+Left+Right, the controls will resize but not change their position. Set the Form Minimum Size to an appropriate value. Set the Dock property. Use the Form Resize event to change what you want How to dynamically resize a form in Visual Studio? Open Visual Studio and select “Windows Forms Application” from the list of available templates and name it “DynamicallyPositioningControls”. Rename your form to “frmDynamicResizing” by setting its Name property and set its Text property to “Dynamic Resizing Form”. How to automatically scale forms in…

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What is the optimize command? The Optimize command allows you to use an optimization process to solve problems. To solve a given problem, you need to create a sequence called Optimize which we now define. When you add an Optimize command to the mission sequence, an EndOptimize command is automatically added as shown below. How to optimize the information? 5 Ways to Optimize Your Big Data Eliminate processing latency. Processing latency occurs in traditional storage models that move slowly when retrieving data. Exploit data in real time. Analyze the data before acting. Turn data into decisions. Take advantage of the…

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How do I install SQL Server Management Studio on the Azure VM? Quickly install SQL Server Management Studio on your AZURE VM2 minimal reading Upload the PowerShell script to a public web server or Azure Storage account. Attach the custom script to your virtual machine which is already running… ( Wait for the deployment to complete. Once you’re done, log in to the virtual machine and enjoy. Can SQL Server be installed on Azure VM? Something here might help: How can I install my licensed copy of SQL Server on an Azure virtual machine? If you have Software Assurance, you…

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How do I create an expansion file? First, open the Android SDK Manager (Tools > SDK Manager), and in Appearance and Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK, select the SDK Tools tab to select and download: Google Play Licensing Library Package . Google Play APK Expansion Library Pack. How do I create an OBB file? Set the minimum version for the app that can mount the OBB file, which corresponds to the value of android:versionCode in your app’s manifest. This parameter is required when creating an OBB file. Specify a password to encrypt a new OBB file or decrypt…

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How do I fix Windows is not activated? Windows activation error 0xC004F074 Press and hold the Home + I buttons to open Settings. Go to Update & security and click on it. Select Activation in the left panel. Choose Activate by phone. Start the product activation wizard. Open the menu and select Settings. Choose Change PC settings. Click Activate Windows. Why is my Windows window not activated? You may see this error if you are not connected to the Internet or if the activation server is temporarily unavailable. Make sure you’re connected to the Internet and your firewall isn’t blocking…

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Why is my variable not defined in Python? A NameError is raised when you try to use a variable or function name that is not valid. This means that you cannot declare a variable after trying to use it in your code. Python wouldn’t know what you wanted the variable to do. Why is input in python not working? input() is a Python library built-in function that is used to receive input from the user in Python. The raw_input function is deprecated in Python 3, which means that if you’re using the latest version of Python, you won’t be able…

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Does Ruby have list comprehension? Even better, some things that are difficult in Ruby are clever in Python with list comprehensions. So if you’re a Rubyist trying to learn Python, here are some of the list comprehension basics explained along with the Ruby equivalent. What is the comprehension equivalent in Python? PythonServer-side programmingProgramming. We can create new sequences using a given python sequence. This is called understanding. Basically it is a way to write a concise code block to generate a sequence which can be a list, a dictionary, a set or a generator using another sequence. Which is better…

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How do I resolve ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception in Java? Here are some handy tips to avoid ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Java: Always remember that the array is a zero-based index, the first element is at index 0, and the last element has a length of index 1. Pay special attention to the start and end conditions of the loop. Watch out for single bugs like the one above. What type of error is ArrayIndexOutOfBounds? The ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception is thrown if a program tries to access an array index that is negative, greater than, or equal to the length of the array. The ArrayIndexOutOfBounds…

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What is React form validation? Hear this out loudPauseForm validation in React allows an error message to be displayed if the user did not successfully complete the form with the expected input type. There are several ways to validate forms in React; however, this shot will focus on creating a validation function with validation rules. How is a React validated? How to do simple form validation in #Reactjs $ npm install -g create-react-app $ create-react-app react-form-validation-demo. $ cd react-form-validation-demo/ $ npm start. $ npm install react-bootstrap — save $ npm install [email protected] – save. import ‘bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap. What should I…

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Why do we need to preprocess the data before running the algorithm? Data preprocessing is a data mining technique that involves transforming raw data into an understandable format. Real-world data is often incomplete, inconsistent, and/or lacks certain behaviors or trends, and is likely to contain many errors. Data preprocessing is a proven method for solving such problems. What are the necessary steps for data preprocessing? To facilitate the process, data preprocessing is divided into four stages: data cleaning, data integration, data reduction, and data transformation. How is data preprocessed in Python? There are 4 main important steps for data preprocessing.…

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How do you find eigenvalues ​​in Matlab? e = eig( A , B ) returns a column vector containing the generalized eigenvalues ​​of the square matrices A and B . [ V , D ] = eig( A , B ) returns the diagonal matrix D of generalized eigenvalues ​​and the full matrix V whose columns are the corresponding right-hand eigenvectors, such that A*V = B*V*D . How does eigs work in Matlab? [V,D] = eigs(A,B) returns V as a matrix whose columns are the generalized right eigenvectors that satisfy A*V = B*V*D . The 2-norm of each eigenvector is…

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Which template engine is best for Express? Some popular template engines that work with Express are Pug, Mustache, and EJS. The Express app builder uses Jade by default, but supports several others as well. See Template Engines (Express Wiki) for a list of template engines you can use with Express. How do I use HTML as the display engine in Express? To make the rendering engine accept html instead of jade, you can do the following steps; Install the consolidation and go to your directory. npm install consolidates npm install swig. add the following lines to your app.js file. var…

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How can I resize a full screen window? How to resize a window using the Windows menus Press Alt + space bar to open the window menu. If the window is maximized, arrow down to Restore and press Enter, then Alt + Space again to open the window menu. Down arrow to Size. How do I expand a video to full screen? view in full screen Go to the video you would like to see. At the bottom right of the video player, click Full Screen . How do you move or resize a window off screen? Method 2 Start…

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What is the most popular Bible translation today? The new revised standard versionThe New Revised Standard Version is the version most commonly preferred by biblical scholars. In the United States, 55% of respondents who read the Bible reported using the King James Version in 2014, followed by 19% of the New International Version, with other versions used by less than 10%. What does the Book of Enoch say about fallen angels? The Mercer Dictionary of the Bible makes a distinction between the Grigori and the fallen angels by stating that in the fifth heaven, Enoch sees “the giants whose brothers…

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How do I pass the Azure DevOps test cases? Run automated tests In Azure Test Plans or Test hub in Azure DevOps Server (see Navigating the web portal), open the test plan and select a test suite that contains the automated tests. Select the tests you want to run, open the Run menu, and choose Run Test. Choose OK to start the testing process. How do I review test cases in Azure DevOps? Go to the Azure DevOps Marketplace at Select the Azure DevOps tab. Look for “feedback” and click on the Test & Feedback extension. How do I…

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How do I fix Cortana not responding? How to fix Cortana not working in Windows 10 Turn on Cortana and set up the microphone. Make sure Cortana is enabled and configured correctly in system settings. Try the microphone. Restart Windows. Check for Windows updates. Disable antivirus software. Repair the Windows Start menu. Reinstall Cortana. Restart the computer. How do I talk to Cortana in Windows 10? Once you launch the app, to perform a search for Cortana, say “Hey Cortana” and say your search, or click the Cortana icon to the right of the search box and speak, or press…

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What is JWT Auth in Laravel? Laravel and JWT. JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard that allows two parties to securely send data and information as JSON objects. This information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed. JWT authentication has helped the broader adoption of stateless API services. What is Tymon JWT authentication? You can run the following command to do this: composer require tymon/jwt-auth. This command will install the jwt-auth package in the laravel provider folder and update composer. json Known as a 3rd party JWT package that supports user authentication using JSON Web…

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Can you use a higher resolution than native? A2A: If your computer tries to run your monitor at a higher resolution than it can handle, it just won’t work. But your computer knows the maximum resolution of your monitor; and, in most circumstances, it won’t try to drive you to a higher one. Can I watch a higher resolution video than my screen resolution? Your screen will never show you anything beyond what is possible with 1600×900 pixels. However, that does not mean that the image will be identical. If you’re watching YouTube, using a higher resolution video option will…

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How do I reset my wifi on my Windows 10 laptop? Windows 10: network reset From the Start menu, navigate to Settings. Click Network and Internet. You should be in the status tab by default. Click Reset Now. Click Yes to confirm and restart your computer. Your computer will now reboot and your network adapters and settings will be reset. Why the laptop does not connect to WIFI? Reboot your router Disconnect all cables from your router, then unplug it. Removing the cables can help eliminate any static on the lines, which can affect your connection. Wait at least 30…

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Where can I find the initial Jenkins admin password? If you installed Jenkins using Docker and cannot find the password using the command: It is possible that the current user does not have permissions on the Secrets folder to access the initialAdminPassword. Where do I find the Jenkins installation file? For the default install location in C:\Program Files (x86)[&Jenkins&]a file called initialAdminPassword can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)[&Jenkins&]secrets. However, if a custom path was selected for the Jenkins installation, you should check that location for the initialAdminPassword file. How to find path for initialadminpassword? mostly jenkins will show you…

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How do you expose a restful web service? Expose your web services with a REST API Step 1 – Identify your resources. The first thing to do when creating a REST API is to identify which resources your module will expose. Step 2 – Define your endpoints and methods. Step 3: Outsource your resources. Step 4: Implement the identified endpoints. Is the web service call synchronous or asynchronous? Synchronous means you call a web service (or function or whatever) and wait until it returns; all other code execution and user interaction stops until the call returns. Asynchronous means that it…

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How do you make the border of a table visible? To create the table border in HTML, the border attribute was used. But the introduction of HTML5 made the border tag obsolete. Create the table border using the CSS property border. Set the border of the table, as well as the border for Y . How do you put a border inside a table? There are two ways to apply a border inside the table in HTML. Just using HTML: In this case, we’ll use the rules attribute of the table. Rules is the attribute in the HTML table that…

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How do I view a project in NetBeans? From Netbeans 7.1 onwards, just click the Window button on the top bar and select the window you want, for example: Projects. Alternatively, you can click CTRL + (A number from 1 to 7) and a tab with the selected information will open. For example, clicking CTRL + 1 will open the Projects tab. How do I open Project Explorer in NetBeans? How do I open Project Explorer in NetBeans? In NetBeans 8.2 Go to Window->Navigator in the menu bar or press Ctrl+7 and select Projects, a folder will open as workspace.…

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Is Signal available for Windows? The Signal desktop app is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms. Requires at least 64-bit Windows 7, macOS 10.10, or APT-compatible 64-bit Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu or Debian. Here are the steps you’ll need to take to get started with Signal on your laptop or PC. Is Signal better than WhatsApp? Therefore, Signal is arguably safer to use than WhatsApp. It doesn’t offer cloud backup, but that doesn’t make it any less secure: it just means it lacks that feature. Functionally, Signal allows you to do the same things as WhatsApp: chat using…

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How do you filter a list from another list in Python? The most pythonic and highest performing way is to use list comprehension [x for x in list if condition] to filter all elements of a list. Filter with list comprehension. Filter a Python list with filter() Filter a Python list with map() Python filter list generator. Python filter list with condition. How do you filter items based on a function in a Python list? Introduction to Python’s filter() function First, define an empty (filtered) list that will contain the score list items. Second, iterate over the items in the…

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What is an enum flag? Enum Flags Attribute The idea of ​​Enum Flags is to take an enumeration variable and allow it to hold multiple values. It should be used whenever the enum represents a collection of flags, rather than representing a single value. These enumeration collections are generally manipulated using bitwise operators. What is a C# flag? Flags allow an enum value to contain many values. An enumeration type with the attribute [Flags] can have multiple constant values ​​assigned to it. With Flags, it is still possible to test enums in switches and if statements. Flags can be removed…

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Does count include NULL in SQL? COUNT Notation includes NULL values ​​in the total. The COUNT( column_name ) notation only considers rows where the column contains a non-NULL value. What is a non-null value? Null or NULL is a special marker used in Structured Query Language to indicate that a data value does not exist in the database. A null value indicates a missing value, which is not the same as a value of zero. Distinct shows NULL values? Added Functions IGNORE NULL Values ​​As others have mentioned, if you want to count all DISTINCT NON-NULL values, use the code…

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How do you create an object variable in VBA? Declare an object variable ‘ Declare MyObject as Variant data type. Dim MyObject As Object ‘ Declared as a generic object. Set MyObject = YourObject ‘ Assign object reference. Set MyObject = New Object ‘ Create and Assign. If Not MyObject Is Nothing Then ‘ Variable refers to a valid object. . . . How are global variables used in VBA? VBA global variables are variables that are declared before the start of any macro in the module. When variables are declared using “Public” or “Global”, it becomes “Global Variable”. Subprocedure…

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What is the My Games folder? As I understand it, Steam creates the “My Games” folder and it is used by some but not all games for saves during gameplay. This folder is automatically created as a subfolder in your Windows Documents folder. How do I get an asset for my game? In the Unity Store, you can find tons of resources. Unreal Marketplace is the counterpart to the Unity Asset Store. On you can find a lot of free 2D art. In Open Game Art, you will find free to use game assets. I personally used CGTrader quite…

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What is it called when you change a data type? Foundry. Sometimes a programmer needs to change the data type of the content of a variable. For example, an integer may need to be converted to a string in order to be displayed as part of a message. This process is known as casting. How do you change the data type from one data type to another? In computing, type casting, type conversion, type coercion, and type juggling are all different ways to change an expression from one data type to another. An example would be converting an integer value…

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What is FXML controller? Introduction to the JavaFX controller. FXML is an XML-based language used to develop graphical user interfaces for JavaFX applications as in HTML. FXML can be used to create an entire GUI application scene or part of a GUI application scene. What is. FXML file? FXML is a file format that JavaFX uses to create the layout of the screens, although you can even code your user interface directly. Although it is much easier to create FXML files using SceneBuilder. How do I specify a controller in FXML? There are two ways to set up a handler…

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How do I align an image inside a div? To center an image using text-align: center; you must place the inside of a block-level element, such as a div. Since the text-align property only applies to block-level elements, place text-align: center; on the wrapper block level element to achieve horizontal centering. How do you center a large image? It’s pretty easy to do if the image is smaller than the surrounding div: margin-left: auto; right margin: automatic; screen lock; But when the image is larger than the div, it just starts at the left edge and is offset to the…

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What is error number 13? (13) Permit denied. Error 13 indicates a file system permissions problem. That is, Apache was denied access to a file or directory due to incorrect permissions. You may also need to check extended permissions (such as SELinux permissions) on operating systems that support them. Why am I getting a file permission error? The document you are trying to save was previously saved as ‘read only’ or ‘template’. The location you are trying to save to or the file you are trying to access does not have the appropriate permissions for your user account. There is…

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How do I open my RingID? You can easily sign up with ringID using your mobile phone number. Open ringID on your computer. Click “Continue” Click “Create new account” Select your country of residence. Enter your mobile phone number. Enter the verification code to create your unique ID. Create a password and enjoy! How do I use the ringID app? To use ringID, first create a user account with a valid phone number, and then add photos and other personal information to your profile. The more information you add, the greater your chances that other users will be interested in…

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How to extract a specific section of an image using OpenCV in Python? Extract a particular object from images using OpenCV in Python? Task. Draw shape on any image. Code. Get the code from here or just follow the code provided below: Run. Save the file as and for testing we select a demo image located in the same directory. Expected performance. How do I identify a specific object in an image? What is object detection? Object detection is a computer vision technique that works to identify and locate objects within an image or video. Specifically, object detection draws…

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How do I change my subscription to Observable? 6 answers. You can’t return an Observable from the subscription, but if you use map instead of subscribe, an Observable is returned. How do you make an Observable? As you can see in the example, observables are created using the new Observable() call, then subscribed by an observer, executed by calling next() , and disposed of by calling unsubscribe() . Creating observables is easy, just call new Observable() and pass an argument that represents the observer. What is subscribing in typescript? subscribe() is a method on the Observable type. The Observable type…

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How do I create a document in Elasticsearch? Creating a document in Elasticsearch with a predefined ID As you can see above, we are making a simple PUT request using the curl command to our Elasticsearch server which is located on localhost on port 9200. Next, we are defining an index that we want to be located this document where mynewindex is located. What is a document in Elasticsearch? Data in: documents and indexesedit. Elasticsearch is a distributed document store. When a document is stored, it is indexed and fully searchable in near real time, within 1 second. Elasticsearch uses…

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How to serialize a Queryset? To serialize a queryset or list of objects instead of a single object instance, you must pass the many=True flag when instantiating the serializer. You can then pass a set of queries or a list of objects to serialize. How do you serialize a model object in Python? Pickle. Pickling is the process by which a hierarchy of Python objects is converted to a stream of bytes (generally not human readable) to be written to a file, this is also known as Serialization. Unpickling is the reverse operation, whereby a stream of bytes is converted…

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How do I find installed apps on Android? Android normally stores installed apps (.APK files) in the following directory: /data/application/ Applications in these directories use a naming convention based on the unique package name, which is specified by the application developer. /data/app/com.example.MyApp/ Where is the app folder in Android? Give your folder a name Unlike iOS, Android doesn’t provide a default name for new folders; appears as an unnamed folder. When a folder doesn’t have a name, nothing like the app collection name is displayed. To give the folder a name, long press on the folder. It opens, displays apps,…

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How do you add a calculated field in merged data? Create calculated fields in a merged data source To do this, create or edit a merged data source, then: In the data source that provides the fields to be used, in the calculation, click Add dimension or Add metric. Click CREATE FIELD. Type the formula in the editor window, then click APPLY. How do you combine two data sources in a data study? Option 2: Merge from the resource menu From the menu, select Resource > Manage Combined Data. Click Add a data view. Select the two or more data…

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Why is find _ all invalid in beautifulsoup 3? You are using BeautifulSoup 3, but you are using BeautifulSoup 4 syntax. If you want to use version 3 or 4, follow version 3 syntax: because find_all is not a valid method in BeautifulSoup 3, so it is interpreted as a search of labels. There is no find_all tag in your HTML, so None is returned, which you then try to call. Why doesn’t Beautiful Soup parse html5lib? None of the parsing errors are due to BeautifulSoup. It’s because of the external parser we use (html5lib, lxml) as BeautifulSoup doesn’t contain…

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What is the Ctrl P command? Paint keyboard shortcuts press this key To do this Ctrl + P print an image Control + R Show or hide the ruler Control + S Save changes to an image Control + U Underline selected text How do I enable Ctrl P in Windows 10? Step 1: Open Command Prompt. Step 2 – Right-tap on the title bar and select Properties. Step 3: Under Options, deselect or select Enable Ctrl key shortcuts and press OK. What do Ctrl C and Ctrl P do? Posts with content without sources can be edited or deleted.…

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How do you set up an ionic slider? These slider pages are placed inside the child element of the components. Slidesion-title> ion toolbar> ion head> How do I install a Swiper slider? Getting started with Swiper Download and install Swiper. First of all, we need to download the necessary Swiper files: Use Swiper from CDN. Include Swiper files in the website/application. Add the Swiper HTML layout. Swiper CSS Styles/Size. Initialize Swiper. Like CommonJs module. as an ES module. How do you make a responsive swipe slider? Basic Usage (v6+): Install the package with npm. Import the Swiper as an ES…

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How do you take an A4 size passport photo? A4 paper size Open the photo you want to print in passport size. Create a new document with the given settings. Now copy your photo from Photo.Jpg to your new document. Adjust the photo to fit in a new document. Crop your photo according to the screen. Add stroke. Define pattern. Create A4 paper. How do I get a 2×2 passport photo? A: Visit a Walgreens near you! In an hour or less, Walgreens will provide you with two full-size, professional-quality passport photos that meet the U.S. government requirements as listed…

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How to find the most frequent value in a column? How can I find the most frequent value in a given column in a SQL table? For example, for this table it should return two since it is the most frequent value: Replace column and my_table. Increase 1 if you want to see the N most common values ​​in the column. Let’s consider the table name as tblperson and the column name as city. How to retrieve rows that have a maximum value? But for each user ID, only that row where that user has the most recent date. This…

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How to update Telerik in project? You can ease the process of updating the Telerik® UI for ASP.NET AJAX to the latest version of your project. To start the upgrade wizard, go to Telerik > Telerik User Interface for ASP.NET AJAX > Upgrade Wizard in the Visual Studio menu. How to update the version of Telerik reports? The recommended approach to updating is to download an official version of each year between the Telerik Reporting version of the project and the target version. You can then update the project and check each report to remove the deprecated code warning. What…

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How to remove column from table in MySQL? Dropping a column from a large table can affect database performance during drop time. First, create a table called posts for the demo. Next, use the ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN statement to remove the column from the statement: What happens when you drop a column from a table? There are a few important points to remember before you drop a column from a table: Dropping a column from a table causes all database objects, such as stored procedures, views, and triggers that reference the dropped column , are not valid. For example,…

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How do you fix KeyError 0 in Python? You can fix the error by making sure you have a corresponding value for all keys you request from a dictionary. Python raises a KeyError if the corresponding key you are looking for is not in the dictionary. instead of using [] to get a value for a key, use the get method on the dictionary. How do you check if a dictionary key doesn’t exist? Python: check if dict has key using get() function If given key does not exist in dictionary then return default value argument passed. If the given…

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How do I fix HDCP error on Mac? First, try restarting the Mac and/or turning the display/TV off and on. If you use Display Mirroring or Airplay, try to only use a directly connected display. Do you have screen sharing enabled? If so, disable it (in Apple menu > System Preferences > Sharing) as a test, as it has been reported to cause HDCP errors. Are Macs HDCP Compliant? 1 answer. Basically, all modern Macs with a built-in display support HDCP. iTunes will play all copy-protected HD content on all built-in displays (MacBooks and iMacs), but not on non-HDCP displays.…

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Does Git commit delete files? The git commit will then commit and squash the index into the current commit. Basically this takes the version of the file that was in the previous commit and adds it to the current commit. This results in no net change, so the file is effectively removed from the commit. Can you remove files from GitHub repository? Simply view any file in your repository, click the trash can icon at the top, and confirm the deletion like any other web-based edit. Then “git pull” into your local repository, and that will also remove the file…

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How to override back button in Apache Cordova? To override the default back button behavior, register an event listener for the back button event, typically by calling document.addEventListener once you receive the event [deviceready](events.deviceready.html). It is no longer necessary to call any other method to override the back button behavior. How to handle back button click event in JavaScript? Browser Back Button Solution Click Event Handling in JavaScript. This article describes the onbeforeunload event as a possible solution for handling the browser back button click event. In JavaScript, an onbeforeunload event is fired when the page is about to unload,…

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What are the weaknesses of the gradient policy? Naturally, policy gradients have a big downside. Many times, they converge to a local maximum instead of a global optimum. Instead of Deep Q-Learning, which always tries to reach the maximum, the policy gradients converge more slowly, step by step. They may take longer to train. Does the policy gradient always converge? In tabular representations, value function methods are guaranteed to converge to a global maximum, while policy gradients only converge to a local maximum, and there can be many maxima in discrete problems. Why does the policy gradient method have a…

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What to do if you get pdoexception in PHP? Be careful because you must typecast the value returned by PDOException::getCode to an integer BEFORE passing it as an argument to your exception’s constructor. The following will work: $PDO = new PDO( ‘…’ ); Where does your Java code get pdoexception from? PDOException extends from RuntimeException, which in turn extends from Exception. As such, it has access to the protected class variable $code, which represents the exception code as an integer (duh!), and can be accessed externally via the Exception::getCode method. How to rethrow pdoexception as a custom exception? Since PDOException…

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How does phpspreadsheet Library read and write data? Here communicate means to send and receive data or to import or export from an Excel spreadsheet to a PHP application and from a PHP application to an Excel file. It not only supports excel files to read and write data, but also read and write html file data and CSV file data. The PHPSpreadSheet library is an import version of the PHPExcel library. Can you write a spreadsheet in PHP script? The PHPSpreadSheet library can write data to Excel or CSV files. So let’s say you’ve created a web-based application using…

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How do I get rpm spec files? Install rpmrebuild and “extract” (really rebuild) the spec file from your rpm file or your already installed package. There you have a website and email address, respectively, where you can ask about a spec file or srpm file. Spec files are usually not in rpm. They are in source RPM. How do I export an RPM package? If you want to save a copy of the package as installed before upgrading or removing it, use rpm –repackage: it will save the RPMs to /var/tmp or /var/spool/repackage or elsewhere, depending on your configuration. Otherwise,…

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How to get filtered data in PrimeNG table? Another way to access the filtered values ​​is to declare the onFilter event and then retrieve/store the filtered values. Which ones allow you to add a row in a Mcq table? Discussion Forum Que. Which tag allows you to add a row in a table? b. Y c. Y d. Y Answer: Y Which tag allows you to add a row in a table * 2 points TD and “The tag that allows a web developer to add a row in a table is a) label. It is used in combination with…

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Can you use Selenium on Iphone? Can Selenium be used for iOS testing? Yes, Selenium can be used in combination with Appium to automate website testing on iOS devices. Selenium client bindings can be used to interact with the Appium server. Can we automate mobile app using Selenium? Yes. Selenium is used to automate web browsers. Appium, on the other hand, is primarily used to automate tests for native, hybrid, and mobile web applications on mobile devices. In particular, Appium is a highly preferred framework because it supports automation for iOS and Android operating systems. How are mobile applications automated…

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What is stack dump and thread dump? A thread dump is a dump of the stacks of all active threads. So it’s useful for analyzing what an application is doing at any given time, and if done at intervals, it’s useful for diagnosing some kinds of ‘execution’ problems (eg thread deadlock). A heap dump is a dump of the Java heap memory state. How can I create a core dump? Check core dump enabled: ulimit -a. One of the lines should read: unlimited core file size (blocks, -c). gedit ~/. Build your app with debugging information: Run the application that…

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What is the null intention in Luis? The None intent is the alternate intent, important in all applications, and should be 10% of the total utterances. It is used to teach LUIS expressions that are not important in the application domain (subject area). What is intention and entity Luis? While intents defined certain actions, an entity describes information relevant to certain intents. They represent nouns and things in the LUIS app. For example, for a LUIS app for an alarm bot, a user might say “set an alarm for 5 pm.” What is the statement Luis? Expressions are user input…

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What is the function of NgSwitch in Angular? In Angular 8, ngSwitch is a structural directive used to add or remove DOM elements. It is similar to the C# switch statement. The ngSwitch directive is applied to the containing element with a switch expression. Is NgSwitch a structural directive? [ngSwitch] is an attribute directive used in combination with *ngSwitchCase and *ngSwitchDefault, which are structural directives. NgSwitch: An attribute directive that changes the behavior of its companion directives. How do I use ngSwitchCase? Whenever NgSwitch finds a match evaluated by expression, the respective element defined by ngSwitchCase is added to the…

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How to fill a ComboBox in UserForm? With the . List Property Create the user form. Fill VBA combo box. Access to the initialization event. Fill ComboBox with .List. Fill ComboBox with a range. Multi-column ComboBox padding. Populate ComboBox with .AddItem. Add item to different positions in ComboBox. Conclusion. How do I add a field to an existing pivot table? Add an additional row or column field Click on any cell in the pivot table. The PivotTable Fields panel appears. You can also activate the PivotTable Fields panel by clicking the Field List button on the Analyze tab. Click and…

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How do I add images to my WordPress portfolio? Step by Step In the portfolio settings, choose Gallery to Show Portfolio Item As. Click Set Featured Image or, if you already have one, Remove Featured Image. Click Upload Files. Choose from your computer all the images (with the SHIFT button) that you want to display in the gallery and click Open. How do I enable the gallery in WordPress? Carousel. To activate Carousel, simply select Jetpack > Settings in your WordPress menu. Then on the Writing tab, scroll down to Media. Here, toggle on the button next to Show images…

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How do I use Samsung Sideync with broken screen? How to Access Android Phone with Broken Screen with Samsung SideSync Find the desktop version of SideSync in your browser. Install it on your computer, and then connect your Android to PC with a cable. After some time, the PC will recognize your device and the app will start automatically. How can I use my phone without a screen? Connect your phone to a TV Connect the USB hub to your phone. Connect the HDMI cable to your TV. Plug the other end of the HDMI cable into your USB hub.…

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Can you debug if you don’t have a folder in VS Code? Note: You can debug a simple app even if you don’t have a folder open in VS Code, but you can’t manage startup configurations and configure advanced debugging. VS Code’s status bar is purple if you don’t have a folder open. How can I change the debugger settings in VS Code? During debugging, the status bar shows the current configuration and the current debug interpreter. When you select the setting, a list appears where you can choose a different setting: By default, the debugger uses the same python.pythonPath…

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How to access objects in one external JS file from another? When revealed to the global scope, you access it from another JavaScript file as soon as the script starts. So you’ll want to include it after you include this one. You just need to mention your two js script files in the main html section. How to access global variables inside function in JavaScript? All variables declared in the global scope become the variable of the window object. To access this window object, we have to use object dot notation. I hope you like this article on global variable…

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How do I check for CloudFormation errors? Use the CloudFormation console to view the status of your stack. In the console, you can see a list of stack events while your stack is being created, updated, or deleted. In this list, find the failure event, and then view the status reason for that event. How do I validate a cloud formation template? To check your template file for syntax errors, you can use the aws cloudformation validation template command. The aws cloudformation validation template command is designed to check only the syntax of your template. What is CloudFormation fluff? A…

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Do you need JVM for android studio? By default, the Android Studio launcher icon refers to the studio64.exe file, which requires a 64-bit Java installation. Just change it to refer to studio.exe which can run on 32-bit JVM. How do I install a 64-bit JVM? Installing 64-bit Java on your system Choose the 64-bit Windows offline download. The Download File dialog box appears. Choose the folder location. Close all applications, including the browser. Double-click the icon of the saved file to start the installation process. How do I download JVM? Download and install the latest Java Virtual Machine from the…

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How do I download the Microsoft Authenticator APK? Download and install the Google Android app. On your Android device, go to Google Play to download and install the Microsoft Authenticator app. Apple iOS. On your Apple iOS device, go to the App Store to download and install the Microsoft Authenticator app. How do I get a QR code for the Microsoft authenticator app? Go to the security verification settings screen. For information on how to get to this screen, see Change security settings. Check the box next to the Authenticator app, and then select Configure. This opens a screen with…

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How do I create a one-to-one map in Spring Boot? Create the project Enter Artifact as “jpa-one-to-one-demo” Click the Options drop-down menu to see all the options related to project metadata. Change the package name to “com.example.jpa” Select the Web, JPA and Mysql dependencies. Click Build to build and download the project. How to map a spring boot? In the rest of this article, I’ll walk you through the steps necessary to integrate MapStruct into a Spring Boot project. Add plugins and dependencies. Choose your objects. Create your interface. Run ‘gradle build’ Manually get and use the Mapper class. Configure…

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How do I convert an ArrayList to an int array in Java? To convert ArrayList to array in Java, we can use toArray(T) method[] a) from the ArrayList class. It will return an array containing all the elements of this list in the correct order (from the first to the last element). Here is a short example to convert an ArrayList of integers, numbersList, to an int array. How do I convert a string to an int array? string. The split() method is used to split the string into multiple substrings. Then those substrings are converted to an integer using…

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How do I load data before rendering the component? Load all data before loading component view in Angular 6 Router Resolver API. It is preferable to pre-fetch the data from the server so that it is ready by the time the route is activated. Production. The application after applying Resolve will work as shown below, Implementation. Creating an interface (post.interface.ts) Summary. Does ngOnInit run before rendering? The component is rendered before the API call in the ngOnInit function finishes fetching the data. No; What is the best way to load data before the component starts rendering? NOTE: The ngOnInit approach…

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How do I get DisplayMetrics on my Android? DisplayMetrics class an example com package random a002 display metrics; import android x. application compatibility. app import android. SW. Package; import android. useful display metrics; import android. contraption. public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { displayMetrics displayMetrics; TextView tvDisplayMetrics; How can I get device density in Android? You can get information about the display from the DisplayMetrics structure: DisplayMetrics metrics = getResources(). getDisplayMetrics(); Although Android doesn’t use direct pixel mapping, it uses a handful of quantized density-independent pixel values ​​and then scales to actual screen size. What is DisplayMetrics? android.util.DisplayMetrics. A structure that…

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How do I check my RAM in Windows 10 Device Manager? Simply follow the steps below: Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc on your keyboard. This should open Task Manager. Go to the Performance tab. Go to the left panel menu, then click on Memory. There, you will see the amount of RAM that is currently being used, as well as the available memory that you can still use. How do I open the RAM manager? The RAM manager is located in the Android Developer Options menu, which is hidden by default. To unlock it, go to Settings -> About phone, then tap “Build…

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What is Docker private repository? If you need more private repositories for your user account, upgrade your Docker Hub plan from your Billing Information page. Once the private repository is created, you can push and pull images to and from it using Docker. Note: You must be logged in and have access to work with a private repository. What is the difference between a Docker Registry and a repository? A Docker repository is where you can store 1 or more versions of a specific Docker image. An image can have 1 or more versions (tags). It’s also worth noting that…

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How do I find the size of my InnoDB buffer pool? InnoDB Buffer Pool usage can be measured with the SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ‘Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_%’ command. The sum of data, misc and free pages is equal to the total pages. And the number of total pages multiplied by Innodb_page_size corresponds to your innodb_buffer_pool_size. What should be the size of Innodb_buffer_pool_size? In Azure Database for MySQL, innodb_buffer_pool_size depends on storage size and vCores. For a storage size of up to 4 TB, the maximum value remains at 16106127360 bytes (about 16 GB). For storage size up to 16 TB, the maximum…

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How do I redirect traffic from port 80 to 443? How to set up port 80 forwarding From the main menu, select Virtual Services > View/Modify Services. Click Modify on the corresponding HTTPS service for port 443. Expand the Advanced Properties section. Click Add HTTP Redirector. How do I redirect HTTP request to HTTPS? In the Action section, select Redirect from the dropdown menu. Then set the protocol to HTTPS. This will set the redirect port to 443 and the redirect response code to 302 (temporary redirect). HTTP request policies are quick and easy to configure and only affect a…

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What is EMR spark pool? Amazon EMR is a managed cluster platform that makes it easy to run big data frameworks like Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark solely on AWS. An EMR cluster with Spark is very different than Presto: EMR is a big data framework that allows you to automate provisioning, tuning, and so on. for big data workloads. How does spark work in EMR? Apache Spark is a distributed processing framework and programming model that helps you perform machine learning, stream processing, or graph analysis using Amazon EMR clusters. Like Apache Hadoop, Spark is an open source distributed…

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How do I sign in to Windows with a work account? Go to Settings > Accounts > Your information, select “Sign in with a local account instead” and follow the process to sign in to your PC with a local account instead of a Microsoft account. After logging back into your PC, go to Settings > Accounts > Sign in to work or school, click on the account and try deleting it again. How do I sign in to my work account in Windows 10? To join an already configured Windows 10 device Open Settings, and then select Accounts. Select…

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How do you convert a string to an int list? The most Pythonic way to convert a list of strings to a list of integers is to use list comprehension [int(x) for x in strings] . Iterates through all the elements of the list and converts each element of the list x to an integer value using the built-in function int(x). How do you convert an int to a string in Java? Common ways to convert an integer The toString() method. This method is present in many Java classes. String.valueOf() Pass your integer (such as int or Integer) to this…

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Can I make a time lapse video from photos? The simple answer is yes. Time lapse is usually created by taking still images and using them as frames for a video or movie. This allows time to advance faster depending on the interval between each photo. Can you make a time-lapse from a normal video? Most desktop video editing software comes with a built-in feature to turn a standard video clip into a time-lapse movie. However, if you’re looking for free and easy-to-use software, Microsoft’s Hperlapse Pro is probably the best option and is available for Windows and macOS. How…

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What are the five logging levels? Logging levels explained. Common log levels include FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL, and OFF. Some of them are important, some less important, while others are meta-considerations. The standard classification of log levels is as follows: ALL < TRACE < DEBUG < INFO < WARNING < ERROR < FATAL < OFF. What is verbose logging output level? Verbosity here, simply put, means the level of "chance" of that message. The error is obviously the most important and therefore the least random, while the verbose is the other way around. What is the python…

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How many outages has Azure had? two blackoutsOver the past month, Microsoft Azure has experienced two outages. Why did Azure go down? Microsoft’s preliminary analysis of the incident, published on March 16, stated that “the rotation of keys used to support the use of OpenID by Azure AD and other standard identity protocols for cryptographic signing operations failed.” , based on findings posted on its Azure Health History Page. What is AADSTS90033? The AADSTS90033 error message is typically displayed under normal circumstances when a user is unable to obtain an Azure token for services they need to access. Many users…

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Can I use OpenOffice instead of Microsoft Office? Apache OpenOffice is free compared to the price of the latest version of Microsoft Office. Second, you can open and edit all your Microsoft Office documents with OpenOffice. There are no compatibility issues. In fact, the only problem you may encounter is that a Microsoft font is missing. What are the advantages of MS Office over OpenOffice? Microsoft Office has more document viewing options as well as greater diagramming capabilities. OpenOffice offers a single interface that gives the user access to the entire suite, while Microsoft’s product requires separate applications. What are…

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How can I change the version of my Android app? Change app version number in Android Studio v 3.1 Step 1) Just go to Project and right click on “application”, then select “Open module settings” Step 2) In the open template, select the “Flavors” tab and then change the “Version Code” and “Version Name” as shown in the image below. How do you specify the minimum Android version required by your app? Platform version For example, Android 1.0 is API level 1 and Android 4.4 is API level 19. The API level allows you to declare the minimum version that…

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How to get a specific value from an associative array in PHP? How to get a specific value from an associative array by key using PHP Get a key value pair from an associative array using PHP Foreach Loop To get the key-value pair of an associative array, you can use PHP foreach loop. An argument is needed as an associative variable and $key => $value to find the elements of the array in PHP. How to get a key value pair from an associative array? Get a key value pair from an associative array using PHP Foreach Loop. To…

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How can I update MySQL version in xampp? How to update mysql version in xampp (error with innodb_additional_mem_pool_size) Install MySQL in C:/TEMP. Create an old install folder in mysql_old. copy the following folders “bin, include, lib, share, support-files” to xamp/mysql/ folder. I copied my. I copied the old data folder to the new mysql folder. How do I update to the latest version of MySQL MariaDB on xampp? 6 answers Shut down or exit your XAMPP server from the Xampp control panel. Download the ZIP version of MariaDB. Rename the xampp/mysql folder to mysql_old. Unzip or extract the contents of…

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What does it mean when the characters change? The Changeling Character is the only character that changes in a story in an attempt to solve his personal problem. The switch character must be either the main character or the impact character, but cannot be both. What kind of characters go through a change? A dynamic character is a character who undergoes significant internal changes throughout the story. Dynamic character development is often subtle and unspoken and is not due to a change in the character’s circumstances. What is his name when the main character changes? From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.…

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What is the minimum screen resolution? Resolution is how many pixels the monitor can display at any given time. The smallest resolution supported by Windows is 640 × 480 pixels (which means 640 points horizontally by 480 vertically). The best video cards and monitors are capable of much higher resolutions. The standard resolution used today is 1024 × 768. What is the recommended screen resolution for PC? Resolution based on LCD monitor size monitor size Recommended resolution (in pixels) 19-inch standard ratio LCD monitor 1280×1024 20-inch standard ratio LCD monitor 1600×1200 20-inch and 22-inch widescreen LCD monitors 1680×1050 24-inch widescreen…

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How do you find the sum of a subarray? Algorithm: It traverses the array from beginning to end. From each index, start another loop from i to the end of the array to get all subarrays starting from i, hold a variable sum to compute the sum. For each index in the inner loop update sum = sum + array[j] If the sum is equal to the given sum, print the subarray. What is the CPP Subarrangement? A subarray is a contiguous part of an array. An array that is inside another array. For example, consider the matrix [1, 2,…

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How do I plot locations on Google Maps? Add a place On your computer, sign in to My Maps. Open or create a map. A map can have up to 10,000 lines, shapes, or places. Click Add bookmark. Select a layer and click where to place the place. A layer can have 2,000 lines, shapes, or places. Give your place a name. Click Save. Can Google Maps be customized? A custom map in Google Maps can be customized with several different components. You can add marker points, shapes or lines, as well as directions directly on the map. How do…

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How is it averaged over time? Calculate the weighted average overtime hours by following these steps: Calculate the proportion of hours worked in all positions worked. Divide the hours worked in a given position by the total hours worked. Find the number of overtime hours attributable to each position. What is the minimum and maximum average? AVERAGE – Finds the value of the numbers in a particular cell and returns the average value of one or more values. They can be names, arrays, and references that contain numbers. MIN: Finds the minimum value in a range of cells. Max –…

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Does fgets prevent buffer overflow? The code looks simple, it reads the string from standard input and prints the input string, but it suffers from a buffer overflow as gets() doesn’t do any array bounds testing. To avoid buffer overflow, fgets() should be used instead of gets(), since fgets() makes sure that no more than MAX_LIMIT characters are read. Is fgets buffered? Standard I/O Stream: Streams of buffering type fgets() connected to terminal devices have a line buffer. all other streams are fully buffered. How is fgets() better than gets() while working with strings? fgets() is a safer version of…

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How do I move the Mac toolbar to another monitor? How to move the Dock to another screen on Mac From the  Apple menu, choose “System Preferences” Go to “Displays” and then choose “Arrangements” Take the small white menu bar from your home screen and drag it to the monitor you want to set as your Home Screen and display the Dock. How do I move my Mac dock to another Big Sur display? Hi just go to display preferences menu > fix then on the picture if you notice there is a white bar > just click and…

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Does G++ link automatically? When the g++ program is used to link a C++ program, it normally automatically links with libstdc++. Can you use g++ to compile C? Compilation is the transformation of source code (human readable) into machine code (computer executable). A compiler is a program. G++ is the name of the compiler. (Note: G++ also compiles C++ code, but since C is directly compatible with C++, we can use it.) How do I know if MinGW is installed on Windows? Install the MinGW tools for C/C++ Sign in to your regular user account. Download this MinGW folder and…

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What is the Boost process? Boost. Process is a library for managing system processes. It can be used to: communicate with child processes through streams (synchronously or asynchronously) wait for processes to finish (synchronously or asynchronously) Is it just the boost process header? Most Boost libraries are header-only: they consist entirely of header files containing templates and inline functions, and do not require separately compiled library binaries or special handling when linked. The only Boost libraries that need to be compiled separately are: Boost. How to compile and install Boost libraries on Linux? Next, run the script and set…

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Is it possible to pickle a pyspark Dataframe? Thanks. You are passing a pyspark dataframe, df_whitelist to a UDF, pyspark dataframes cannot be stripped. You are also doing calculations on a data frame inside a UDF which is not acceptable (not possible). What does picklingerror could not serialize object mean? PicklingError: Could not serialize object: Py4JError: An error occurred while calling o1153.__getstate__. How does the vary action work in pyspark? The “variance” action will display the variance of all RDD elements. The “stdev” action will display the stdev of all RDD items. The “reduce” action takes the two elements as…

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How do I split a cell into separate Rows in Google Sheets? Using a mouse or trackpad, you’ll need to do the following: Select a cell or cells with the data to split. Open the Data menu and select Split text into columns. Once you choose a splitter, the data will be split into chunks. How do I split cells into columns in Google Sheets? In Google Sheets, paste your data into a column. You will see a small clipboard icon appear in the bottom right corner of your data. Click on that and you will see the option to…

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Is Minecraft Dungeons Hero Edition worth it? If you think you’ll be playing a lot of Minecraft Dungeons, then yes, the Hero Edition is worth it. Additional cosmetic items aren’t much of an issue, but DLC packs will likely add tons of new content to the game. The Hero Pass is only $10, so you won’t have to pay any additional costs if you decide you want the DLC later on. How do you find dungeons in Minecraft Windows 10? If you buy Minecraft Dungeons from the Microsoft Store for Windows 10, you’ll also need to play through the Microsoft…

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How can the performance of a linear regression model be improved? Here are several options: Add interaction terms to model how two or more independent variables together impact the target variable. Add polynomial terms to model the nonlinear relationship between an independent variable and the target variable. Add spines to approximate piecewise linear models. How do you check the performance of linear regression? In the regression model, the most popular evaluation metrics include: R-squared (R2), which is the proportion of variation in the result explained by the predictor variables. Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), which measures the average error made…

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What variable can be used inside and outside the function? Variables declared inside any function with the var keyword are called local variables. Local variables cannot be accessed or modified outside of the function declaration. Function parameters are considered local variables. How do you make a variable public in Swift? 3 answers. To make it public, the class must be declared public. By default, the modifier is internal, which makes classes, methods, and properties not explicitly declared private available anywhere in the current module. How do you assign a variable to a function in Swift? You’ll want var pendingFunction: ((Double,…

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How do I know if my browser Geolocation is enabled? You can detect if the function exists by examining the window object. This will cause a single user prompt to appear asking if they want to share their location with your Page. If geolocation is not available in the browser, this will not run at all. How do you use Navigator Geolocation getCurrentPosition in react? Get current position Get the current position of the user using the browser. getCurrentPosition returns the success object as a position property, but along with the success callback, it also has the error callback. Error…

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Which AWS service is used for batch processing? AWS Batch plans, schedules, and runs your batch compute workloads across the full range of AWS compute functions and services, including AWS Fargate, Amazon EC2, and Spot Instances. There is no additional charge for AWS Batch. How do I run a batch job on AWS? Step 1: Create a compute environment backed by EC2 Spot Instances. 1.1 – Open a browser and go to the AWS Batch console. Step 2: Create a job queue. Step 3: Create a job definition. Step 4: Run your job and check the results. Step 5: Check…

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What does MDT mean in Windows 10? This article was originally published on May 27, 2019 when 1903 was published. It is now updated for the latest version of Windows 10 20H2. MDT, short for Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, is a wonderful image deployment tool that Microsoft offers for those who don’t have the full System Center Configuration Manager. It’s free and it works very well. How to add a Windows 10 image to MDT? MDT Configuration 1: Add Image Now, let’s open the Deployment Workbench (MDT Console), right-click on Operating System and choose Import Operating System. Select the entire images…

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How to convert a string to a date in Python? As you have probably guessed, it comes with several functions to manipulate dates and times. With this module, we can easily parse any datetime string and convert it to a datetime object. The datetime module consists of three different object types: date, time, and datetime. Can you parse a datetime string of any format? You can parse a datetime string of any format using the table mentioned in the strptime documentation. Handling dates and times becomes more complex when dealing with time zones. All the above examples we have discussed…

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How do I access my localhost page? To access the server from itself, use http://localhost/ or . To access the server from a separate computer on the same network, use http://192.168.XX where XX is the local IP address of your server. How do I enable localhost in Safari? Go to your System Preferences and enable Web Sharing. Also look in the Console. register and filter the application to see what information you can get from there. Works! How do I access my mobile localhost? Simply go to the browser on the Android device and type http://ipv4.fiddler to access the…

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How do you send UDP messages in Python? Use plug. Plug. sendto() to send a UDP packet byte_message = bytes(“Hello world!”, “utf-8″) plug_open = plug. socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) plug_open. send to (byte_message, (“”, 5005)) How is UDP used in Python? Example: UDP client using Python import socket. msgFromClient = “Hello UDP Server” bytesToSend = str.encode(msgFromClient) serverAddressPort = (“”, 20001) buffer size = 1024. # Create a UDP socket on the client side. UDPClientSocket = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM) How to send and receive UDP packets in Python? Learn about python code to send and receive UDP packets. System A and B should be…

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What does inflate mean in Android Studio? In this context, inflate means reading an XML layout (often provided as a parameter) to translate it into Java code. This process happens: in an activity (the main process) or in a fragment. What does it mean to inflate a view? Fix: When you write an XML layout, the Android OS will inflate it, which basically means that it will be rendered by creating a view object in memory. What does inflated design mean? When you write an XML layout, the Android OS will inflate it, which basically means that it will be…

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Can you fix buzzing car speakers? Repairing the hum in your car speakers can usually be accomplished by repairing the damaged area with rubber cement. Remove the speaker cover by removing the retaining screws or clips, if equipped, and gently pry the cover off. Why is my speaker buzzing in my car? Try to look for rips and/or tears in the cones. Even the smallest rips and tears can cause a buzzing sound in a car stereo speaker, as speaker cones are really delicate. The problem could be with the sound source (head unit). Testing the speakers on a different…

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Can C program be executed without main function? #define directive with arguments to give the impression that the program is executed without main. But actually it works with a hidden main function. The ‘##’ operator is called the token paste or token merge operator. So actually the C program can never run without a main() . Why does C require a main function? It is the core of every program. Necessary. The main() function doesn’t really have to do anything other than be present within your C source code. Eventually, it contains instructions that tell the computer to carry out…

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How do you do a test in Arquillian? JavaArchive.class creates a mockup web file called test.war, this file is deployed to the container and then used by Arquillian for testing: Then we inject our component into the test: Finally, we run our test: Is it possible to run cucumber tests in parallel? Having one runner for each feature file in the general case involves a lot of copy/paste. The project will end up with hundreds of empty classes whose purpose is simply to link to a feature file. Also, copy/paste is always an error-prone process. The best solution is to…

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How do you pass a value in props? You can pass data in React by defining custom HTML attributes that you map your data to with JSX syntax. So don’t forget the keys. export the default application; As you can see, props are received into the React class component through this instance of the class. Can the supports be passed? So we can see that there is no way to pass props from a child component to a parent component. However, we can always pass functions from the parent to the child component. The child component can make use of…

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How do I display all dataframes in Python? Wear panda. set_option() to print an entire pandas DataFrame Call pandas. set_option(“display. max_rows”, max_rows, “display. max_columns”, max_cols) with max_rows and max_cols as None to set the maximum number of rows and columns to display to unlimited, allowing the entire dataframe to be displayed when printed . How to display a complete DataFrame in Jupyter notebook? To show the full data without hiding it, you can use pd. set_option(‘display.max_rows’, 500) and pd. set_option(‘show. How do I display pandas DataFrame? Preview and browse data in a Pandas DataFrame monitor options. width: the width of…

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How do I reset the password on my Lenovo desktop? To use the password reset disk to reset your password Start the PC and enter the password. Click OK when the password fails. Insert the password reset disk and click Reset Password. Click Next. Select Password Reset Disk and click Next. Type and confirm the new password. Create a password hint. Click Next. How do I change my Windows PIN? To do so, start by going to Settings > Accounts, and then click the “Sign-in Options” tab on the left. From there, click on the “Windows Hello PIN” option from…

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How do I add a certificate to Heroku? Create SSL Endpoint by running the following command in the terminal of your local environment: $ heroku plugins: create ssl: endpoint. $ cat example.crt package.crt > server.crt. $ heroku certs: add server.crt server.key. $heroku domains: add Type of registration Name Destination. Type of registration Name Destination. How do I upload the API to Heroku? Heroku Connection API Heroku CLI plugin. Final points. Step 1: Create a Heroku App and Heroku PostgreSQL Database. Step 2: Create the Heroku Connect plugin. Step 3 – Link the new plugin to your Heroku user account.…

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Can you run VMware on EC2? The VMware Cloud on AWS infrastructure runs on dedicated AWS-provided single-tenant hosts under a single account. Each host is equivalent to an Amazon EC2 I3. Each host is capable of running many VMware virtual machines (from tens to hundreds depending on its compute, memory, and storage requirements). How do I import a VMware virtual machine to Amazon EC2? How to Migrate a VMware Virtual Machine to AWS First sign in to your AWS console and click “Server Migration” in the Migration section. On the AWS Server Migration Service page, click Get Started. Click the…

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Is push array thread safe? 1 answer. No, you shouldn’t worry about that. JavaScript is single threaded, like you said. Are Ruby arrays thread-safe? When using threads, you must make your code thread-safe. This can be done by locking (mutexing) all data shared between threads, or just using immutable data structures. Ruby core classes like String or Array are not immutable. Is Java array thread-safe? A thread-safe variant of ArrayList in which all mutative operations (eg add, set, delete…) are implemented by creating a separate copy of the underlying array. It achieves thread safety by creating a separate copy of…

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What are the factors that affect the performance of an application? The following are the top 15 industry factors that affect application performance: Complexity of the application. Application design. Application tests. The butterfly Effect. The Infrastructure and Components of the Application Service. The net. The dynamic IT environment: virtualization and the cloud. Mobility. What are the factors that govern performance tests? Performance test attributes: Speed: Determines whether the software product responds quickly. Scalability: Determines the amount of load that the software product can handle at one time. Stability – Determines whether the software product is stable under varying workloads. Reliability:…

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How do you zoom in Photoshop? Select the Zoom tool and click the Zoom In or Zoom Out button in the options bar. Then click on the area you want to zoom in or out. Tip: To quickly switch to zoom out mode, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS). Choose View > Zoom In or View > Zoom Out. Where is the background removed in Photoshop 2020? In the new Photoshop 2020, if you select an unlocked layer (a locked background layer won’t allow it), you can now remove the background with the click of a button. This…

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What is the encryption technique? RSA, DES and AES are encryption techniques. How do I decrypt encrypted messages? To decrypt an encrypted message, paste it into the box below, enter the key it was encrypted with in the Key box at the top, and press the Decrypt button. The decrypted text will be placed in the Plain Text box above. How do I crack a code? To decrypt, take the first letter of the ciphertext and the first letter of the key, and subtract their value (letters have a value equal to their position in the alphabet starting from 0).…

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What is an undefined symbol in C? After all input files have been read and resolution of all symbols is complete, the link editor searches the internal symbol table for any symbol references that have not been linked to symbol definitions. These symbol references are known as undefined symbols. What does undefined reference error mean in C? In a nutshell, the “undefined reference” error means that you have a reference (nothing to do with the C++ reference type) to a name (function, variable, constant, etc.) in your program that the linker does not you can find a definition when you…

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Can’t find the package in Golang? Go to build: “Cannot find package” (even though GOPATH is set) Add $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH by: PATH=”$GOPATH/bin:$PATH” Move main.go to a subfolder of $GOPATH/src, for example $GOPATH/src/test. go install test should now create an executable in $GOPATH/bin which can be called by typing test in your terminal. Where can I find Golang packages? The standard library packages are available in the “pkg” subdirectory of the GOROOT directory. When you install Go, a GOROOT environment variable will automatically be added to your system to specify the Go installation directory. What are packages in Golang?…

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How do I make a Flickr album public? Select the public option in the privacy options window to make all photos in the collection public. Click the “Change Permissions” button to save your changes. In this window, you can also select who can comment or add notes to your photos. How do I edit the privacy settings for my photo albums? Touch at the top right of Facebook, then touch your name. Scroll down and tap Photos. Tap the album whose privacy settings you want to change. You can touch More albums to find it. Touch and select Edit. Tap…

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How do I install apps directly to my Sony Xperia SD card? To move applications to the memory card Make sure you have an SD card inserted in your device. From your home screen, touch the application screen icon. Find and tap Settings > Apps. Tap the On SD card tab. Select the app, then tap Move to SD card. How can I increase the internal memory of my Sony Xperia? If you have less than 150MB, use the following tips to free up more storage space: Eliminate unnecessary text messages (SMS) and picture messages (MMS) Transfer pictures and media…

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How do I revert changes from the main branch? To reverse, you can: Go to Git history. Right-click the commit you want to roll back. Select reverse confirmation. Make sure Commit Changes is checked. Click revert. How do I get back to the master branch in git? To switch to the master branch, in this specific commit, we’ll run the “git checkout” command and specify the “master” branch, as well as the SHA commit. To verify that you’re correct on a specific commit, you can use the “git log” command again. How do I go back to a previous branch?…

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How do I open an LUA file in Windows 10? You can open LUA files with any text editor, such as Notepad or WordPad. Simply right-click the file and choose Open With from the dropdown menu. In the submenu, click the text editor you want to use, or click Choose another app. Let us know if you need more help. How do I convert LUA to Notepad? Here is a way how you can change the file type to a . lua: Open Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > File Explorer option > View tab. On this tab, under…

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What is the benefit of using properties with getters and setters? The Getter and Setter methods get and set the properties of an object. Advantages: You can check if the new data is valid before setting a property. You can perform an action on the data that you are getting or setting in a property. What is a property setter? fset is a function to set an attribute value. fdel is a function to remove an attribute value. doc creates a documentation string for the attribute. A property object has three methods, getter() , setter() , and delete() to specify…

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Is Kafka used for data ingestion? Kafka is ideal for durable and scalable ingestion of event streams from many producers to many consumers. Spark is great at processing large amounts of data, including real-time and near-real-time streams of events. How does Kafka ingest the data? Data ingestion in Apache Kafka. Understand the use case. Meet the prerequisites. Create the data flow. Create controller services for your data flow. Configure the processor for your data source. Configure the processor for your data destination. Start the data flow. Monitoring your data flow. Next steps. Appendix – Scheme example. What is batch ingestion?…

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How do I transfer files from one computer to another Windows 10? Transfer files between Windows 10 computers using Nearby Sharing Step 1 – The first step is to make sure your computers are running 1803 or a later version of Windows 10. Step 2 – We recommend that you connect both PCs to the same Wi-Fi network. -Fi for faster file sharing (does not use your internet bandwidth). How to share files between two laptops without WiFi? How to share files between two laptops with or without WiFi in Windows 10 1 Use a USB cable to transfer data…

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Does Arduino work on Mac M1? HomeBrew was recently updated with Mac M1 support. path} with the path to your own Python installation, in the case of HomeBrew on M1, this would be /opt/homebrew/bin . Restart the Arduino IDE and everything should work fine now. Does virtual machine work on M1 Mac? “The transition has been smooth for most Mac applications, thanks to Rosetta’s technology. However, virtual machines are an exception, which is why Parallels engineers implemented native virtualization support for Macs with M1 chip. This allows our users to enjoy the best Windows on Mac experience available.” How do…

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What can be done with a Recordset object? The Recordset object has built-in functions that allow you to rearrange the order of the data in the result set, search for a specific record based on criteria you provide, and even optimize those search operations using indexes. What happens when you add a record to a recordset? If there is no matching record, the code skips the If statement and continues, without raising an error. When you add a record to a recordset, you can expect that record to become the current record. If that’s your expectation, your code won’t be…

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How do I start Flyway with docker compose? Run docker-compose up, this will start both Flyway and MySQL. Flyway will automatically wait up to a minute for MySQL to initialize before starting to migrate the database. How long does Flyway wait for MySQL to initialize? Flyway will automatically wait up to a minute for MySQL to initialize before starting to migrate the database. What is an example Docker-compose.yml file? This is an example docker-compose.yml file based on a simple back-end application that has an API layer and a Postgres database layer. build up: . Three services are listed here: the…

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How do I get around the frequency cap on Twitter? try not to overuse the refresh button; this will cost you 3 calls per click (All tweets, replies and DM’s) UPDATE: try lowering the total % in settings window, Twitter API tab to around 60-70% – get less frequent updates but use less API. Why was my twitter index limit exceeded? If your LiveAgent was unable to read the tweets with the message rate limit exceeded, it means that Twitter rejected 3 consecutive attempts to access its API on your Twitter account (approximately 15 minutes without an update). Most likely,…

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Why does my Apple Watch say it can’t check for updates? If the update doesn’t start, open the Watch app on your iPhone, tap General > Usage > Software Update, then delete the update file. After deleting the file, try to download and install watchOS again. Learn what to do if you see “Cannot install update” when updating Apple Watch. Why won’t my Apple Watch update so I can pair it? The following steps may help (try again after each one): On your iPhone, in the Watch app, go to: My Watch > General > Usage > Software Update: Delete…

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How do I delete a row based on conditions in Pandas? How to remove rows from a Pandas DataFrame based on a conditional expression in Python Use pd DataFrame. drop() to remove rows from a DataFrame based on a conditional expression. Use pd DataFrame. Use boolean masking to remove rows from a DataFrame based on a conditional expression. Use the pd syntax. How do I delete rows in Pandas based on multiple conditions? Pandas dataframe drop() function is used to drop the rows with the help of its index, or we can apply multiple conditions. Whatever the conditions, we’ll get…

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How to find files on button click in c#? Browse or open a file OpenFileDialog fdlg = new OpenFileDialog(); fdlg.Title = “C# Corner File Open Dialog”; fdlg.InitialDirectory = @”c:/” ; fdlg.Filter = “All Files (*.*)|*.*|All Files (*.*)|*.*” ; fdlg.FilterIndex = 2 ; fdlg.RestoreDirectory = true; if(fdlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { How to use file explorer dialog in C#? Implementing OpenFileDialog in C# and WinForms applications private void BrowseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog. { HomeDirectory = @”D:/”, Title = “Browse text files”, CheckFileExists = true, CheckPathExists = true, How to add Browse File button to Windows Form…

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What is inline variable declaration? Inline Variable Declaration (IDE0018) This style rule refers to whether variables are declared inline or not. Starting with C# 7, you can declare an output variable in the argument list of a method call, rather than in a separate variable declaration. How are parameters used? The C# out parameter is used when a method returns multiple values. When a parameter is passed with the Out keyword/parameter in the method, that method works with the same variable value that is passed in the method call. If the value of the variable changes, the value of the…

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How does a session expire? gc_maxlifetime must be at least equal to the lifetime of this custom expiration handler (1800 in this example); if you want the session to expire after 30 minutes of activity instead of after 30 minutes from start, you’ll also need to use setcookie with an expiration of time()+60*30 to keep the session cookie active. Can we increase the session time in php? If you use PHP’s default session handling, the only way to reliably change the session duration on all platforms is to change php. ini. This is because, on some platforms, garbage collection is…

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What VR headsets are compatible with Windows Mixed Reality? The best VR headsets Oculus Quest 2. The best VR headset. Valve index. The best VR headsets for a premium experience on a gaming PC. HTC Vive Pro 2. The best screen in a mainstream VR headset yet, but it’ll cost you. HP Reverb G2. The best VR headsets of the Windows Mixed Reality bunch. HTC Vive Cosmos Elite. Oculus Rift S. What is Windows Mixed Reality compatible with? Windows Mixed Reality and Surface The latest Surface Book (13.5″), Surface Studio, Surface Laptop, and Surface Pro (2017) will support some Windows…

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What happens if a file is not included in PHP? If the file cannot be included, FALSE is returned and E_WARNING is issued. If there are functions defined in the included file, they can be used in the main file regardless of whether they are before or after the return. If the file is included twice, PHP will throw a fatal error because the functions have already been declared. Can a PHP file be inserted into another PHP file? It is possible to insert the content of a PHP file into another PHP file (before the server executes it), with…

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Can Google Home add events to my calendar? Using a Google calendar through your Google Home While you can’t delete, cancel, or modify any existing events, add guests, or set a location through Google Home, you can add new events and get information about events that are already in your home. over there. How do I import an event to Google Calendar? Step 2: Import events to Google Calendar Open Google Calendar. In the upper right corner, click Settings. Settings. In the menu on the left, click Import and export. Click Choose file from your computer and select the file…

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How do you print corresponding values ​​in Python? how to print value to corresponding key in python print(my_dict[user_input] prints the corresponding value, but prints value * number of values ​​in dict. …remove the entire for loop in your code and just print (my_dict[user_name]) (or) print (my_dict.get(user_input,”)) – Transhuman Aug 21 ’15 at 10:07 Can you use a value to get a key in Python? We can also get the key of a value by matching all values ​​and then printing the key corresponding to the given value. How is a key valued? import Java. useful hash map; import Java. useful…

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How do I combine Dataframes with different number of rows in R? Use the left_join function to merge two R dataframes with a different number of rows. left_join is another method from the dplyr package. It takes similar arguments to the full_join function, but left_join extracts all rows from the first data frame and all columns from both. How do I add a column to a different dataframe in R? How do I add a column from one dataframe to another in R? To add a column from one data frame to another, you can use the $ operator. For…

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How do I check my CPU uptime? Option 1: From Task Manager Open Task Manager by right-clicking on the clock in the lower right corner of the taskbar and selecting Task Manager. Alternatively, you can press CTRL + ALT + Delete. Select the “Performance” tab. You can see the system uptime located at the bottom of the window. How long has my PC been on Windows 10? Right-click the Start button (Windows key + X) to open the hidden quick access menu and select Command Prompt. Then type: net stats srv and press Enter. There you will see Statistics Since…

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What is a YouTube Comment ID? The ID of the YouTube channel associated with the comment. If the comment is a video comment, this property identifies the video’s channel and snippet. The videoId property identifies the video. If the comment is a channel comment, this property identifies the channel that the comment is about. How do you find someone’s comments on YouTube? Navigate to the video with comments you want to search for, then press CTRL + S on your PC (or Command + S on a Mac) and type your search term in the gray bar of the window…

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How do I not match in regular expressions? There are two ways to say “don’t match”: character ranges and negative zero-width forward/backward search. Also, a correction for you: * , ? and + don’t actually match anything. They are repetition operators and always follow a matching operator. How do you match the safe string that appears at the beginning of a line? ^ is an “anchor” that asserts the position at the beginning of the line. So whatever you put after the caret will only match if it’s the first characters of a line. The caret is also known as…

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What is equivalent to map followed by batch in TensorFlow? Allocates map_func on consecutive batch size elements of this dataset and then combines them into one batch. Functionally, it is equivalent to map followed by batch. This API is temporary and deprecated as the input pipeline optimization now merges consecutive map and batch operations automatically. How does TensorFlow batch_matmul work in NumPy? Suppose you have array batch size nxm and array batch size mxk. Now, for each pair of them, it calculates nxm X mxk, which gives you an nxk matrix. You will have a batch size of them. Now…

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How do you duplicate a record in R? table, you can use the rbind. padding function in Hadley’s plyr package, which is pretty fast too. Never use rbind as you did above, in a ‘for’ loop, adding each row separately. It forces R to make a copy of the dataframe object every time it adds a row, and that’s slow. How do I identify duplicates in Dplyr? To check for duplicates, we can use the R base function duplicated() , which will return a logical vector that tells us which rows are duplicate rows. We can see that the third…

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How do I find my Chrome path? In the Chrome window that displays the profile in the name button you want to search for, enter chrome://version in the address bar and press Enter. The “Profile Path” shows the location of the current profile. Where is the Chrome folder in Android? App data usually goes under /data/data/ (in Chrome’s case: /data/data/ But those directories are only accessible by the app itself and system/root, so unless your device is rooted, you won’t have much luck checking there. How do I access Chrome data on Android? Use Chrome as a file browser Open…

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What is the purpose of anonymous functions? Anonymous functions are typically arguments passed to higher-order functions or used to construct the result of a higher-order function that needs to return a function. If the function is only used once, or a limited number of times, an anonymous function may be syntactically lighter than using a named function. Why do we use anonymous function in JavaScript? In JavaScript, an anonymous function is that type of function that has no name or we can say that it has no name. When we create an anonymous function, it is declared without any identifier.…

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Why is the Windows tab not working? It is possible that the Tab key can be disabled by accidentally pressing some keyboard combinations, so you can try to enable the Tab key by pressing the keyboard combinations. Press the Ctrl key twice and try Tab to see if it works. Press the Windows logo key twice and see if it fixes your problem. How do you unlock the Alt key? Please connect this keyboard to another computer and check if the problem persists. Method 2. It is often possible to “unstuck” the prefix keys by tapping all six keys one…

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Can we override var varargs in java? Overriding varargs in java [duplicado] I was under the impression that any class that extends this class could override this method with any number of parameters. But the two examples above both resulted in a compile time error. How do you override parameters in Systemverilog? In Verilog, there are two methods to override the value of a module parameter during module instantiation. By using the defparam keyword. And module instance parameter value assignment. What is varargs? Varargs is a short name for variable arguments. In Java, a method argument can accept an arbitrary…

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Is xcopy an internal or external command? xcopy is not recognized as an internal or external command, executable program, or batch file. How do I exclude in Xcopy? Open the text and type the name of the files you want to exclude on a separate line like this (no bullets) so xcopy will exclude multiple folders. 3. Run the command now: xcopy c:/t1 c:/t2 /EXCLUDE: C:/mybatch/MyExclusion. txt and press Enter. How do I use xcopy at the command prompt? Use the Windows XCOPY command to copy the files stored from this folder to another location. From the desktop taskbar, click…

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How to bypass login on Dell laptop? Go to your Dell laptop’s Windows login screen, enter any incorrect password in the text box and press Enter. 2. You will be prompted that the username or password is incorrect, click OK. And then click “Reset Password” below the password text box. How do I unlock my Dell laptop if I forgot my Windows 10 password? Then disable the default admin account. Press Windows key + X key. Click Command Prompt (Admin). Type the following command and press the Enter key: network user admin / active: no. Then log out or restart…

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How do you give everyone a role in discord MEE6? Configure MEE6 React Roles to self-assign discord roles Sign in with your discord account. Authorize the MEE6 bot to access your account. Select the Discord server you want to add the MEE6 bot to. Click Plugins and then click React Roles. Click Yes to enable the plugin. How do you make someone automatically get a role on Discord? Click the ‘+’ in the “ROLES TO GRANT” box and select the role you want visitors to your server to automatically grant to them. Finalize your decision by clicking the Save Changes…

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How do I fix CTRL R? How to fix CTRL+R keyboard combination not working Click the Start button, go to NVIDIA Corporation and select GeForce Experience. Click on the Settings button located at the top right corner of the app. Select the General tab if it’s not already open. Turn off SHARE. Using CTRL+R should work now. Why is CTRL R not working? Here is another way to get the shortcut to work again. Go to the Tools menu in SSMS and select Options. Select the Keyboard section in the Environments tab. Select the “SQL Query Editor” option from the…

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How to fix SMTP client can’t send emails? 1 Check your Internet connection. Yes. 2 Check your SMTP server details. This is an extremely common error: you have configured your mail client with the wrong SMTP parameters. 3 Check all usernames and passwords. 4 Check your SMTP server connection. 5 Change your SMTP port. 6 Check your antivirus or firewall settings. How to enable or disable SMTP SUBMIT from authenticated client? Open the Microsoft 365 admin center and go to Users > Active Users. Select the user, and in the drop-down menu that appears, click Mail. In the Email Applications…

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How to run PHP process in background? You can put a task such as a script or command in the background by adding a y to the end of the command line. The command runs in the background, which is called a job. You can type another command while the command is running in the background. Example: ls -l & exec php index. How do I run a PHP file in Task Scheduler? How do I run a PHP script using Windows Task Scheduler? Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Task Scheduler. Click Task…

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How do I make Outlook update contacts automatically? Automatic Outlook Contact Updater Step 1 – You – Send the “Contacts Update Form Email” to people in your Outlook Contacts. Step 2: Recipients: Complete/edit the form and send it back. Step 3 – You – Click the “Process Updates” button and your contacts will be updated automatically. To manually sync contacts, click the arrow to the right of the Sync button on the Practice CS toolbar and choose Sync Outlook Contacts from the menu. Add a contact from an email message Open the message so that the person’s name is displayed…

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Do React Hooks replace render props? Hooks can replace some render props, but not all. Hooks can’t render anything, they can’t set values ​​in the context (although they can consume values), and they can’t implement error bounds. Given these limitations, you may still find yourself using render plugins from time to time. Is it okay to call Hooks inside loops or conditions? Do not call Hooks inside loops, conditions, or nested functions. Instead, always use Hooks at the top level of your React function, before any early returns. By following this rule, you ensure that the hooks are called in…

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Can you transpose columns and rows in Google spreadsheet? Transposing the data means that it changes the orientation where rows become columns and columns become rows (as shown below). In Google Sheets, there are two easy ways to transpose data (ie change rows and columns): Use the TRANSPOSE function. Using Paste Special. How do I shift columns to the right in Google Sheets? To move a row or column: Select the column you want to move, then hover over the column header. The cursor will turn into a hand icon. Click and drag the column to the desired position. An…

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How to include winmm lib? Re: add winmm. lib in your linker configuration. “Project” menu -> select “Settings” item -> select “Binding Tab” in the popup “Project Settings” dialog -> add “winmm.lib” text in the “Obects/modules” edit box library” -> press the OK button. What is Winmmlib? winmm.lib is the import library for the Media API: ws2_32.lib is the import library for the WinSock API: Where is Winmm? The victory mm. dll is a Windows Media API module primarily for audio and joystick functions. These are essential files for the optimal functioning of your computer system located in…

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Is tail recursion the same as iteration? Iteration and recursion are ways to achieve repetition in programs. One can be converted to the other: All iterative functions can be converted to recursion because iteration is just a special case of recursion (tail recursion). In functional languages ​​like Scheme, iteration is defined as tail recursion. What is tail recursion scheme? The scheme is “properly tail recursive”, meaning that tail calls or recursions of certain contexts do not consume stack space or other resources, and thus can be used on arbitrarily large data or for an arbitrarily long computation. . How do…

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How can I reduce the size of Hiberfil sys? Windows 10 does not allow you to reduce the size of the hiberfile. sys if the file size is 40% or less of the size of the installed RAM… Change the size of hiberfil. system in windows 10 Open Command Prompt as administrator. Type the following command- powercfg /hibernate /size Press enter. Why is Hibernate not working on Windows 10? If you can’t use hibernation in Windows 10, it could be for one of these reasons: Your graphics card driver doesn’t support this power state. Updating to the latest version of…

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How do you do augmented reality in unity? Configuring Unity for AR development Navigate to the GameObject dropdown menu and select “Vuforia > AR Camera”. If a dialog appears asking you to import additional assets, select “Import”. Select “Vuforia > Image” from the GameObject dropdown menu to add an image target to your scene. How do you do AR with vuforia? To enable it, go to File > Build Settings and click the “Player Settings” button. Scroll down and in the XR Settings section, select the “Vuforia Augmented Reality Supported” option. You can then close the Build Settings window and…

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Should you host your own images? It depends. On a low-traffic site, it’s fine to host them along with everything else. When traffic increases, you can benefit from hosting images and other static resources (style sheets and javascripts) on a different server. If you split it into separate servers, you can scale them independently. What are the benefits of using image hosting sites? Advantages of using an image hosting service for your WordPress blog Free up storage space. Depending on the plan you have with your web host, there may only be a limited amount of storage space you can…

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What does it mean to add data in a query? An aggregate query is a method of deriving group and subgroup data by analyzing a set of individual data entries. The term is frequently used by developers and database administrators. Take a look at the list below for a brief description of some common aggregate queries. … How do I do an aggregate sum in SQL? The SQL Server SUM() function is an aggregate function that calculates the sum of all or distinct values ​​in an expression. In this syntax: ALL tells the SUM() function to return the sum of…

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How do I set content length in Java? setHeader(“Content-Length”, Long. toString(f. length())); response. addHeader(“Content-Length”, Long. What is HTTP content length? HTTP headers | Content-Length The Content-Length HTTP entity header is used to indicate the size of the entity body in decimal number of octets, ie, bytes, and is sent to the recipient. It is basically the number of bytes of data in the body of the request or response. Do you need content length? Content-Length is optional in an HTTP request. For GET or DELETE, the length must be zero. For POST, if Content-Length is specified and it does not…

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How do I reinstall the media player? If you want to reinstall Windows Media Player, try the following: Click the Start button, type features, and select Turn Windows features on or off. Scroll down and expand Media Features, clear the Windows Media Player check box, and click OK. Reboot your device. Repeat step 1. this is how to uninstall Windows Media Player Method 1: Uninstall Windows Media Player in safe mode Start the computer in safe mode. To do this, follow these steps: Restart the computer. Press F8 while the computer restarts. Click Safe Mode and press ENTER. Click Start,…

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How do you mark a function as deprecated in Kotlin? To mark a feature as deprecated, all you need to do is annotate it and provide the deprecation message. Thanks to Kotlin’s Java interoperability, we can use this Annotation within existing Java code bases. Is Kotlin deprecated in Java? So far, we have only ruled out functions or methods in Kotlin. In addition to methods, we can apply deprecation to many other constructs in Kotlin. Can we use deprecated methods in Java? You can still use the deprecated code without changing performance, but the point of deprecating a method/class is…

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What methods do unions use to achieve better working conditions? The tactics available to the union include strikes, pickets and boycotts. When they go on strike, workers walk off their jobs and refuse to return until the issue at hand is resolved. How do unions and management coexist? Organizational management and employee unions work better together if they both recognize that the other has a legitimate and worthwhile purpose. Management controls an organization’s resources and work environment, while unions represent employees for the best terms and conditions of employment. Is it illegal to bust a union? Anti-union tactics can refer…

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How do I return a string to the main function? To do what you’re trying to do, you need to do one of the following: Allocate memory on the heap using malloc or similar, then return that pointer. Allocate the string on the stack in the calling function (the one that will use the string) and pass a pointer to the function to put the string into. Can main return a string? No you can’t, you must always return an int . Thinking deeper, a string would be difficult for a shell program to handle: when would memory be freed,…

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Is there a way to see the exact number of followers on Instagram? To check the exact number of Instagram followers: Go to Go to the Instagram page you want to check. Use your mouse to hover over the follower count. This will show the exact number of Instagram followers. How can I search someone’s follower list for a specific user on Instagram? Search through lists of followers and followers Simply go to a person’s Instagram profile, then tap Followers or Following at the top. At the top of the list is a search bar where you can start…

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What type of printer is best for printing photos? The best photo printers 2021 Canon PIXMA TS6350. This workhorse from Canon is a great dual-purpose option for photo and document printing. Canon PIXMA G650 Mega Tank. Epson Expression Photo XP-8600. Epson EcoTank ET-7700. Canon imagePROGRAF PRO-300. Canon PIXMA PRO-200. Epson SureColor P700. Epson Expression Photo XP-970. What type of printer produces the highest quality photos? Inkjet photo printers are the best choice for businesses that need to print color or black-and-white documents, such as photos, with a wide variety of gray tones at the highest possible quality. Color laser printers…

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How can I use the cursor in SQL Server? Cursors in SQL Server DECLARE statements: declares the variables used in the code block. SET/SELECT statements: initialize variables to a specific value. DECLARE CURSOR statement: Fills the cursor with the values ​​to be evaluated. OPEN statement: opens the cursor to start data processing. Why SQL cursor is bad? Cursors could be used in some applications for serialized operations as shown in the example above, but should generally be avoided because they have a negative impact on performance, especially when operating on large data sets. What is the difference between loop and…

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Can we use the CASE condition in the ORDER BY clause? We can also use the Case statement with the order by clause. In SQL, we use the Order By clause to sort the results in ascending or descending order. Suppose in another example; we want to sort the result in the following method. We can define this condition with a combination of Order by and Case. How do you order by CASE in SQL? How to use CASE with ORDER BY clause in SQL Server? To do this, we use CASE after ORDER BY and then check the value…

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Why is my canvas contaminated? As soon as you draw to a canvas any data that was loaded from another source without CORS approval, the canvas becomes tainted. A corrupt canvas is one that is no longer considered safe, and any attempt to retrieve image data from the canvas will cause an exception to be thrown. How do you solve that contaminated canvases cannot be exported? Post your images to a site that supports cross-domain sharing (such as or GitHub). Make sure you put your images in the public Dropbox folder and also set the cross-origin flag when you…

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What is the transmission time limit? As a general rule, streaming receivers can work for up to 10 seconds before the system considers them unresponsive and ANR the app. Why am I not receiving broadcast messages on WhatsApp? If your contact isn’t receiving your broadcast messages, make sure you’ve added them to your address book. Broadcast lists are one-to-many communication. If you want your recipients to participate in a group conversation, you need to create a group chat instead. How does the state of a broadcast receiver affect a process? The state of your BroadcastReceiver (whether it is running or…

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What is the security package? Cumulative updates are a cumulative configuration of hotfixes that contain security updates, critical updates that must be implemented immediately. It’s basically a bundled set of updates that can be deployed at once instead of downloading each update separately, saving you time all the time. What does the monthly rollup include? Monthly Rollup A set of tested and cumulative updates. They include security and reliability updates that are packaged together and distributed through the following channels for easy deployment: Windows Update. Microsoft Update Catalog. What is a security update? An Android security update is an update…

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How to use recursion to traverse JSON objects? I often find myself writing recursive functions to find all the properties of an arbitrary JSON object, or looking at each file in a folder that can have an infinite number of nested subfolders. Recursively print all the properties of a JSON object: What is the purpose of recursion in Java? Java Recursion Recursion is the technique of making a function call itself. This technique provides a way to break down complicated problems into simpler problems that are easier to solve. Recursion can be a bit difficult to understand. How to recursively…

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Can NFC read RFID tags? Yes, you can use your phone as an RFID tag. For Android or Windows phones, enable NFC. Nowadays, the smartphone can also be used as an RFID tag. Is NFC RFID the same? NFC stands for Near Field Communication while RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. Both use radio signals for all sorts of tagging and tracking purposes, sometimes replacing barcodes. NFC is still an emerging technology; RFID, however, is currently in widespread use throughout the world. Can phones read 125 kHz RFID? There is no antenna on any common smartphone capable of that. On…

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How to get folder name from file path in C#? 10 Responses GetFileName( Path. GetDirectoryName( path ) ); The inner call to GetDirectoryName will return the full path, while the outer call to GetFileName() will return the last component of the path, which will be the name of the folder. This approach works whether or not the route exists. How to get the path name? call you path. basename(path) to extract the filename from the end of the path and return it as a string. This function is compatible with all operating system path formats. How to get file name…

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Can Google Analytics keep track of registered users? The logged in custom dimension keeps track of whether or not your visitors are logged in to your site. However, it does not track individual users. In Google Analytics, the custom dimension allows you to create a custom report, so you can choose Connected as your primary dimension and customize the report to suit your needs. How do I access Google Analytics without signing in? 2 answers. You can use Google Analytics without a Gmail account, however you still need to link your current email to Google services. Go to and…

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Does Anaconda have Python 3? Anaconda is compatible with Python 2.7, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8. The default is Python 2.7 or 3.8, depending on which installer you used: For the “Anaconda” and “Miniconda” installers, the default is 2.7. For the “Anaconda3” or “Miniconda3” installers, the default is 3.8. How do I switch to Python 3? open control panel > system and security > system. click on the path and edit then make the path of the python version you want to use above that you don’t want to use [haciendo clic en el botón Moveu Up] python –version. How do…

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How to add images in Tkinter using Python pillow package? Tkinter images can be added to many of the Tk and Ttk compatible widgets. However, Tkinter doesn’t support images directly. Instead, displaying an image requires the use of Image and ImageTk imported from the Python pillow package. To add an image to a label widget at the following x,y coordinates:, y=60) What kind of images can I use in Tkinter? Tkinter relies on Pillow to work with images. Pillow is a fork of the Python Imaging Library and can be imported into a Python console as PIL. Pillow has…

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When to use mouse drag in JavaFX 8? When notifications about the mouse exit of some of the node’s children are not desired, the MOUSE_DRAG_EXITED event handler should be used. This event occurs when the gesture leaves a node. This type of event is delivered only to the node that exited, if the parents want to filter it or get the bubbling event, they should use MOUSE_DRAG_EXITED_TARGET. When does the gesture terminate in JavaFX 8? This event occurs when the gesture progresses inside this node. This event occurs when the gesture ends (releasing the mouse button) on this node. This…

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How many decimal places can a float hold in C? 7 decimal digitsfloat is a 32-bit IEEE 754 single-precision floating point number 1 bit for the sign (8 bits for the exponent and 23* for the value), that is, float has 7 decimal digits of precision. How many decimal places are acceptable? A suitable rule specifies up to one decimal place and up to two significant digits. What is the maximum number of decimal places for a numeric field? The maximum number of significant decimal places for the input is 4 (39.1244). What is the decimal place of 1000? a)…

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How do you control threads in Java? In the current version of Java, you can stop a thread using a boolean volatile variable. If you remember, threads in Java start execution from the run() method and stop when it exits the run() method, either normally or due to any exception. What are the different thread methods in Java? Thread Methods: start(): start the thread. getState() – Returns the state of the thread. getName() – Returns the name of the thread. getPriority() – Returns the priority of the thread. sleep() – Stops the thread for the specified time. Join() – Stops…

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How do I change screenshot to PDF on Android? After making sure all the content you want is displayed on the screenshot, click the label at the top of the window and select Save as PDF as the print type. Click the PDF icon located in the lower right corner of the labels, navigate to the location where you want to save the PDF file, and click Save. How do I put multiple screenshots in a PDF? To combine screenshots into a PDF, browse to the image files you want to add and select all of them. You can bulk…

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How do I get a local notification in flutter? First we need to create an instance for the FlutterLocalNotificationPlugin. We will use this object to initialize Android and iOS settings and also for other notification purposes. Now we need to initialize the local notification plugin with Android and iOS specific settings. How do I add notification icons to flutter? 1 answer. android:resource (@folder/name) in the meta tag refers to the notification icon which should be located in android/app/src/main/res/folder –size/name. png. For your exact scope you need the drawable size folder in the specific location with pngs called ic_notifications. How do…

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How do I create a custom sidebar in Google Sheets? To create a custom sidebar, you must write and run Apps Script code. Custom sidebar widgets are built using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The user must authorize the creation of the sidebar, as this step involves running third-party custom code (ie code that was not written by Google). How do I create a clickable button in Google Sheets? Creating the Clickable Button Creating the clickable button is as simple as clicking “Drawing” on Insert. Inserting a shape of your choice and a text box inside the shape will create the…

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How do I remove an emoji from a CSV file? python | Remove emoji emoticons from csv or tsv files import re. import pandas as pd. def demo(text): emoji_pattern = re.compile(“[“ u”600-64F” # emoticones. u”300-5FF” # símbolos y pictogramas. u”680-6FF” # transporte y símbolos de mapa. u”1E0-1FF” # banderas (iOS) ¿Cómo elimino emojis de un marco de datos? Proceso paso a paso para limpiar sus datos importar pandas como pd “”” Carga de datos “”” # 1. “”” Eliminación de duplicados “”” # 1. “”” Eliminar emojis “”” df = df. “”” Convertir a minúsculas “”” df[‘Tipo’] = df[‘Tipo’]. “””…

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Does SQLite support full text? SQLite includes a powerful mechanism to allow full text searching of SQLite logs. Datasette can detect if a table has a full-text search configured on the underlying database and display a search interface to filter that table. What is SQLite full text search? FTS5 is a SQLite virtual table module that provides full-text search functionality for database applications. In their most basic form, full-text search engines allow the user to efficiently search a large collection of documents for the subset that contains one or more instances of a search term. How do I find data…

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Does Xbox 360 controller work on iPad? Xbox Wireless Controller support in iOS 13 works for all games that support MFi gamepads. That means that while not all games on the App Store will work with your Xbox game controller, all games that support the MFi controller will work right out of the box. Why can’t I connect my Xbox 360 controller to my iPad? On your Apple device, go to Settings > Bluetooth. Make sure Bluetooth is turned on. Turn on your Xbox Wireless Controller by pressing the Xbox button . If it’s already paired with an Xbox, turn…

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Can header be inside div? No, not strictly, but there are some implicit contextual semantics when embedding the header below non-body elements. Depending on how you structure the document, you may encounter unexpected behavior. See below. How do I add a header to a form? How to Add a Header and Footer to a Form in Microsoft Access Display the form in Design view. Right-click on the design surface and select Form Header/Footer from the context menu. The header and footer sections are added to the design surface. Can I put div inside the form? It is completely acceptable to…

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What does it mean to be in the same Java package? Java packages are a mechanism for grouping Java classes that are related to each other, into the same “group” (package). All Java class and source files for classes belonging to the same package are located in the same directory. Java packages can contain subpackages. How do you access the class interfaces of a package? If you use the package. * then all classes and interfaces of this package will be accessible but not subpackages. The import keyword is used to make the classes and interface of another package accessible…

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How do I limit decimal places in Android? “how to limit float to 2 decimal places Android Java” Code Response round of classes public static void main(String args[]){ ​ double a = 123.13698; double roundOff = Math. round(a*100)/100; ​ System. outside. println(round); } What is the correct number 2,738 to 2 decimal places? To do this, you need to look at the 8 and see if it is greater than 5 or less than 5. Since it is greater than, you can round the 38 up to 40 . So now the number you have is 2.740, but since you…

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How does Spring Security validate the password? To verify that the user entered the correct password, use the same one-way hash against the value entered, and then compare it to the previous hash value; if they are the same, then the entered password is correct. Does Spring Security support password encryption? Spring Security provides password encryption functionality through the PasswordEncoder interface. It’s a one-way transform, which means you can only encode the password, but there’s no way to decode the password back to plain text. How does Spring Security provide? The above Java configuration does the following for our application.…

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How do I search for a word in a pdf in Windows 10? How to search for content in Windows 10. Open your PDF with your default PDF reader. Press the control button (CTRL) and the F key simultaneously. A text box will appear: type the keyword or phrase you want to place in the box. The first matching word or phrase will be highlighted in the PDF. How do you search within a pdf document? How to search for a word in a PDF using any PDF reader Open any PDF with your default PDF reader. Press CTRL+F (Windows)…

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How to make a test suite in Verilog? How to implement a test bench? Declarations of records and transfers. Usually we declare the ports of entry and exit. DUT instantiation. The purpose of a test suite is to check if our DUT module is working as we want. Initial and always blocks. Initialization. Event queue. Time scale and delay. Clocks and Reset. Assign statements. What is the Verilog test suite? The design is instantiated on a test bench, inputs are stimulated, and outputs are monitored for desired results. The device under test can be a behavioral or gate-level representation of…

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Can you combine MP3 and mp4? Crossfading is a feature that allows you to join songs so that they flow into each other seamlessly. With this versatile tool, you can convert mp3 files to ogg, wav, mp4, m4a and aac format or split songs and cut unwanted parts from audio files with Audio Splitter feature. How do I combine audio and video on Android? To merge videos on Android, here are the top 5 apps that can be installed on the smartphone to merge videos… Part 2. Top 5 apps to merge videos on Android PowerDirector: video editing application. Easy…

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How do I open multiple tabs in Chrome in Python? Ways to open multiple tabs using Selenium: After specifying the Firefox/Chrome driver for selenium, we must first open a web page. We need to call the “execute_script” method which in turn executes window. Then we need to switch to that tab and for that tab we can supply any valid URL. How do I open multiple Chrome files at once? How to open multiple local HTML files in Google Chrome at once? Select all files in Windows Explorer and drag them to Chrome (only one file was opened) Select all…

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How do I extract just the day from a date in SQL? If you’re using SQL Server, you can use the DAY() or DATEPART() function instead to extract the day of the month from a date. In addition to providing the EXTRACT() function, MySQL supports the DAY() function to return the day of the month from a date. Method #2: The Format Cells Dialog Window Click the Custom category in the Format Cells window. Enter one of the following formats in the Type box: ddd – Returns the first three letters of the day name (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.) Press…

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Can the playback speed be adjusted on movies and TV? To adjust the playback speed of QuickTime, open your movie in QuickTime Player. From the Window menu, select “Show A/V Controls.” Adjust the slider for playback speed at the bottom right. Your options are from half speed to 3x normal. You can do this in Windows Media Player from the Players screen. in Windows Media Player, start playing the content. click the Now Playing tab, click the Select Now Playing Options button (just below the tab) choose Enhancements, and select Playback Speed ​​Settings. How to speed up videos in Windows…

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How to return the asynchronous Dart function? You can get the value like this: SharedPreferences sharedPreferences; Future token() async { sharedPreferences = expect SharedPreferences. get Instance(); back “Lorem ipsum pain”; } token(). then((value) { print(value); }); What is async called in Dart? In the example above, calling demo() returns the future. Any function that you want to execute asynchronously must have the asynchronous modifier added. This modifier comes right after the function signature, like so: Dart. What is asynchronous promise? If you use the async keyword before a function definition, you can use await inside the function. When it expects…

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How can we use pointers as an array? In this program, we have a ptr pointer that points to element 0 of the array. Similarly, we can also declare a pointer that can point to the entire array instead of just one element of the array. This pointer is useful when talking about multidimensional arrays. What is the use of array of pointers in C? An array of pointers is useful for the same reason all arrays are useful: it allows you to numerically index a large set of variables. Below is an array of pointers in C that points…

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How can you tell if someone has a game on Steam? When you look at a player’s profile, there is a section called “Game Stats”. At the bottom of this section, you’ll see a link to “View All N Games.” After that, simply click “All Games” to see all the games you have purchased. How can I see someone’s private Steam games? This is pretty much only for when you have friends that you really want to see what games they have in common, but their list is private. Simply go to your profile and find the area that shows…

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What is comparator in priority queue? PriorityQueue comparator() Method in Java PriorityQueue. The comparator() method shares an important function of setting and returning the comparator that can be used to order the items in the PriorityQueue. The method returns null if the queue follows the natural ordering pattern of the elements. What is the standard priority queue in C++? std::priority_queue A priority queue is a container adapter that provides a constant-time search for the largest element (default), at the expense of logarithmic insert and extract. How do you find the priority queue of an element? Use a priority queue and…

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Can bootable USB be NTFS? A: Most bootable USB sticks are formatted as NTFS, including those created by the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool from the Microsoft Store. UEFI systems (such as Windows 8) cannot boot from an NTFS device, only FAT32. How do I make my NTFS drive bootable? How to make a bootable NTFS USB Open the “Start” menu and use the search field to launch the Diskpart utility. Type “list disk” to display all disks connected to the system. Type “select disk 2” to select the USB drive. Type “wipe” to erase any existing partitions on the USB…

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How to pass data from one screen to another in flutter? In this article we will talk about three methods by which you can pass data from one screen to another in flutter. 1. Using constructors This is a well-known technique that is also used in other languages. What we do is pass the necessary data in the constructor when we instantiate the target class. How to keep tab state in flutter? Coming from iOS development, I was used to the UITabBar controller doing most of the work for me. Just pass it that array of UIViewControllers/UINavigationControllers and it will…

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How do you check if a value is in a list of Python tuples? Use isinstance(var, class) with var as a variable to compare and class as a list or tuple to determine whether obj is a list or a tuple. isinstance(var, class) returns True if var is of type class and False otherwise. What is a named tuple? Named tuples are basically lightweight object types that are easy to create. Named tuple instances can be referenced using object-like variable dereference or standard tuple syntax. They can be used in a similar way to struct or other common record types,…

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How do you set a timer in Phaser 3? start timer Loop timer. var timer = scene. weather. addEvent({ delay: 500, // ms callback: callback, //args: []callbackScope: thisArg, loop: true }); Repeat timer. var timer = scene. weather. One shot timer. var timer = scene. weather. All properties of the timer. var timer = scene. weather. Cooldown timer. var timer = scene. weather. How do you code a countdown timer? How to create a countdown timer using JavaScript A countdown timer is a precise timer that can be used for a website or blog to display the countdown to any…

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How to integrate greendao in an Android app? The following steps describe the procedure to integrate greenDAO with Android applications. If you already have an app, you can skip this step. Otherwise, create an Android project from Android Studio: go to your app-level gradle file build.gradle (Module:app) and add ‘org.greenrobot:greendao:3.2.0’ to your dependencies. How does greendao generate Dao files for SQLite? The first line allows greenDAO to generate DAO files and update our entity classes for SQLite; the second line defines the greenDAO dependency for our Android app for both compile time and run time. By the way, don’t forget…

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How do I turn on my Zoom volume? For that, tap on your screen to display the available options. Then tap Mute to disable your audio. When you do, the button will turn red. Now to turn on the sound, tap on the Turn on sound icon which replaced Mute. How do I activate my microphone in Zoom? Unmute Microphone In your Zoom meeting, click the “Unmute” icon in the bottom left corner. You can also hold down the space bar on your keyboard to temporarily unmute your microphone. Why does Zoom say it asks to unmute? Consent to unmute:…

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When do you use setTimeout in AngularJS? There are some cases where one needs to perform some kind of timeout operation and we often accomplish this by using the JavaScript setTimeout() function. However, if we use setTimeout() in an AngularJS application, we also need to use $scope.$apply() to ensure that any changes to the scope are reflected elsewhere (i.e. data bound in a view). What is the difference between setTimeout and $timeout in JavaScript? There are some cases where one needs to perform some kind of timeout operation and we often accomplish this by using JavaScript’s setTimeout() function. However, if…

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Why is Java Calendar a singleton? 4 answers. Calendar is not a singleton, it is an abstract class. The getInstance method is a Factory method that returns a concrete implementation of the Calendar class. How do I create a calendar instance? Java calendar class example import java.util.Calendar; public class CalendarExample1 { public static void main(String[] args) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); System.out.println(“The current date is: ” + calendar.getTime()); calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, -15); How does Calendar getInstance() work? Like other locale-sensitive classes, Calendar provides a class method, getInstance, to obtain a generally useful object of this type. The getInstance method of Calendar returns…

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How to know if a variable is empty? To find out if a bash variable is empty: Return true if a bash variable is not set or set to the empty string: if [ -z “$var” ]; Another option: [ -z “$var” ] && echo “Empty” Determine if a bash variable is empty: [[ ! -z “$var” ]]&& echo “Not empty” || echo “empty” How check variable is empty or not in JavaScript? Say, if a string is empty var name = “” then console. log(! name) returns true. this function will return true if val is empty, null, undefined,…

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Why doesn’t my charge percentage increase? Try the following options to fix the problem: Clean the phone’s charging port to remove any dirt or debris stuck in the port. Charge the phone with the original charging cable from a wall charger. Use a different charging cable and adapter. Why doesn’t my battery percentage increase while I’m charging my laptop? If your computer shows that a charger is plugged in, and yet the battery percentage doesn’t increase, it could just be a case of a software malfunction or the battery is too old and charging too slowly. It is also possible…

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How do I save an answer on StackOverflow? You can click the star below the question and add it to your favorites, which you can then access later via the tab on your profile page. I usually just bookmark them, though of course that doesn’t move from platform to platform. – Are StackOverflow answers copyrighted? So, in short: Code snippets on Stack Overflow are copyrighted, unless they are so small that two programmers can generate substantially the same code. The StackOverflow license requires attribution and sharing of changes to downstream recipients of the code. What is a bookmark response? Answer.…

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What is the difference between select and selectExpr in spark? sql. Data frame. selectExpr() is similar to select() with the only difference being that it accepts SQL expressions (in string format) to be executed. Again, this expression will return a new DataFrame from the original based on the input provided. When would you use the collect() function in spark? 6 answers. Collect (action) – Returns all elements of the dataset as an array to the controller program. This is often useful after a filter or other operation that returns a small enough subset of the data. How do I use…

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How do I create a recipient list in Word? Create a mailing list in Word Go to File > New > New Document. Go to Mail > Select recipients > Create a new list. Under Edit List Fields, you’ll see a set of automatic fields provided by Word. Use the Up and Down buttons to change the position of the fields. Select Create. In the Save dialog box, give the list a name and save it. Can multiple users fill out the same Microsoft form? You can not. Use SharePoint List and add the fields you need, and then you…

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Does NumPy install automatically? These packages are a repository of functions in python script. NumPy is one such package for easy matrix calculations. To install all these python packages, we use the pip package installer. Pip is automatically installed along with Python. What is the difference between NumPy and Pandas? Pandas provides fast, easy-to-use, high-performance data structures and data analysis tools for manipulating numerical data and time series. Pandas is based on the numpy library and is written in languages ​​like Python, Cython and C….Python3. PANDAS NUMPY 3 Pandas consume more memory. Numpy is memory efficient. Where is Python installed…

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How do I connect Windows XP to the Windows 7 network? Share files and printers between Windows 7 and XP On the Windows 7 machine, go to Control Panel/All Control Panel Items/Network and Sharing Center and then click Change advanced sharing settings. You’ll want to check the following settings under Advanced Sharing Settings for the Home or Work and Public profile. What is the default workgroup name for a computer running a Windows XP 7 workstation? Windows XP is installed with a default workgroup created within the operating system. The default workgroup name is “Workgroup” or “MSHome” depending on the…

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Why do we partition a table in MySQL? MySQL partitioning is about altering, ideally optimizing, the way the database engine physically stores data. It allows you to distribute slices of table data (also known as partitions) across the file system based on a set of user-defined rules (also known as the “partition function”). Does MySQL have partition? MySQL supports various types of partitioning and subpartitioning; see Section 22.2, “Partition Types”, and Section 22.2. 6, “Subpartitioning.” Section 22.3, “Partition Management,” covers methods for adding, removing, and modifying partitions on existing partitioned tables. Does partitioning improve MySQL performance? There are a number…

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How can I make my Android screen smaller? Open your default layout, and then click Preview Orientation on the toolbar. From the dropdown list, click to create a suggested variation such as Create horizontal variation, or click Create another. If you selected Create another, Select resource directory appears. How to create a background image on Android? So you can create a FrameLayout for your layout, put the ImageView inside it and then whatever other content you need in the FrameLayout too with a transparent background. Is it possible to resize an image in Android? Some Android books don’t mention that…

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How do you explain the logic of something? Logic can be defined as: “The study of truths based entirely on the meanings of the terms they contain.” Logic is a process for coming to a conclusion and a tool that you can use. The foundation of a logical argument is its proposition or statement. What logic is this meaning? 1: an adequate or reasonable way of thinking about something: sound reasoning. 2: a science that deals with the rules and processes used in sound thinking and reasoning. More from Merriam-Webster on logic. What does example logic mean? The definition of…

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How do you add two columns in Db2? Introduction to the Db2 SUM() function The Db2 SUM() function is an aggregate function that returns the sum of a set of values. The SUM() function accepts a set of numeric values ​​and returns the sum of them. If you use the DISTINCT option, the SUM() function will only return the sum of distinct values. Can you sum 2 columns in SQL? 8 answers. SUM is an aggregate function. It will calculate the total for each group. + is used to compute two or more columns in a row. How do I…

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What type of cable is a console cable? Rollover cable (also known as Yost cable, Cisco cable, or console cable) is a type of null modem cable used to connect a computer terminal to the console port of a router. This cable is usually flat (and has a light blue color) to help distinguish it from other types of network cabling. What is the USB to RJ45 console cable used for? Product description. The Cable Matters USB-A to RJ45 Console Cable connects from a computer’s USB port to the RJ45 console port on a network switch or router. This rollover…

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What is a GUI program in Java? GUI stands for Graphical User Interface, a term used not only in Java but in all programming languages ​​that support GUI development. The graphical user interface of a program presents a user-friendly visual display to the user. It is made up of graphical components (eg buttons, labels,… What is user interface in Java? “UI” is a generic term for “user interface”, these days it’s usually the same as “GUI”, as most UIs these days are graphical, rather than text based. “Java UI” simply means that you have implemented that UI in Java, rather…

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Why does Instagram keep crashing in 2020? Update the Instagram app If Instagram is crashing on your phone due to an intermittent bug or crash within the app, updating the app to the latest version is likely to be resolved. Android users can head over to the Google Play Store to install the update. How to fix Instagram errors? Instagram Help Center Reboot your phone or tablet. Always try to restart your phone or tablet first if you are having problems with Instagram. Check the Internet connection. Uninstall and reinstall. Haven’t you had any luck yet? Why does Instagram keep…

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How do I export MySQL results? 4 answers Run your sql query in the SQL tab of phpMyAdmin. After execution, scroll down the page and find “Query Result Operations” Click the “Export” link above and you will get the page to export all query results to the desired format. That is all. How to output MySQL query results to a file? There is a built-in MySQL output-to-file function as part of the SELECT statement. We simply add the words INTO OUTFILE, followed by a file name, to the end of the SELECT statement. For example: SELECT id, first_name, last_name FROM…

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How do I get to taskkill in Windows 7? Step 1 – Press Ctrl + Alt + Del keys simultaneously to open Task Manager. Then you will get “Start Task Manager” option, click on it. Step 2 – Windows Task Manager will open on your screen. Step 3 – Select the app or process you want to remove. How do I run taskkill from the command prompt? Kill a process using Taskkill Open the command prompt as the current user or as an administrator. Type tasklist to see the list of running processes and their PIDs. To kill a process…

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How do I go back to the previous page in HTML? You can use history. back() to tell the browser to go back to the user’s previous page. One way to use this JavaScript is to add it to a button’s onclick event attribute. Here, we create the button using an element, which contains an element of type button. How do I convert a PHP page to an HTML page? To go back to the previous page you can use the superglobal variable $_SERVER. $_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’] has the link to the previous page. How do I get back in PHP? php…

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How does a child theme work? A WordPress child theme works just like a normal one on the surface. Once activated, it will work just like any of your other themes. The difference is that child themes have a ‘parent’ from which they inherit all their attributes. For example, imagine you are using the Twenty Seventeen theme on your blog. Is a child theme necessary? The other problem? The functions. php is the most popular file to change for custom functions or changes to certain WordPress core and/or theme functions. . . but again, Child Themes are only if you…

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How can I open a password protected Zip file? Select the Zip file you want to unzip, and then hit the “Extract To” tab on the toolbar. Step 2: Confirm the “Destination Path” of the file on the “Extraction Path and Options” screen, and then press “OK”. You will be prompted to enter a password. Enter the correct password and click “OK” and your file will unzip. Is it possible to hack a password protected zip? This method involves the use of a ZIP password recovery tool to crack any password protected ZIP file. Although there are various programs and…

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Is npm running on node? npm is two things: First, it is an online repository for Node. js projects; second, it is a command line utility for interacting with said repository that helps with package installation, version management, and dependency management. A plethora of Node. How do I run npm on node JS? How to install Node.js and NPM on Windows Step 1: Download the Node.js installer. In a web browser, go to Step 2: Install Node.js and NPM from the browser. Once the installer finishes downloading, launch it. Step 3: Verify the installation. What does the npm run…

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Where are the recovery settings in Windows 10? Select the Start button, then select Settings > Update & security > Recovery. Open the Recovery settings Under Reset this PC, select Get started, and then choose from the options and/or settings in the table below. How to factory reset Windows 10 without disk installation? Method 1 1 Go to the start menu and write the settings. 2 Click the Settings option and choose Update & Security. 3 On the left side option, click on the Recovery option. 4 There will now be two options Keep my files: This option keeps your…

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How are cells sorted by grouping? Select a cell in the column you want to sort. On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Sort. In the Sort dialog box, under Column, in the Sort By or Then By box, select the column that you want to sort by a custom list. Under Order, select Custom List. Can you SORT BY before GROUPING BY? Important Points: The GROUP BY clause is used with the SELECT statement. In the query, the GROUP BY clause is placed after the WHERE clause. In the query, the GROUP BY clause is…

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How can I share a file from Google Drive? Share with specific people Select the file you want to share. Click Share or Share. Under “Share with people and groups,” enter the email address you want to share with. To change what people can do with your document, on the right, click the down arrow. Choose to notify people. Click Share or Send. Can I use Google Drive to share files? How to share a file or folder with someone on Google Drive. From the list view, click Share in the upper right corner, enter the email address, and click…

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How do I debug a WebSocket connection? WebSocket debugging in Chrome Open Developer Tools by selecting “More Tools” > “Developer Tools”. Select the Network tab. Browse or reload the page you want to debug. You will see a series of prompts in the window. All established WebSocket connections will be displayed here. How do I debug a webview? Try this: Enable developer options on the device (Settings–>About phone–>Tap 7 times on the build number) Turn on developer options and enable USB debugging (in Developer Options) Add this line in your custom application class or activity where the webview is loaded.…

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How do I use eager loading on rails? Eager loading is a way to find objects of a certain class and a series of named associations. Here I share my thoughts on its use with Rails. What are N+1 queries? Suppose there are only 10 users and each has 3 addresses; in the example above, 1 query will be fired to find out the users. What is eager loading in Ruby on Rails? Eager loading allows you to preload the associated data (authors) for all posts in the database, improves overall performance by reducing the number of queries, and gives…

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Why is my Surface headphone jack not working? Check that the cables connecting your Surface to the accessory are securely connected. If the connection is secure but you still can’t hear sound from the accessory, try using different cables. Close all audio apps, then remove the accessory cables from your Surface and the accessory and reconnect them. How do I get my headphones to work on my surface? Make sure your Surface Headphones can be used for both calls and music. Select the Start button, and then select Settings > Devices > Bluetooth and other devices. Under Surface Headphones, make…

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How to install python package in docker file? Some of the other answers/comments suggest changing your base image, but if you want to keep your ubuntu 16.04 you can also just specify your pip/python version to use pip3 or pip3.5 as shown below. The package remains in the docker container even after leaving the container. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! How to use the official Python image in Docker? To be more precise, this is the approach suggested in the Python documentation of the official Docker image, §. How to use this image Some of the other…

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How do you push a key value pair into an array? When adding a key-value pair to an array, you already have the key, you don’t need one to be created for you. Pushing a key into an array doesn’t make sense. You can only set the value of the specific key in the array. You can use the union operator (+) to combine arrays and keep the keys of the aggregated array. How do I add to a NumPy array? How to add numpy arrays numb append() is used to append values ​​to the end of an array. Code…

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What does 403 Forbidden mean in nginx web server? 403 Forbidden Errors are Nginx’s way of saying “You have requested a resource but we can’t give it to you”. The error should be similar to the image below. 403 Forbidden is technically not an error but an HTTP status code. 403 response headers are intentionally returned in many cases, such as: How to set up a Gunicorn application server? Most of this article will be about configuring the Gunicorn application server and how to start the application and configure Nginx to act as a front-end reverse proxy. Before starting this…

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How do I change the default font in Emacs? You can use the menu bar. Go to Options -> Set Default Font…. After choosing a font, don’t forget to press Options -> Save Options; otherwise, your new font won’t be saved after you close Emacs. What is the default font in Emacs? By default, Emacs displays text on graphical screens using a 10-point monospaced font, and the font size can be changed interactively (see Text scaling). How do I add fonts to Emacs? First, download and install the BDF font files and any needed auxiliary packages. The GNU Intlfonts distribution…

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Why did my monitor stop being detected? If the cable is damaged or malfunctioning, Windows will not detect the second monitor. Check if the second monitor is connected to a power source. Some monitors have a switch on the back to turn on the screen. Make sure you select the correct input (HDMI, DVI, etc.) using the controls built into your monitor. Why is my monitor suddenly not working? Try uninstalling (or reinstalling) your graphics drivers and uninstall any new programs you have that might be causing a problem. Make sure your resolution and refresh rate are set correctly (if…

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How does an image become a threshold? Inline Image Threshold load image into the tool, then set the threshold value, which is used to replace the pixels in the image to black, if the intensity of the image is less than the threshold value, or to white, if the intensity is less than the threshold value. of the image is greater than the threshold value. After setting the threshold value, click the threshold image button to replace. What is RGB threshold? Thresholding is an operation that is often used to generate black and white images. For this function, we’ll also…

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Can Facebook profiles be scraped? One of those ways to extract personal data is to crawl social networking sites, such as Facebook. Scraping users’ profile pages can provide basic information about them, who they’re friends with and what photos they’ve posted. Facebook realizes the potential harm to user privacy by allowing anyone to scrape profiles. That is how: Go to Tap “Download a copy of your Facebook data.” Tap “Download File.” It may take a few minutes, but Facebook will notify you when your file is ready. When it is, click “Download File” again and a compressed file will…

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How do I insert an image into touch opacity? Full source code. Start a new React Native project. Add the Image, StyleSheet, View, and TouchableOpacity component in the import block. Create a folder for the image inside your project folder and place your image in it. Add the View tag in the render return block. Add TouchableOpacity in the render return block inside the View tag. How do I cast TouchableOpacity in React Native? 4 answers. You can write your code like: import React, {Component} from ‘react’; import {Platform, Stylesheet, Text, View, Button, Touch Opacity} from ‘react-native’; export default class…

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How do you check if a pointer is a string in C? The only way to determine if a pointer points to a valid string is to write your code in a way that ensures that it does. If not, it is not a problem that you can detect after it has occurred. How can I tell if a pointer has been freed? You have to do your own accounting. There is no reliable way to tell if a pointer has been freed, as Greg commented, the freed memory could be occupied by other irrelevant data and you will get…

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Why won’t my Dell computer turn on? If your Dell computer does not turn on or boot into the operating system, it is recommended that you first perform a hard reset. Performing a hard reset fixes a lot of issues and also drains any residual power that may be causing the problem. How do I manually restart my Dell computer? Select the “Start” icon on your Dell computer system. Next to the “Search” box, click the arrow icon to access more menu settings. From the displayed options, click on the “Restart” link. This feature will automate the process of rebooting…

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What is an app-based security scanner? Businesses use vulnerability scanners to test applications and networks against known vulnerabilities and to identify new vulnerabilities. Scanners typically produce analytical reports that detail the status of an application or network security and provide recommendations to fix known issues. How is the security of the application checked? Concerned about the security of your application? 5 ways to check the security of your application By using Mobile App Scanner. Mobile App Scanner can be a great way to discover security loopholes in your app. Identify and fix poor quality code. Do regular tests. Check the…

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Is VirtualBox better than VMware player? VirtualBox really has a lot of support because it’s open source and free. VMWare Player is considered to have better drag and drop functionality between host and VM, but VirtualBox gives you an unlimited number of snapshots (something that only comes in VMWare Workstation Pro). What are the advantages of VirtualBox over VMware? With VirtualBox, users can abstract their hardware through full virtualization, ensuring a higher degree of protection against viruses running in the guest operating system. Virtual Box offers limited support for 3D graphics. And VMWare has high level 3D graphics support with…

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How to validate phone number in laravel? Laravel Phone/Mobile Number Validation Example Advance: Example 1: use app/user; The HomeController class extends Controller. * Show app dashboard. public function create() Example 2: Also Read: Laravel 7 Ajax Form Validation Example. use app/user; use Validator; The HomeController class extends Controller. How do I validate a 10-digit mobile number? ps if (filter. test (phone number)) { if (phone number. length == 10) { var validate = true; } else { alert(‘Enter 10-digit mobile phone number’); var validate = false; } } else { alert(‘Not a valid number’); var validate = false; } if(validate){…

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How to optimize mongoose for memory and performance? The Lean option tells Mongoose to skip hydration of the result documents. This makes queries faster and requires less memory, but the result documents are just plain old JavaScript objects (POJOs), not Mongoose documents.” Why are mongoose documents heavier than JavaScript objects? Documents are much heavier than standard JavaScript objects, because they have a lot of internal state for tracking changes. Enabling the Lean option tells Mongoose to skip instantiating an entire Mongoose document and just provide you with the POJO. The Lean option tells Mongoose to skip hydration of the result…

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How do I fix GeForce error code 0x0003? Method 5 – Check for Windows updates On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and R at the same time to bring up the Settings window. Click Update & Security. Click Check for updates. Install any available updates. Reboot your Windows 10 and run GeForce Experience to see if it works. How do I fix Nvidia opengl driver error code 3? How can I fix NVidia driver error code 3? Update the driver. Run a troubleshooter. Close some open applications. Uninstall and reinstall the driver. Install additional RAM memory. Can I…

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How do I change the cron time on Linux? How to create or edit a crontab file Create a new crontab file or edit an existing file. $ crontab -e [nombre de usuario] Add command lines to the crontab file. Follow the syntax described in Syntax of crontab file entries. Check the changes in your crontab file. # crontab -l [nombre de usuario] How do I Cron a bash script? Configuring Cron jobs to run bash scripts How to configure Cron jobs. Run a job as root user. Make sure your shell script is running with the correct shell and…

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How to solve the problem of a query that takes a long time to execute? 4. At the time you run your query, check parameters such as disk I/O, swap usage, memory usage, and database server CPU. These should not reach the maximum. 5. Generate the query execution plan, you will know which part of the query is taking the most time. Take action accordingly. 6. What is the default DNS query type for resolve-dnsclient? Specifies the type of DNS query to issue. By default, the type is A_AAAA, types A and AAAA will be queried. Acceptable values ​​for this…

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How do you reverse an Argsort? Use numpy. argsort(an_array) to sort the indices of an_array in ascending order. Use the ranked syntax[::-1] with ranked as the result above to invest ranked. Use the arr syntax[:n] where arr is the previous result to get the first n values, which are the indices of the n largest values ​​in an_array . How do I reverse the ordering of an array in Numpy? Use numpy. ndarray sort() to sort a NumPy array in descending order. Use the array syntax[::-1] to invert array . How do you find the indices of N maximum values…

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How do you round to multiples of 10? Let’s round down the given number n to the nearest integer ending in 0 and store this value in a variable a. a = (n / 10) * 10. So rounding n (call it b) is b = a + 10. If n – a > b – n then the answer is b, otherwise the answer is a. What is the multiple of 10? The multiples of 10 are: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200 and so…

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How do you copy a color code? Just click the little eyedropper on the bottom bar and click anywhere in the browser window. The hexadecimal code is displayed right in the bottom bar or you can right click the eyedropper and copy the color in a variety of formats. How do you use the color picker in CSS? Use the color picker by clicking and dragging within the picker area to highlight a color to the right. Enter hexadecimal, RGB, HSL, or CMYK values ​​to search for a particular color in the fields below the color swatch; click on the…

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Does partitioning improve SQL Server performance? Partitioning is a feature of SQL Server that is often implemented to alleviate challenges related to manageability, maintenance, or locking and locking. Also, a byproduct of partitioning can improve query performance. How to improve the performance of a SQL Azure database? Improve the performance of your Azure SQL databases with Index Advisor Step 1: Sign up for the Index Advisor preview. Step 2: Review the recommended ratios. Step 3 – Review the index details and create the recommended indexes. Step 4 – Review the Index Impact Report for the created indexes. Which of the…

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What characters are not allowed in UTF-8? Note that a U+FEFF byte-order mark (BOM), also known as a zero-width nonbreaking space (ZWNBSP), cannot appear without UTF-8 encoding; bytes 0xFF and 0xFE are not allowed in valid UTF-8. An encoded ZWNBSP can appear in a UTF-8 file as 0xEF 0xBB 0xBF, but the BOM is completely superfluous in UTF-8. How do I convert to UTF-8 in Java? “encode file to utf-8 in java” Response Code String Character Set = “ISO-8859-1”; // or whatever corresponds. BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), charset)); rope line; while( (line = in. readLine()) !=…

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Can you convert a string to a date? We can convert String to Date in java using parse() method of DateFormat and SimpleDateFormat classes. To learn this concept well, you should visit the DateFormat and SimpleDateFormat classes. How do I convert a string to a date in Python? Code from datetime import datetime. ​ string_date_time = ’09/18/19 01:55:19′ ​ date_time_obj = datetime. strptime(date_time_string, ‘%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S’) ​ ​ print (“The date type is now”, type(date_time_obj)) How do I change the time zone to the date? Convert date/time for given timezone – java Set the time on an object (Calendar/Date/TimeStamp) (Possibly) Set…

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How do I import an XLSX file into RStudio? How to import an excel file into RStudio Introduction. Transform an Excel file into a CSV file. working directory R. Get working directory. Set working directory. Easy to use method. Through the console. Through the text editor. Import your dataset. Easy way to use. Through the text editor. Import SPSS (.sav) files. Can you open Xlsx in R? Importing Excel files into R using the readxl package The readxl package, developed by Hadley Wickham, can be used to easily import Excel files (xls|xlsx) into R without external dependencies. How do I…

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How do I create a virtual GPU? Objectives Create a Compute Engine instance with a GPU. Install the NVIDIA drivers on the virtual workstation. Install the Teradici Cloud Access software on the virtual workstation. Connect to the virtual workstation using a PCoIP software client or Zero Client, a type of hardware terminal. Is NVIDIA Virtual GPU Free? The NVIDIA and VMware trial gives you instant access to hours of accelerated and virtualized graphics, free of charge. With NVIDIA virtual GPU solutions, a true workstation-like experience on a virtual desktop is possible, and the modern digital workplace is now within everyone’s…

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What is fill and stroke in SVG? Using fill sets the color inside the object and stroke sets the color of the line drawn around the object. You can use the same css color naming schemes that you use in HTML, be it color names (ie red), rgb values ​​(ie rgb(255,0,0)), hexadecimal values, rgba values, etc. . What is an SVG path? The stroke attribute is a display attribute that defines the color (or any SVG paint server such as gradients or patterns) used to paint the outline of the shape; Note: As a display attribute, stroke can be used…

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How do I know which Linux file system? How to determine the type of file system in Linux (Ext2, Ext3 or Ext4)? $ lsblk -f. $ file sudo -sL /dev/sda1 [sudo] password for ubuntu: $ fsck -N /dev/sda1. cat /etc/fstab. $df-Th. How can I determine the file system of a partition? 7 ways to determine the type of file system in Linux (Ext2, Ext3 or… Using the df command. Using the fsck command. Using the lsblk command. Using the mount command. Using the blkid command. Using the file command. Using the fstab file. How do I know if I have…

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How do I display Google Maps in xamarin? XML file of a Xamarin Android application. Add the following code and provide the package name as google….cs” and write the code as below. using the system; using Xamarin.Forms; using Xamarin.Forms.Maps; using System.Diagnostics; namespace XamarinMapSample { public class MapPage: ContentPage { map map; public mappage() { How do I test xamarin on my iPhone? Deploy your Xamarin. iOS app Connect your iOS device to the Mac build host via USB or wirelessly. In the Visual Studio for Mac Solution Panel, double-click Information. Under Signature, select Manual provisioning. Click iOS Package Signing… For…

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How is an HTML session saved? HTML web storage provides two objects to store data on the client: window. localStorage: stores data without an expiration date. window. sessionStorage: stores data for a session (data is lost when the browser tab is closed) What is the difference between local storage and session storage? sessionStorage is similar to localStorage; the difference is that while the data in localStorage does not expire, the data in sessionStorage is cleared when the page session ends. Every time a document is loaded in a particular tab in the browser, a single page session is created and…

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What happened to Lego Digital Designer? LEGO has announced that LEGO Digital Designer (LDD), the company’s proprietary virtual building program, will no longer be updated. New parts may occasionally be added, but LEGO is officially defunding the platform. A business decision has been made not to allocate further resources to the LDD program/initiative. What replaced Lego Digital Designer? Most alternatives are CAD software and 3D modelers. The best alternative is LDraw, which is free. Other great apps like LEGO Digital Designer are (Freemium), LeoCAD (free, open source), (free), and Konstruktor (free, open source). When was Lego Digital Designer…

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How do I center my Flexbox vertically? Vertical alignment using align-self flex-start : align with the top of the container. flexible end: align with the bottom of the container. center : Align to the vertical center of the container. baseline: Display at the baseline of the container. stretch – Items are stretched to fit the container. How do I align text vertically in Flexbox? Vertical Center Alignment: The flexbox property is used to set the content to be vertically aligned… Text content can be vertically aligned by setting the following display properties: align items. justify-content. bending direction. What Flexbox property…

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Where do Pandora downloads go? Depending on our subscription, downloaded tracks will still live within the Pandora app, but you can listen to them offline with an Android or iOS device. Pandora Premium allows subscribers to take individual songs, albums, or stations offline to listen to within the Pandora app. Does playing Pandora use data? Pandora has three quality settings you can choose from to help you manage your data usage. In its standard configuration, Pandora’s stream will consume a little over 20 MB per hour. On the highest setting, you can expect to use more than 85 MB in…

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How can I fix the layout editor not being available until a successful build error? Solutions I tried. Build -> Rebuild Project (Not worked) Close all files and open again. Then build -> Clean project (didn’t work) File -> Sync project with gradle files (didn’t work) Close Android Studio while the project is still open. He opened it again. – It worked. How to sync a project with Android Studio? Open your Gradle. properties file in Android Studio. Restart Android Studio for the changes to take effect. Click Sync project with Gradle files to sync your project. How do I…

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Why is my VS Code showing no errors? Simply go to code > preferences > settings > workspace settings and enable the required settings. It worked fine for me, I hope it works for you too. I solved my same problem by clicking on the bottom right corner of VSCode, CRLF line sequence, changed to LF, then changed back to CRLF. How do I run sharp C code in Visual Studio code? Installing C## support You can install it from VS Code by searching for ‘C#’ in the Extensions view (Ctrl+Shift+X) or if you already have a project with C#…

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How do I uninstall the DTS control panel? Press the “Windows logo” + “X” keys on the keyboard. Click “Device Manager” from that list. Find the sound driver in the device list, right click on it and then select “Uninstall”. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete it and restart your computer if prompted. What is DTS in Windows 10? DTS, or Digital Theater Sound, is a surround sound format that uses multiple channels to provide the benefits of stereo and multichannel content to the user. What is DTS Sound Unbound for Windows 10? DTS Sound Unbound is an…

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What is the meaning of the WebDriver controller? WebDriver is an interface provided by Selenium WebDriver. As we know interfaces in Java are the collection of constants and abstract methods (methods without implementation). The WebDriver interface serves as a contract to be followed by each browser-specific implementation, such as ChromeDriver, FireFoxDriver. What is the use of the new ChromeDriver() WebDriver handler? Creating a reference variable of type WebDriver assigns the driver object to different browser-specific drivers. Allows for multi-browser testing by assigning the controller object to any of the desired browsers. What are the different drivers in selenium? => Read…

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Why is my Facebook page currently unavailable? Your account is currently unavailable due to a problem on the site. We hope this will be resolved shortly. Try again in a few minutes. The main culprit here is cookies, and the problem can be fixed by deleting cookies in your browser. Why does Facebook give me an error message? If you see a problem with the way Facebook appears in your web browser, you could have a cache or temporary data issue. 1- You can try clearing your cache and temporary data. You can do this from your web browser settings…

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How do you find the variance of the pooled data in R? Let s be the sample standard deviation, then s² is the sample variance. Let σ be the population standard deviation, then σ² is the population variance… Standard deviation for grouped data. Standard deviation Population Sample grouped data σ=√Σf(m−µ)2N s=√Σf(m−¯x)2n−1 How do you find the variance of a Dataframe in R? Get the variance of multiple R columns using colVars(): Method 1. The ColVars() function together with sapply() is used to get the variance of the multiple column. The data frame is passed as an argument to the ColVars()…

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How do you import a file in Python? If you have your own python files that you want to import, you can use the import statement like this: >>> import my_file # assuming you have the file, in the current directory. # For files in other directories, provide the path to that file, absolute or relative. How do I import files into Go? “How to install Golang in 5 easy steps“. Step 1: Initialize a new module in your project. The first step is to initialize a new module in your Go project. Step 2: Create a Go package…

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How do I remotely reboot a server by IP address? Type “shutdown -m / [Dirección IP] -r -f” (without quotes) at the command prompt, where “[Dirección IP]” is the IP of the computer you want to reboot. For example, if the computer you want to reboot is located at, type “shutdown -m /192.168. How do I restart a virtual server? To restart virtual machines: Click the Servers and Virtual Machines tab. Select the server group in which the virtual machines reside in the navigation tree. Select Virtual Machines from the Perspective dropdown list. Select one or more virtual machines…

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How do I convert Rmarkdown to Word? In RStudio, open a new R Markdown file. In the dialog box that appears, set the output format to Word. An Rmd file with preliminary material and sample text appears. A Word document should appear. Save this Word file with a new name (for example, word-styles-reference-01. How do I format a table in Word for all tables? Use table styles to format an entire table Click on the table you want to format. Under Table Tools, click the Design tab. In the Table Styles group, hover over each table style until you find…

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What are the advantages of using Fragments compared to Activity? Like activities, they have a specific lifecycle, unlike activities, they are not top-level application components. Advantages of fragments include code reuse and modularity (eg, use the same list view in many activities), including the ability to create multiple pane interfaces (mainly useful on tablets). Which of the following is a benefit of using snippets? Which of the following is a benefit of using snippets? Cross-fragment navigation allows for more sophisticated UI patterns, such as tab bars. Using multiple fragments within an activity allows for responsive design across multiple screen sizes.…

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How to get data from database using session variable in PHP? I will show you a good example of how to get data from database using session variable in PHP. A session variable is a way to store unique user details information and will be used across multiple pages. The session variable is solving the problem of storing unique user information for use across multiple pages. How to get current session ID in PHP? If you want to get a session id, you can use the session_id function, as shown in the following snippet. That should give you the current…

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How to read one byte at a time? When serialport.ReadByte() is called, it gets the ascii value for the character ‘a’, but doesn’t take the byte and doesn’t store it in the byte array. Can anyone tell me what is wrong in this code? How does the read function work in C? read: From the file indicated by the file descriptor fd, the read() function reads cnt bytes of input into the area of ​​memory indicated by buf. A successful read() updates the file access time. C language syntax size_t read (int fd, void* buf, size_t cnt); Parameters Why does…

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Is the 10th generation i5 any good? A 10th Gen processor for everyday home and office tasks With 6 cores and 12 threads and a core speed of up to 4.8 GHz, 10th Gen i5 processors deliver CPU-like performance more expensive one or two generations ago, at a much lower cost. Which 10th gen i5 is better? 10th generation Intel Core i5 processors Product name Condition maximum turbo frequency Intel® Core™ i5-10400 Processor thrown out 4.30GHz Intel® Core™ i5-10600 Processor thrown out 4.80GHz Intel® Core™ i5-10500T Processor thrown out 3.80GHz Intel® Core™ i5-10400T Processor thrown out 3.60GHz Is Intel 10th…

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How do you check if Google Analytics is on a page? For web pages that you visit (and that are not owned by you) Load a web page in the Chrome browser. Right-click the page, then click View Page Source. You should see a lot of code. Look on the gtag page. js or analytics. js (for Universal Analytics) or ga. js (for classic parsing). How do I use Google Analytics on the HTML page? Set up Google Analytics Sign in or create a Google Analytics account. At the bottom left of the sidebar, click Admin. On the right side…

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How do I add a feature to my WordPress site? To make it useful, you need to add your custom function to the PHP file and then upload the folder to your WordPress site’s plugins directory, usually wp-content/plugins/. If you need to add new features, you can simply overwrite the old version with your changes. How do you access theme features in WordPress? Access to functions. php via the WordPress admin interface Login to the WordPress admin interface. In the left sidebar, hover over Skins, then click Theme Editor. In the right sidebar, click on functions.php. What are functions in…

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How do you write the output of a Python script to a file? Python print() to file Print to file using the file keyword argument. The print() function accepts 5 keyword arguments apart from the objects to print to standard output (by default, the screen). Redirect the standard output stream to the file. Redirect the output of the Python script to the file. How do I redirect the output of a command to a file in python? use system stdout to redirect print output to a text file yes. stdout = open(“test.txt”, “w”) print(“Hello world”) yes. standard output. close() How…

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What is the format of the datepicker in angular? The following datepicker example displays the date in the format dd-MMM-yyyy. that is, 08-Jan-2020. And similarly, the format dd-MM-yyyy shows the date as 07-01-2020. Read the following article to see the full list of date formats. dateClass property used to add classes to the datepicker input. Why are datepicker and toggle elements disabled in angular? When we add the disabled property on the input element and we will inherit the disabled state, that is why both the datepicker and the datepicker are disabled. But we can override the disabled property on…

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How do I use the Rocketbook icons? Look at the bottom of each Rocketbook page. You will see 7 icons. Those icons can be customized with the Rocketbook app to save your pages to a variety of cloud-based locations. Put an X on the icons that correspond to the location you want to send your notes to. How do I organize my Rocketbook notes? It’s good practice to set up a “Rocketbook” folder in the cloud service of your choice before scanning your Rocketbook notebook or whiteboard. For best results, try creating nested folders within the Rocketbook folder for each…

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How do you write MUnit in mule 4? How to create a Munit test in a flow Figure 3: Application of the MUnit test flow. Figure: ‘Mock When’ in the database. Figure: Assert That structure in MUnit and its use. Figure 7: Check the structure of the call and its use. Figure 8: Run the MUnit test cases. Figure: Successfully executed after running the MUnit test cases. How do you handle the mule expression error? Mule error handling First, every time a Mule thread fails, the normal execution of the thread stops. The process will then be transferred to the…

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How do I set up video calls on my iPhone? Make a FaceTime call In FaceTime, tap. at the top right. Type the name or number you want to call into the input field at the top, then tap Video to make a video call or tap Audio to make a FaceTime audio call (not available in all countries/regions). You can also touch. How do you create a live video chat app? How to create a video chat app? Select the Team. To bring your project to life, you will need a software development team. UI/UX design. UI/UX design services…

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How do you subplot a graph in Matlab? subplot( m , n , p ) divides the current figure into an m by n grid and creates axes at the position specified by p . MATLAB® numbers the subplot positions by row. The first subplot is the first column of the first row, the second subplot is the second column of the first row, and so on. How can I make the graphs look better in Matlab? Direct link to this comment Increase the line width (2 or 3 is good). Add a grid. Add minor tick marks to the…

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Why would I need to know the MAC address of a device? The MAC address is an important element of computer networks. MAC addresses uniquely identify a computer on the LAN. MAC is an essential component required for network protocols like TCP/IP to work. Changing a MAC address may be necessary in some cases to keep an Internet connection working. What is a MAC address and why is it necessary for devices on a network? A media access control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller (NIC) for use as a network address for…

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Does Lenovo Chromebook have windows? Chromebooks are not officially compatible with Windows. Normally, you can’t even install Windows – Chromebooks ship with a special type of BIOS designed for Chrome OS. What is the Hana Chromebook? Recent commits from the Chromium repositories have revealed a newly added MT8173 Chromebook codenamed ‘Hana’. The device is being built on top of the ‘Oak’ socket; the same plate around which the Acer R13 is framed. Like it or not, we’re in the era of 360-degree touchscreen Chromebooks. How much RAM does a Lenovo Chromebook have? Lenovo Chromebook 100S Specifications Bluetooth bluetooth 4.0 Operating…

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How to use material-UI-pickers keyboard date picker with moment? After seeing Nico’s answer, I changed the version of date-io/moment to 1.3.13, but the editing problem still exists. What can I do to fix it? This is the solution provided by a colleague of mine. It used inputValue and value props from KeyboardDatePicker. value takes the date object and inputValue takes the formatted date string. How to create datepicker placeholder in customrenderer? Now follow the steps below. In PCL, create a DatePickerCtrl class name inside the CustomControls folder and it should inherit from DatePicker as shown below. Added a bindable property…

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What is the difference between an exception and an error give examples? Errors are typically generated by the environment in which the application is running. For example, an error will occur due to a lack of system resources. The exceptions are caused by the code of the application itself. It is not possible to recover from an error. What is the difference between errors and exceptions in Python? Errors cannot be handled, whereas Python exceptions can be handled at runtime. An error might indicate critical problems that a reasonable application should not try to detect, while an exception might indicate…

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How do you plot dates on the X axis in Python? How to plot dates on the x-axis of a Matplotlib graph in Python dates = [“02/01/2020”, “03/01/2020”, “04/01/2020”] convert to date and time. x_values ​​= [fechahora. fecha y hora. valores_y = [1, 2, 3] ax = plt. gca() formatter = mdates. Date Formatter (“%Y-%m-%d”) axe. X axis. locator = mdates. day locator() axe. X axis. How to plot a date column in a DataFrame in Python? Instructions Use pd to_datetime() to convert the ‘Date’ column in df to a collection of datetime objects, and assign it back to df.…

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How do you access an element of an ArrayList? An element can be retrieved from an ArrayList in Java using the java. useful Array List. get() method. How do you find the last element of an ArrayList? The size() method returns the number of elements in the ArrayList. Element index values ​​range from 0 to (size()-1), so you would use myArrayList. get(myArrayList.size()-1) to retrieve the last element. What are the disadvantages of ArrayList? One possible drawback of ArrayList is that it contains only object types and not primitive types (eg, int). To use a primitive type in an ArrayList, put…

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Could you combine a wired and wireless LAN in the same house, why would you? Answer: Yes. If you have a wireless router that also has Ethernet ports, you can use wired and wireless devices together. A LAN that includes wired and wireless devices is sometimes called a “mixed network.” How can I connect WiFi via LAN? Instructions Go to your network icon after connecting your LAN cable. Then click “Local Area Connection” > “Properties” > “Sharing” tab and check “allow other network user…” Then click OK > close. return to the network and sharing center. Choose “Set up a…

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What is the difference between URL and path in Django? Given a URL like , the path is simply /download/ . Unfortunately, Django often confuses paths and URLs. For example, all of the code examples for the get_absolute_url() method in the documentation return paths, not URLs. However, some parts of Django do it well, like request. What is the name in Django URLs? Django provides a way to name URLs so that they are easy to reference in view methods and templates. The most basic technique for naming Django URLs is to add the name attribute to the URL…

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How many records can be inserted into SQL? A table can store up to 1000 rows in one insert statement. If a user wants to insert multiple rows at once, they should write the following syntax. If a user wants to insert more than 1000 rows, multiple insert, bulk insert, or derived table statements must be used. How do I limit the number of rows in a MySQL table? MySQL’s maximum row size limit of 65,535 bytes is demonstrated in the following InnoDB and MyISAM examples. The limit applies regardless of the storage engine, even though the storage engine may…

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How to return node properties in Neo4j? 5. Return all items. When you want to return all nodes, relationships, and paths found in a query, you can use the * symbol. This returns the two nodes, the relation, and the path used in the query. NOT NULL Neo4j? In Neo4j, since there is no table schema or equivalent to constrain the possible properties, non-existence and null are equivalent for relation and node properties. That is, there really is no such thing as a property with a null value; null indicates that the property does not exist at all. Which of…

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How do you create a formula using the MAX function to find the maximum value? With this method, you need to do the following steps: Select a blank cell to apply the max function beyond the range where you want to find the max data. 1. Then click Formula > AutoSum > Max, and then select the range you want to find the max data. How is the MAX function used? Excel MAX function Summary. Get the best value. The largest value in the array. =MAX(number1, [número2].) number1: number, reference to a numeric value, or range containing numeric values. The…

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How do I manually download my mouse driver? Method 1 – Update Microsoft Mouse Driver Manually On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and R at the same time, then copy and paste devmgmt. Double-click Mice and Other Pointing Devices, right-click the mouse device your computer uses, and click Update driver. Do you need to install mouse drivers? Current operating systems no longer require drivers for standard mouse interoperability. If your computer has a standard one-button or two-button mouse and you’re using a current version of the operating system, you don’t need any special drivers to use your mouse.…

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What is the best way to connect MongoDB to PHP? MongoDB PHP tutorial specially designed to connect MongoDB with PHP. Here, we will see the process with an example for clear understanding. So, before wasting time, let’s discuss it. To use the MongoDB PHP driver, download it from the following site: Are there any PHP projects that use the doctrine? Many other popular PHP projects use Doctrine libraries. Some use the full ORM and some may use just a small library like Inflector. Here are some projects that use Doctrine. Is it possible to use libmongoc and libbson together?…

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Can I send HTTP GET request with body from browser? Yes, you can send a request body with GET but it shouldn’t have any meaning. Can HTTP request have body? GET requests do not have a request body, so all parameters must appear in the URL or in a header. Although the HTTP standard does not define a limit for the length of URLs or headers, most HTTP clients and servers have a practical limit between 2 kB and 8 kB. Can HTTP POST requests be marked in a browser? An HTTP POST can be bookmarked, but since a bookmark…

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Does Stripe have a routing and account number? While the routing number identifies the name of the financial institution, the account number, between 8 and 10 digits, identifies your individual account. If you need help figuring out what other information to enter on the Stripe Connect form, check out this help page. Can Stripe process ACH payments? Stripe supports accepting ACH payments, directly from bank accounts, along with credit cards. ACH is currently only supported by Stripe companies based in the US, however we’d love to hear about your use case! Before making ACH charges in live mode, you must…

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How do I stop Windows from downloading? $(window). bind(‘download’, function(){}); Since jQuery 1.4, you can bind the ‘beforeunload’ event to the $(windows) object to prevent a page from exiting, unloading, or browsing. What is the difference between Onbeforeunload and Onunload? onunload is responsible for executing an instruction when the page is closed. It also causes problems with IE and AJAX. I know Opera used to not recognize onbeforeunload; not sure if they fixed it, but i always register the listener so both are safe: window. How do I cancel a Beforeunload event? Cancelable: The beforeunload event can be canceled by…

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Does Windows 10 have Guardian? Keeper offers users the option to download the Keeper Desktop app or the Windows Store app. The Windows Store version of Keeper can be downloaded directly from the Microsoft Store and is compatible with Windows 10 devices. Why is Keeper on my computer? Keeper is a digital vault and password manager app created by Keeper Security that stores website passwords, financial information, and other sensitive documents using 256-bit AES encryption, zero-knowledge architecture, and two-factor authentication. Which is better Dashlane or Keeper? If you’re looking for highly secure and easy-to-use password management for personal or family…

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What are the benefits of jetpack composition? Jetpack Compose is Android’s modern toolkit for creating a native user interface. Simplifies and speeds up UI development on Android. Bring your app to life quickly with less code, powerful tools, and intuitive Kotlin APIs. What’s new in jetpack compose? Jetpack Compose is a set of user interface tools for Android developers. As the state of the application changes, its user interface is automatically updated, making it very simple to create a user interface quickly. Kotlin’s intuitive APIs help you build beautiful apps with much less code, and native access to all existing…

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How to use Watter? Watir is pronounced like water. It is an open source collection of Ruby libraries. Since it is testing web applications in Ruby, it uses Ruby as its scripting language… Installing Watir: Go to command prompt. Type the command >gem install watir. Hit the enter button. What is the Watir automation tool? Watir. Watir, pronounced like water, is a group of Ruby libraries for automated web browsers. It allows you to write tests that are easy to read and maintain. In other words, it is a simple and flexible tool. Description: Watir handles browsers the same way…

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What is a persistent field? If the entity class uses persistent fields, the persistence runtime accesses the entity class instance variables directly. persistence. Transients or not marked as Java transients will be persisted in the data store. Object/relational mapping annotations must be applied to instance variables. Are instance variables class variables? Instance variable: It is basically a class variable without a static modifier and is generally shared by all class instances. In different objects, these variables can have different values. Which of the following is the Java persistence type? ObjectDB supports all JPA persistent types, which are: User Defined Classes:…

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When should I use mmap? mmap is great if you have multiple processes accessing data in read-only mode from the same file, which is common on the kind of server systems I write about. mmap allows all those processes to share the same physical memory pages, saving a lot of memory. What is the purpose of mmap? The mmap() function can be used to map a region of memory that is larger than the current size of the object. Memory access within the mapping but beyond the current end of the underlying objects may result in SIGBUS signals being sent…

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How do I check the remaining MB on my WiFi? Click the Settings icon in the right corner of the start menu bar. Then click on the Network icon and open the menu. Right-click on your network connection name and select Show Estimated Data Usage. It is easy. How can I check my balloon balance at home without the app? Dial *143# and choose “Balance Inquiry” and then “Check My Remaining Charge Balance”. 3.) The next step would be to dial 211 and use Globe’s Interactive Voice Response (IVR) feature. How can I check my data usage on prepaid WiFi?…

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How do you read the content of a file in Python? To read a text file in Python, follow these steps: First, open a text file for reading using the open() function. Second, read the text from the text file using the file read() , readline() , or readlines() method of the file object… 1) open() function. Mode Description ‘a’ Open a text file to add text How do I include a file in a Python package? Put the files you want to include in the package directory (in our case, the data should reside in the roman/ directory). Add…

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What are the reuse activities? Here are 10 household items you can save from the trash and breathe new life and purpose into them many times over: Jars, Containers or Glass Cans. Gallon jugs, plastic soda bottles, takeout and other plastic containers. Newspapers, magazines and paper bags. Clothes, towels and bedding. Seeds. Laundry waste. Plastic bags. What are some examples of reusable? 8 ways to reuse things in your home Cereal bags. Berry boxes. Plastic food containers. Sheets for the dryer. cassette boxes. wine corks Egg cartons. Plastic bottles. What things can children reuse? Reuse things when you can. Recycle…

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How do I separate an image from the background? Select the image you want to remove the background from. Select Image Format > Remove Background or Format > Remove Background. If you don’t see Remove Background, make sure you’ve selected an image. You may need to double-click the image to select it and open the Format tab. What is the best background remover? Top 11 Tools to Remove Image Background Canvas. Bottom cut. Photo scissors. Adobe Spark. In Pixi. Pixlr BG. Fiverr. How do you separate the foreground and background? Foreground and background separation is a segmentation task, where…

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Why do we use comparables in Java? The Java Comparable interface is used to order the objects of the user-defined class. This interface is found in java. lang and contains only one method called compareTo(Object). Provides a single sort sequence, that is, you can sort items based on a single data member. What is the difference between comparable and comparable? Both Comparable and Comparator are interfaces and can be used to order the elements of the collection. However, there are many differences between Comparable and Comparator interfaces which are detailed below… Difference between Comparable and Comparator. Comparable comparator 4) Comparable…

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Why does Windows 10 take so long to restart? The reason the reboot takes forever to complete could be an unresponsive process running in the background. For example, the Windows system is trying to apply a new update but something stops working properly during the reboot operation. How long should it take to restart your PC? It would take around 3 hours to reset a Windows PC and another 15 minutes to set up your new PC. It would take 3 and a half hours to reboot and start with your new PC. Is restarting the same as shutting down?…

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What is the maximum disk size that Azure supports for an OS disk? 4,095GBThis expands the maximum size of disks from 1024 GB to 4095 GB and allows customers to add 4 times more disk storage capacity per virtual machine… Azure increases the maximum size and performance of Azure Disks. premium discs standard discs Unmanaged disks P40, P50 max. up to 4095GB Which of the following is supported by Azure Virtual Machines Generation 2? Generation 2 virtual machines support the following Marketplace images: Windows Server 2019, 2016, 2012 R2, 2012. Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server…

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What is Multiple Windows on Mac? Use two Mac apps side by side in Split View Hover over the full screen button in the upper left corner of a window. Choose “Tile Window on Screen Left” or “Tile Window on Screen Right” from the menu. Then click on a window on the other side of the screen to start using both windows side by side. Can you split screen with 3 Windows on Mac? Press and hold this green dot and a list of options will appear: Enter Full Screen, Tile Window on Left of Screen, and Tile Window on…

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Why does my code appear as text? The most likely reason is that you used a WYSIWYG editor and saved the document as HTML. This created an HTML representation of the HTML source code you wrote. Use a text editor instead. Why does this HTML appear as plain text in the browser? 3 answers. This HTML is not interpreted as plain text: it is interpreted as HTML. It’s just that your HTML content includes escaped markup, like < and > . How do I get rid of plain text in Outlook? While in “Outlook” > “Preferences“. Select “Compose”. Check the…

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How do I prevent selenium from charging? We can stop a page from loading with Selenium webdriver in Chrome browser using JavaScript Executor. Selenium can execute JavaScript commands with the help of the executeScript command. To stop loading a page, the command window. stop() is passed as a parameter to the executeScript method. How does Selenium handle page loading? 5 answers Set an implicit wait immediately after creating the webdriver instance: _=driver. Manage(). After navigating the page, call JavaScript return document.readyState until “complete” is returned. The web driver instance can serve as the JavaScript executor. Sample code: Check if the…

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How do I use the ImDisk Toolkit? ImDisk Toolkit is an application for managing virtual drives… Using ImDisk Toolkit Download ImDisk from Install the app. Double-click the desktop icon labeled “Ram Disk Settings.” Set the disk size in the box at the top of the window. Click “OK” at the bottom of the window. When should I use the RAM disk? RAM disks are really ideal only if you’re using a program that doesn’t normally use RAM as a cache, and if you don’t mind losing files stored on the RAM disk. Is the ImDisk Toolkit available as a…

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Does Elasticsearch automatically create an index? Important Note About Automatic Index Creation By default, Elasticsearch has a feature that will automatically create indexes for you. Simply inserting data into a nonexistent index will cause that index to be created with mappings inferred from the data. How many indexes can be created in Elasticsearch? Indexes themselves have no limit, however shards do, the recommended number of shards per GB of heap is 20 (JVM heap: you can check in the kibana heap monitoring tab), this means if you have 5 GB of JVM heap, the recommended amount is 100 . How…

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How to install neo4j on Windows? Neo4j can also be run as a Windows service. Install the service with bin/neo4j install-service and start it with bin/neo4j start. The commands available for bin/neo4j are: help, start, stop, restart, status, install service, uninstall service, and update service. How to start neo4j server on Windows? Install neo4j on Windows (.exe): Start the installer you just downloaded. Follow all prompts and choose the option to Run Neo4j. Press the Start button to start the Neo4j server. Open the URL provided above in any web browser. Change the password of the neo4j account, the default…

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How to use regular expression in Scala spark? Closed 3 years ago. I’m having trouble using regular expression. My sample data is: found: scala.util.matching.Regex required: String val b = a.filter (line => !line.startsWith (pattern)) ^ Actually, I’m not sure how exactly to use regex in Spark . Please help. How to find regular expression patterns in Scala strings? This is Recipe 1.7, “Finding patterns in Scala strings”. You must determine whether a Scala String contains a regular expression pattern. Create a Regex object by calling the .r method on a string, and then use that pattern with findFirstIn when finding…

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Can private methods be mocked? Private method that is converted to public and can be mocked in a standard way. If the private method is in NDDC, you are probably creating an integration test instead of a unit test. In theory, the unit test should be an isolated test module. How do you call a private method in Mockito? For Mockito, there is no direct support for mocking private and static methods. To test private methods, you’ll need to refactor your code to change access to protected (or package) and you’ll need to avoid static/final methods. What is PowerMockito Spy?…

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What is video capture used for? A video capture device is a piece of hardware that allows you to transfer audio and video from a VCR, camcorder, or other devices to your computer so that it can be stored on a hard drive, either for editing or just general archival purposes. Why do you need a video capture card? As mentioned, some game consoles have streaming features built in, but a capture card will be required if you want to record as well. For platforms like YouTube or Twitch, a capture card is a convenience that allows you to focus…

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How do I see an environment variable in GitHub actions? About environment variables Commands that are executed in actions or steps can create, read, and modify environment variables. To set custom environment variables, you must specify the variables in the workflow file. You can define environment variables for an entire step, job, or workflow using jobs. . How do I get GitHub tags? To fetch tags from your remote repository, use “git fetch” with the “–all” and “–tags” options. Awesome, you got your tags from your remote repository! Now, you can easily list them using the “git tag” command (no…

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What is Vuejs data? The data option for a component is a function. Vue calls this function as part of creating a new component instance. It should return an object, which Vue will then wrap in its reactivity system and store in the component instance as $data . What is the difference between prop and state? The key difference between props and state is that state is internal and controlled by the component itself, whereas props are external and controlled by what the component renders. What are props in Vuejs for? js docs: Props are custom attributes that you can…

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How do I automatically renew my PayPal payments? That is how: Sign in to your PayPal account. Click Settings near the top of the page. Click Payments. Click Manage Preapproved Payments. Click Cancel or Cancel automatic billing and follow the instructions. Can I set up automatic payments with PayPal? Automatic billing Sign in to PayPal. Click on the “Business Services” tab. Choose “Create Buttons” and click “Automatic Billing”. This process creates HTML code for a button that you can place on your website or in an email. When customers click the button, they enter their monthly billing terms. How do…

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How does Julia reduce memory allocation? 1 answer. One of the first tips for effective Julia code is to avoid using global variables. This alone can reduce the number of assignments by 7 times. If you must use globals, one way to improve their performance is to use const . What is memory allocation? Memory allocation is the process of reserving sections of memory in a program to store variables and instances of structures and classes. There are two basic types of memory allocation: The operating system allocates the memory for that object. How can I make Julia run faster?…

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Why is my Lenovo not in full screen? Answer: Press F11 from the keyboard. You may need to press and hold the FN key simultaneously, depending on your laptop model. F11 can be used to switch to full screen mode. You can also move the cursor to the top edge of the screen. How do I change my screen size on my computer? To change your screen resolution, click Control Panel, and then under Appearance and Personalization, click Adjust screen resolution. Click the dropdown next to Resolution, move the slider to the resolution you want, and then click Apply. How…

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How to set spinner selected item by value, not by? Suppose your Spinner is called mSpinner and includes as one of its options: “any value”. Adapter ArrayAdapter = ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(this, R.array.select_state, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item); How to get spinner value in Android? In Android, I am trying to get the selected Spinner value with a listener. What is the best way to get the roulette value? How to check if a spinner is empty? Check if the spinner is empty. Get the view selected by default. Request Focus for the same view. Set some error message to be displayed. You can also click on…

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How do I print a full web page? Press Ctrl + A 3. Right click on the page and left click on “Print” 4. Press the “Print” button. How do I print a full PDF page? How to save a web page as a PDF in Chrome Open the page you’d like to keep. In the upper left corner, click File > Print. Alternatively, press Ctrl + P (Windows) or Cmd + P (Mac) In the ‘Destination’ section, click Change… > Save as PDF. Click the ‘Save’ button, choose the name and location of your PDF. Why am I having…

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Why are my JMeter tests not passing parameters? I found that using this syntax in a query string with multiple variables throws an exception on the first ‘{‘ character. Any help would be highly appreciated! The reason my tests failed was simply because I was entering the wrong information in the Path field in the HTTP Request Sampler. You can use the regular expression extractor to extract the key from the response of your first request and use the extracted key for subsequent requests. We call this JMeter Extract and Reuse. Here are the steps: Right-click the first request and…

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What is lexicographically the smallest subsequence? Given a string S of length N, the task is to find the lexicographically smallest subsequence of length (N – 1), that is, by removing a single character from the given string. Examples: Input: S = “geeksforgeeks” Output: “eeksforgeeks” Explanation: Lexicographically, the smallest possible subsequence is “eeksforgeeks”. What is lexicographically smaller? 6 answers. 6. 25. The smallest lexicographic order is an order relation where the string s is less than t, given that the first character of s (s1) is less than the first character of t (t1), or in case are equivalent, the…

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How do I fix low virtual memory? Resolution Right click on My Computer and then click Properties. In the System Properties dialog, click Advanced. Click Performance Options. In the Virtual Memory panel, click Change to increase the paging file. After changing the settings, click Set and then click OK. How do I increase virtual memory on my Windows 10 laptop? Go to the Start menu and click Settings. performance type. Choose Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows. In the new window, go to the Advanced tab and in the Virtual Memory section, click Change. How is virtual memory turned…

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How is a tensor evaluated? the easiest way [A] of evaluating the actual value of a Tensor object is to pass it to the session. run() method, or call Tensor. eval() when you have a default session (i.e. in a block with tf.Session():, or see below). What is TensorFlow graphics mode? TensorFlow uses graphics as the format for saved models when you export them from Python. Graphs are also easily optimized, allowing the compiler to perform transformations such as: Statically infer the value of tensors by folding constant nodes in their computation (“constant folding”). What is the TF tensioner? tf…

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How is model data used in View? In the Add Scaffold dialog box, click MVC 5 Controller with Views, Using Entity Framework, and then click Add. Select Movie (MvcMovie.Models) for the Model class. Select MovieDBContext(MvcMovie.Models) for the data context class. For the controller name, enter MoviesController. How do I change the value of the model in the razor view? 2. Access model data using ViewModel Step 1 – Add an ItemCommentsViewModel class in the Model folder. Step 2 – Add highlighted code snippets (line: 42-49) in ItemCommentsController. Step 3 – Right-click on ItemCommentDisplay Action Method and select Add View… Step…

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Can you have multiple websites on Square? You can create additional websites from the Square Online Overview page and assign items and locations from your Item Library to each site. Can I use Square for multiple businesses? If you have multiple businesses or need separate individual accounts, you can create multiple accounts and use the same mobile device, reader, and bank account. You can only link one bank account per Square account, but individual Square accounts can share a bank account if needed. How many websites can you have on Square? You can create up to 10 websites in Square…

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How are images stored in a database? To insert images into a database, the database must support images. Images are stored in binary in a table cell. The data type for the cell is Binary Large Object (BLOB), which is a new SQL type in SQL3 for storing binary data. How are the images stored? Data in computers is stored and transmitted as a series of ones and zeros (also known as binary). To store an image on a computer, the image is divided into tiny elements called pixels. For the computer to store the image, each pixel is represented…

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How do I force an application to restart in Windows? How to Force Quit Windows 10 PC Using Windows Task Manager Press the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys at the same time. Then select Task Manager from the list. Click on the app you want to force close. Click End Task to close the program. How do you restart an application? About this item Open configuration. Tap Apps. Tap Force stop. Tap Force stop to confirm. How do I restart an app on my laptop? To reset an app in Windows 10: Right click on the app in the…

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How to complete in jQuery using Ajax? Inside this function, we’ll take a copy of this inside a jQuery wrapper. In this case, it is a reference to the element. Now, and this part is optional, I like to add a void that will default. Next, we will extract the list of elements via AJAX. How to fill a repeater using jQuery Ajax? With jQuery AJAX and WebMethod, the records will be fetched from the database in a generic list of property class objects which will be received as JSON objects on the client side and then that JSON object…

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How do you make a 2D tensor? To create a two-dimensional tensor, you must first create a one-dimensional tensor using torch’s arrange() method. This method contains two parameters of type integer. This method arranges the elements in tensor according to the given parameters. How do you declare a 2D tensor in TensorFlow? TensorFlow, as the name implies, is a framework for defining and running computations involving tensors. A tensor is a generalization of vectors and matrices to potentially higher dimensions. Internally, TensorFlow represents tensors as n-dimensional arrays of base data types. What is tensor and its types? A tensor is…

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Where is the Mozilla Firefox cache stored? For Windows 10/8: C:/Users/{username}/AppData/Local/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/{profile folder}/cache2. For Windows 7: C:/Users/{username}/AppData/Local/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/{profile folder}/Cache/ How do I change the cache location of Firefox? Move cache directory back In Firefox, open the configuration page by typing “about:config” in the address bar. Right click on the window and create a new chain. Enter the name of the browser. cache. disk. parent directory. Enter the path to the cache directory. Where are Firefox bookmarks stored in Windows 10? Hi ToSt, bookmarks are stored along with history in a database file called places. sqlite in your currently active Firefox profile folder.…

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What is a hidden administrator account? The “Hidden Administrator Account” has survived because it has a purpose. It allows you to upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10 or whatever without running into a blizzard of UAC popups. Once the operating system is installed, the hidden account is disabled. How do I enable hidden admin? To enable this hidden account, you must use the elevated Command Prompt window. Here’s how: Press the Win+X hotkey to open the administrative menu, and then select Command Prompt (Admin) from there to open the elevated Command Prompt. At the command prompt, type net user Administrator…

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What is a bubbling event in JavaScript? Event bubbling is a method of event bubbling in the HTML DOM API when an event is on an element within another element and both elements have registered a handle to that event. In event bubbling, the event is first captured and handled by the innermost element and then propagated to outer elements. How do you handle event bubbling? The bubbling principle is simple. When an event occurs on an element, it first executes the handlers on it, then on its parent, and then on other ancestors. The deepest nested element that caused…

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How do I add Google Analytics to a specific page? More videos on YouTube Break down the content of your specific page. Go to your Analytics Dashboard and go to Behavior -> Behavior Flow -> Site Content -> All Pages. Find the page whose data you want to view and click on it. Find where it says “Secondary Dimension” and go to Behavior -> Full Reference. Does Google Analytics need to be on every page? The script that triggers/sends the tracking events to Google Analytics needs to be loaded once (and only once) on each page of your site. This…

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How do I manage Gmail add-ons? Install plugins Go to Gmail, Calendar, or Google Drive, or open a file in Docs, Sheets, or Slides. If the side panel isn’t showing, at the bottom right, click Show side panel . Click Get Plugins. Find and select the tools you want to use. Click Install. Choose your account, then follow the steps on the screen. What plugins do you use for Gmail? 22 Best Gmail Plugins and Extensions to Boost Your Productivity Gmelius. Gmelius. Right inbox for Gmail. Right inbox for Gmail. Boomerang. Boomerang for Gmail. Expand for Gmail. Zoom plugin for…

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Can a 2D array read a text file? Note that a 2D array is not suitable for this task, because it doesn’t know the number of lines when it reads the file (or at least it shouldn’t, it really should read/process the lines one at a time), nor the number of columns per row. How to create a 2D array in C#? A true 2D array implementation in C# starts with the array declaration. It looks like this: The number of commas in the definition determines the dimension of the array. Note that you cannot specify the size of the…

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How can I mirror my laptop to my Panasonic Smart TV? Easy sharing When asked if you want to start mirroring, touch [OK] on the remote. In the settings menu of your device (for example, your smartphone), select “Screen mirroring”. Select your TV model number on your smart device. Press [OK] on the remote. How do I stream wirelessly from my PC to my Panasonic Smart TV? Open Control Panel and click [Ver el estado y las tareas de la red] – [Cambiar la configuración de uso compartido avanzado]. Click on [Elegir opciones de transmisión de medios]. Click on [Activar…

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How do you call a toString method? Your toString() method is actually being called by the println method. How do you call the subclass method from the superclass? So how is it possible to call subclass methods? Yes, it is possible to call subclass methods using superclass by casting type to subclass object. By casting a superclass object to a subclass object, we can access all corresponding subclasses and all superclass methods on that reference. How do you override a superclass method? Override methods of a superclass On the Code menu, click Override Methods Ctrl+O . Select methods to override…

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How is the distinct top SELECTED? To do this, select Query -> Include Actual Query Plan from the menu before running the query. The “Stream Aggregate” icon is for the DISTINCT operation and “Top” for the TOP 10 operation. It may seem counterintuitive to see DISTINCT first within the SELECT statement. How do you SELECT the top 2 values ​​in SQL? Select TOP 2 * of Products where Price = (Select Max(Price) of Products); How do I SELECT the top 10 in SQL? Example: Using the TOP PERCENT keyword SELECT TOP(10) PERCENT employee_id, last_name, first_name FROM employee WHERE last_name =…

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How to use jQuery loop timer in JavaScript? This means that you have to create a function that does what you need to do and make sure that it will call itself with the interval that you want. In your onload body, call the function for the first time like this: Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! When does the loop end in jQuery Stack Overflow? The loop will end as soon as a true value is returned from the callback, and the value of the array during that iteration will be the return value of the .find…

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How do I switch to php5? This worked for me: sudo apt-get remove -y –purge php7.0* sudo add-apt-repository –remove ppa:ondrej/php. return php7 nginx conf. edit nginx conf to run php5: change: fastcgipass unix:/var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock. sudo apt-get update. install php5: sudo apt-get install php5-fpm php5-mysql. How can I change my version of xampp? You can now start Apache from the XAMPP Control Panel. And to switch from one version to another, you just need to edit C:00ampp/apache/conf/httpd…. Now in the C:00ampp/apache/conf/extra directory, rename httpd-xampp. conf to httpd-xampp. Edit httpd-xampp. conference Now you need to edit php. ini for both versions. Can I…

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How do I convert a slideshow to DVD? Let’s see how you can use it. Start Windows Media Center. Go to Start > All Programs, search for and launch Windows Media Center. Add your slideshow to disk. Insert a blank disk into the drive. Burn the DVD disc. Select the presentation you want to record (you can quickly create one in advance with SmartSHOW 3D or PowerPoint). How do I save a slideshow in PhotoStage? If you want to save your project, select File -> Save Project As from the menu and select a destination file to save your project.…

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How to trigger a GitHub actions workflow when committing to another branch? How to trigger a Github actions workflow when committing to another branch? When I push a code to master, a workflow file is executed. This file creates the artifacts and pushes the code to another production branch. Another workflow file, which looks like the following, is configured to run when a production push occurs. How to trigger a workflow execution on GitHub? The following steps occur to trigger a workflow execution: An event occurs in your repository, and the resulting event has an associated SHA commit and Git…

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How do you handle runtime error? You must enable the error handling routine before the first line where an error might occur. When the error handler is active and an error occurs, execution jumps to the line specified by the tag’s argument. The On Error GoTo 0 statement disables error handling within a procedure. How do you stop a runtime error in Python? How can I fix the Python runtime error? Use an undefined variable or function. This can also happen if you use inconsistent capital letters in a variable name: call me = “Brad” Dividing by zero. Guess what?…

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What kind of data can you query with LINQ? LINQ offers a common syntax for querying any type of data source; for example, you can query an XML document the same way you query an SQL database, ADO.NET dataset, in-memory collection, or any other local or remote data source you’ve chosen to connect to and access using using LINQ. What are the advantages of using LINQ in C#? LINQ offers the following advantages: LINQ offers a common syntax for querying any type of data source; for example, you can query an XML document the same way you query an SQL…

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What is serialization in Symfony? Symfony provides a serializer to serialize/deserialize to and from objects and different formats (eg JSON or XML). Before using it, read the Serializer component docs to familiarize yourself with its philosophy and the terminology of normalizers and encoders. What is Symfony Normalizer? Normalizers¶ Normalizers convert objects to arrays and vice versa. They implement Symfony/Component/Serializer/Normalizer/NormalizerInterface to normalize (object to array) and Symfony/Component/Serializer/Normalizer/DenormalizerInterface to denormalize (array to object). What does serialization mean? In computing, serialization (US spelling) or serialization (British spelling) is the process of translating a data structure or the state of an object into a…

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How do I force group policy? How to force group policy update Press Windows Key + X or right-click on the start menu. Select Windows PowerShell or Command Prompt. Type gpupdate /force and press enter. Wait for the user and computer policy to update. Reboot your computer. A reboot is required to ensure all settings are applied. How do I force group policy on a PC? Group Policy will also be updated for all computers that are in the organizational units contained in the selected organizational unit. Right-click the selected organizational unit and click Group Policy Update… Click Yes in…

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How do you read multiple lines into the console? Another way to read multiple lines from the console can be done using the synchronized BufferedReader class in Java. The idea is to read each line using the readLine() method and use String. split() to split the line into individual tokens using whitespace as a delimiter. We can also use the StringTokenizer class. How do you read multiple lines from a string in Java? import java.util.Scanner; public class MultipleStringInputExample1. { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.print(“Enter the number of strings you want to enter:…

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How much memory does the Entity Framework use? Entity Framework uses a lot of memory. Here is an image of the ANTS memory profiler. You see that there are many objects stored in memory. How are queries performed in Entity Framework EF 6? Queries in the Entity Framework You can create and run queries using the Entity Framework to get data from the underlying database. EF 6 supports different types of queries which, in turn, are converted to SQL queries for the underlying database. Entity Framework supports three types of queries: 1) LINQ-to-Entities, 2) Entity SQL, and 3) Native SQL…

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How can a single column with multiple values ​​be updated in SQL? In case you want to update the data in multiple columns, each column = value pair is separated by a comma (,). Third, specify which rows you want to update in the WHERE clause. The WHERE clause is optional. If you omit the WHERE clause, all rows in the table will be updated. How do you update a table with a large number of updates while keeping the table available to a large number of users? 1 answer Gather the updates you want to make to a temporary…

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How do databases store user ratings? Create two columns in the products table to store the number and sum of all votes respectively. Use the columns to get an average at run time or through a query. This approach means that I only need to access one table, making things simpler. Normalize the data by creating an additional table to store the grades. How do I save comments in MySQL? There are three syntaxes you can use to create a comment within your SQL statement in MySQL. Syntax Use of the # symbol. The syntax for creating an SQL comment…

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Is Ethereum mining profitable in 2021? Ethereum mining made more and more money over the course of 2020 and early 2021, with earnings effectively doubling in a single month. Can I mine Ethereum with my PC? As long as your system meets the general requirements and has at least one GPU with at least 3 GB of RAM, you can mine Ethereum. Some gaming laptops have high-end cards, but with the considerable heat generated from mining, there could be other impacts on your laptop, so it’s best to go for a desktop version. Are mining rigs worth it? Is Bitcoin…

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Are recommendation systems machine learning? Recommender systems are machine learning systems that help users discover new products and services. Every time you shop online, a recommendation system guides you to the most likely product you might buy. How is machine learning useful in recommender system? Recommender systems are the systems that are designed to recommend things to the user based on many different factors. These systems predict the most likely product that users are most likely to buy and be interested in. Are recommender systems supervised learning? The above recommendation algorithms are quite simple and are appropriate for small systems.…

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Why does my cursor keep selecting everything? One of the reasons why you may encounter mouse autoselect issue is because of your touchpad. If your touchpad is faulty, it can make selections and execute commands without your permission. This can happen every time you try to mouse over a file or folder. How do I stop my cursor from highlighting everything? 4. Check the selection settings in Word Click on the Windows orb in the top corner. Choose Word Options (next to the exit button) Click Advanced. Uncheck When selecting, automatically select the entire word. How do I stop Word…

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How do I make multiple tkinter Windows? “how to create multiple windows in tkinter with button” Code Response An #import module is needed. import tkinter as tk. #write the new window function that. #will be called when the button is pressed. def new_window(): window = tk. Top level (root) canvas = traditional knowledge. Canvas(window, height = HEIGHT, width = WIDTH) canvas. package() How do you make multiple turtles in Python? You can make more than one turtle. Just give them different names! You can then make them do different things or give them different colors. Can you combine tkinter and…

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Why do you need a page transition effect? The act of clicking through a multi-page website can become monotonous over time. Adding page transition effects to the mix can help kick things up a notch. They are great at keeping the user engaged as new content loads, while keeping performance to a minimum. What is the best page transition in react? Page transitions in React work smoothly and look great at the same time, so go ahead and give it a try. Both the styling and animation of this transition are done entirely in CSS by David Marland. It works…

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How do you make all the text bigger? To make the font size smaller or larger: Open your device’s Settings app. Tap Accessibility Text and display. Tap Font size. Use the slider to choose the font size. How to enlarge on a computer? A. Pressing the Windows and plus (+) keys at the same time automatically activates Magnifier, Ease of Access’s built-in utility for magnifying the screen, and yes, you can adjust the magnification level. (For those who have found the shortcut by accident, pressing the Windows and Escape keys turns off Magnifier.) How do you enlarge the font on…

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How are many-to-many relationships handled at rest? Managing relationships between multiple resources can be an essential part of a RESTful API. In this post we will see how many-to-many relationships can be managed with a REST API. We use a simple user/group relationship as an example. How to design a REST API with resource relationships? Expand the /teams endpoint to have some ?expand=player parameter or something similar that includes an array of players for each team. The data comes back fine to be consumed by the react app, but now the REST API endpoint is getting more complex and less…

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Does Windows have a Java compiler? Most Windows machines do not have the Java compiler (javac) installed. To check if your computer has the Java compiler installed, type javac at the command prompt and press Enter. If you get the error message below, you need to install the Java compiler. What are the compilers available for Java? Java compilers include the Java Programming Language Compiler (javac), the GNU Compiler for Java (GCJ), the Eclipse Compiler for Java (ECJ), and Jikes. Programmers typically write language statements in a given programming language, one line at a time, using a code editor or…

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How do you go to the next row in Excel macro? Note: In the VBA code, “A” is the starting cell column of the next row. You can change it as you need. 3. Press F5 key, then the cursor will move to the beginning of the next row immediately. How do I automatically update the formula in Excel when a new row is added? Create a calculated column Create a table. Insert a new column in the table. Type the formula you want to use and press Enter. When you press Enter, the formula automatically fills in all cells…

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What is a batch file in Java? A batch file is a script file in DOS, OS/2, and Microsoft Windows. It consists of a series of commands to be executed by the command line interpreter, stored in a plain text file. The term “batch” comes from batch processing, which means “non-interactive execution”, although a batch file may not process a batch of multiple data. How do I know if jar is running on Linux? So there are three four cases: jar is running and grep is in the process list -> grep returns 2. jar is running and grep is…

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Do I need to install optional Windows 10 updates? Only install them if you have a good reason. We’ll explain what happens in more detail, but here’s the quick answer: We recommend that you avoid installing these optional driver updates unless you have a good reason to do so. Should I download all optional updates? In general, you do not need to install them. Most optional updates are there to make tweaks and improvements to Microsoft apps, so you don’t need to install them to run Windows. Are feature updates installed automatically? Also, beginning with version 1903, feature updates are…

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How to use Keep support in Android ProGuard? @Keep support is actually implemented as a set of -keep rules in Android ProGuard’s default rules file, so they are essentially equivalent. Specifying rules -keep is more flexible as it offers wildcards, you can also use different variants that do slightly different things ( -keepnames, -keepclasseswithmembers and more). Where are resources stored in Android Studio? In Android, one can store the raw asset file as JSON, text, mp3, HTML, pdf, etc. in two possible locations – both appear to be the same as they can read the file and output the InputStream…

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Where does XML go in Visual Studio project? xml file. In the Properties window, set Build = Content and Copy = if newer. The “content” setting ensures that your setup and deployment project automatically adds the file. The “copy” setting ensures that the file is present in your bin/Debug folder. What is XML in Visual Studio? Overview of XML tools in Visual Studio Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that provides a format for describing data. XML separates data and its presentation through the use of associated style sheets, such as Extensible Style Sheet Language (XSL) and Cascading…

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How do external application properties work in Spring Boot? External Spring Boot application. properties @PropertySource(“file:/etc/projectName/”) as annotation in ApplicationConfig. Java. spring. configuration location=/etc/projectName/application. properties in my app. resource properties. How do you read external properties in spring boot war? External configuration in Spring Boot Use the command line flag spring. setting By default Spring Boot will look for a ./config/ directory where the WAR is located and the WAR directory itself, so you can put “” anywhere and it will load. Does spring boot support an external application server? the problem with external tomcat, your spring boot app won’t start…

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What happens if the standard error bars overlap? The SEM error bars quantify how accurately you know the mean, taking into account both the SD and the sample size. If two SEM error bars overlap and the sample sizes are the same or nearly the same, then you know that the P-value is (much) larger than 0.05, so the difference is not statistically significant. Does the standard error go both ways? If you estimate your sample mean to be (say) 3, and you also know that the standard error (roughly speaking, the average deviation of the estimate from the true…

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Why is my internal hard drive not showing up on Mac? Boot into safe mode. You can try starting your Mac in safe mode to fix internal hard drive not showing up on Mac. This method might enable you to fix some additional issues in case your computer doesn’t start normally. Sign in with your details and check if the internal hard drive is visible in safe mode. Do external hard drives work with Mac? In general, yes, for the most part, a hard drive is a hard drive, and any hard drive you buy for a Windows PC should…

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How do I print two variables in the Println system? “print two variables in Java” Response code class file_name { public static void main(String[] args) { System. outside. println(“hello” + “world”) } } Can you print the Println system? println(): Since all instances of the PrintStream class have a public println() method, we can therefore also call the same. This is an improved version of print(). Prints any arguments passed to it and adds a newline to the output. How do I print a value on the Println system? println() or System. The system. outside. The println() method, in Java,…

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Can JavaScript be executed in the Java compiler? It can be used to run scripting languages ​​from Java. Scripts can be executed inside the JVM. Java provides a generic framework for hooking up a scripting engine to execute scripts. Is ProcessingJS free? The rendering itself is also free software, but it depends on non-free parts of Java; therefore Processing. js is a good replacement. What is the ProcessingJS library? ProcessingJS is a library built on top of web technologies. When you program with it on Khan Academy, we actually create a web page (HTML file) behind the scenes, paste a…

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How do I select the microphone in Android? How to turn on the microphone on an Android phone Tap Settings. Tap Privacy. Tap App permissions. Tap Microphone. Switch all listed apps to the green switch. If you only want to enable the microphone in some apps, choose to toggle them accordingly. How do I change the microphone input on my Android? Select Start, then select Settings > System > Sound. Under Input, make sure your microphone is selected under Choose your input device, then select Device Properties. On the Levels tab of the Microphone Properties window, adjust the Microphone and…

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How to put watermark on screenshot? 2 answers. It’s not possible, because taking a screenshot with the device’s hardware keys has no control over it. At most, you can listen to the screenshot event, but there is no way to add a watermark to it. What is a watermark on a screenshot? Screenshot watermarking involves the process of overlaying a secondary image onto a primary source image for the purpose of providing copyright protection. The visible watermark, as the name implies, indicates that the information is made visible in the image itself. How to take a full screenshot of a…

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How can I change the startup language of Windows 7? Click the Windows “Start” button and select “Control Panel.” Click “Clock, Language, and Region” to open a secondary list of utilities. Click “Change display language” to open the language settings. How do you change the language settings in Windows 7? How to change the language in Windows 7 To use languages ​​other than the default Windows ones, you must first download and install them from Microsoft. Select Start (Windows logo) to enter change the display language in the Windows search box. A list of search results will appear. Select Change…

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How do I search for a keyword in Python? Find keywords using Python Have a large corpus of text against which we will compare. Find the relative frequency of the words in the corpus. Get the relative frequency of the words in the search string. Divide the frequency of the search string by corpus, taking care of cases like when a word is not in the corpus. How do you search for keywords in a text? Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and press the F key on your keyboard (Ctrl+F) or right-click (click the right mouse button)…

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What is the HTM theory? The Thousand Brains Theory is a biologically constrained theory of intelligence, constructed through reverse engineering of the neocortex. HTM is the algorithmic implementation and empirical validation in silicon of key components of the theory. What is the cortical algorithm? Among these models, cortical algorithms (CAs) have emerged as a biologically inspired approach, modeled after the human visual cortex, that stores sequences of patterns in an invariant form and recalls those patterns autoassociatively. This chapter details the structure and mathematical formulation of CA. What is temporary memory? The main temporal categories of human memory. Short-term memory,…

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How do I remove all organized subviews from UIStackView? To remove an organized subview that you no longer want, you must call removeFromSuperview() on it. The stack view will automatically remove it from the list of organized subviews. How do I create a stack view? Place the label and text field in their correct relative positions, select them, and then click the Editor > Embed In > Stack View menu item. This creates a horizontal stack view for the row. Next, lay out these rows horizontally, select them, and click the Editor > Embed In > Stack View menu item…

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What is the use of Dxcpl EXE? The DirectX Control Panel (DXCpl.exe) has diligently provided developers with the ability to configure Direct3D debugging settings for nearly two decades. But what started out as a simple utility to control D3D debug output and driver type selection has struggled to keep up with modern DX12 debugging options. Where is dxdiag located? /System32DxDiag is located in %SystemRoot%/System32. Starting with Windows Vista, DxDiag only displays information; it is no longer possible to test the hardware and the various components of DirectX. How do I access DirectX properties? From the Windows desktop, press the Windows…

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How do I fix the position of a row in Excel? To freeze multiple rows: Select the row immediately below the last row you want to freeze. On the View tab, Windows Group, click the Freeze Panes drop-down menu and select Freeze Panes. Excel inserts a thin line to show you where the frozen pane starts. How do you keep row and column labels in view when scrolling through a worksheet? Freeze columns and rows Select the cell below the rows and to the right of the columns that you want to keep visible when scrolling. Select View > Freeze…

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How can I bulk resize images in WordPress? How to Bulk Resize Images in WordPress The next step is to go to Settings > Imsanity and click to update the settings. Now set the appropriate width and height as per your wordpress theme. As you can see I have set the max width to 1024 and the max height to 1024. Isn’t that great? How can I view multiple images in WordPress? Let’s go! Step 1: Install and activate the Envira Gallery plugin. Step 2 – Create an image gallery and upload the images. Step 3: Go to the Images…

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How do I put the file path into an Excel formula? Insert the full path of the current file with Document Location Click the Quick Access Toolbar option; Then choose All commands from the Choose commands from dropdown list; And select Document Location, then click Add > > button, Document Location has been added to the right pane. See screenshot: How do you create a path in a cell in Excel? Select a cell and select one of the formulas below and paste it into the cell, and press the Enter key to get the location. To get the location…

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How to get rid of blank pages on iPhone? This is also another quick way to remove blank home screens from your iPhone or iPad if you’re not running iOS 14. To reset your home screen layout, go to Settings > General > Reset. Choose Reset Home Screen Layout and confirm that you want to reset the Home screen. Choose to reset your home screen layout from settings. Why do I get a blank page in Safari? You can clear website data from time to time to improve the performance of Safari. Go to Settings > Safari. Tap Clear History…

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How do I create an SCCM bootable media? First, start the SCCM console and navigate to: > Software library. > Operating System. > Task sequences. On the Select Media Type screen, select Bootable Media and click Next. On the Media Type screen, select USB Drive to save the ISO file to and click Next. How do I create a custom SCCM boot image? Use the following process to add a boot image in Configuration Manager: In the Configuration Manager console, go to the Software Library workspace, expand Operating Systems, and then select the Boot Images node. On the Home tab…

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How to define Conv1D? We can see that 2D in Conv2D means that each channel in the input and filter is two-dimensional (as we see in the gif example) and 1D in Conv1D means that each channel in the input and filter is one-dimensional (as we see in the cat and example of canine NLP). What is the filter size in Conv1D? filters: Integer, the dimensionality of the output space (ie, the output number of filters in the convolution). kernel_size: An integer or tuple/list of a single integer, specifying the length of the 1D convolution window. What is a Conv1D…

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Why relational database is bad? Relational databases were quite complicated code bases because the relational model is very easy to implement in a simple way, but making it actually work within the constraints of a real computing system is an enormously difficult task. Is a database just a file? A database is generally used to store related structured data, with well-defined data formats, in an efficient way to insert, update and/or retrieve (depending on the application). On the other hand, a file system is a less structured data store for storing arbitrary, probably unrelated data. What is the difference between…

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Failed to save test plan in JMeter? 1 answer. Looking at the yellow exclamation mark in the top right corner of the JMeter GUI you have a few more errors, if you click on that triangle it will open the JMeter log file, most likely it contains enough information to get to the background of the problem. JMeter also writes its log to a file, by default it is jmeter. Why is my JMeter not working? Make sure “Thread Pool” is enabled (I’m not sure, but for me it was disabled when I opened my .JMX file from recent files),…

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Can you query Redis? A NoSQL database, Redis does not use a Structured Query Language, also known as SQL. Instead, Redis comes with its own set of commands to manage and access data. Does Redis support read full? Read caching in Redis. Does Redis write through cache? Redis is an open source in-memory data structure store that is often used to create NoSQL key-value databases, caches, and message brokers. The good news is that Redisson includes functionality for write-through and write-through caching in Redis by using the RMap interface. What is a Redis cache used for? Caching. Redis is an…

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How do I find my PGP Key ID? A PGP key ID is just the lower 64 bits of the public module (but only the lower 32 bits are shown with pgp -kv). It is easy to select two prime numbers that, when multiplied together, have a specific set of low-order bits. This makes it possible to create a fake key with the same key ID as an existing one. How do I transfer PGP keys? Drag and drop method Open the encryption desktop. Click PGP Keys to display the list of keys in the right pane. Drag the file…

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How do I select distinct in inner join? You can use CTE to get the distinct values ​​from the second table and then join them with the first table. You should also get the distinct values ​​based on the LastName column. You do this with a Row_Number() split by LastName and sorted by FirstName. How is count used in union query in Oracle? The COUNT function returns the number of elements in a group, including nulls and duplicates. The COUNT(DISTINCT expression) function returns the number of unique, non-null elements in a group. COUNT(ALL expression) evaluates the expression and returns the…

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How do you find the union of two linked lists? Method 1 (Simple) Go through list1 and find all its elements in list2, if the element is present in list2, then add the element to the result. Union(list1, list2): Initializes the result list to NULL. Loop through list1 and add all its elements to the result. Is it possible to produce the union of two linked lists? More complex variants add additional links, allowing more efficient insertion or removal of nodes at arbitrary positions. The union of two linked lists can be found by merging the lists in an orderly…

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What is Gitolite in git? Gitolite is an access control layer on top of git. These are the features most people see: Use a single Unix user (“real” user) on the server. they’re not “real” users, so they don’t get shell access. How is Gitolite used? move servers Clone the latest gitolite-admin repository from the old server to your workstation. Install gitolite on the new server, using the same admin password as for the old server. Copy the rc file from the old server, overwriting this one. Disable the old server so people don’t push it. How do I check…

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How do you find the angle of intersection? Theorem: The angle θ of the intersection of two nonvertical lines l1 and l2 from l2 to l1 is given by tanθ=m2–m11+m1m2, where m1 and m2 are the slopes of the lines l1 and l2, respectively. What is the sum of the intersecting angles? Answer) Angles that are opposite each other when two lines intersect are known as vertical angles. The two pairs of vertical angles are equal to each other. The two pairs of neighboring angles are supplementary, which means that the angles add up to 180 degrees. What is an…

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How do you check which graphics card is being used in Windows 10? To check which GPU a game is using, open Task Manager and enable the “GPU Engine” column in the Processes panel. You will then see what number of GPUs an application is using. You can see which GPU is associated with which number in the Performance tab. How do I know which GPU is active? Right click on the desktop and select [Panel de control de NVIDIA]. Select [Ver] either [Escritorio] (option varies by driver version) on the toolbar, and then check [Mostrar icono de actividad de…

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How do I get permission to access my Photos on Mac? On your Mac, select the item, then choose File > Get Info, or press Command-I. Click the arrow next to Sharing and Permissions to expand the section. Click the popup menu next to your username to see the permission settings. How do I change permissions in Photos on Mac? Change permissions for files, folders or disks on Mac On your Mac, select a drive, folder, or file, then choose File > Get Info. If the information under Sharing and Permissions is not visible, click the arrow. Click a user…

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How is snprintf similar to sprintf in C? snprintf is extremely similar to sprintf, which can be found in the same man page. After all, function names only differ by the ‘n’ character! Actually, this is a fairly common convention in C: the function with the ‘n’ will require an upper bound or maximum size as an argument. What does a null character do in snprintf? snprintf automatically adds a null character to the character sequence resulting from the format substitution; This automatically added character is not exempt from size checking. This means that “%d”, 100 will take up 4…

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How do I transfer data from Google Docs to Google Sheets? Want to get more out of Google Docs for work or school? On your computer, open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets. Open or create a sheet. At the top, click File. To import. Choose a non-password protected file in one of these file types: . Select an import option. Optional: If you import a plain text file, such as . Click Import. Extract data from Google Docs to Google Sheets Use Apps Script’s “Drive Service”. An Internet search for guides, examples, and reference documentation will help you get started.…

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How to refresh a page in angular ionic? Run the following command to create a new Ionic Angular app with a blank template. In the component template, we add the ion-refresher and ion-refresher-content inside. The ion-refresh has the event handler (ionRefresh), which fires when the user scrolls down the page. What does the review do in the ionic framework? Update provides pull-to-update functionality on a content component. The fetch-to-refresh pattern allows a user to display a list of data using touch to retrieve more data. The data must be modified during the exit events of the update. When to use…

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Can you get a farming simulator on Windows 10? Play the most complete farming experience ever! Become a modern farmer and develop your farm in two huge American and European environments, full of exciting new farming activities, crops to harvest and animals to care for. Can you play Farming Simulator 17 on a laptop? Farming Simulator 17 will run on PC system running Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and later versions. It also has a version for Mac. Is farming simulator still free? For a short time, the popular Farming Simulator 19 can be downloaded completely free of charge.…

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When to use recursion in a base case? In a base case, we compute the result immediately given the inputs to the function call. In a recursive step, we calculate the result with the help of one or more recursive calls to this same function, but with the inputs somehow reduced in size or complexity, closer to a base case. Consider writing a function to compute the factorial. How to replace recursion with iteration in Java? Implement a loop that will iterate until the base case is reached. Make progress towards the base case. Send the new arguments to the…

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What is a long integer constant? An integer constant is a decimal (base 10), octal (base 8), or hexadecimal (base 16) number that represents an integral value. Use integer constants to represent integer values ​​that cannot be changed. What is the longest int? Limits on Integer Constants Constant Sense Worth INT_MIN Minimum value for a variable of type int . -2147483647 – 1 INT_MAX Maximum value for a variable of type int . 2147483647 UINT_MAX Maximum value for a variable of type unsigned int . 4294967295 (0xffffffff) LENGTH_MIN Minimum value for a variable of type long . -2147483647 – 1…

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Does Google Classroom have an API? The Classroom API is a Google Developer API. This means that non-Google services can benefit from Google’s tools and infrastructure. To use the Classroom API, developers must agree to the Classroom API Terms of Service. Other apps may not use Classroom data for advertising purposes. How do I get an API for Google Classroom? Set up access to Classroom data Sign in to the Google Admin console. Choose one: If you use Google Workspace for Education or Workspace for Nonprofits, click Google Workspace Classroom Apps. Click Data access and next to Classroom API, check…

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Can I download WhatsApp on Windows 8? 1. You need to open your browser, search and visit the WhatsApp page to continue installing WhatsApp for PC. There you need to navigate to the download page to download the .exe file. The process of installing WhatsApp on Windows 7, installing WhatsApp on Windows 8, or installing WhatsApp on Windows 10 is the same. How can I download WhatsApp on my Windows laptop? Download WhatsApp Desktop In your computer’s browser, go to the WhatsApp download page, then download the .exe or . dmg file. Once the download is complete, open the .exe…

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What is the value of the checkbox when it is not checked? If a checkbox is not checked when your form is submitted, no value is sent to the server to represent its unchecked state (for example, value=unchecked); the value is not sent to the server at all. How do you check if a checkbox is checked or unchecked? The prop() and is() methods are the two ways we can check if a checkbox is checked in jQuery or not. prop(): This method provides an easy way to track the state of checkboxes. It works well under all conditions because…

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How can I improve my SEO 2021? 8 tips to apply to your 2021 SEO strategy Write for humans first and search engines second. Use specific keywords in all the right places. Focus on user experience (UX) Focus on building relevant links. Format the content of featured snippets. Eliminate anything that slows down your site. Pay attention to Google algorithm updates. How can I make my SEO more effective? So let’s get right to it. Perform competitor analysis. One of the most effective SEO tactics that can help your ranking is thorough competitor research and analysis. Analyze your backlinks. Optimize…

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How do I install a backup source? Think cross-platform. Consider adding fonts that are commonly found on Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Windows, and other platforms your readers may be using… Always include a generic family name at the end of your font stack in case the user doesn’t have one from the desired sources. : serif sans serif cursive. fancy. monospace. How is an alternate source defined? An alternate font is a fallback typeface that contains symbols for as many Unicode characters as possible. When a display system encounters a character that is not part of the repertoire of any…

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How do you call an object in parse? Each Parse.Object is an instance of a specific subclass with a class name that you can use to distinguish different types of data. For example, we could call the high score object GameScore. When is the term analysis used in Computer Science? parsing Within computer science, the term is used in the parsing of computer languages, referring to the parsing of input code into its component parts to facilitate the writing of compilers and interpreters. The term can also be used to describe a division or separation. Can an analysis object be…

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How do I remove the caps lock icon from my screen? Edit keyboard settings Press the Windows key and type: Control Panel and then open it. Now change the View to Large Icons and open the Keyboard. Then head over to the Key Settings tab and double-click Caps Lock. Now uncheck ‘Show caps lock status on screen’ and restart your PC. How do I fix the caps lock indicator? What to do if the caps lock indicator does not work? Change the Ease of Access setting. Enable the Caps Lock indicator using TrayStatus. Enable the caps lock indicator using the…

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How do I load a JSON file into a database? How to import JSON to SQL Server Import the JSON as string data. Use OpenJSON to parse the text. Use path variables to access nested data. Specify an explicit schema using the WITH clause. Save the rowsets to a table. Footnotes. Can I import JSON into SQL Server? We can use JSON data for unstructured data such as log files and NoSQL databases. SQL Server also supports importing and exporting data in JSON format to exchange data with different data sources and applications. How do I import a JSON file…

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What is bigger than MaxDocumentSize? Size 43002467 is larger than MaxDocumentSize 16793600. How big is a 16MB document? 16777216 bytesThe maximum size of the BSON document is 16 MB or 16777216 bytes. All conversions must use a base 2 scale, for example, 1024 kilobytes = 1 megabyte. If maxCollectionSize is less than or nearly equal to the target collection, increase the chunk size to ensure proper initial chunking. How big is MongoDB? MongoDB is happy to accommodate large documents up to 16MB in collections, and GridFS is designed for large documents larger than 16MB. Just because large documents can be…

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How do you toggle a boolean? Method 1: Use the logical NOT operator: The logical NOT operator in Boolean algebra is used to negate an expression or value. Using this operator on a true value would return false and using it on a false value would return true. This property can be used to toggle a Boolean value. How is DX implemented in Salesforce? Tag: Salesforce DX Busting 5 myths: Scratch Orgs and Salesforce DX. Install Manage Package on Scratch Org using Salesforce DX. Create a Salesforce DX plugin in 15 minutes. Using SalesforceDX (SFDX) with non-temporary organizations. Import and…

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Should I console the error? The key difference: launch stops execution, while console does. the mistake does not Most of the time, it’s better to throw an error. That is a built-in way of indicating that something has failed and normal execution cannot continue unless the error is expected, detected and handled correctly. What does the console error property do? Redirect the standard input and output streams to files, but use the Error property to write the standard error stream to the console. It can be started from the command line by supplying the name of the file containing the…

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Can we install Linux and Windows together? Yes, you can install both operating systems on your computer. This is known as dual booting. It’s important to note that only one operating system is booted at a time, so when you turn on your computer, you choose to run either Linux or Windows during that session. Is it safe to install Ubuntu alongside Windows 10? 4 answers. Normally it should work. Ubuntu is capable of installing in UEFI mode and alongside Win 10, but you may face (usually fixable) issues depending on how well UEFI is implemented and how integrated the…

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How do I make the divs have the same height? The two or more different div of the same height can be placed next to each other using CSS. Use the CSS property to set the height and width of the div and use the display property to position the div in side-by-side format. The display properties used are listed below: display:table; This property is used for elements (div) that behave like a table. How do you make all divs the same height in Flex? How does it work? Step 1: Marked. I created a ul wrapper with a bunch…

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How do I add an animated tween? Select the graphic or instance you want to tween, and select Insert > Motion Tween from the main menu. Create a graphic or instance that you want to tween, then right-click the instance on the Stage and select Create Motion Tween. How do I create a motion tween in Animation 2020? How do you put a classic tween on an object? Drag the white point in the center to skew the object. Right-click the box and select Create Classic Tween…. Allows you to copy the motion properties applied to any object on the…

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Does Azure SQL run on Linux? To view the available SQL Server virtual machine images for Windows, see Overview of SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines (Windows)… Introduction to SQL Server virtual machines. Version Operating system Edition SQL Server 2019 Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 Enterprise, Standard, Web, Developer How do I run a profiler in SQL Azure? SQL Server Profiler in Azure Data Studio You can download Azure Data Studio using the Microsoft documents. > We can start SQL Server Profiler from the command palette. Alternatively, we can use the shortcut key Alt + P. This starts the…

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What does carriage return and line feed do on a new line? So scientists found a way to solve this problem, they add two final characters after each line, one is ‘Carriage Return’, which tells the printer to move the print head to the left; the other is ‘Line Feed’, it tells the printer to move the paper 1 line up. How to insert a carriage return in a string? Insert the SQL carriage return and line feed into a string. We may need to insert a carriage return or line feed while working with the string data. In SQL…

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Do you want to restore your computer using Windows 7 system? Restore Windows 7 to an earlier point Close any open software windows. Click Start ( ), All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then System Restore. The Restore system files and settings window opens. Select Choose a different restore point, and then click Next. Is system restore safe in Windows 7? In general, if you create a system restore point in advance, you can restore the system in safe mode Windows 7. With it, you can create bootable media to start any computer, whether it is Windows 7, 8, 8.1…

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How to upload an image file to Allegro? I’m writing a game in allegro and would like to upload some image files. However, every time I call al_load_bitmap, I get a null pointer. I am using XCode 4.1 as my IDE. Where to find Allegro resources in OS X? ALLEGRO_RESOURCES_PATH is the location of the “pooled resources”, which in OS X means the directory of the executable file. (If I were to use an app bundle, then it would be the bundle’s resource folder.) As a quick check, simply copy the images to the same directory where your executable is…

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How to resize iOS simulator on mac? You can select and drag any corner of the simulator to resize it and configure it according to your requirements. Note: With Xcode 9.1+, the Simulator scaling options change. How do I change the size of the simulator in Xcode? Simulator Size Options Comparison You can resize a simulator by clicking and dragging from one of the four corners. The Window menu options provide four scaling options. How do I download apps in the Xcode simulator? Follow these steps to install an app on a wired simulator. Go to Apps > Install app.…

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How do I move data from one page to another in WordPress? $data = $_POST[‘datos’]; If there is no form on the first page and you want to pass data. than using the session to pass data from one page to another page. $arraydata = don’t serialize ($arraydata); How do you send one form to another? You can use the ‘form’ attribute on your input fields and then merge all your inputs. When sending refer to the correct form. How do I transfer data from one form to another in HTML? How to pass user input from one form to…

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What is inner loop and outer loop? The “print a line of stars” loop is called an inner loop because it is the loop body of another loop. The “do something five times” loop is called an outer loop because it is not inside any other loop. Can you have a for loop inside a for loop? Note: It is possible to use a loop type within the body of another loop. For example, we can put a for loop inside the while loop. Can we write loop inside loop in SAP ABAP? Preface. Traditionally in ABAP, we use the…

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Why has Bluetooth disappeared from my PC? In device manager, click “view” tab and select “show hidden devices” and check if the Bluetooth device/controller is listed. To check the installed drivers in Programs and Features, press Windows + X keys on the keyboard and select Programs and Features and check if the Bluetooth driver is installed. Where is Bluetooth in Device Manager? Open Device Manager: Right-click the Windows Start button, and then click Device Manager. In Device Manager, double-click the Bluetooth tree to see the Bluetooth hardware name. Why does Bluetooth disappear? Bluetooth disappears from your system configuration mainly due…

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How to know which SIM is receiving the messages? in the app [Teléfono]go to call history and check under caller/recipient name or number to see if the call is from SIM 1 or 2. How do I find out which SIM card is receiving the message on a dual SIM Android phone? Open a text message conversation and you can see the SIM card currently in use in the bottom right corner. play it A menu opens allowing you to select the other available SIM for your next message. Why am I not receiving messages on my Sims? Troubleshoot sending…

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What is the Hungarian matching algorithm? The Hungarian matching algorithm, also called the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm, is an O ( ∣ V ∣ 3 ) O/big(|V|^3/big) O(∣V∣3) algorithm that can be used to find the maximum weight matches in bipartite graphs, which is sometimes called the assignment problem. In a complete bipartite graph G, find the maximum weight match. What is the Hungarian algorithm used for? The Hungarian algorithm is used to find the minimum cost in assignment problems that involve assigning people to activities. To use this algorithm, we start by organizing our data in a matrix with people as…

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Why do you need nested React Native browsers? Most mobile apps will have a combination of nested browsers to provide the best possible experience for navigating between screens, which improves the user experience in the app itself. To proceed with this article, you must have: Why React Navigation? Why does navigation.navigate appear undefined in react? The list view renderer component ‘ListName’ has an onRowPress function but this.props.navigation.navigate appears undefined because the navigation is not in the state of that child component. I have tried several ways to pass the navigation object to the child and also import the navigation from…

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How can I get the oauth2 access token? To do this, send a POST request to the OAuth2 token URL: https:///Panopto/oauth2/connect/token. The post request must be sent with a content type of x-www-form-urlencoded and include the following parameters: grant_type – The method you are using to obtain a token. How do I get access token and access token secret? These tokens do not expire, but can be revoked by the user at any time. Twitter allows you to obtain user access tokens through the 3-legged OAuth flow, which allows your application to obtain an access token and access token secret…

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How do I remove junk files from the system? The Disk Cleanup tool allows you to delete all but the most recent, and that’s it. To do so, go to the Disk Cleanup tool. Click Clean up system files, then the More options tab, then go to the System and snapshot restore section, then click the Clean button, and finally the Delete button to confirm. What causes junk files? Junk files are temporary files like cache; residual files, temporary files, etc. they are created when running programs or during the installation of applications. These files are created for temporary use…

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How to customize AppBar Flutter? This was my approach: Create a stateless widget CustomAppBar, which returns the default AppBar, like this: class CustomAppBar extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return AppBar( ); } } Add your customization to the AppBar, such as: Extend PreferredSizeWidget . How do I navigate multiple monitors in Flutter? pop(). Create two routes. First, create two routes to work with. Since this is a basic example, each route contains only one button. Navigate to the second route using Navigator. push() To switch to a new route, use the Navigator. Go back to the first…

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How do I create an interactive HTML? interactive HTML Reference to HTML elements. The object model of the document. document.getElementById() document.getElementsByClassName() document.getElementsByTagName() Modification of elements. appendChild() element.className. element.remove() addEventListener() Homework. Can I create tags in HTML? With HTML you use the tag, for example, to display text in bold. If you need a list, use the tag with its child tag for each element of the list. Browsers interpret the tags and, along with CSS, determine how the content of a web page is displayed and also how parts of the content behave. What is interactive content in HTML? Interactive…

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How to print a table in JavaScript? And then the content of the HTML DIV, i.e. the HTML table to be printed, is extracted and written to the HTML popup. Finally, the popup is printed using the JavaScript print-window command. var printWindow = window. open(”, ”, ‘height=200,width=400’); How do I print a specific table in HTML? var tab = document. getElementById(‘tab’); var style = “”; style = style + “table {width: 100%; font: 17px Calibri;}”; style = style + “table, th, td {border: solid 1px #DDD; border-collapse: collapse;”; style = style + “padding: 2px 3px; textalign: center;}”; style = style…

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How can I make my recycler view scrollable? Fast scrolling in RecyclerView Step 1 – Add and configure a RecyclerView in your app. This is the most obvious step. Step 2 – Add the FastScroll tag to the layout xml. Step 3: Define the drawables for the scrollbar. Step 4: Launch the app to see fast scrolling in action. Step 5 (Optional): Fix for a large number of items. card view inside ScrollView (now ScrollView contains RecyclerView): you can see card until RecyclerView. The initial thought was to implement this viewGroup using RecyclerView instead of ScrollView, where one of its…

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Does my Mac go to sleep when I close the lid? When you close the lid of your MacBook, it goes to sleep. There is no system setting you can modify, and no command you can run to change this. How do I shut down my laptop without sleep? On the left side of the Power Options screen, you’ll see an option that says Choose what you do when you close the lid. Click it. From there, select the behavior you’d like your PC to use when you close the lid. From the drop-down menu, select the action you prefer:…

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Can a thread unlock a mutex locked by another thread? Mutex Types The owner cannot repeatedly lock a normal mutex. Attempts by a thread to relock an already held mutex, or to lock a mutex that was held by another thread when that thread terminated, cause a deadlock condition. Can the same thread hold the lock twice? A thread can safely acquire the same lock multiple times without encountering deadlocks (for example, a synchronized method calls another synchronized method on the same object). Is STD mutex copyable? std::mutex cannot be copied or moved. What happens if you try to lock…

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Is there a WiFi analyzer for iPhone? NetSpot for iPhone is a complete and beautiful Wi-Fi analyzer for your mobile device. With this wireless analyzer you will be able to discover the networks in the area and observe their data changes in real time. You can measure internet download speed for your network with the NetSpot app. Is there an app that gives me WiFi? Avast Wi-Fi finder is a free Android app that allows you to find free Wi-Fi networks around you. It features regular updates that keep you informed of the latest information on nearby WiFi hotspots. When…

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How to insert data in Druid? Druid can insert new data into an existing data source by adding new segments to existing segment sets. You can also add new data by merging an existing set of segments with new data and overwriting the original set. Druid does not support updates to a single record per primary key. What is Druid Tranquility? Tranquility is a package for sending streams to Druid in real time. Druid doesn’t come bundled with Tranquility; it is available as a separate download. For new projects that require streaming ingestion, we recommend using Druid’s native support for…

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What software is better to do karaoke? Karaoke software for Windows KaraFun player. This software is one of the best and easiest to use software available. Centuries Professional Karaoke. OneKaraoke. CDG plugin for Winamp. Advanced karaoke player. PC DJ Karaoki. Karaoke player. What is the best free karaoke app? Top 7 Free Karaoke Apps Smule: Sing it your way. Image gallery (2 images) Yokee Karaoke – millions of songs just for you. StarMaker: Join a great community. Houseparty: more than just karaoke. Sing Karaoke: Music for Everyone. La Voz: The Official Karaoke App for Fans. Baby Karaoke: Let your children…

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Is there a functional programming model in Spring Cloud stream? In the previous post, I tried to justify our move to a functional programming model in Spring Cloud Stream (SCSt). It’s less code, less configuration. More importantly though, your code is completely decoupled and independent from the internals of SCSt. How to create a stream in Spring Cloud? The above function is treated as a message handler that consumes from caps 0 and sends bindings to caps 0. The rest of the existing flow properties can be used as before. For example – How to use Spring Cloud Azure Stream…

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What is the worker process in the application pool? Application pools can contain one or more worker processes. Each worker process represents the work that is done for a website, web application, or web service. You can create a web garden by allowing multiple worker processes to run in a single application pool. In IIS 7 and later, each application pool uses one of two . How does the IIS application pool work? An application pool serves as a container for your applications in IIS. It is a collection of one or more URLs that can be served by a…

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How do I add a Follow button to my LinkedIn Company Page? How to Install the LinkedIn Follow Button Visit Enter your company name or ID. Choose your button’s count mode preference, whether or not you want the button to display the follower count of your LinkedIn Company Page. Click “Get Code” and voila! Can a company be followed as a company on LinkedIn? LinkedIn users can follow a company by selecting the “Follow” button on the company or member profile associated with a particular company. You will be able to see the companies you are following and receive…

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How to read environment variable configuration files? Using godotenv and GO’s os package together → here we use godotenv to read from the .env file and os to read from environment variables. How to set environment variables in react apps? You must configure the environment variables in the configuration section in the Azure static web application service configuration. We’ve seen how to use environment variables in the Azure Static Web Apps service both in local development and in the other environments in React apps. Where to find environment variables in Microsoft Office? Environment Variables . Overview. The / element element…

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How do I back up my Windows 10 HP laptop? Back up your files (Windows 10) Connect your external drive to the computer. If an autoplay window opens, close it. Using the search box on the taskbar, search for and open Backup Settings. Turn on Automatically back up my files. Note: To back up your files immediately or adjust your backup settings, click More Options. How do I back up everything on my HP laptop? File backup with HP Recovery Manager Boot into the recovery partition by pressing F11. Click Advanced Options. Click Back up computer files. Select the type…

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Can tkinter be run in jupyter notebook? Tkinter can also be installed on the Jupyter Notebook, using the pip install tkinter command. We can run all the standard Tkinter commands in the Jupyter notebook. Now, after verifying the installation, you are ready to write your Tkinter application code to the Jupyter notebook. How do I run a tkinter program? Tkinter Programming Import the Tkinter module. Create the main window of the GUI application. Add one or more of the widgets mentioned above to the GUI application. Enter the main event loop to take action against each user-triggered event. Can we…

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How does URL routing work? URL routing allows you to configure an application to accept request URLs that do not map to physical files. A request URL is simply the URL that a user enters into their browser to find a page on your website. Much of the basic routing work will be implemented using friendly URLs. What is URL RouteUrl? RouteUrl(String, RouteValueDictionary) Generates a fully qualified URL for the specified route values ​​using a route name. RouteUrl(String, Object, String) Generates a fully qualified URL for the specified route values ​​using a route name and the protocol to use. What…

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When to use provide and inject in Vue? Imagine the structure where you have some deeply nested components and you just need some of the parent component in the deeply nested child. In this case, you still need to pass the accessory through the entire component chain, which can be annoying. For such cases, we can use the provide and inject pair. How does the parent component work in Vue.js? Parent components can serve as a dependency provider for all of their children, regardless of the depth of the component hierarchy. This function works in two parts: the parent component…

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Does the view speed up the query? Views make queries faster to write, but they don’t improve the performance of the underlying queries. In short, if an indexed view can satisfy a query, then under certain circumstances this can drastically reduce the amount of work SQL Server has to do to return the required data, and thus improve query performance. How do I fix slow queries? How to fix slow queries Examine your website for query performance issues. Troubleshooting query performance. Use caching. Modify the query. Disable or delete the query. Monitor the server. What causes SQL queries to execute…

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Can you change the name of a Bluetooth device? Tap the (Information/i) icon next to the Bluetooth device you want to rename. Then tap Name. How do I change the name of an audio device? Open the Settings app. Click the System tab and in the left pane click Sound. Click Apply and then OK. In Device Properties, next to the device icon, you can enter the new device name in the text field. In Control Panel, click the Sound icon. Click Apply and then OK. How do I change the name of my sound device? To rename an audio…

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How do I sum cells with the same text in Google Sheets? 1. In the above formula: B2:B9 are the cell values ​​you want to sum, A2:A9 is the range containing the specific text string, “KTE” is the specific text you want to sum into, please change them as your need . 2. Here is another formula that can also help you: =sumif(A2:A9,”*KTE*”,B2:B9). How do you do a Sumif in Google Sheets? We will use the data set below to demonstrate how to use the SUMIF function for this problem. Select the cell where you want the result of the…

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How do I load a dictionary in JSON? So if you want to convert Python dict to json, you need to first convert a dictionary to string and then use json. The loads() method is converted to JSON. If you have a Python object, you can convert it to a JSON string using json. dumps() method. Do JSON payloads preserve order? uploads should work fine. Note however that a JSON object is still out of order, so the final JavaScript can load/dump the object in any order. How do I access OrderedDict items? Use list() and list indexing to access…

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How to extract data from an XML file? Analysis: XML package 2 basic models: DOM and SAX Document Object Model (DOM) Tree stored internally as C, or as regular R objects Use XPath to query nodes of interest, extract information. How does the msxml2.domdocument object work in XML? The MSXML2.DOMDocument object allows you to easily traverse an XML structure and extract any necessary XML nodes and/or attributes. Let’s look at the example below. Next we start by loading the XML document. Note that I am selecting the upload to be done synchronously and not to do validation when parsing the…

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What are agents in NetLogo? The world of NetLogo is made up of agents. Agents are beings that can follow instructions. In NetLogo, there are four types of agents: turtles, patches, links, and the watcher. Turtles are agents that move around the world. How do turtles move NetLogo? You can try typing turtles > pencil down in the Command Center and then pressing the Go button. Also, inside the move-turtles procedure you can try changing right random 360 to right random 45 . Play. It’s easy and the results are immediate and visible, one of NetLogo’s many strengths. What are…

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How do I fix Google Chrome on Windows 7? First: Try These Common Chrome Crash Fixes Close other tabs, extensions, and apps. Restart Chrome. Restart your computer. Check for malware. Open the page in another browser. Troubleshoot network issues and report website issues. Fix problem apps (Windows computers only) Check if Chrome is already open. Can I install Google Chrome on Windows 7? To use Chrome on Windows, you’ll need: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 or later. An Intel Pentium 4 processor or later with SSE3 support. How do I reset Google Chrome in Windows 7? Reset…

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How do I check a specific date in access? To do this, select Parameters from the Query menu. When the Query Parameters window appears, enter the two parameters [Fecha de inicio] Y [Fecha de finalización], and select Date/Time as the data type. Click the OK button. Now when you run the query, you will be prompted to enter the “start” date. How do I view tables in SQL? This first query will return all the tables in the database you are querying. SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM SCHEME_INFORMATION. TABLES. SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME FROM SCHEME_INFO. SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM SCHEME_INFO. IF EXISTS (SELECT *…

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What is the concatenation of two strings? Concatenation of two strings is the process of joining them together to form a new string. Concatenation adds the second string after the first string. Concatenation is sometimes also called binary addition of strings, that is, the + operation. How do I concatenate strings in SQL? SQL Server CONCAT() function Add two strings together: SELECT CONCAT(‘W3Schools’, ‘.com’); Add 3 strings together: SELECT CONCAT(‘SQL’, ‘is’, ‘fun!’ ); Add strings together (separate each string with a space character): SELECT CONCAT(‘SQL’, ‘ ‘, ‘is’, ‘ ‘, ‘fun!’ ); How do you concatenate strings in Excel? Here…

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How do I sum corresponding values ​​with the same name in Excel? Please do it with the following steps: Click on a cell where you want to place the result in your current spreadsheet. Please go to click Data > Consolidate, see screenshot: In the Consolidate dialog: After finishing the settings, click OK and the duplicates will be combined and added together. How do I add values ​​corresponding to the same date in Excel? How to sum corresponding values ​​with the same date in Excel? Add the corresponding values ​​based on the same date with the formula. Sum corresponding values…

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What exception is thrown when the element is removed or is no longer attached to the DOM? stale element reference exceptionA stale element reference exception is thrown in one of two cases, the former being more common than the latter: The element has been completely removed. The element is no longer attached to the DOM. How do I fix stale element reference element not attached to page document in Python? The element is not found in the DOM because your page is not fully loaded when Selenium is looking for the element. To solve that, you can put an explicit…

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How do I see the computers on my Ubuntu network? Scan your network with Nmap on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Step 1: Open the Ubuntu command line. Step 2: Install the Nmap network scan tool. Step 3: Get the IP range/subnet mask of your network. Step 4: Scan the network for connected devices with Nmap. Step 5: Exit Terminal. Why can’t I see my computer on the network? In some cases, the Windows computer may not be displayed in the network neighborhood due to incorrect workgroup settings. Try adding this computer to the workgroup again. Go to Control Panel -> System…

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How does static generation work in nuxtjs? nuxt render with target: ‘static’ will pre-render all your pages to HTML and save a payload file to simulate asyncData and fetch in client-side navigation, this means no more HTTP calls to your API in client-side navigation client side. What is the best way to get data in nuxt? Use the new search hook that is available in Nuxt 2.12 and later. Make the API call on the mounted binding and set the data properties when it loads. Disadvantage: It won’t work for server side rendering. How to create a new folder in…

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How do I save images to my Android cache? My android project layout xml file has three buttons. which are shows, events and home. when the buttons are clicked, they download images from the URL and cache them. Can the cache store images? A web browser or cache does exactly that, except with program and website resources. When you visit a website, your browser takes parts of the page and stores them on your computer’s hard drive. Some of the assets that your browser will store are: Images: logos, images, backgrounds, etc. How is the cache used in Android? Tap…

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How do I fix No such file or directory in Python? You have three options: Use an absolute path to open the file: file = open(r’C:/path/to/your/file.yaml’) Generate the path to the file relative to your python script: from pathlib import Path script_location = Path(__file__).absolute().parent file_location = script_location / ‘file.yaml’ file = file_location. How to resolve No such file or directory errors? 1 answer Open the terminal. Go to the directory where the project folder is located. RUN composer installation. How do I fix directory errors in Python? To resolve There is no such file or directory error in your Python…

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How do I test a Peace of Mind API? REST API Testing – Preview POST request using Rest Assured. Serialization and Deserialization in Java. Deserialize the Json response. Authentication and Authorization in REST WebServices. PUT request using Rest Assured. DELETE Request using Rest Assured. How do I manually test the REST API? Steps to test the REST API Step 1) Open the advanced REST client. Step 2) Enter the URL of the API to test. Step 3) Select the HTTP method. Step 4) Provide header set. Step 5) Confirm the header set. Step 6) Provide the required body content. Step…

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Does the classic shell slow down your computer? Short answer: No. Classic Shell under normal circumstances and its use should not cause any slowdown of Windows or affect the performance or stability of Windows in any way. What is the classic shell used for? Classic Shell is a utility that has been around for several years. It allows you to customize the appearance of your Windows system, especially if you want the Start menu in Windows 10 to look like one from an older and more familiar version of Windows. What replaces the classic shell? The best alternative is Open…

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Can you install MySQL on a discord bot? Well I am creating a discord bot and I want to implement a mysql database on it. I investigated how to connect an online database in my bot using Node.js, but failed. I want to know if I have to install MySQL on my computer or is there a way to get it online? I’m very confused. Is the database connected to the Discord server? The database is connected, but I don’t know how to initialize each server with its prefix. My code to initialize the bot: Do you use JSON or…

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What values ​​can a variable have? A variable can be thought of as a memory location that can hold values ​​of a specific type. The value of a variable can change during the life of the program, hence the name “variable”. Can a variable be a constant? All numbers are constant. Some letters, like e, or symbols, like π, are also constants. Also, a variable can be a constant if the problem assigns it a specific value. As defined in mathematics, a variable is an unknown value or a value that can change, usually expressed as x, y, and z.…

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Do widgets work in JupyterLab? Most of the time, installing ipywidgets automatically configures JupyterLab 3.0 to use widgets. The ipywidgets package does this by relying on the jupyterlab_widgets package, version 1.0, which configures JupyterLab 3 to display and use widgets. Why is Jupyter lab not working? Jupyter won’t load or work in browser Try another browser (for example, if you normally use Firefox, try Chrome). This helps pinpoint where the problem is. Try disabling any browser extensions and/or any Jupyter extensions you have installed. Some Internet security software can interfere with Jupyter. How to use ipywidgets to make your Jupyter…

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How do I add files to Ansible? Synopsis Includes a file with a list of plays or tasks to be executed in the current playbook. Files with a playlist can only be included at the top level. Prior to Ansible 2.0, all includes were “static” and executed when the build was compiled. Static includes are not subject to most directives. How do I add tasks in Ansible? The most basic function of the include_tasks module is to import tasks from a file into another list of tasks. This could be inside a playbook or in a role’s task files. The…

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How do I use AppLocker in Windows 10? Use AppLocker to set rules for apps Run the local security policy (secpol. Go to Security Settings > Application Control Policies > AppLocker and select Configure Enforcement Rules. Check Configured under Executable Rules, and then click OK. Right-click Executable Rules, and then click Auto Generate Rules. How do I access the app locker? To find the app locker, open Settings, and then locate and tap Security & Fingerprint. In the resulting window (Figure A), tap App Locker. Is my safe safe? My Lockbox is security software that allows you to password protect…

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How do I combine one array with another in JavaScript? Three ways to combine arrays in JavaScript Concat() The most basic way is to use the concat() method. Using a spread operator (ES6 shortcut) Now the second method is like a shortcut; you just have to store the values ​​of two or more arrays in a different array using ellipses or a distribution operator. Merge Arrays with Push. How do I combine two arrays of objects in ES6? JavaScript combine array of objects by key (es6) const arr1 =[ {id:1,nombre:”sai”}, {id:2,nombre: “Rey”} ]; const arr2 = [ {id:1,edad:23}, {id:2,edad:24} ];…

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Does DIVS have margin? Divs are used to create what used to be known as layers and can be used as a replacement for tabbed layout. We get to that entirely in CSS Layout. The default margins, borders, and padding are all 0, so when you wrap a div around some text, there is no space between its borders and the text. How do you get the divs to line up next to each other? With CSS properties, you can easily place two side by side in HTML. Use the CSS float property to achieve this. With that, add height:…

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How to connect MySQL XAMPP in c#? Open the MySQL administration page and create a new database. After creating the new database, create a new table. After creating the new table, open Visual Studio and click New Project and give the project a name. Add namespace to project. Create a MySQL connection string. The following code will insert the data into the MySQL table. How to connect to My SQL using c#? Open connection to the database. Create a MySQL command. Assign a connection and query to the command. Create a MySqlDataReader object to read the selected records/data. Run the…

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Are Python queues thread-safe? The Queue module provides a FIFO implementation suitable for multi-threaded scheduling. It can be used to safely pass messages or other data between producer and consumer threads. The size of a queue (number of items) can be restricted to speed up memory usage or processing. … Is tail blocking Python? 2 answers. Yes, if you call some_queue. get() inside the thread or main function, the program will block there until some object passes through the queue. Why is the queue empty? Queues are a type of container adapters that operate on a first-in, first-out (FIFO) type…

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How do I boot from USB without CD? Open the downloaded Virtual CloneDrive setup file and accept the license agreement. When prompted to select installation options, make sure Associate .iso file is checked. Choose the location where you want Virtual CloneDrive to be installed, and then click Install. How do I install a USB driver? Get Google USB Driver In Android Studio, click Tools > SDK Manager. Click the SDK Tools tab. Select Google USB Driver and click OK. Figure 1. Proceed to install the package. When finished, the driver files will be downloaded to the android_sdk /extras/googlesb_driver/ directory. How…

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Does return end a program? return will terminate the execution of the function and return control to the calling function. When placed in main, it will exit the program. To make main return an int, use int main instead of void main. Does the return break the cycle? 7 answers. Yes, return stops execution and exits the function. return always** exits your function immediately, without further execution if it is inside a for loop. Is the return like a break? 14 answers. break is used when you want to exit the loop, while return is used to go back to…

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What is the purpose of database migrations? Database migration is the process of migrating data from one or more source databases to one or more destination databases using a database migration service. When a migration completes, the data set from the source databases resides entirely, though possibly restructured, in the target databases. When should you run database migrations? Run the database migrations first, before deploying the new code. This means that the code above should work with both database schemas, but the code below can assume that the tables have already been added. Should I use database migrations? Migrations are…

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How do you establish a many-to-many relationship? To set up a many-to-many relationship using data annotations, you must create the join table in the model. The BookCategory category of the Join Table will have properties for the primary key of both tables. It will have two navigation properties, one for each Book and Category class. How do I use a many-to-many relationship in Entity Framework Code First? Setting up a many-to-many relationship using the Fluent API The ToTable() method specifies the name of a join table (StudentCourse in this case). In this way, you can override the default many-to-many relationship…

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Is it more efficient than if else statement? A switch statement is usually more efficient than a set of nested ifs. Deciding whether to use if-then-else statements or a switch statement is based on readability and the expression that the statement is testing. If a switch contains more than five elements, it is implemented using a lookup table or hash list. Do multiple if statements slow down code? No. In fact, it will speed it up in most cases (because skipping blocks of code is allowed). If you’re considering merging a bunch of if statements into one: don’t, you won’t…

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Which wireless adapter should I get for my laptop? The best USB Wi-Fi adapters Trendnet TEW-809UB. The best full-size Wi-Fi adapter. Specs. NETGEAR Nighthawk AC1900 USB WiFi Adapter. The best Wi-Fi adapter for gaming laptops. ASUS USB-AC68. The best portable USB Wi-Fi adapter. Edimax EW-7833UAC. The best mid-range USB Wi-Fi adapter. Linksys WUSB6300. The best nano USB Wi-Fi adapter. Does the WIFI adapter affect the speed of the Internet? Simply using a Wi-Fi adapter will not affect the speed of your Internet connection. You can add multiple adapters to your network and your internet speed should be the same. What…

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How is it divided into SCSS? Division permalinkDivision Unlike other mathematical operations, division in Sass is done with mathematics. div() function. Although many programming languages ​​use / as a division operator, in CSS / is used as a separator (as in source: 15px/32px or hsl(120 100% 50% / 0.8) ). How many syntaxes does Sass support? two syntaxSass consists of two syntaxes. How many output styles are there in SASS? four differentSass has four different CSS output styles. What arguments are used to include arguments in Mixins? Keywords arguments are used to include in mixins. Specifies that named arguments can…

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How do I get the absolute URL of an image? In Firefox it is possible to right click on the image and select ‘Copy image location’. This allows you to get an absolute image path even if only a relative path is given in the image’s src attribute. How can I find the path of an image? To view the full path of an individual file: Click the Start button, click Computer, click to open the location of the desired file, hold down Shift, and right-click the file. Copy as Path – Click this option to paste the full path…

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How do you convert a binary tree to a binary search tree in Java? The following is a 3 step solution to convert a binary tree to a binary search tree. Create a temporary array arr[] which stores the traversal in order of the tree. This step takes O(n) time. Sort the temporary array arr[]. Again, do an in-order traversal of the tree and copy the array elements to the tree nodes one by one. Is the binary search tree a complete binary tree? A binary search tree is a rooted binary tree, whose internal nodes each store a key…

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What is update variable? A variable refresh rate (VRR) is the general term for a dynamic display refresh rate that can continuously and seamlessly vary on the fly, on displays that support variable refresh rate technologies. The refresh rate can vary continuously anywhere within this range without issue. How do you update a variable in Python? Using the “global† keyword to modify a global variable within a function. If your function has a local variable with the same name as the global variable and you want to modify the global variable inside the function, use the ‘global’ keyword before the…

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What is XLive DLL used for? dll is a type of DLL (Dynamic Link Library) file developed for the Windows operating system. XLive. dll errors can slow down your PC’s performance and prevent certain applications from working. What does “missing” xlive.dll mean? The error “xlive.dll is missing” occurs when the game or program cannot find the required DLL file in its operation. Every program or application (especially games) requires some existing DLL’s for its execution. How to fix missing netutils.dll? Method 1: Download Netutils.dll. Method 2: Fix Netutils.dll missing error automatically. Method 3 – Update drivers to restore missing .dll…

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How is salt used in password hashing? Summary 1 A cryptographic salt is made up of random bits added to each password instance before it is hashed. 2 Salts create unique passwords even if two users choose the same passwords. 3 Salts help us mitigate hash table attacks by forcing attackers to recalculate using salts for each user. How to calculate/encode a hash (+ salt)? Tool to decrypt/encrypt with hash functions (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, bcrypt, etc.) automatically. The hashing of a given data creates a fingerprint that allows the initial data to be identified with a high probability (very useful…

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Is the Twitter ID unique? Today, Twitter IDs are unique 64-bit unsigned integers, which are time-based, rather than sequential. The full ID is made up of a timestamp, a worker number, and a sequence number. Numbers up to 64 bits can cause problems with programming languages ​​that represent integers with less than 64 bits. Does Twitter still use Snowflake ID? Twitter uses snowflake IDs for tweets, direct messages, users, lists, and all other objects available through the API. What is the Twitter ID example? On Twitter, your username or handle is your identity. If you can, sign in to Twitter…

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How do I clear local storage in Internet Explorer? To clear local storage in Internet Explorer 11, do the following: From the Power BI service page, press F12 to open the developer tools. Click on the Console tab. Type local storage. clear() on the field and press Enter. Close the developer tools and restart the Power BI service. How do I force clear local storage? step by step instructions Open Google Chrome Console by pressing the F12 key. Select “Application” from the top menu of the console. Select “Local Storage” from the menu on the left of the console. Right-click…

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How do you check if two arrays are not equal? To check whether two arrays are equal or not, we have to compare the exact occurrence of each of the elements in both arrays to make them equal. However, the problem is that the array values ​​can be in any permutation independently of each other. Are two matrices equal? Two arrays are considered equal if both arrays contain the same number of elements and all corresponding pairs of elements in the two arrays are equal. In other words, two arrays are equal if they contain the same elements in the…

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How do I create a desktop shortcut from a batch file? Process Open Notepad.exe. Copy in the following script. Change “ServerNameOrIP” to the Windows name or IP of the WebSpace server. @echo off. set SCRIPT=”%TEMP%/%RAND%-%RAND%-%RAND%-%RAND%.vbs” Save the file with a . bat spread. Run the batch file. You will see DesktopClient. lnk appears on the desktop. How do I copy a shortcut to my desktop? To create a desktop icon or shortcut, do the following: Find the file on your hard drive that you want to create a shortcut for. Right click on the file you want to create a…

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What is Spring Security ACL? The access control list (ACL) is a list of permissions attached to an object. An ACL specifies which identities are granted to which operations on a given object. Spring Security Access Control List is a Spring component that supports domain object security. How does Spring Security authorization work? At its core, Spring Security is really just a set of servlet filters that help you add authentication and authorization to your web application. It also integrates well with frameworks like Spring Web MVC (or Spring Boot) as well as standards like OAuth2 or SAML. What is…

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How do I inspect scrolling in Chrome CSS? Note: Complete the View an Element’s CSS tutorial before making this one. Hover over hover over me. text below. Right-click the Hover Me button. text and select Inspect. On the Styles tab, click :hov. Check the :hover checkbox. How do I get around in Chrome? Open the inspector in Chrome or Firefox, right-click the item you’re interested in, and select the appropriate option (in this case: hover). This will activate the associated CSS. How do I change CSS in Chrome? Press Ctrl + Shift + i for Windows/Linux (or command + option…

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How do I hide multiple columns in Excel at the same time? hide columns Select one or more columns, and then press Ctrl to select additional nonadjacent columns. Right-click the selected columns, and then select Hide. How do I select multiple columns at once? To select an entire column, you just need to select a cell, then press Ctrl + Space keys together, then the entire column where the selected cell is selected. If you want to select multiple columns (contiguous columns), you can select a column first and then press Shift + ← or Shift + → to expand…

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What is an adjacency list in a graph? In graph theory and computer science, an adjacency list is a collection of unordered lists that are used to represent a finite graph. Each unordered list within an adjacency list describes the set of neighbors of a particular vertex in the graph. How do you write an adjacency matrix for a directed graph? The adjacency matrix of a graph that has vertices P1,P2,…,Pn is the n × n matrix whose input (i,j) is the number of edges connecting Pi and Pj. The adjacency matrix of a digraph having vertices P1,P2,…,Pn is the…

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How do I install the Safari browser on Windows 7? How to download, install and run Safari on Windows From a Windows PC, open any web browser, then visit this link on Choose to save SafariSetup.exe. When SafariSetup.exe finishes downloading, choose ‘Run’ the installer and step through the typical Windows installer as usual. How do I update my Safari browser in Windows 7? Double-click the SoftwareUpdate.exe file. Apple Software Update begins to search for new available software. After the search for new software is complete, the Apple Software Update dialog box appears. Updates to any Apple software you have…

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How do I test my Chromecast app? Step 1: Install Speed4Cast. Yu Tao’s app is available for free on the Google Play Store. Step 2 Connect to your Google Cast compatible device. Speed4Cast has a simple and intuitive interface. Step 3 – See your results. Speed4Cast will run its diagnostics on your Chromecast and you’ll see the results on your TV. Is Google Cast applicable to iPhone? You can connect a Chromecast to your iPhone using the Google Home app. Once you’ve linked your streaming accounts to the Google Home app, you can control your Chromecast with your iPhone. To…

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Is SQL Server the same as Microsoft SQL Server? SQL Server, also known as MS SQL Server, is an RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). It is an application that stores the database data and executes the commands and SQL queries to manipulate the relational database. It uses a different form of SQL, which is called T-SQL (Transactional Structured Query Language). What is the version of Microsoft SQL? Microsoft SQLServer 2019The current version is Microsoft SQL Server 2019, released on November 4, 2019. The RTM version is 15.0. What is SQL output file? INTO OUTFILE writes the selected rows to a…

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How do I increase memory in node JS? JavaScript heap out of memory: How to increase max memory for Node with max_old_space_size. If you want to increase the maximum memory for Node, you can use the –max_old_space_size option. You must set this with the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable. How do you increase the maximum size of the old node space? By default, the memory limit in Node. js is 512MB. To increase this amount, you must set the memory limit argument —-max-old-space-size . It will help avoid a memory limit problem. How do I fix a process with no memory exception…

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What are the benefits of having a data repository? 8 Benefits of a Central Data Repository No impact on production. Predict conversion results. Clean Independent Production. Consistently transform and enrich across multiple data sources. Optimize data migration testing. Simplify post-conversion reconciliation. Focus on the exceptions. What is repository in flutter? A repository is nothing specific to flutter. It is a design pattern with many implementations in many languages. [Un repositorio] mediates between the domain and data mapping layers using a collection-like interface to access domain objects. It can be used for state, but is more generally for data. What are…

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How do I set up my Elite 2 controller? To create a controller profile: Using your Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2, open the Xbox Accessories app. Scroll down to Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2, then select Set up. Select New Profile, give your profile a name, and then configure your changes. How do I calibrate my Xbox One Elite 2 controller? Open Control Panel > Control Panel/All Control Panel Items/Devices and Printers. Right-click on the controller icon and select game controller properties. This will launch a wizard that will calibrate your controller axes. How do I customize my…

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What is the process loop? A loop describes returning to a previous activity or step in a process. Therefore, the process path is repeated up to a certain point. Often a loop follows a decision, for example as a result of controls. For controls, loops mean rework is required. How does a for loop work in VHDL? In VHDL, the FOR-LOOP statement is a sequential statement that can be used within a process statement as well as in subprograms. The FOR-LOOP statement is used whenever an operation needs to be repeated. In VHDL RTL, the FOR-LOOP instruction will be used,…

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How can you tell if data has changed in a table? Since the value increases monotonically, this would give you a reliable indication that the data has changed if the new value is greater than the last time you checked it. If the source is insert-only, give it an IDENTITY column. When it does its data transfer, it logs the highest value written. What happens when SQL Server detects a change to a row? Conceptually, it is like defining a view. If SQL Server detects that any row returned through that view has changed, it sends a message to the…

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What is the great complexity of OR for merge sort? The general time complexity of Merge sort is O(nLogn). It is more efficient since in the worst case also the execution time is O(nlogn) The spatial complexity of Merge sort is O(n). This means that this algorithm takes up a lot of space and can slow down operations for the latest data sets. How do you merge two sorted arrays into one sorted array? The idea is to use the Merge function of Merge sort. Create an array arr3[] of size n1 + n2. Simultaneously traverse arr1[] and arr2[]. Pick…

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How to create a warfile in an ant script? ANT Build Warfile Example Download Apache Ant from Extract the zip file into a directory structure of your choice. Set the ANT_HOME environment variable to this location. Include the %ANT_HOME%/bin directory in your PATH environment variable. How to create a war file in eclipse using ant? The Ant build file has separate tasks to build the project and build the war file. In Eclipse, you just need to right click on this build file and select “Ant Build” to run it. The war file will be generated and stored inside/outside…

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Is WPS Office 2016 free? WPS Office 2016 is available in free, premium, and professional versions, along with Android and iOS versions. The free version provides basic features and is compatible with Microsoft Office file formats. Is WPS office better than Microsoft Office? If we compare the features of both applications, there is no doubt that WPS Office offers more features in its products and more products in total. Another point in favor of WPS office is that it is 100% compatible with Microsoft Office. Also, it is more secure as the documents can be password protected. Does WPS Office…

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Can’t install npm Ubuntu? If you have a problem with npm that you can’t update because it isn’t installed, you can install npm first using sudo apt-get install -y npm, then run the above command to update it. sudo apt install build-essential. And that is! You have the latest versions of NodeJS and NPM on your Ubuntu machine. Why is npm not installing? The npm command not found error can appear when you install or update npm. On Windows, the cause of this error could be that a PATH or system variable is not set correctly. The error can also…

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How do I edit LESS CSS? Open and edit LESS files: LESS files can be opened and edited in a source editing mode. Validation: presents validation errors in LESS files. Content Completion – Provides property proposals and the values ​​that are available for each property. Compile to CSS: Options are available to compile LESS files to CSS. How do I include LESS CSS in HTML? Using JavaScript Create a style sheet with . less and link it in your document using the rel=”stylesheet/less” attribute. You are all set and you can compose styles within the . less . Is it…

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How long do FTP changes take? So for most athletes coming off a reduced or less focused training period, it takes about 10 weeks to start seeing FTP gains. How can I make FTP upload faster? FTP servers limit each session to the maximum download speed. To optimize the speed of FTP on the client side, increase the parallel (simultaneous downloads) or adjust the “max simultaneous transfers”. This feature will work around some limitations defined by the server. Is FTP faster than Windows copy? All internal systems. We have a system (Windows 2008 Server), where we can make a copy…

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How do I create a shortcut to run? Step 1: Search for run, right-click Run in the result, and choose Open file location from the menu. Step 2 – Right-click the Run shortcut, point to Send To in the menu, and select Desktop (create shortcut) from the sub-list. Way 2: Create a shortcut to Run on the desktop. Step 3 – Enter Run to name the shortcut and choose Finish. Where is the Run command in Windows 10? It’s common for modern PC keyboards to have a key on the bottom row next to the left Alt key marked with…

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Where are the arguments in a batch script? Command line arguments. Batch scripts support the concept of command line arguments where arguments can be passed to the batch file when they are invoked. The arguments can be called from the batch files via the variables %1, %2, %3, etc. How to escape double quotes in batch input parameters? Edit: Variable name was changed from path to myPath. PATH is a reserved system variable that should not be used for anything other than what it was designed for. In such cases, a search/replace is not even needed. Just remove the original…

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What is the difference between host and target? “Host” is the computer that builds the desired application using the compiler that was built for it. “Target” is the computer on which the application will run (not the compiler). What is the build host target? This is a comment I got from another user (Ned): build = where I am building the compiler, host = where the compiler will run, target = what code the compiler will produce. What is host and target machine? The host computer is also called the Development Platform. It is a general purpose computer. Once a…

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How do I fix decimal places in HTML? Format number to two decimal places constant number = 123.1390. // 1 decimal place. console. log(+num.aFix(1)); // 123.1. // 2 decimals. console. log(+num.aFix(2)); // 123.13. How do I change the number of decimal places displayed? For numbers you’ve already entered in a worksheet, increase or decrease the number of decimal places displayed using the buttons on the toolbar. Select the cells you want to format. On the Home tab, select Increase Decimals or Decrease Decimals to display more or fewer digits after the decimal point. How do you put a decimal number…

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How do I read all files in a directory in Perl? If you want to get the contents of a given directory, and only it (i.e. no subdirectories), the best way is to use opendir/readdir/closedir: opendir my $dir, “/some/path” or die “Cannot open the directory: $ !”; my @files = readdir $dir; closeddir $dir; You can also use: my @files = glob($dir. How can you use wildcards to search for folders? Using wildcards: the asterisk The * (asterisk) is a wildcard that replaces any number of letters. Example: You know that a file starts with the letter S. Type S*…

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Can Windows Media Player be controlled with the keyboard? If you are a keyboard fanatic, this list is a must… Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows Media Player in Windows 7. Shortcut Action Condition Control + J Expel in any mode Control + M Toggle menu bar in library in any mode Ctrl + N Create playlist in library mode Control + OR Show open dialog in any mode Select Tools > Plugin Properties and click Wmpkeys Plugin. Below you can see all the default WMP key bindings. To change any of the shortcuts, select the text box and then tap the…

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How do I run an NG test on a specific file? Running a Karma test case for a single spec file/single module Add the spec name in the test. ts file in src folder. import ‘zone.js/dist/zone-testing’; import { getTestBed } from ‘@angular/core/testing’; to import { Run ng test –code coverage. Now Karma and Jasmine will check only Test-Demo. Specs. ts. What does Angular use for testing? The Angular CLI downloads and installs everything you need to test an Angular application with the Jasmine testing framework. The ng test command creates the application in clock mode and starts the Karma test…

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How do I run multiple commands in Perl? system(‘start cmd /k “cd c:/PerlExamples && perl”’); works as expected: opens a new command prompt, paths to the directory I need, and runs my script. opens a new command prompt and paths to the directory I need. How do I run a shell script in a Perl script? From the Perl HowTo, the most common ways to run external commands from Perl are: my $files = `ls -la` — captures the output of the command in $files. system “touch ~/foo” — if you don’t want to capture the output of the…

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How to replace an element in a list in Python? Find and Replace Python List Items with the for Loop Method We use the enumerate() function in this method. Returns an enumeration object that also contains the counter along with the elements. When we combine the enumerate() function with the for loop, it iterates through the enumerate object and gets the index and element together. When to replace an element in a list? The list indexing method is good when we replace an element in a list. The list comprehension method is the right choice when we replace multiple items…

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What is the best screenshot software? Top 4 Screenshot Apps and Tools for Windows Best Basic Screenshot Tool: Crop Tool / Crop & Sketch. The best screenshot app for most people: PicPick. The best powerful screenshot app – ShareX. The best premium screenshot tool: Snagit. What is the best free screenshot software? Top 9 Free Screen Capture Software for Windows Free camera. Screencast-O-Matic. OBS study. Debut video capture. ShareX. Apowersoft. CamStudio. ScreenRec. What is a screenshot software? Screen recording software are easy to use applications that are capable of simultaneously capturing audio, video, and any content that you can play…

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How do I create an XML file in Windows 10? Create an XML schema file to model your data in XML format… Procedure Click File > New > Other. A window opens where you can select an attendee. Expand XML, select XML Schema File, click Next. The Create XML Schema wizard opens. Select a parent folder and enter a filename for your XML schema file. Click Finish. How do I save and run an XML file? Also note that the XML declaration or processing instructions must be added using an external editor, such as Notepad. To save the XML document,…

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Should I use null in TypeScript? The TypeScript Coding Style Guide for TypeScript Source Code (not an official “how to use TypeScript” guide) states that you should always use undefined and not null: Typescript Project Styleguide. IS null check in TypeScript? baz) { // } TypeScript fully understands the JavaScript version, which is something == null. TypeScript will correctly discard both null and undefined values ​​with such checks. What is the difference between null and undefined in TypeScript? null is an assigned value. It does not mean anything. undefined means that a variable has been declared but not yet defined.…

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Does Java have a power operator? 6 answers. There is no operator, but there is a method. FYI, a common mistake is to assume that 2^3 is 2 raised to the third power. The caret is a valid operator in Java (and similar languages), but it is binary xor. How do you write a power of 2 in Java? Given a positive integer, write a function to find out if it is a power of two or not. 1. A simple method for this is to simply take the logarithm of the number to the base 2 and if you…

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How to create and update an H2 database? Example walkthrough of creating, reading, updating, and deleting JDBC H2 databases. 1 1. Create a table with the H2 database. This JDBC program creates a users table in the H2 database. 2 2. Insert the record into the table with the database H2. 3 3. Read register with database H2. 4 4. Update record with H2 database. 5 5. Delete record with H2 database. How to delete logs older than 12 hours in SQL Server? To delete records from a table that has a datetime value in Date_column older than 12 hours:…

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What is a terminology question? Question terminology is a set of terms that appear in keywords, idioms, and fixed expressions. commonly seen in questions. This paper. What is an example of terminology? Terminology is the language used to describe something specific, or the language used within a specific field. The special language used by scientists is an example of scientific terminology. noun. What do you mean by the term operators? 1: one that operates: such as. a: the one who makes a machine or device work. b : the one who exploits a business. c : the one who performs…

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Does Winget come with Windows? The Winget tool is included in the Preview or Flight version of the Windows App Installer. What is winget application? Windows Package Manager (also known as winget) is a free and open source package manager designed by Microsoft for Windows 10 and Windows 11. It consists of a command line utility and a set of services for installing applications. ISVs can use it as a distribution channel for their software packages. What package manager does Windows use? Where can I get Winget for Windows 10? The Winget tool is included in the Preview or Flight…

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Can I run python script in android studio? 1 answer. If you only need to run the scripts and not edit them, the easiest way to do this is to configure an external tool via Settings | Tools | External tools. This does not require the Python plugin or any Python-specific configuration; you can simply specify the command line to run. Can I run Python scripts on my phone? Android is based on Linux Kernel so it is 100% possible to run python. Can I install Python on an Android phone? First of all, Python must be installed on the…

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Can Windows software be developed on Linux? Using virtualization software is another way to develop or test Windows software on your Linux computer. Use virtualization as your last approach if WINE doesn’t work for you. Also, virtualization is the best approach if you really want your program to run in a real Windows environment. What can Windows do that Linux can’t? What can Linux do that Windows can’t? Linux will never relentlessly harass you to upgrade. Linux is feature rich without the bloat. Linux can run on almost any hardware. Linux changed the world, for the better. Linux works on…

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Can a MongoDB database be copied to a local machine? I have a MongoDB database residing on a remote server machine whose IP address is on a local network. For development and testing purposes, and since I don’t have permission to modify or delete the database on the server for security reasons, I want to copy the database to my local machine for my personal use. What is the name of the MongoDB instance? The name of the user on the fromhost MongoDB instance. The user authenticates to fromdb. For more information, see version 4.0 or earlier of the…

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What is resource class in Azure? Resource classes are default resource limits on the Synapse SQL pool that govern compute resources and concurrency for query execution. Smaller resource classes reduce the maximum memory per query, but increase concurrency. Larger resource classes increase the maximum memory per query, but reduce concurrency. What annotation appears in a typical resource class? The @QueryParam annotation is a type of parameter that you can extract to use in your resource class. The query parameters are extracted from the request URI’s query parameters. The @Consumes annotation is used to specify the MIME media types of representations…

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Is there an Xbox One Wireless Adapter for Windows? The Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows acts as a bridge that allows you to connect the edge of the Xbox One Wireless Controller to Windows devices. Also, the adapter can connect at least 8 wireless controllers, 4 chat headsets, 2 stereo headsets wirelessly between Windows devices and controllers. Is there an Xbox One controller driver for Windows 7? Although it is an old method, it can sometimes be a useful option to download and install the Xbox One controller driver for Windows 7. If you have the driver CD or DVD…

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How do I store multiple values ​​in a HashMap? HashMap can be used to store key-value pairs. But sometimes you may want to store multiple values ​​for the same key… For example: For Key A, you want to store: Apple, Airplane. For Key B, you want to store: Bat, Banana. For Key C, you want to store: Cat, Car. Can we store different types of data together? Yes, we can store different/mixed types in a single array using the following two methods: Method 1: Use the object array because all types in . net inherit from the object type Ex:…

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Are there any improper rotations in the rotation matrix? In some literature, the term rotation is generalized to include improper rotations, characterized by orthogonal matrices with a determinant of -1 (instead of +1). These combine proper rotations with reflections (reversing orientation). In other cases, when reflections are not considered, the label itself can be discarded. How to get the relative rotation matrix of two? You can always calculate relative orientations in a similar way. Throughout the calculation, we use the convention that the transformation $J=[R|T]$ is a mapping from the scene to the camera (the opposite is therefore vice versa).…

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How do I text a transcript of a video? How to transcribe video to text Choose a file to upload. Drag and drop your video files into VEED, or try one of our sample videos. Transcribe from video to text. Click on ‘Captions’ and then on ‘Auto Transcription’, then press the ‘Start’ button. Download Text. Can I convert video to text? Do you have a video recording that you need to convert to text? Go Transcribe provides an automated way to transcribe videos to text with results in minutes. Export to Word (.doc), SRT, PDF and many more formats! Can…

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When chaining calls put method calls on New Line? Method calls chained on a single line without newlines are harder to read, so some developers place a newline character after each method call in the string to make it more readable and easier to maintain. Let’s look at the following perfectly valid (but one line) code. d3. select(“body”). How do I disable the following line in Eslint? To disable all rules on a specific line, use a line comment in one of the following formats: alert(‘foo’); // eslint-disable-line // eslint-disable-next-line alert(‘foo’); To disable a specific rule on a specific line:…

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Where can I find the common Windows Shell DLL? How to open the common Windows Shell DLL Sign in to Windows as an administrator if your normal user profile does not have those privileges. Click the Start icon in the lower left corner of the desktop and type “shell32. Click the “Open With” button in the Caution box that appears. What is Windows Shell common dll file? “Windows Shell Common DLL” is associated with shell32. dll file. Let’s check if there are any corrupted files or any conflicting application/program on the computer. Follow the instructions to fix the problem. This…

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How is income distribution determined? A common way to measure income inequality is to rank all households by income, from lowest to highest, and then divide all households into five groups with the same number of people, known as quintiles. This calculation makes it possible to measure the distribution of income among the five groups compared to the total. What are the two types of income distribution? distribution: functional and personal. The first refers to the share of income corresponding to the factors of production. The latter refers to the distribution of income among individuals, regardless of the source of…

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How to create another window in PyQt5? Creating a new window. In Qt, any widget without a parent is a window. This means that to display a new window, you just need to create a new instance of a widget. It can be any type of widget (technically, any subclass of QWidget), including another QMainWindow, if you prefer. How do I open another window in Python? At a time, only one mainloop instance can be active, so to open a new window we have to use a widget, Toplevel. A top-level widget works much like a frame, but opens in…

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What is memory leak in rails? memory loss. Memory overhead is a sharp increase in memory usage due to the allocation of many objects. This is a more time-sensitive issue than a memory leak, which is a slow, continuous increase in memory usage and can be mitigated by scheduled reboots. What memory loss can cause? Memory leaks block access to resources and cause an application to consume more memory over time, reducing system performance. If memory leaks are not handled, an application can eventually run out of memory and end up with an ‘OutOfMemoryError’, which is unrecoverable. What causes memory…

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What is pagination and how is it implemented? Pagination is an ordinal numbering of pages, which is usually located at the top or bottom of the pages of the site. In most cases, it is used for main pages and partitions. Who invented pagination? 1949: Al Gross patented the first telephone pager device and was used by the Jewish Hospital in New York City beginning in 1950. Though not yet called a pager, the device had already found one of its main niches: critical communications. . What is pagination example? Pagination is a method of dividing web content into discrete…

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How do I scan WSD in Windows 10? Scan Using Web Services for Devices (WSD) – Windows Make sure you have installed the product software and connected the product to your computer or network. Place your original on the product to scan it. Press the start button, if necessary. Select Computer (WSD). Select a computer. Select the Home icon. What is a WSD scan? The Scan to WSD feature allows users to create a digital version of a paper document that can be sent to applications or computers that support Microsoft web services for devices. The WSD process initiates a…

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Can you assign a pointer to an int? No, it is not valid to assign a pointer to an integer. It is a constraint violation of the assignment operator (C99, 6.5. 16.1p1). A compiler has the right to refuse to translate a program with a pointer-to-integer assignment. Is it possible to use pointers to access values ​​in another function? You cannot pass a function to another function as a parameter. But, you can pass the function reference to another function using function pointers. Using the function pointer, you can store the reference of a function and pass it to another…

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Is there a way to run a Scala file? Now, you can type any expression or Scala code at the prompt and press Enter and you will get the result immediately as shown below. You can save your Scala code in the file with the .scala extension (basically any file extension but the preferred .scala extension) and to run, supply the name of the file with the extension as a parameter to the Scala interpreter How to run a Scala script in Spark Shell? In this approach, once the Spark-Shell is open, load the script using the following method: The…

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How do I import data into Hive? Insert into table employee Select * from emp where dno=45; After this you can also trigger the select query to see the loaded rows. You can load data into a hive table using the Load statement in two ways. One is from the local file system to the hive table and the other is from HDFS to the hive table. Does Hive support CSV? Apache Hive is a SQL-like tool for analyzing data in HDFS. Data scientists often want to import data into Hive from existing text files exported from spreadsheets or databases.…

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What is parse derivation and parse tree? A parse tree, parse tree, derivation tree, or concrete syntax tree is an ordered, rooted tree that represents the syntactic structure of a string according to some context-free grammar. What is the relationship between derivation and derivation trees? The derivation tree is a graphical representation for the derivation of the given production rules for a given CFG. It’s the easy way to show how the derivation can be done to get a string from a given set of production rules. The derivation tree is also called the parse tree. How is a parse…

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Why is my Word not working properly? Option 6: Disable Add-ins in the Startup Folder Conflicts or problems involving an add-in can cause problems in Word. To determine if an item in a startup folder is causing the problem, temporarily disable the registry settings that point to these add-ons. To do this, follow these steps: Quit all Office programs. How do I fix typing issue in Word? If the text does not appear on the screen, it is very likely that Number Lick has been activated by mistake. To verify this, look for the “Num Lock” key, which is often…

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How do you write an up arrow? Option 2: Up Arrow Symbol Alternative Code (Windows) Press the num lock key to enable the numeric keypad. Hold down the Alt key and type 24 using the numeric keypad. After typing the Alt code (ie 24), release the key [Alt] who pressed What does this emoji ⬇ mean? ⬇️ Meaning: Down Arrow Emoji ⬇️ The image of a black arrow pointing down is the disapproving or south direction emoji. This emoji can mean that something went wrong or it can emphasize dislike or disapproval towards something or someone. How are arrows invented?…

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How do you fix the feature you are trying to use on a network resource that is not available? Fix: The function you are trying to use on a network resource is not available Solution 1 – Make sure the Windows Setup service is running. Solution 2 – Download a different copy of the installer, or download one to a different location. Solution 3: Run the Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter. Where is Vc_red MSI located? MSI Files Related to vc_red.msi file name Description file location vc_red.msi Microsoft Windows installation package C:/Program Files/IBM/SPSS/Statistics/Subscriptions… What is vc_runtimeMinimum_x86 MSI? [Tiempo de lectura…

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Does SQLite require primary key? You do not need to define a primary key. By default, the table will have a key based on the row ID value. You can find more information in the documentation here. How do I set primary key in SQLite? The syntax to add a primary key to a table in SQLite is: PRAGMA Foreign_keys=off; BEGIN TRANSACTION; ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO old_table; CREATE TABLE table_name (data type of column 1 [ NULL | NOT NULL ]data type of column 2 [ NULL | NOT NULL ]. What is primary key in sqlite3? advertisements. A…

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How to run a fabric in python? x) The most common ways to install Fabric are via pip, easy_install, or via the OS package manager: pip install fabric sudo easy_install fabric sudo apt-get install fabric # (the package is usually named fabric or python-fabric ). What is FabFile? Piton. Fabric is a Python library and command line tool to simplify the use of SSH for application deployment or system administration tasks. Fabric is very simple and powerful and can help automate repetitive command line tasks. This approach can save time by automating your entire workflow. What is the Linux fabric?…

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How do I change power options in Windows 8? The process for Windows 8 is pretty much the same. To change the power plan in Windows 8: Go to Control Panel. View by small icons. Click Power Options. What does a power plan do in Windows 8? A power plan is a collection of hardware and system settings that manage how your computer uses power. Power plans can help you save power, maximize system performance, or strike a balance between the two. This will show you how to change the settings for a power plan that you want to customize…

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What is the performance of most cases of the selection sort algorithm? selection classification Class Classification algorithm Worst Case Performance О(n2) comparisons, О(n) swaps Performance at its best О(n2) comparisons, exchanges O(1) average performance О(n2) comparisons, О(n) swaps Spatial complexity at worst Auxiliary O(1) What is the best case complexity for selection sort and why? Time and Space Complexity Comparison Table: Classification algorithm time complexity best case Worst of cases selection classification Ω(N2) IN 2) insert type Ω(N) IN 2) Sort by merge Ω(N log N) O(N record N) What is the best and worst case for selection sort? Time…

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How to extract attributes from HTML in Python? There’s a tag and you have a tag there, and all of this is in id=”content”. 06:49 You could address this “content” ID and then maybe dig deeper. Match all special ASCII characters inside the quotes. Returns 3 groups; first the property, then the quote (“|’) and at the end the property inside the quotes, that is: the result is Group 1: title, Group 2: “, Group 3: You are. I recommend this if you don’t use a tag type like How to regex a tag in HTML? $ms would then contain…

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What is the main difference between Swift and Objective-C? As for Swift performance, it is 2.6 times faster than Objective C and 8.4 times faster than Python. It has an encouraging syntax that makes you write clean and consistent code… Difference between Swift and Objective C: yes no QUICK C OBJECTIVE eleven Swift has several types of templates in addition to Objective C. Objective C is lacking in templates than Swift. Is Objective-C better than Swift? Objective-C has superior runtime compared to Swift. It will probably be several years before Swift can catch up. If you are using powerful SDKs,…

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How does the startup process work? Start(String, String) Starts a process resource by specifying an application name and a set of command-line arguments, and associates the resource with a new process component. What is the GetProcessesByName process? GetProcessesByName(String, String) Creates an array of new process components and associates them with all process resources on a remote computer that share the specified process name. What is a process in Visual Studio? You can use Attach to Process to debug apps running on local or remote computers, debug multiple processes simultaneously, debug apps that weren’t built in Visual Studio, or debug any…

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How many computers can I install Windows 8 on? a computerYou can only install Windows 8 on one computer at a time. So for each computer, you can buy a copy of Windows 8 and install it. Is Windows 8 a multi-user operating system? Windows has been a multi-user operating system after Windows XP. It allows you to have a remote work session on two different desktops. Therefore, we can conclude that Windows is an operating system that “supports” multiple users, but can only be operated by one user at a time. What are the 4 types of OS? Types…

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Can you see keyboard history on Android? Go to the settings of any Android device. You can find settings in your app drawer. Immediately after clicking on settings, now see Language and input and then click on it. How do I manage keyboard settings on Android? How to change your keyboard Open Settings on your phone. Scroll down and tap System. Tap Languages ​​& input. Tap Virtual keyboard. Tap Manage keyboards. Tap the switch next to the keyboard you just downloaded. Tap OK. How do I delete keyboard history on Android? How to clear your Gboard history on an Android…

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What is stdout in Ruby? STDOUT is a constant that represents standard output and is typically the default value of $stdout . Since STDOUT is a constant, you should not redefine it; however, you can redefine $stdout without errors/warnings (redefining STDOUT will generate a warning). for example you can do: $stdout = STDERR. What is $Stdin in Ruby? $stdin is a global variable that contains a stream for standard input. It can be used to read console input. reading.rb. #!/usr/bin/ruby inp = $ put input. In the code above, we use the read method to read the input from the…

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What is the user ID in Google Analytics? The Google Analytics User ID is a unique set of alphanumeric characters (such as GdffTeeD453589) assigned to a user so that they can be identified across devices/browsers and over the course of multiple sessions. Google Analytics cannot generate unique IDs for you that can be used as user IDs. What are user groups in Google Analytics? User groups simplify the process of aligning users, organizational structures, and permissions. User groups can include users and other user groups as members. You can assign user group permissions for an organization and for individual product…

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How is AI useful in robotics? Robotic packaging uses AI forms frequently for faster, lower cost, and more accurate packaging. AI helps save certain moves a robotic system makes, while constantly refining them, making installing and moving robotic systems easy enough for anyone to do. Are AI and robotics the same? As you can see, robotics and artificial intelligence are really two separate things. Robotics involves building robots, while AI involves programming intelligence. Some advanced software robots may even include AI algorithms. However, software robots are not part of robotics. Is AI or robotics better? The difference that makes AI…

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How to update Windows 7 diagnostic and telemetry data? The following Windows updates are related to telemetry and diagnostic data. KB3035583 – Update installations Get the Windows 10 app in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1 Tap the Windows key, type Windows Update, and press Enter. Select Installed Updates in the window that opens. How does the Diagnostics and Telemetry service work? The diagnostics and telemetry service collects diagnostic information about functional problems on Windows systems that participate in the Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP). CEIP reports do not contain contact information, such as your name, address, or phone…

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How is the acceleration of a spaceship calculated? Acceleration = resultant force divided by mass = 4.51 ÷ 0.050 = 90 meters per second squared (90 m/s2). This means that every second the speed of the rocket increases by 90 m/s. What is the acceleration of a spaceship? The space shuttle gains more altitude above the Earth and speed increases to nearly 7,850 m/s (17,500 mph) needed to reach orbit. The onboard computer commands the main engines to reduce power, ensuring that the space shuttle’s acceleration does not exceed 29.4 m/s2 (3 g). Can you get acceleration in space? The…

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Can you turn off the iPhone camera shutter? When the Live Photos option is activated in the Camera app, the shutter sound will be turned off automatically. While there is no specific setting to turn off the sound of an iPhone camera, you can toggle the Ring/Silent switch on the side of your iPhone to silent (and by doing so, you can also mute your camera). Why does my camera app keep opening on iPhone? It looks like you might be accidentally tapping on the camera symbol. It could also be a case or screen protector inadvertently interfering with the…

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How do you wrap regular expressions in a string? A string literal in a REGEXP function or condition conforms to the rules for SQL text literals. By default, regular expressions must be enclosed in single quotes. If your regular expression includes the single quote character, enter two single quotes to represent a single quote within the expression. How to search for literals in regular expressions? Literals, which are the characters you’re looking for A regular expression can specify complex patterns of character sequences. For example, the following regular expression matches the literals fo ht, the literal t, the literal p…

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How do I get a new UDID? How to find your UDID? Launch iTunes and connect your iPhone, iPad, or iPod (device). Under Devices, click on your device. Then click on the ‘Serial Number’ Choose ‘Edit’ and then ‘Copy’ from the iTunes menu. Paste into your email and you should see the UDID in your email message. How do I get my iTunes UDID? Open iTunes. Click the device icon to the right of the Apps dropdown menu in iTunes. Click on the serial number value until you see the UDID value displayed. At this point, you will see the…

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Does Word 2007 have a mail merge? (Files) Microsoft Word 2007: Mail Merge: Using an Excel Table for Mail Merge. This ensures that you don’t have to duplicate information you already have in your Excel table to perform a mail merge. This document provides an overview of creating a mail merge using information from an existing Excel table. Can you mail merge with Windows Mail? Go to Sending > Preview Results to see how your emails look. Use the left and right arrow buttons on the Mails tab to scroll through each email message. Select Preview Results again to add…

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How do I create an autocomplete in AngularJS 6? Follow some steps to create an autocomplete textbox using Angular. Create ASP.NET WEBAPI to get data from the database. Client.Json. Create an Angular app using Angular-CLI (ng new project_name) with a single command line. In Angular, the default app overrides app.component.html. Use app. What is Mat autocomplete in angular? The , an angular directive, is used as a special input control with a built-in dropdown to display all possible matches with a custom query. This control acts as a real-time suggestion box as soon as the user types in the input…

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How does aspect-oriented programming work? In computer science, aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm that aims to increase modularity by allowing the separation of cross-cutting concerns. Aspect-oriented programming involves dividing the program logic into different parts (so-called concerns, cohesive areas of functionality). What is C# Aspect Oriented Programming? Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) is a very powerful approach to avoid boilerplate code and archive better modularity. The main idea is to add behavior (tips) to existing code without making any changes to the code itself. AOP provides a way to weave an aspect into code. What are the benefits of…

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Does Cname change the URL? It is used to map a domain name to another domain name, the latter of which must have an A record with an IP address. So in your case you could certainly have a CNAME record for each of your clients. All those aliases could point to your main “canonical” domain name. The browser will not change the URL. How do I point a Cname to a URL? Add or edit CNAME records Sign in to your domain host. Locate the host’s domain settings, CNAME settings, or DNS management. Navigate to where you can add…

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What should be the font size for mobile apps? Also, WCAG 2.0 standards recommend following the minimum font size of 18 points and 14 points for bold text. The exception may be several smaller subheadings. But keep in mind that if the user can’t read them, it shouldn’t greatly affect the comprehension of the user interface. How do I know what font size to use on a website? 7 rules of web typography Select a font. Every sentence you read on a screen uses a font. Modify the font size. Scale your headers. Set the line spacing. Add tracking and…

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What files are needed to boot a computer? Boot files are files required to boot (boot) an operating system on a computer… For example, for Windows NT on the x86 platform, boot files include the following: boot. ini. boot section. Two. Hall. dll ntbootdd. yes. ntldr. ntoskrnl.exe. How do I create a boot disk in Windows 7? Creating a boot disk for Windows 7/Vista Click the “Start” button on your Windows 7 or Windows Vista computer. Select “Control Panel”. Click “System and Maintenance” and select “Backup and Restore”. Click “Create a system repair disc” in the left pane of…

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How do I store values ​​in local storage in react native? You can’t use LocalStorage in React-Native, you can use AsyncStorage instead. Edit: You can also use a store like redux to handle this. AsyncStorage is the best option to store some data which you can use like below example: AsyncStorage. Is setItem asynchronous storage? Store element: const _storeData = async (userId, userEmail) => { try { await AsyncStorage. _storeData is a promise-based async method, so we can use async-await in conjunction with the try-catch block. asynchronous storage. setItem(‘key’, value) stores the value in storage. Can we use local storage…

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What to do if your Android phone is acting weird? Reset your phone if you’re having trouble. 99% of the time, reloading the software will remove the malicious code. Get a protection app that keeps malware out in the first place. There’s plenty to choose from for Android devices, including 360 Security (free) and Kaspersky Internet Security for Android (free trial, then $9.99 – $14.95). What is the most common telephone secret code? The code *#*#4636#*#* is the most common code people will use. There is quite a bit of information that you can get in this hidden menu. Now…

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How do you map two lists in DART? addAll(list2); Dart now supports list concatenation using the + operator. You can refer to the following example: list result = [0, 1, 2] + [3, 4, 5]; How do I convert a list of sequences to a map? Getting closer: Get the List to convert it to Map. Convert List to stream using List. stream() method. Create a map with the help of Collectors. toMap() method. Collect the formed map using stream. collect() method. Returns the formed Map. Can we create a list of maps? We can convert map keys to list…

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What does a breakpoint do during debugging? In software development, a breakpoint is an intentional stopping or pausing place in a program, set for debugging purposes. It is also sometimes known simply as a pause. More generally, a breakpoint is a means of gaining knowledge about a program during its execution. How do breakpoints work in SSMS? Toggle a breakpoint Click the gray bar to the left of the Transact-SQL statement. Alternatively, highlight any part of the declaration, or move the cursor to the declaration, and then do either of the following: Press F9. On the Debug menu, click Toggle…

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Does a game work better in windowed mode? Assuming a game is optimized for the system and screen being used, full screen mode has the potential to improve performance compared to borderless windowed mode. The problem, however, is that running a game in full screen mode hampers the player’s ability to access additional monitors or applications. Can a game be played in windowed mode? The screen resolution, for example, can be set to 640 × 480 or even lower, which seems out of place on modern HD monitors. One solution for that particular problem is to run the game in…

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What is the option in the dropdown menu? Console output Each menu option is defined by a nested element within the . Each element must have a value attribute that contains the value of the data to send to the server when that option is selected. What is option tag in HTML? The > tag in HTML is used to choose an option from a dropdown menu. This tag can be used with or without any attributes and the required value can be sent to the server. selected: This attribute contains the selected value that represents the item that was…

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What is FB initialization? In that. Sets the state of the Facebook SDK and initializes all platform-specific data structures and behaviors. init() relies on properties that are set in the Unity Editor by using Facebook | Edit settings menu option, as detailed below. … What is Xfbml? XFBML is a set of XML elements that can be included in your HTML pages to display social plugins. When your page loads, any XFBML elements found in the document are processed by the JavaScript SDK, resulting in the appropriate plugin being displayed on your page. What is the new Facebook 2020? The…

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Does React create static HTML? React is used to build web applications that run JavaScript in a user’s browser (client-side rendering). It can also be used from a Node. js script to generate static HTML (static rendering). What is the correct function to render the Reactjs component on the server side as a static HTML page? renderToString() Renders a React element to its initial HTML. React will return an HTML string. You can use this method to generate HTML on the server and send the markup on the initial request for faster page loads and to allow search engines to…

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Are PHP pages static or dynamic? Basically, there are two main types of websites: static and dynamic. A static site is one that is usually written in plain HTML and what is in the page code is what is displayed to the user. A dynamic site is one that is written using a server-side scripting language, such as PHP, ASP, JSP, or Coldfusion. How are dynamic web pages rendered? Process dynamic pages When a web server receives a request for a static web page, the server sends the page directly to the requesting browser. However, when the web server receives…

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How to insert a voice recording in Word? Insert a voice annotation in your document Place the insertion point where you want the message to be inserted. Choose Object from the Insert menu. Make sure the Create New tab is selected. In the list of object types, look for a sound object type. Click OK. Use the sound recorder to record your message. How do I convert audio to text? How to convert audio files to text in Google Docs Open Google Docs and select the “Tools” menu. Click “Voice Typing.” Play the audio file. Make sure there are no…

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How do you store integers in a variable? How do you store an integer in a variable and calculate Average in Java? In the main method, prompt the user for an integer. Store the number in a variable called inputNum . Pass inputNum to a method called computeAvg . In computeAvg , prompt the user to enter double values ​​as many times as inputNum . How are local variables stored? Static local variables are stored in the same place where other static and global variables are stored, in a special memory area, which exists separately from the stack. Dynamically created…

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Can we use group by and where together in SQL? Absolutely. It will result in filtering the records in your date range and then grouping them by each day where there is data. When you split a database, is the part that contains all the database tables called? Overview. When you split a database, you reorganize it into two files: a back-end database that contains the data tables, and a front-end database that contains all other database objects, such as queries. , forms and reports. How do I split a table into multiple tables in SQL? To split a table:…

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What is the RxSwift variable? RxSwift: Variables Use value to set a new element to a variable (don’t use onNext(_:) ). Because it wraps a BehaviorSubject, it is created with an initial value and will play its initial value for new subscribers. To access BehaviorSubject variables, call asObservable() . Guaranteed NOT to issue an error. What is BehaviorRelay RxSwift? import RxSwift. /// BehaviorRelay is a wrapper for `BehaviorSubject`. /// /// Unlike `BehaviorSubject`, it cannot terminate with error or completion. What is the RxSwift driver? RxSwift: Driver Go from – A single observable that updates the entire UI to bind to…

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Is href safe? Yes, it is safe to consult an unsecured page. redirecting from the client side is better than redirecting from the server. Is javascript void 0 bad? void(0) is just a short, simple script that evaluates to undefined . In addition to the technical answer, javascript:void means the author is doing it wrong. There is no good reason to use javascript: pseudo-URL . Can we use in href? The href attribute specifies the URL of the page to which the link is directed. If the href attribute is not present, the tag will not be a hyperlink. Tip:…

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How to change Aero theme in Windows 7? Run “services.msc”, make sure “Themes” service is Automatic (and Started). That is the Windows 7 default mode for this Service. Even if it starts and it’s automatic, try restarting it. You can then select any Windows Aero theme and it will provide transparency to the toolbar again. Is there a way to change my desktop background? You cannot change the Windows desktop background (wallpaper). The Background list in Display Properties, Desktop is grayed out (disabled). If you right click on an image and click “Set as Desktop Background”, it has no effect.…

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How does FOREIGN KEY constraint work in SQL? The FOREIGN KEY constraint prevents invalid data from being inserted into the foreign key column, because it has to be one of the values ​​contained in the main table. The following SQL creates a FOREIGN KEY on the “PersonID” column when the “Orders” table is created: What is the foreign key that references an invalid table? Foreign key ‘FK_ProductDescriptions_bacb18ce3aa67348e55d’ references invalid table ‘Product’ and “Could not create constraint or index. See previous errors.” When you create a referential constraint, you must ensure that the table and column it refers to already exist…

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How to dynamically add an image in jQuery? If you want to dynamically update an image on your page, you can use the jQuery change image src technique to select a new image… The jQuery change image src technique Select an existing img element using jQuery. Use jQuery to modify the src attribute of the img tag. Replace the existing image reference with a new one. How to add images in jQuery? Using jQuery “. attr()”, I will add the font and properties to all the images. Finally, I’ll add or attach the image to an HTML DIV element using…

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Does Heroku support databases? Heroku offers the leading open source data projects that are widely adopted by developers: PostgreSQL, Redis, and Apache Kafka. Heroku data services are fully configured, optimized, secure, and ready for production applications. How does the Heroku app connect to the database? Step 1: Create a Heroku App and Heroku PostgreSQL Database. Step 2: Create the Heroku Connect plugin. Step 3 – Link the new plugin to your Heroku user account. Step 4 – Configure the database key and schema for the connection. Step 5: Authenticate the connection to your Salesforce organization. Step 6: Import a mapping…

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How do I get everything to download to my SD card? Save files to your SD card On your Android device, open Google Files. . Learn to see your storage space. At the top left, tap More settings . Turn on Save to SD card. You will receive a message requesting permissions. Tap Allow. How do I set SD card as default storage for apps on Android? Go to the “Settings” of the device, then select “Storage”. Select your “SD Card”, then tap on the “three dots menu” (top right), now select “Settings” from there. Now, select “Format as internal”…

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How to avoid hard drive failure in Windows 10? Avoid running Windows from your current drive. Avoid running Windows Update or allowing it to run on a schedule. Avoid the “automatic” Disk Defragmenter program that Windows 10 runs, usually early every Wednesday morning. Avoid running any “disk drive diagnostic” programs. What to do when your hard drive fails in Windows 10? When your hard drive fails in Windows 10, sometimes you can’t restart your computer. Download Recoverit data recovery on a working computer. Supports creating bootable media to help you access the computer and recover your data. Follow the below…

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How do I manually install dlib? Install Dlib on Windows Step 1: Install Visual Studio 2015. Step 2: Install CMake v3.8.2. Step 3: Install Anaconda 3. Step 4: Download Dlib. Step 5: Create the Dlib library. Step 6 – Update the user environment variable: dlib_DIR. Step 7: Create Dlib samples. Step 8: Try the Dlib C++ example. How do I install dlib on Windows? Now we can install dlib in our python environment. First of all, you need to install the CMake library. Then you can install the dlib library using pip install. After passing enter, your laptop or desktop…

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How do I hide the admin bar? To start applying changes for a specific profile, click the Edit button below the username. If you want to remove the admin bar just for yourself, just go to Users > Your Profile. Scroll down to Toolbar (you’ll find it under Keyboard Shortcuts) and uncheck the Show toolbar when viewing site box. How do I disable the WordPress admin bar for all users? Simply go to the Users » All Users page and then click the ‘edit’ link for any user you want to disable the admin bar for. This will take you…

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What function returns months between 2 dates? MONTHS_BETWEEN returns the number of months between the dates date1 and date2 . If date1 is later than date2 , the result is positive. If date1 is before date2 , the result is negative. If date1 and date2 are the same days of the month or the last two days of the month, the result is always an integer. How do I get the difference in months between two dates in C#? Let’s say you would like to calculate the difference between two dates in terms of number of months. DateTime now =…

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What is the best way to store credit cards? 6 Tips for Proper Handling of Credit Card Information Understand your obligation. Use only approved equipment and software. Make sure all electronic storage of credit card account numbers is encrypted and all paper storage is protected. Make sure all phone recordings containing credit card account numbers are encrypted. How is credit card information legally stored? Another way to store information is to use a merchant service that allows you to store credit cards in their system, usually online. Such a system would hold the information on your behalf and allow you…

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What is Windows WMI used for? Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is a subsystem of PowerShell that gives administrators access to powerful system monitoring tools. Although this system has been designed to allow fast and efficient system administration, it also has a creepier side: it can be abused by insiders as a tool to monitor other employees. Is WMI still supported? WMI is fully supported by Microsoft. However, the latest version of administrative scripting and control is available through the Windows Management Infrastructure (MI). Is WMI secure? Unlike other management solutions, WMI is not equipped with a separate security framework; instead,…

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How do I remove a mark from Google Maps? on computer Start Google Maps. Click the Menu icon ☰. Go to Your places. Select Labeled. Locate the tag you want to remove and press the Edit button. Click the Delete option to remove the respective tag. How do I remove all pins on google maps? If you want to remove the pin from Google Maps, just right click on it and select “Remove this destination”. Poof, it’s gone. How do I remove a Google PIN? Choose whether or not to require PIN entry Open the Google Admin app. If necessary,…

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How do I set a live wallpaper on my computer? One of the lesser-known ways to set a live wallpaper in Windows 10 is to use the free VLC media player. To do this, start the video in the player. Then select Video from the menu and select Set as wallpaper. This will put the video in full screen mode. How do I set a custom live wallpaper? Drag the slider across the video timeline. Before setup, users can preview the video by tapping the Play button. Modify other settings by heading to the gear icon present at the top…

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Does isalpha include special characters? isalpha Method Syntax Note: Blank spaces, numbers, and special characters are not considered alphabets. How do I remove special characters from a string? Example of removing special characters using the replaceAll() method public class RemoveSpecialCharacterExample1. { public static void main(String args[]) { String str= “This#string%contains^special*characters&.”; str = str.replaceAll(“[^a-zA-Z0-9]”, ” “); System.output.println(str); } How do you remove special characters in Python? Remove special characters from string in Python using str. isalnum() method. The isalnum() method returns True if the characters are alphanumeric characters, which means there are no special characters in the string. What does the…

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How do I embed JavaScript code in razor? How do I embed javascript code inside razor? I have a foreach loop in which I have some javascript. It doesn’t recognize javascript and script but as razor code. How do I indicate that the snippet is javascript? How to insert script from view into template function? I’m using MVC 3 with the Razor view engine and would like to inject multiple view scripts into a centrally defined $(document). Clever (); function on the master page. @section DocumentReady { alert (‘The document is ready!’); } In my opinion, but as expected, we…

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How do I blur in the Windows video editor? Click on the “Visual Effects” tab on the main menu ribbon. Click the “Blur” icon in the Visual Effects group. The blur effect is the second icon from the left in the top row of visual effects. When you hover the mouse pointer over the icon, the program displays the “Blur” label. How to blur faces in windows video editor? Go to “Effects > Filters” and choose the “Mosaic” or “Face to Face” effect. Both of these effects can hide the parts of your video that you don’t want to be…

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Does Jackson require setters? But Jackson is not limited to Beans, it can work with many other types of POJOs, nor does it require setters to inject data. And, unlike many serialization frameworks, Jackson also doesn’t require access to object fields (although you can certainly use them). when prompted). How do you avoid setters? The easiest way to avoid setters is to pass the values ​​to the constructor method when you update the object. This is also the usual pattern when you want to make an object immutable. That said, things aren’t always that clear cut in the real world.…

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How to handle passing filenames with spaces in Bash? Here the ‘cat’ command will consider the file and the name as two arguments instead of a single argument. However, if you use an escape character or quotes, the bash shell will treat it as a single argument, which will be “filename.txt”. There are some methods that can be used for spaces in the name. What is space in the command line? The space character is used on the command line to separate the name of the file being renamed from the new file name. When a file contains spaces, it…

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How do you unset a JSON object? To decompose JSON into a pointer, Unmarshal first handles the case that JSON is the null literal of JSON. In that case, Unmarshal sets the pointer to zero. Otherwise, Unmarshal unmarshals the JSON at the value pointed to by the pointer. If the pointer is null, Unmarshal assigns a new value to point to. What does JSON Marshal do? Marshal returns the JSON encoding of v. Marshal traverses the value v recursively. If a found value implements the Marshaler interface and is not a null pointer, Marshal calls its MarshalJSON method to produce…

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How do you fix auto-rotate on iPhone? If you’re using iOS 11, double-click the Home button to reveal the app switcher and Control Center area on the right. If you’re using iOS 10 and earlier, swipe up from the bottom of the screen. Now, tap the “Rotation Lock” button (the button has a padlock icon with a circle around it) to toggle the rotation lock. Why do my images rotate when I upload them? Photos taken with a smartphone or digital camera contain “Exif data,” all kinds of information about where the photo was taken, when it was taken, and…

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How to change the default startup layout XML file? This file supports various mechanisms to modify or replace the default startup layout and its tiles. The easiest method to create a LayoutModification.xml file is by using the Export-StartLayout cmdlet; see Customize and export the startup layout for instructions. Where to find the layoutmodification.xml file on Windows? Then (we use a separate workstation policy) tell Windows where to look for the LayoutModification.xml file on the workstation. From the Computer Configuration area of ​​your policy: (Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Start Menu and Taskbar -> Start Layout) How does the Start…

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Does Go support parallelism? Concurrency deals with multiple things at once, while parallelism does multiple things at once. Go has rich support for concurrency using goroutines and channels. What are go subroutines? A Goroutine is a function or method that is executed independently and simultaneously in connection with any other Goroutine present in your program. Or, in other words, each activity that runs simultaneously in the Go language is known as a Goroutine. What is Golang parallelism? Parallelism is a runtime property where two or more tasks run simultaneously. Through concurrency, you want to define a proper structure for your…

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What is pg_dump in PostgreSQL? pg_dump is a utility for backing up a PostgreSQL database. Performs consistent backups even if the database is used at the same time. pg_dump does not block other users’ access to the database (readers or writers). Dumps can be generated in script or archive file format. How to backup and restore PostgreSQL database on Windows? PostgreSQL database backup Open a symbol of the system. In the window, run: cd C:/Progra~1/WebHelpDesk. Make a backup of the database. Run: pgsql9/bin/pg_dump -Fc -v -h -p 20293 -U whd whd > whd_pgdump.backup. Enter whd if prompted for a…

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How do you add an object in Java? int result = map. values(). stream() filter(string -> string. length() % 2 == 0) mapToInt(String::length) addition(); println(result); //8. How do you sum a list in C#? C# Linq Sum() Method Find the sum of elements using the Linq Sum() method. Here is our list with integer elements. List list = new List { 99, 34, 77, 75, 87, 35, 88}; Now find the sum using the Sum() method. How to add List In object in C#? The Add() method adds an object to the end of the List. Ready. The AddRange() method…

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What percentage of the market has Android? Android maintained its position as the leading mobile operating system worldwide in June 2021, controlling the mobile operating system market with a share of close to 73 percent. Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS together hold more than 99 percent of the global market share. Are there more Android or Iphone users 2021? As of June 2021, Android accounted for around 46% of the mobile operating system market and iOS accounted for 53.66% of the market. Only 0.35 percent of users were running a system other than Android or iOS. Is Android the most…

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Is Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant a virus? Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant contained a local escalation vulnerability that could allow an attacker to run programs with system privileges. However, Baynes still recommends users to always run the latest version of software available, especially when older versions have known vulnerabilities. Should you install Windows 10 updates? Yes, if you want, you can install the latest update of Windows 10. It totally depends on the user, it is not mandatory, but if you install and update your system, it is better for the security and privacy of the user because of each update…

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How to convert data into a bar chart? Present your data in a column chart Enter data into a spreadsheet. Select the data. Depending on the version of Excel you’re using, select one of the following options: Excel 2016: Click the Insert icon > Insert Column or Bar Chart and select the column chart option you prefer. How do we create horizontal bar graphs in Matlab? barh( y ) creates a horizontal bar chart with one bar for each element in y . If y is an m by n matrix, barh creates m groups of n bars. barh( x…

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What are delegates and protocols in IOS? What exactly are protocols and delegates and how are they used in IOS? delegates implement protocols (another name for interfaces) object registers a delegate (which implements a protocol) The object can call protocol methods on the delegate. How do IOS delegates work? A delegate allows an object to send messages to another object when an event occurs. The delegating object maintains a reference to the other object, the delegate, and at the appropriate time sends a message to it. What is the difference between protocol and delegate in IOS? The protocol is a…

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How to backup and restore a PostgreSQL database? pg_dump is a utility for backing up a PostgreSQL database. Performs consistent backups even if the database is used at the same time. pg_dump does not block other users’ access to the database (readers or writers). You can use the pg_dump command line program, or you can use phpPgAdmin to backup a PostgreSQL database to a file. How to recover from a PostgreSQL crash? Don’t just do a weekly pg_dump where you overwrite the same dump file over and over, that will end in tears. Use more than one backup strategy and…

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How do you get followers on Tweepy? 1 answer. Tweepy is a wrapper for the Twitter API. According to the Twitter API documentation, you’ll need to call GET friends/ids to get a list of your friends (people you follow) and GET followers/ids to get your followers. How do I search for tweets using Tweepy? Extract someone’s tweet using tweepy This blog post is to remind me of the simple use of tweepy. Import of necessary python scripts. Select the user ID. extract the last 200 tweets using api.user_timeline. Shows the last 3 extracted tweets. Extract as many previous tweets as…

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What is the name of the Windows configuration file? In computing, configuration files (commonly known simply as configuration files) are files used to configure the parameters and initial settings of some computer programs. They are used for user applications, server processes, and operating system configuration. Where is the configuration file located in Windows 10? Steps to access Settings from File Explorer in Windows 10: Step 1: Activate File Explorer. Step 2 – Choose This PC in the navigation pane, select Computer in the menu bar, and then click Open Settings in the options. Tip: You can learn more about 3…

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How can I make a Flipkart app like Amazon? How to develop an online marketplace app like Flipkart, Amazon Choose a unique and attractive design that can be customized to the user’s requirements. Add advanced features like drag and drop. Publish the app to expand your business on Google Play and iTunes. How can I make an app like Flipkart? Choose essential features #1 User Registration. Every app should have an easy-to-use customer registration process. #two. Language option. #3. User interface. #4. Product Search. #5. Offers smart search option. #6. Advanced filter. #7. Augmented reality view. #8. One click to…

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500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator at [email protected] to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

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How do I download an excel file in R? Steps to import an excel file in R Step 1: Install the readxl package. In the R Console, type the following command to install the readxl package: install.packages(“readxl”) Step 2: Prepare your Excel file. Suppose you have an Excel file with some product data: Step 3: Import the Excel file into R. Can’t open downloaded Excel files? Open Excel. Go to Files>Options. Click on the Trust Center. Click the Trust Center Settings button. Disable (uncheck) the “Enable projected view for files originating from the Internet” option. What is Destfile in R?…

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How do I get all the attributes of a class? Method 1: To get the list of all attributes, methods along with some magic methods inherited from a class, we use a built-in dir() called . Method 2: Another way to find a list of attributes is through the inspection module. Can an attribute be a class? Class attributes are attributes that belong to the class itself. They will be shared by all instances of the class. Therefore, they have the same value for each instance. We define class attributes outside of all methods, usually they are placed at the…

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How do I run a VBScript in Windows Task Scheduler? answers A VB script can be run directly from the Windows task program. In the task scheduler, select Add a new scheduled task. Following the prompts, navigate to select your . vb file. Use the absolute file path in the command. Or call the vbs file from a . bat file. cscript //no logo c:/test.vbs. How do I stop a VBScript execution? Open Task Manager. Go to the processes tab. Right-click the Name header and click Command Line (to show the command line) In the command line, find “C:/Windows/System32/WScript.exe” “yourfilename.vbs”…

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What is the difference between the max-heap property and the binary search tree property? The heap differs from a binary search tree. The BST is an ordered data structure, however the Heap is not. In computer memory, the heap is usually represented as an array of numbers. Similarly, the main rule of Max-Heap is that the subtree under each node contains values ​​less than or equal to its root node. What are the advantages of the heap data structure over the binary tree? 1 answer. Heaps use less memory. They can be implemented as arrays and therefore there is no…

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How do I change the working directory to where I have my C program? chdir changes the current working directory of the calling process to the directory specified in path. Syntax: int chdir(const char *path); Parameter: Here, the path is the path of the directory that the user wants to make the current working directory. How do I change the working directory in Linux? At the Linux command prompt, use the cd command to change the working directory, where actions are performed by default. Here are some basic uses of the cd command: To change to your home directory, type…

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How do I add data to a CSV file in PowerShell? To simply add to a file in powershell, you can use add-content. So to add just one newline to the file, try the following, where $YourNewDate and $YourDescription contain the desired values. This will simply tag the newline at the end of the . csv, and it won’t work to create new . How do I add data to a CSV file? There are several steps to take that. Import the writer class from the csv module. Open your existing CSV file in append mode. Create a file object…

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How can I see the processes in the current shell? To list the processes for the currently running shell, run ps. If nothing else is running, it will return information about the shell process that is running and the ps command that is running. How do I see the total processes in Linux? Find How Many Processes Are Running on Linux You can use the ps command in conjunction with the wc command to count the number of processes running on your Linux-based system by any user. How can I see the processes in CMD? Simply tap Start, type cmd.exe,…

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Is the screensaver still popular? In fact, in the world of modern screens, screen protectors are totally unnecessary. Screen savers once served an important purpose, but now they’re obsolete. Feel free to never use a screen saver again, but with that said, there are a few reasons why you might want to. How to customize the screensaver in Windows 10? Open screen saver settings Press Windows key + S and start typing and click Change screen saver. Customize screen savers By default, no screen saver is selected. Click the dropdown box under Screen Saver to choose one of the default…

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Can nested classes be static? You can only make nested classes static or non-static. If you make a nested class non-static, it is also called an inner class. What is static nested class in Java? In Java, a static nested class is essentially a normal class that has just been nested inside another class. Being static, a static nested class can only access instance variables of the enclosing class through a reference to an instance of the enclosing class. Is there something like static class in Java? There is no such thing as a top level static class in Java.…

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Is it good to use STL? 12 answers. You should use STL, because it is well tested and optimized. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t know how to write these data structures yourself. With that capability under your belt, you will be able to choose the best STL data structure for your application. Should I avoid STL? If you care a lot about the size of the executable, you may want to avoid using STL in your program. For example, uTorrent doesn’t use STL and that’s one of the reasons it’s so small. Do competitive programmers use STL? Yes, STL is…

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How is a database continuously updated? 2 answers. The easiest way is to query by timestamp column. When you run your app for the first time, it will query the entire dataset and remember the largest timestamp. It will then poll with the query where timestamp > @current timestamp and remember it again. How do I automatically update the SQL database? To enable auto-update statistics, open SQL Server Management Studio, then in Object Explorer, expand the instance of SQL Server and right-click the database you want to enable auto-update statistics on . Can a database be updated? Modifying data that…

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What information does the site give you on Facebook? The data we receive includes your user ID, the website you are visiting, the date and time, and other browser-related information. If you are offline or do not have a Facebook account and visit a website with the Like button or other social plug-in, your browser sends us a more limited set of information. Does Facebook share your information? We do not sell your information to anyone, and we never will. We also place strict restrictions on how our partners can use and disclose the data we provide. These are the…

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How do you bypass the trust relationship between the workstation and the primary domain? 40 answers Login as a local administrator. Disconnect from the domain and return to the WORKGROUP. Remove the computer from AD (actually I did this AND gave it a new name to be safe) After the reboot, he logged back in as a local administrator. She reincorporated him into the domain. After reboot I was able to login as domain user. How to fix trust relationship between workstation and domain failed? If the trust relationship between the workstation and the primary domain fails, you may be…

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How do I convert a SOAP request to a REST request? DreamFactory instantly turns any WSDL into a fully documented, living REST API. DreamFactory automatically converts the JSON request to SOAP, calls the legacy SOAP service, and then converts the SOAP response back to JSON for the client application. Is it possible to convert SOAP to REST? The main goal of SOAP Builder is to turn your SOAP-based endpoint into a unified REST API. Developers can now leverage SOAP Builder to transform every API they work with into a familiar RESTful experience. “WSDL import is great: a smart tool is…

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Is the script tag part of the Dom? Script tags that are dynamically added to the page via the DOM are executed by the browser: var myScript = document. Script tags that are dynamically added to the page via internal HTML are not: document. How do I get the script element? How to get the current script element: Use document. actualScript. Select script by id. Select the script using a data-* attribute. Select the script by src. Loop through all the scripts to find the one you want. Get the last executed script. How do you get DOM element with…

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How to create a map in typescript with examples? This typescript tutorial explains the typescript map, how we can create a map in typescript, various properties and methods of the map. We will also discuss how to iterate over map inputs, array map, clone and merge maps, merge map with array, convert map keys/values ​​to array, weak map, etc. What is the latest version of TypeScript for ES6? You can download the latest version of TypeScript (TypeScript 3.4). Maps are a major new feature of ECMAScript 6 (ES6) and can be used in a wide variety of use cases to…

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How do I convert an Adobe PDF to JPG? How to convert from a PDF to an image file: Open your PDF in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC and choose the file. Export it to the new file format by going to the right panel and choosing the “Export PDF” tool. Choose the type of image format (eg, JPG file, TIFF, etc.). Click “Export”. In the “Save As” dialog, save your file. How do I convert a PDF image to JPEG? How to convert PDF to JPG online: Drag and drop your file into the PDF to JPG converter. Select ‘Convert…

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What to do if the Windows 10 recovery drive is not working? If you can’t get into the WinPE window, you need to use the Windows 10 repair disk or Windows 10 recovery USB drive you created earlier to access the Windows 10 Advanced Options window. Then you can select Troubleshoot -> Advanced Options -> Startup Repair to diagnose your PC and fix the startup problem. Why did my Windows 10 hard drive fail? Due to various reasons like improper shutdown, the MBR of your Windows 10 hard drive may fail. You must safely recover files from that Windows 10…

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How do I run a Django project in a virtual environment? Setting up the Django virtual environment Installation package. First, install the python3-venv package using the following command. Create a Directory. $ mkdir djangoenv. Create virtual environment. $ python3 -m venv djangoenv. Activate virtual environment. After creating a virtual environment, activate it with the following command. What are Django permissions? Permits and Authorization. Django comes with a built-in permissions system. Provides a way to assign permissions to specific users and user groups. It is used by the Django admin site, but you can use it in your own code. Which…

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What are the different ways to achieve the spring IoC? The Spring Framework provides three ways to configure beans for use in your application. Annotation-based configuration: By using @Service or @Component annotations. Scope details can be provided with the @Scope annotation. XML-based configuration: By creating a Spring configuration XML file to configure the beans. How many ways can we create an IoC container in spring? There are two types of IoC containers. They are: BeanFactory. Application context. How does Spring achieve the DI or IoC pattern? Spring implements DI using an XML configuration file or annotations. Dependency Injection is a…

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What is the Golang client? Go for Example: HTTP Clients Issue an HTTP GET request to a server. http. Get is a convenient shortcut to create an http file. Client object and calling its Get method; use the http. DefaultClient object that has useful default settings. How does HTTP work in Golang? HTTP request processing with Go is mainly about two things: ServeMuxes and Handlers. A ServeMux is essentially an HTTP request router (or multiplexer). It compares incoming requests against a list of predefined URL paths and calls the associated handler for the path each time a match is found.…

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How do you change the attributes of a door? Process Open the Options menu for the attribute you want to edit. The Options menu is displayed by clicking the arrow. Select Edit Value. The attribute editor is displayed. Edit the attribute and then save your changes by clicking the Save icon . To discard your changes, click the Cancel icon . What is a changing attribute? The Change Attribute (CHGATR) command allows you to change a single attribute for a single object or a group of objects. An object name pattern can be used to change a single attribute for…

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Why does my settings close when I open Windows 10? If the Settings app on your Windows 10 computer recently started crashing, try running System Restore to fix the problem. It will revert your computer to the settings when the setup app was working fine. To do so, type “Restore Point” in the Start menu search bar and click Open. Why does my computer screen keep turning off? If your computer turns off when you stop using it for a while, but turns on when you click a mouse button or press a key on the keyboard, there’s nothing wrong…

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How do you prevent a form from being submitted on enter in react? Just add an onKeyDown in your form and manually avoid if ‘Enter’ is pressed. How do you prevent the form from being updated after submitting it in react? “react + how to prevent page from refreshing after submitting” Code Response function handleSubmit(event) { event. preventDefault(); } ​ ​ … ​ How do I submit a form in react? Event handling for input To create an event handler for the input element, first declare a state value called searchQuery for the component to hold. Next, create a method…

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How to interpolate X from Y in MATLAB? It’s best to use one of the interpolation functions to do what you want. To interpolate ‘x2’ from ‘y2’, reverse the usual order of the arguments (x,y) and use (y,x) instead, as I did here. The graph shows your original data as a green line and the interpolated points as blue stars. Please log in to answer this question. What is an example of linear interpolation in MATLAB? MATLAB interpolation examples. Find the following examples that explain the concept of linear interpolation in Matlab: Example #1. To define the sample values ​​of…

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Can we store JSON in MongoDB? In MongoDB, data is stored as documents. These documents are stored in MongoDB in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. JSON documents support embedded fields, so related data and lists of data can be stored with the document instead of an external table. JSON is in the format of name/value pairs. Can we store JSON in the database? SQL Server and Azure SQL Database have native JSON functions that allow you to parse JSON documents using the standard SQL language. You can store JSON documents in SQL Server or SQL Database and query JSON data…

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How do you take a thread dump on a Mac? UNIX, Mac OS X and Linux (JDK 1.4 or lower version) Run this command to do this: kill -QUIT If you are starting CQSE with the crx-quickstart/server/start script, thread dumps will be sent to crx-quickstart/server/logs/startup. Log in. How do I capture a thread dump? To perform a thread dump, navigate to the console used to start the Java application and press the CTRL and Break keys at the same time. It is worth noting that on some keyboards the Pause key is not available. Therefore, in such cases, a thread…

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How do you prevent a docking station from going to sleep? Answers (2)  Press Windows key + X. Select Control Panel. In the search box, type Power, and then click Power Options. Click Change when the computer is asleep. Under the Plugged in and Put the computer to sleep option, select the Never drop-down option. Does the docking station provide power to the laptop? AB Standard USB Docking USB docking stations that use AB standard USB connections are not designed to charge your PC. This is because virtually all USB ports currently do not supply enough power to charge…

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How do I display featured products in WordPress? From the WordPress dashboard, go to Products -> All Products. Click the star icon in the featured column for any product you want to appear. You could see the star fully colored, which means the product appears. How do I display featured products on my WordPress WooCommerce home page? Navigate to your products page and find the product you want to be featured, click the star to make that product a featured product. It really is that simple. Once you have set up featured products, WooCommerce will allow you to display all…

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How to return multiple values ​​from a function in Perl? You can also assign an array to hold the multiple return values ​​of a Perl function. You do it like this: sub foo { return (‘aaa’, ‘bbb’, ‘ccc’); } (@arr) = &foo(); print “@arr/n”; As you can see, most of the code is the same, except now I assign an array ( @arr ) to hold the three return values ​​of my function. How do I declare an empty array in Perl? To empty an array in Perl, simply set the array to equal an empty array: # Here’s an…

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How do I fix the 404 soft? What causes soft 404 errors and how to fix them? Solution: Make sure to return this status code instead of 200 OK. Fix: Update the redirect to point to the most relevant alternative. Solution: If these pages shouldn’t exist, 404 them. Fix: Adjust page content so it doesn’t get confused with a 404 page. Why is 404 soft? A soft 404 is a URL that returns a page that tells the user that the page does not exist and also a 200 (success) status code. When Google’s algorithms detect that the page is…

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What is wide character data type in C++? Wide characters are similar to the character data type. The main difference is that char occupies 1 byte space, but wide character occupies 2 bytes (sometimes 4 bytes depending on the compiler) of memory space. For a 2-byte space, the width character can contain 64K (65536) different characters. So the wide character can contain UNICODE characters. What is the difference between wchar_t and char? char is used for the so-called ANSI family of functions (usually the function name ends with A), or more commonly known as the use of the ASCII character…

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How do I disable side scrolling? To disable the horizontal scroll bar enter the overflow-x: hidden in the CSS. To force a scroll bar when one isn’t provided, use overflow-y: scroll . This can prevent the browser from jumping when you add a scrollbar as the content expands to exceed the space. How is the scroll position controlled? To set or get the scroll position of an element, use the element’s scrollTop and scrollLeft properties. The scrollLeft and scrollTop properties return the number of pixels the element’s content scrolls from its left and top edges. The upper left corner of…

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Can we use multiple aggregate functions in the select clause? Multiple functions added in one SQL query from the same table using different conditions. These aggregate functions extract data from the same table, but with different filter conditions. Is SELECT an aggregate function? An aggregate function performs a calculation on a set of values ​​and returns a single value. Except for COUNT , aggregate functions ignore null values. Aggregate functions are often used with the GROUP BY clause of the SELECT statement. The select list of a SELECT statement (either a subquery or an outer query). How to get multiple…

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How do I find the current weather location? Follow these steps: Open the weather widget and change the location option. Go to Google Services > Settings, and then toggle the location. Go to Settings and change Google location. How do you convert latitude and longitude to a location? Longitude map coordinates: Step 1: Degrees × 60 = 71 × 60 = 4260. Step 2: 4,260 + 5,745 = 4,265,745. Step 3: The length is “W”, so the answer is -4265.745. Step 4 – Suppose the longitude reference location converted to minutes is -4267.523. So the answer is. How do I…

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What is a scroll effect? Scroll effects are a web design technique that allows you to set the speed and direction of each element on your web page. With scroll effects, you can create dynamic, animated websites that involve two or more page elements that move in the browser at different speeds. How do I add a scroll image? There are two easy ways to add a scrollable image to a web page (without using JavaScript). These are: HTML Hover Image: Using the HTML tag. CSS hover image: use CSS animations (recommended) How to use smooth scrolling? How to do…

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How big is the update for Windows 10? Windows 10 November 2019 20H1 Update download size: YouTube. The November 2019 update will be a few hundred MB, while 20H1 will be a few GB. How to upgrade to Windows 10 November 2019? To update, follow the steps below: 1 Go to Windows Settings (Windows Key + I) –> Update & Security –> Windows Update. 2 Click the Check for new updates button. 3 Install all available updates. 4 The November 2019 update will appear as an optional update. You must press Download and install now to install the update automatically.…

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How is formcontrol component in react bootstrap? The component renders a Bootstrap-styled form control. The component wraps a form control with proper spacing, along with support for a label, help text, and validation status. To ensure accessibility, set controlId to and use it for the tag. How to create custom icons in react bootstrap? The custom checkbox and radio styles are achieved with clever use of the :checked selector and :after pseudo elements, but are structurally similar to the default FormCheck. By default, checked and undefined icons use embedded svg icons from Open Iconic. Apply custom Bootstrap elements by adding…

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What are OpenCV contribution modules? OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a very powerful library for image processing and machine learning tasks that also supports Tensorflow, Torch/Pytorch, and Caffe. Choose only the OpenCV contributing modules you want by selecting or deselecting them as appropriate when compiling in CMake. How do I create a contribution window in OpenCV? We will be explaining installing from source for Windows 10. Step 1: Download OpenCV. Step 2: Download OpenCV-contrib. Step 3: Download and install Visual Studio 2019 Community. Step 4: Install the Python and C++ development environments in Visual Studio 2019. Step 5: Install…

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What does strftime mean in C? strftime() is a C function used to format the date and time. It comes under the header file time. h, which also contains a structure called struct tm that is used to store the time and date. How to use strftime in C? The strftime() function First, get the current time and store it in a time_t variable: time(&tictoc); Second, fill a tm structure with the current time values: now = localtime(&tictoc); Use the now structure to manipulate or display the time values ​​stored in the array. How to format time in C? size_t…

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How do I create a data-driven test? Approach 1) Create 1000 scripts, one for each dataset, and run each test separately, one by one. Approach 2) Manually change the value in the test script and run it multiple times. Approach 3) Import the data from the Excel sheet. Get test data from Excel rows one by one and run the script. How do you handle your data in automation? Create data-driven tests Extract data from an external source dataset. Repeat the steps in the test cases (you don’t have to register individual test scripts for each test case). Take data…

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How do I delete backup files in Windows 10? All backup files on your Windows 10 before the period you mentioned will be deleted if you choose this option. All you have to do is choose the perfect period and then all you need to do is wait for the files to be deleted. After selecting the period, select the DELETE button. Where are backup files stored in Windows 10? Tip 1: Back up users with Windows file history. When backing up files with File History, the system will automatically create a folder named “File History”. If you can’t remember…

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What is single sign-on in WSO2 Identity Server? Configuring single sign-on with SAML 2.0. Single sign-on is one of the key features of WSO2 Identity Server that allows users to access multiple applications using the same set of credentials. Furthermore, the user can access all these applications without having to log in to each and every one of them individually. Where can I get Service Pack 1 for WSO2? WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0 with Service Pack 1 installed – Can be downloaded from the WSO2 Identity Server product page and installed by following the instructions in the Product Installation topic.…

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How does UIKit work to create animations? UIKit will take the original state of the view and create a smooth transition from that state to the final state according to what you specified in the closing animations. The other two APIs are similar to the first one, but take additional parameters that add more configuration to the animation. What is the default behavior of the UIButton class? If you don’t specify attributes for a particular state, the UIButton class provides reasonable default behavior. For example, a disabled button is normally grayed out and does not display a highlight when tapped.…

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Are sets in Python mutable? A set is an unordered collection data type that is iterable, mutable, and has no duplicate elements. Python’s set class represents the mathematical notion of a set. How do you check if a Set is a subset of another Set in python? Using the Set issubset() method returns True if a set is a subset of another set. Also, use the subset operator (

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Why do we need modules in Ruby? Using Modules: A module is a way to categorize methods and constants so that the user can reuse them. Suppose you want to write two methods and you also want to use these methods in multiple programs. How do you get inheritance in Ruby? Use of the super method in inheritance: This method is used to call the method of the parent class in the child class. If the method does not contain any arguments, it automatically passes all of its arguments. A super method is defined using the super keyword. What is…

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Why doesn’t my mouse click and drag? Press the Esc key Many users reported that they were able to resolve left mouse button dragging issues simply by pressing the Esc key. If your mouse doesn’t drag, simply press the Esc key and the issue should be resolved. Several users reported that this solution solved the problem for them, so be sure to try it out. Why is my mouse not working properly? If the mouse is not working at all, it could be due to several reasons, such as a loose connection or any problem with the device drivers. First,…

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How to scroll up, scroll down with Ionic 5? The following are the available methods to deliberately move the ion content section Up, Down or any coordinate point. scrollToBottom – scroll to the bottom of the component scrollToTop – scroll to the top of the component scrollToPoint – scroll to a specified X/Y location in the component How does virtual scrolling work in ionic framework? With ion-img, images are lazy-loaded, so only the visible ones are rendered, and HTTP requests are handled efficiently while scrolling. As mentioned above, all elements must lock their dimensions. However, the virtual scroll is not…

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Is the operator the same as the copy constructor? The Copy constructor and assignment operators are used to initialize an object to another object… Assignment Operator (Syntax) copy constructor Assignment operator If a copy constructor is not defined on the class, the compiler provides one. If the assignment operator is not overloaded, a bitwise copy will be performed. Does the copy constructor call the default constructor? Your copy constructor doesn’t call your default constructor. This allows a constructor to take advantage of initializations performed by another constructor of the same class. What does the default copy constructor do? C++ calls…

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How can indexes improve performance? Effective indexes are one of the best ways to improve performance in a database application. Without an index, the SQL Server engine is like a reader trying to find a word in a book by scanning each page. By using the table of contents at the back of a book, a reader can complete the task in much less time. Do joins affect performance? 6 answers. No, the order of the JOIN by is changed during optimization. The only caveat is the FORCE ORDER option, which will force the joins to be made in the…

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What do decorators do in Python? A decorator is a design pattern in Python that allows a user to add new functionality to an existing object without modifying its structure. Decorators are usually called before the definition of a function that you want to decorate. How does the class decorator work in Python? In Python, decorators can be functions or classes. In both cases, the decoration adds functionality to the existing functions. When we decorate a function with a class, that function becomes an instance of the class. We can add functionality to the function by defining methods on the…

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How do I uninstall the Photos app from Windows 10? How to uninstall Photos app in Windows 10 Close the Photos app if you currently have it open. In the Cortana/Search Windows box, type powershell. Click on ‘Windows PowerShell’ when it appears; right click on it and choose ‘Run as administrator’ How do I force Microsoft to delete photos? Make a backup of your photos first. Update the Microsoft Photos app. Open Microsoft Store and then click on 3 dots. Select Downloads and updates > Photo repair app. Go to Settings and select “Apps & features”. Uninstall the Photos app.…

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Why are bitmaps so big? 1 answer. This is because the image is compressed when it is on disk (stored in JPG, PNG or similar format). Once you load the image into memory, it is no longer compressed and takes up as much memory as is needed for all the pixels (typically width * height * 4 for RGBA_8888, or width * height * 2 for RGB_565). What is the size of a bitmap file? Most bitmaps originating from semiconductor or PCB mask data will be compressed 5X to 20X depending on the nature of the input data. Since our…

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What exactly is the namespace? A namespace is a declarative region that provides a scope to the identifiers (the names of types, functions, variables, etc.) within it. Namespaces are used to organize code into logical groups and to avoid name collisions that can occur, especially when your code base includes multiple libraries. What is namespace in c plus plus? The namespace is an aggregate function in C++ and is not present in C. A namespace is a declarative region that provides scope to identifiers (names of types, functions, variables, etc.) within it. Multiple namespace blocks with the same name are…

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Is there a way to open multiple windows in PyQt? To open multiple windows in pyqt, you can use the MDI functions, which enable multiple windows within the main window. Here we attach the output of 3 parts of coding that we will cover in this tutorial. How to open a window with a click in Python? This example creates a main window with a large button that, when clicked, will open a second window. You use two classes that inherit from QMainWindow, as in your question. Why do I keep getting errors in PyQt? I am trying to use…

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What’s the point in delegates? A delegate is a type-safe function pointer that can reference a method that has the same signature as the delegate. You can take advantage of delegates in C# to implement events and callback methods. A multicast delegate is one that can point to one or more methods that have identical signatures. How do delegates work in presidential elections? To become the presidential candidate, a candidate normally has to win a majority of the delegates. It is then confirmed by a vote of the delegates at the national convention. But if no candidate wins a majority…

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How do I hide the reading pane? To turn off the Reading Pane: On the View tab, in the Layout group, select Reading Pane, and then select Off. To activate or move the Reading Pane: On the View tab, in the Layout group, select Reading Pane, and then select Right or Bottom. How do I disable the reading pane for all folders? Here’s how to quickly disable the reading pane for multiple folders: Open Outlook and select the View tab. Select Change View > Apply Current View to Other Mail Folders. Choose the folders you want to be affected in…

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Is AES-256 better than AES-128? AES-128 is faster and more efficient and a full attack against it is less likely to be developed (due to a stronger key program). AES-256 is more resistant to brute force attacks and is only weak against key related attacks (which should never happen anyway). How do I get the AES-128 key? On the command line, type: For 128-bit key: openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -k secret -P -md sha1. For 192-bit key: openssl enc -aes-192-cbc -k secret -P -md sha1. For 256-bit key: openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -k secret -P -md sha1. “secret” is a passphrase to…

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What is reverse Coredata? Reverse relationships allow Core Data to propagate change in both directions when an instance of the source or target type changes. Every relationship must have an inverse. When creating relationships in the graph editor, you add inverse relationships between entities in one step. What is relationship in Coredata? A relationship specifies the entity, or parent entity, of the objects in the target. This entity can be the same as the entity in the source (a reflexive relationship). One-to-one relationships are represented by a reference to the target object, and many relationships are represented by mutable sets.…

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Is Bitbucket an automation tool? Automate with Ease Bitbucket Pipes makes it easy to create powerful, automated workflows. How do I deploy code to a remote server with Bitbucket pipelines? Edit your bitbucket-pipelines. yml file. For more information on the SCP deployment pipeline, select it to the right of the editor. This setup allows you to run tests, build, and deploy your files to the remote host using the SCP deployment pipeline after each push to the Bitbucket repository. What is deploying to Bitbucket pipelines? Bitbucket Pipelines is an integrated CI/CD service built into Bitbucket Cloud that is built into…

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How do I hyperlink a file in an email? From your email, click Insert, then choose Hyperlink (or press Control + K on your keyboard). From here, you can choose a file, then a folder, and hit OK. Once you hit OK, the link will appear in the email. How do I make a clickable link in an HTML email? First, write a simple email address on a post or page. Then highlight the email address text and click the link icon in the editor. Alternatively, press cmd+k (ctrl+k) to use the link shortcut. How do you add a link…

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How do I add a counter to my Performance Monitor? In the navigation pane, expand Monitoring Tools, and then choose Performance Monitor. On the console panel toolbar, choose the Add button. In the Add Counters window, in the Select counters from computer drop-down list, choose the computer running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. How do I fix the performance counter in Windows 10? To rebuild performance counters: Set “Disable performance counters” to 0 (see previous step) Rebuild all performance counters. Resynchronize the counters with Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI): Stop and restart the Performance Logs and Alerts service. Stop and restart the…

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What is data payload in notification? Data Payload: Data messages should be handled by the Android app. You can add this type of message if you want to send only some data along with the notification. Contains custom key value pairs. What is data payload and notification payload? Every notification that your carrier’s server sends to the Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) includes a payload. The payload contains the custom data that you want to send to your application and includes information about how the system should notify the user. How do you handle FireBase push notifications? 3. How to…

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How to tar multiple files? How to tar a file on Linux using the command line Open the terminal app on Linux. Compress an entire directory by running tar -zcvf file. tar. Command gz /path/to/dir/ on Linux. Compress a single file by running tar -zcvf file. tar. Compress the archive from multiple directories by running the tarball -zcvf. tar. How can I edit all the files at once? Delete all the files you don’t want to edit by selecting them and pressing DELETE, then right-click the remaining files and select Open All. Now go to Find > Replace or press…

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What are the different ways to print a priority queue? PriorityQueue(): Creates a PriorityQueue with the default initial capacity (11) that sorts its elements according to their natural order…. add(element): java. compare(): java. contains (Object obj): java. iterator(): java. offer(item): java. look() : java. poll(): java. How do you make a priority queue? Inserting an element into a priority queue (max-heap) is done using the following steps. Insert the new element at the end of the tree. Inserts an element at the end of the queue. Pile up the tree. Heapify after insert. Where is a priority queue used? Priority…

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When should Countif be used? The COUNTIF function in Excel returns the count of cells that meet one or more criteria. COUNTIFS can be used with criteria based on dates, numbers, text, and other conditions. How do I use Countif for specific cells? Countif specific text is in selected cells with formula As below screenshot shown, to count cells containing Apple in Fruit column, select a blank cell, enter formula =COUNTIF(A2:C12,”Apple”) into the formula bar , and then press the Enter key to get the result. Can you count the highlighted cells? Using VBA. You can also create a custom…

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Why does Windows 10 search take so long? Slow Windows 10 search It could also simply be that there was a problem when the index first tried to run on the new version. Select Indexing Options. Now click Modify. Here you can choose which drives you actually want indexed, make sure you keep the drives that contain all your programs and files. Why is search so slow in Windows 10? Windows 10 is a total POS. Searching can be slow because Explorer searches the contents of files and system files by default. When you’re only looking for part of a…

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How do I see the certificates on my smart card? To list the certificates that are available on the smart card, type certutil -scinfo . It is not necessary to enter a PIN for this operation. The default location for logman.exe is %systemroot%system32/. If the smart card reader does not appear in Device Manager, on the Action menu, select Scan for hardware changes. How can I download the smart card certificate? How to download smart card certificates for web and email use Open a web browser. Go to DoD Cyber ​​Exchange NIPR ( In the PKI and PKE Tools section,…

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How can I get the Google oauth2 client ID? Request an OAuth 2.0 Client ID in the Google API Console Go to the Google API Console. Select a project or create a new one. Click Continue to enable the Fitness API. Click Go to credentials. Click New Credentials, then select OAuth Client ID. Under App Type, select Android. How do I get Google OAuth credentials? Get a client ID and client secret Open the Google API Console Credentials page. In the project dropdown menu, select an existing project or create a new one. On the Credentials page, select Create Credentials,…

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How do I test my network connection in ionic? Step 1 – Create an ionic project. To create a new Ionic project, you can run the following command. Step 2: Implementation of the network verification function. Step 3: Implement the network check logic. Step 4 – Detect the network type. Step 5 – Test the app on the device. How do I know if I have an ionic app? To check the ionic version installed globally, ionic -g and to check the ionic version of the project, use ionic -g. To check the ionic version of the project, use ionic…

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What is Little O vs Big-O? Big-O means “is of the same order as”. The corresponding small o means “ultimately less than”: f (n) = o(1) means that f (n)/c ! 0 for any constant c. What does Big-O mean? an orgasmThe Big O, a slang term for an orgasm. What does Big-O say to you? Big-O notation is the language we use to talk about how long an algorithm takes to run (time complexity) or how much memory an algorithm uses (space complexity). In other words, Big-O notation is a way to track how fast the execution time grows…

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Does Windows 10 have a NetworkManager? Having a problem connecting to the Internet or your own local area network? If so, you probably need a network administrator to identify and fix the problem. What is NetworkManager in Windows? NETworkManager is an open source tool that allows you to manage networks and troubleshoot network problems. Connected network cards can be configured using profiles. You can also perform a PING or quick search, scan ports and hosts, connect to a server (with PuTTy/VNC), Wake on Lan and much more. How does Windows 10 handle network management? manage-known-wi-fi-networks. Windows 10 saves those networks…

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How to extract XML attribute using Python elementtree? Throw an error. This will find the first instance of an element named bar and return the value of the attribute key. Parse the XML file and get the root tag and then using [0] will give us the first child tag. How are attributes used in the XML parser in Python? Attributes describe in more detail how to validate a tag or allow Boolean designations. Attributes often take very specific values ​​so that the XML parser (and the user) can use the attributes to check the values ​​of the tags. ElementTree…

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What is map and reduce? MapReduce is a processing technique and program model for distributed computing based on Java. The MapReduce algorithm contains two important tasks, namely map and reduce. Map takes one dataset and converts it to another dataset, where the individual elements are broken into tuples (key/value pairs). How to map and reduce works? A MapReduce job typically splits the input dataset into separate parts that are processed by map tasks in a completely parallel fashion. The framework sorts the map outputs, which are then input to the reduce tasks. Typically, both job input and output are stored…

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Should I install Anaconda for PyCharm? From what I’ve noticed, people mostly use Anaconda for applications related to data science and machine learning. But since you’re just starting to learn Python, I’d recommend sticking with PyCharm. How does Anaconda work in PyCharm? How to configure PyCharm with a virtual anaconda environment already created Select “conda environment” Click “Existing Environment” and navigate to the environment you want to use. Be sure to click “Make available to all projects” if you want the interpreter to be used by multiple projects. Can I install Anaconda and PyCharm? PyCharm is an IDE that integrates…

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How do I enable restrictions in MySQL? SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1; ALTER TABLE ENABLE KEYS; From the reference: Foreign_key_checks. DISABLE KEYS: ” Use ALTER TABLE DISABLE KEYS to tell MySQL to stop updating non-unique indexes. …” Why doesn’t check constraint work in MySQL? Unfortunately, MySQL does not support SQL verification restrictions. You can define them in your DDL query for compatibility reasons, but they are simply ignored. You can create BEFORE INSERT and BEFORE UPDATE triggers that cause an error or set the field to its default value when data requirements are not met. How do I find MySQL constraint names? select…

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Why does explorer freeze when I create a new folder? If you have installed Autodesk Inventor on your computer, this may be the cause of Windows 10 New Folder freezing or Windows 10 New Folder not responding, or Windows Explorer crashing when creating a new folder. You can uninstall it and restart your PC to see if the problem is resolved. Solution 6 – Disable Wallpaper Slideshow Why won’t Windows Explorer open a new folder? You can use the System File Checker tool to repair missing or corrupted system files that can cause Windows 10 New Folder not responding or…

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How to add a router to react to the app? To start adding routes, open App.js – the tag will serve as the global page title. Since you want it to appear on all pages, set the router after the tag. Import BrowserRouter, Route and Switch from react-router-dom. BrowserRouter will be the base configuration. How to create nested routes in react router? As we mentioned before, we will set the top level path to the topics as we did in the second Path component. In the link components, we set the relative paths to go to when we click on…

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What are previous references? Backreferences are regular expression commands that reference a previous part of the matching regular expression. Backreferences are specified with a backslash and a single digit (eg, ‘/1’). The part of the regular expression that they refer to is called a subexpression and is designated in parentheses. What do you mean by 0 or 1 character? When a character is followed by ? in a regular expression it means to match zero or one instance of the character. can be used after a range of characters or an exclude range, in which case it means to optionally…

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Does it have a meaning of wrong dependency between peers? 2 answers. 2. 30. It’s just a warning, as it won’t actually stop your code from running, it’s just there to warn you that there’s something wrong with your dependencies. Effectively, peer dependencies are a way for packages to specify, “to use me, you must also have version x of package y installed.” What is the peer dependency thread? Peer dependencies are a special type of dependency that would only arise if you published your own package. Having a peer dependency means that your package needs a dependency that is…

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How do I encode a custom font? How to add custom fonts to your website using @font-face Step 1: Download the font. Step 2 – Create a WebFont Kit for Cross-Navigation. Step 3: Upload the font files to your website. Step 4 – Update and upload your CSS file. Step 5 – Use the custom font in your CSS declarations. How do I use a custom font in the mail? You can select standard web fonts for your marketing emails in your settings. @font-face and @import are only supported by Apple Mail and some other email clients. You can add…

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How do I fix my laptop mouse problem? That is how: On your keyboard, hold down the Fn key and press the touchpad key (or F7, F8, F9, F5, depending on what brand of laptop you’re using). Move the mouse and check if the frozen mouse problem on laptop is fixed. If so, great! But if the problem persists, continue to Solution 3 below. What to do when your mouse is not working in Windows 10? You can fix mouse and touchpad issues like disappearing, not responding, clicking not working in Windows 10 by four simple methods. Note: Since the…

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How to load data when tab is active using jQuery? Try using jQuery AJAX please. It seems to me that the following modification would work for you. In this scenario, jQuery POSTs to some URL of its choosing if the active tab’s content is empty, and then retrieves any HTML that comes down from the server and places it inside the active tab asynchronously. How to make the last active tab selected on the page reload? However, you can use the HTML5 localStorage object to save some parameter for the current tab locally in the browser and retrieve it so…

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What are the different ways to create objects in JavaScript? In JavaScript, there are four methods to use to create an object: object literals. New operator or constructor. Object. create method. Class. How do you associate the function with the object using JavaScript? An object in JavaScript has properties associated with it. So a property of an object can be explained as a variable that is attached to an object. Thus, object properties are mostly the same as plain JavaScript variables, except for the attachment to objects. What are the JavaScript guidelines? General JavaScript Guidelines For JavaScript we use expanded…

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How do I use the Google sign in button? To create a Google sign in button with custom settings, add an element that contains the sign in button to your sign in page, write a function that calls signin2. render() with your style and scope settings, and include the script with the query string onload=YOUR_RENDER_FUNCTION . How do I create a Google login in HTML? “html login with google” Response code How do I add a sign up button to my Google site? Add a button On a computer, open a new site in Google Sites. On the right,…

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How to set SVN_editor environment variable on Windows? You can fix this error by setting an SVN_EDITOR environment variable on Windows. To temporarily configure SVN_EDITOR, issue the following command in your cmd.exe command line; You can use SETX to set a permanent environment variable on Windows: Or to set the %PATH% environment variable on Windows Server Core: How to change revision number in SVN? Once revision property overrides are enabled, you can change a revision’s log message by passing the –revprop switch to svn propedit or svn propset, like either: where N is the revision number whose log message you…

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How do I download EXE files in Windows 10? Go to the Security tab in the Internet Options window and select Custom level. A new window will open. Here look for Downloads, expand it further and enable File Download and Font Download. Scroll down to find another option named Run unsafe files and apps and select the Prompt option for it. How do I download EXE files in Chrome? On your computer, open Chrome. Go to the web page where you want to download the file. If prompted, choose where you want to save the file, and then click Save.…

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How do I add an image to a slack message? Alternatively, you can add an image to your normal message, either as a secondary image block or attachment. This only works with a public URL for your image file, so you must first upload your image to an image hosting provider (which can be your Slack workspace) to get the public URL. How to add a link to a post in Slack? For images that have been shared in your Slack workspace, follow the steps below: 1 From your desktop, hover over the image you’d like to use. 2 Click…

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What is the number system? Numeric namespace. Important. Contains numeric types that complement numeric primitives, such as Byte, Double, and Int32, that are defined by . NET. Where is the number system? assembliesSystem. Numeric values ​​reside in assemblies. How to add system numbers? If you are using VS 2010, you can simply type “system. numerics” in the search at the top. Then simply select the reference and click Add, then Close. Right click the Reference folder in your solution and choose Add Reference. What is System Runtime Compiler Services? execution time. CompilerServices namespace. Important. Provides functionality for compiler writers who…

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Can we increase partitions in Kafka? Apache Kafka provides us with a modify command to change the behavior of the theme and add/modify configurations. Note: Although Kafka allows us to add more partitions, it is NOT possible to decrease the number of partitions in a theme. To achieve this, you need to delete and recreate your theme. How do I shrink the Kafka partition? Apache Kafka does not support partition number decrementation. You should see the theme as a whole and partitions are a way to scale and improve performance. So all data sent to the theme flows to all…

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How do you add an image to a linear design? To display the image by XML, we need to add the ImageView tag in our XML layout. The ImageView tag has the android:src attribute which will reference the image saved in the res/drawable directory. To display the image programmatically, create an ImageView instance in the Activity class and assign the image using setImageResource() and add it to the layout using LinearLayout. How to set image on button in Android? Save the XML file in your project’s res/drawable/ folder, and then reference it as a drawable for your ImageButton source (in…

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Where can I find my main WSL directory? Where are WSL files stored? WSL files are exposed through a network share //wsl$/[nombre de distribución], for example my home directory is at //wsl$/Ubuntu-20.04/home/pawelb. C:/Users/pawelb/AppData/Local/Packages/CanonicalGroupLimited. Ubuntu18. How do I access the wsl folder on Windows? Access Linux files from running WSL Distro in File Explorer Open File Explorer (Win+E). Click/tap on Linux in the File Explorer navigation pane and click/tap on the Distros shortcut. ( Click/tap on the running WSL distribution (eg “Ubuntu”) for which you want to view the files. ( Click/tap on the Home folder. ( How do I change…

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How do I use the DidMount component and the DidUpdate component? componentDidMount() will render immediately after mounting a component. This method will render only once and all initialization that requires DOM nodes should go here. Setting the state in this method will trigger a new render. componentDidUpdate() is called immediately each time the update occurs. How do you use setState in react? Every time the state changes, React re-renders the component in the browser. Before updating the state value, we need to create an initial state setting. Once we’re done, we use the setState() method to change the state object.…

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What is the default index in MySQL? B-tree indexThe B-Tree index is the default index type for the InnoDB and MyISAM storage engines in MySQL. This is the most common type of index used in databases, so we’ll cover it in some detail. B-Tree indexes can be used for a wide variety of queries. Is the primary key column indexed by default? A primary key index is created by default when a table with a specified primary key is created. Note that if the index is a composite index, the filter expressions used must reference all primary key columns to…

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How to create docker image and push to ECR? Identify the local image to send. Run the docker images command to list the container images on your system. You can identify an image with the value repository:label or the image ID in the resulting command output. Tag your image with the Amazon ECR registry, repository, and optional image tag name combination to use. How do I deploy an ECR image to ECS? The steps here are: Create the Docker image. Create an ECR record. Label the image. Give the Docker CLI permission to access your Amazon account. Upload your docker…

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What is the class to create an iOS progress bar? The UIProgressView class provides properties to manage the style of the progress bar and to get and set values ​​that are anchored to the progress of a task. How do I make a circular progress bar in Swift? How to create an animated circular progress bar in Swift? Step 1 – Let’s create a new XCode project and enter a name. Step 2 – Add an object of type UILabel. Step 3: Create a new . Step 4: Now, let’s initialize this view. Step 5 – Create a function for…

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Why does the Chinese keyboard not work in China? Answers (1)  You can try removing and installing the keyboard layout to fix the problem. Go to Settings > Time and language > Region and language. Click Chinese Language and click Options. Under Keyboard, click ‘Add a keyboard’. How to make Ms notepad display chinese characters? Notepad is a very simple text editor BUT it will work if you use the SAME language on Windows. Please try: 3. Go to the “administrative” tab, then click “change system locale…”, then select “Chinese”. Greetings. Make it easier for others to find solutions…

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Why does my method have to be static? In Java programming, the main motivation for making a method static is convenience. You can call a static method without creating any objects, just by using its class name. So if you need a method, which you want to call directly by the class name, make that method static. Why static method can access only static members in Java? A static method can be called directly from the class, without having to create an instance of the class. A static method can only access static variables; you can’t access instance variables. Since…

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How does lambda work in Scheme? Lambda is the name of a special form that generates procedures. It takes information about the function you want to create as arguments and returns the procedure. (Don’t make the mistake of thinking that lambda is the argument of each . The argument is the procedure returned by lambda .) How does recursion work in Scheme? Recursion is a term used to describe a procedure that calls itself, directly or indirectly. In Scheme, simple repetition/iteration of the program can be achieved through recursion by having a function call itself. Most programs are tail recursive,…

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How is indirect range used? To create an Excel dynamic reference to any of the above mentioned ranges, simply enter its name in some cell, say G1, and reference that cell from an indirect formula =INDIRECT(G1)….Using the INDIRECT function with named ranges Apples – B2:B6. Bananas – C2:C6. Lemons – D2: D6. Can a range be indirected? The INDIRECT function returns a reference to a range. You can use this function to create a reference that will not change if rows or columns are inserted in the worksheet. Or use it to create a reference from letters and numbers in…

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How to extract the last part of a JavaScript url? The split() method first splits the url into an array of elements separated by the / method then pop() helps us get the last element of an array (which is our last url segment). Similarly, we can also get the last segment using the combination of the substring() and lastIndexOf() methods. Where is the last slash in the URL? 13 answers url.rsplit(‘/’, 1) returns a list, and url.rsplit(‘/’, 1)[-1] is the bit after the last forward slash. – Another way to do it would be: url.rsplit(‘/’, 1).pop() – Alex Fortin…

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Can I set Google Maps as default in Windows 10? On the right side of the Settings window, scroll until you find the section called Default Location. It tells you that “Windows, apps, and services can use this when we can’t detect a more exact location on this PC.” Click or tap the “Set Default” button. This action opens the Maps application. How to save map offline in Windows 10? Open the Settings app and go to System > Offline Maps. Before downloading any maps, let’s make sure you save them wherever you want. Look for the Storage location subheading…

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What are the parameters of a function in Swift? Parameters can provide default values ​​to simplify function calls and can be passed as input and output parameters, which modify a passed variable after the function has completed its execution. Every function in Swift has a type, which consists of the function’s parameter types and the return type. What does “cannot call value of type that is not a function” mean? Problem ‘Cannot call value of non-function type’ You are now viewing this thread and will receive emails when there is activity. Click again to stop watching or visit your profile/home…

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How do I change the orientation of my activity in android? If you want to manually handle orientation changes in your app, you must declare the “orientation”, “screenSize”, and “screenLayout” values ​​in the android:configChanges attributes. You can declare multiple configuration values ​​in the attribute by separating them with a pipe | character. How do I change the orientation of my activity? What is activity and activity lifecycle? Activity Lifecycle Concepts To navigate transitions between activity lifecycle stages, the Activity class provides a basic set of six callbacks: onCreate() , onStart() , onResume() , onPause () , onStop() , and onDestroy()…

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How do I protect the wp-content upload folder? The Protect Upload Plugin On your WordPress site, install the Protect Uploads plugin. Go to Media > Protect uploads. The plugin will tell you if your uploads directory is protected: How do I stop direct access to files in my wp-content directory? Facility In your Manager, go to the Plugins > Add menu. Look for “Prevent shortcut” Click to install. Activate the plugin. Protect your files in the Media Library. How do I secure a folder for deletion? Move to secure folder Select file(s) > Touch [︙] > Touch Move to secure…

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How do I rotate Tomcat logs? How to configure a log rotation for tomcat catalina. log file Create a configuration file in the following path: /etc/logrotate.d/ . For example: /etc/logrotate.d/tomcat. Insert the following into the file above: /{PATH_TO_CATALINA_FILE}/catalina*.* { copytruncate. daily. rotate 7. compress. disappearedok. size 100M. } What is localhost login in Tomcat? Local host log – This is the log of all HTTP transactions between the client and the application server. The log file is called localhost_access_log. . text file These log configuration files are placed in the /conf directory of the Tomcat server. How do I change…

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Is backup and restore incremental? When you restore an incremental backup, you are actually restoring all unchanged data from the last full backup and changed data from all previous incremental backups (created after the full backup). Therefore, the restore performance shows no noticeable changes compared to a full backup. What are the two advantages of doing an incremental backup instead of a full backup? Advantages of incremental backups It is the fastest type of backup as it only backs up increments. Save storage space compared to other types. Each backup increment can store a different version for a file/folder. What…

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How to dynamically add and remove fragments in Android? To dynamically add fragments to an existing layout, you typically define a wrapper in the XML layout file into which you add a fragment… For this, you can use a framework layout as shown below: FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager(); TransactionFragment transactionFragment = fm. Fragment1 fm2 = new Fragment1(); How to include the layout in the snippet? Add layout in fragments in Android oncreate(): This method is called by the system when the Fragment is created. onCreateView() – This method is called by the system when Android needs the layout for the…

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How do I download an image and set it as wallpaper? To do this, right-click on the image you want to set as your wallpaper, and then select Set as Background from the dropdown menu. If you are sure you want to set the image as the background, click Yes. How do I set an image as wallpaper on my iPhone? Learn how. Open Settings on your iPhone. Go to Settings, tap Wallpaper, then tap Choose a new wallpaper. Choose an image. Choose an image from Dynamic, Stills, Live or one of your photos. Move the image and choose a…

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How do I download a file from Mac Terminal? Download files with terminal After typing curl -O, simply paste the URL of the file you want to download. Don’t include the “” either, that’s just an insertion point. Your download will start immediately. How do you download an image from Google Images? You can search for images at or in the Google app. Touch and hold the image until a menu appears. Tap Download Image in the menu. The image will be downloaded to your phone or tablet’s gallery or camera roll. What is the download command on Mac?…

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Is minimax always optimal? Typically, gaming programs use the Minimax strategy [5], which assumes that the opponent is a perfectly rational agent, who always performs optimal actions. In this case, at any given step, a move that is practically the best may not be the one indicated by Minimax. Why is the minimax algorithm optimal against an optimal player? Properties of the Mini-Max algorithm: Optimal: The Min-Max algorithm is optimal if both opponents are playing optimally. Time Complexity: As DFS performs for the game tree, the time complexity of the Min-Max algorithm is O(bm), where b is the branching factor…

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Does Windows 10 have a free VM? Free Windows 10 development virtual machines for HyperV, Parallels, VirtualBox and VMWare. You probably know that you can download free developer tools for Windows 10 from the Windows Dev Center here. Visual Studio Community IS effectively the Pro SKU and is free for open source. Windows 10 SDK, version 2004 (10.0. How do I create a virtual machine in Windows 10? Create a virtual machine in Windows 10 Open Hyper-V Manager from the start menu. In Hyper-V Manager, look for Quick Create in the Actions menu on the right. Customize your virtual machine.…

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How do I fix an SEO friendly URL? Check if your web page URLs are SEO friendly. For links to be SEO-friendly, they must contain keywords relevant to the topic of the page and not contain spaces, underscores, or other characters. You should avoid using parameters when possible, as they make URLs less attractive for users to click or share. What is SEO Friendly URL Structure? In addition to structuring your URLs with a logical organization, use SEO friendly URLs. URLs that are simple, easy to read, and include keywords that describe the content of a web page are SEO…

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How do I align two buttons on one line in HTML? If you have multiple buttons that need to be side by side on the same line, add the data-inline=”true” attribute to each button. This will style the buttons to be the width of their content and will float the buttons so they sit on the same line. How do I move a button horizontally in css? By setting the display property to flex (display: flex), the inner button will take place in the center of the vertical and horizontal position. Display flex will move it to the center vertically.…

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What is Date Range? The DateInterval class ¶ Represents a date range. More specifically, the information in an object of the DateInterval class is an instruction to move from one date/time to another date/time. This process is not always reversible. What is p in DateInterval php? The format begins with the letter P, for a period. Each duration period is represented by an integer value followed by a period indicator. If the duration contains time elements, that part of the specification is preceded by the letter T. How do you find a date range? To calculate the time between two…

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How do I search for a file using a wildcard character? You can use the asterisk and the question mark (?) anywhere in a search, and you can also use them together. For example, if you want to find all files that start with home , are followed by one or two characters, and end with any extension, enter home??. * as your search term. Can we combine wildcards and * to give an example?[aei]You can combine wildcards with file matching options to define a file group policy. Matches any character contained within square brackets or a range of characters…

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How do you interpret a sparse matrix? Sparse Matrix/Sparse Array: The number of zero-valued elements divided by the total number of elements (eg, m × n for an m × n matrix) is called the sparseness of the matrix (which is equal to 1 minus the density of the matrix). Using those definitions, a matrix will be sparse when its sparsity is greater than 0.5. How do you assign a value to a sparse matrix? Setting values ​​of a sparse matrix import numpy as np from scipy.sparse import x = csr_matrix(np.array([[1, 0, 2, 0, 3], [0, 4, 0, 5, 0]]))…

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What is the difference between IDataReader and SqlDataReader? SqlDataReader implements the IDataReader interface. The same goes for all other ADO.NET drivers (Oracle, MySql, etc.). You can use IDataReader, so if you plan to change the database engine someday, you don’t have to rewrite all your SqlDataReader references. The same goes for IDbConnection, IDbCommand, etc. What is IDataReader? IDataReader refers to an interface. Basically, if your method accepts an IDataReader, that means it will accept anything that uses that interface. This means you can use any data reader you want basically. The method will accept its data reader because the data…

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What is the element that appears the most? Q: What is the most abundant element on Earth? A: Oxygen, which makes up about 49.5% of the total mass of the Earth’s crust, waters, and atmosphere, according to the textbook “Modern Chemistry.” Silicon ranks second with 28%. Aluminum is a distant third, at just 8%. What is type K superior? The top K element pattern is a technique that aims to return a given number of the most frequent/largest/smallest elements in a given set. The key data structure for solving the main K-element problems is the heap. What is the time…

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How do you avoid duplicates in Crystal Reports? In the Crystal report, highlight the desired field. Right-click and select Format Field. Check “Delete if duplicate” and click OK. Update the report data. How are duplicates displayed in Crystal Reports? Crystal Reports – Filter Duplicates by Field Open the report and select the ‘Preview’ tab. Note the duplicate rows: ‘Robyn’ appears twice. Open the ‘Report’ menu and then select ‘Section Expert’ Select the ‘Details’ section in the menu on the left. Check the ‘Suppress No Drill-Down’ option and click the icon to the right. What are duplicate records? Duplicate data can…

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Why do my desktop icons suddenly scatter? If the Windows 10 desktop icon spacing has suddenly changed and is now cluttered, you can set the spacing to default by following this tutorial: Set icons to auto-arrange mode. Change the screen resolution. Restore the default icon spacing using Registry Editor. How to put desktop icons on the computer? To place the computer icon on the desktop, right-click on any empty space on the desktop and select Personalize from the pop-up menu. In the Personalization dialog box, click the Change desktop icons link in the list on the left. In the Desktop…

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How to import data into a PostgreSQL database? If you want to specify a PostgreSQL user to perform the import, select the user. If your import file contains declarations to be performed by a specific PostgreSQL user, use this field to specify that user. Click Import to start the import. Create a Cloud Storage bucket, if you haven’t already. How to get data from PostgreSQL and display it to template? After finding the requested URL, the request will be redirected to the function written along with the path. In our case it is views.showjobs. which receives the request and returns…

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Can an autoresponder be sent to a specific email address? Sign in to On the navigation bar, select Settings > Automatic Replies. Choose the Send Automatic Replies option. How do I automate an email response? That is how: First, go to the “File” menu, then “New”, then “Mail Message”. From there, go to “Options”, choose “Plain Text” and type what you want your response to say. In the body of the message, type the message that you want to send as an automatic reply. Save it as an Outlook template (*. Can you set text messages to reply automatically?…

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How do I convert ISO to date in python? To get an ISO 8601 date in string format in Python 3, you can simply use the isoformat function. Returns the date in ISO 8601 format. For example, if you give the date 12/31/2017, it will return the string ‘2017-12-31T00:00:00’. How do you format time in Python? Example 15: date format using strftime() %Not anymore [0001,…, 2018, 2019,…, 9999] %m – month [01, 02., 11, 12] %d – day [01, 02., 30, 31] %H – hour [00, 01., 22, 23. %M – minuto [00, 01., 58, 59] %S – second [00,…

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Is the video tag transmitted? The video tag This HTML will allow your page to pass some_video. mp4 directly in any browser that supports the corresponding codecs (and HTML5, of course). This video tag also provides various APIs to, for example, play, pause, seek, or change the speed at which the video plays. How to embed a video player in HTML5? Clicking the share button will open a share panel showing a few more buttons. Now click the Embed button, it will generate the HTML code to directly embed the video into web pages. Just copy and paste that code…

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Is there an LTSC update for Windows 10? While quality updates are available for Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC, you can choose to postpone them by using tools like Windows Update for Business or System Center Configuration Manager. Before its release and during the first year of Windows 10, many predicted that LTSC would be the preferred service channel for enterprise customers. Is there an ISO for Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC? The Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC version only supports English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish. You can use 90 days free of charge after downloading and installing…

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How do you use the OnClickListener implement view? To implement View.OnClickListener in your activity or fragment, you need to override the onClick method in your class. First, bind the button in the xml layout to java by calling the findViewById() method. Which phone has the best interface? Pure Android (Android One, pixels) 14.83% One UI (Samsung) 8.52% MIUI (Xiaomi and Redmi)27.07% OxygenOS (OnePlus)21.09% EMUI (Huawei)20.59% Color OS (OPPO) 1.24% Funtouch OS (Live)0.34% Realme user interface (Realme)3.33% What is the mobile phone interface? A mobile user interface (mobile UI) is the graphical and usually touch-sensitive screen on a mobile device, such…

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How do I know if my Windows 10 is dual core? Find out how many cores your processor has Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager. Select the Performance tab to see how many cores and logical processors your PC has. What type of processor do I have Windows 10? To find this information in the Windows 10 Settings app, go to Settings > System > About. Look under “Device Specifications”. The name of your computer’s processor and its speed are displayed to the right of “Processor.” Dhuʻl-Q. 28, 1440 AH How do I know if I…

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How do I redirect a country per user? Procedure to install plugin to redirect visitors based on country or IP address in WordPress Step 1: Install plugin. Step 2: Click the Activate button. Step 3: Go to the General tab. Step 4 – Select the location, destination, and redirect code. Step 5 – Paste the IP address and click the search button. How do I redirect website visitors to the location? You can redirect visitors to a specific page based on their location by adding a T808 block to the page. For example, visitors from London, Paris, Australia, or the…

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How to change the shape of a button in Android? We can set custom shapes on our button using the xml tag. These xml files are also created in the drawable folder. The form can be used inside selectors. The shape can be set to rectangle (default), oval, ring, line. How do I make a square image in Android? There are many Photo Squarer apps available that can help you make your image square… Top 5 Photo Squarer Apps for Android Devices Photo and image resizer. No crop and square for Instagram. InSquare Pic – Free photo editor. Square Pic…

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How is a service dependency established? You can add service dependencies by adding the “DependOnService” value to the service in the registry using the regedit command, the services can be found in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/ . How do I find the path of a Windows service? The physical path is ‘C:/WINDOWS/TEMP/. How do I change the route of a service? HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/ServiceName Locate the string object named “Image Path”. Double click on it and change the value to the correct location of the executable. There is no need to restart the computer. How do I change the path of a service executable? Be…

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Can we avoid deadlock using re-entry? In a non-reentrant lock, you would have a deadlock situation when you try to call functionTwo() from functionOne() because the thread would have to wait for the lock… which holds itself. The calling thread attempts to wait for the spawned thread, which in turn cannot call deadlock() until the caller has exited. How can deadlock in threading be avoided? The canonical technique to avoid deadlocks is to have a lock hierarchy. Make sure all threads acquire locks or other resources in the same order. This avoids the deadlock scenario where thread 1 holds lock…

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Does it have the same name as the class it is declared in? Yes, it is allowed to define a method with the same name as that of a class. No compile time or run time error will occur. But this is not recommended by Java coding standards. Normally, the constructor name and the class name are always the same in Java. How do you name an object in Visual Basic? To reference an individual object in the tested Visual Basic application, select the required object in the Object Browser or Object Spy. These tools display the name of the…

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How do I set group permissions? Click the name of the group for which you want to set permissions (DataStage). Click OK twice. In the Permissions list, select to allow Modify, Read and execute, List folder contents, Read and Write permissions. Click OK. How do I create a user group? In the Computer Management window, expand System Tools > Local Users and Groups > Groups. Click Action > New Group. In the New Group window, type DataStage as the group name, click Create, and click Close. How do I change permissions for users and groups? Steps 1 Open the SharePoint…

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How to resolve error opening JavaSoft Java Runtime Environment registry key software? Check the properties tab > file details to confirm the version. If this javaw.exe is found first, Windows is told to look in the wrong location in the registry for the Java Runtime Environment key. Once removed javaw.exe from C:/Program Files/Java/JRE1. What are JavaSoft registry keys? Windows registry settings The installation program for the Microsoft Windows version of the Java SE Runtime Environment uses the registry to store path and version information. It creates the following registry keys: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/JavaSoft/JRE. Has value 1.8 but 1.7 is required error Java…

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Can I remove DriverStore? The DriverStore folder can be found at C:/Windows/System32/DriverStore. Some people might consider deleting the DriverStore folder to free up disk space, but doing so might make your computer unbootable. You should not manually delete any of the files or folders in the DriverStore folder. Where is the driver store folder located? The location of the driver store is: C://Windows//System32//DriverStore. The driver files are stored in folders, which are located inside the FileRepository folder, as shown in the image below. Where does Windows 10 store device drivers? The location where Windows 10 keeps device drivers is in…

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How to call pure JavaScript function from Angular 2 component? external.js is loaded using import and in ngAfterViewInit() I want to call the init() function that is in external.js which calls all other methods in that external file. Here is part of external.js – you can import and declare your external object. after that you can use it in your component. I hope this helps. I followed your example. What to do when component is built in angular? When the component is built, have it assigned to a global variable. You can then reference from there and call the methods.…

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What is the type of load? What is the type of load? Freight Type is a term that describes the types of freight that a Carrier carries on behalf of the Carrier. What does SL BSW mean on a tire? RWL = Raised White Letters. ORWL = Outlined Raised White Letters. B, BLK, BW, BSW = Blackwall or Black Sidewall. What load capacity tires do I need? You’ll find your tire’s load rating on the sidewall, just to the right of the diameter. For example, a tire with a load index of 91 can carry 615 kg of weight. Load…

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How do you clear the output terminal in python? How to clear screen in python? From the import system os. Define a function. Make a system call with ‘clear’ on Linux and ‘cls’ on Windows as the argument. Store the return value in an underscore or any variable you like (an underscore is used because the Python Shell always stores its last result in an underscore). How do you clear the output in the terminal? Use ctrl + k to delete it. All other methods would just change the terminal screen and you can see the previous outputs by scrolling.…

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Which method adds an element to the end of the list? add() methodThe append() method adds an element to the end of the list. What does cons mean in functional programming? In computer programming, cons (/ˈkɒnz/ or /ˈkɒns/) is a fundamental function in most dialects of the Lisp programming language. cons constructs memory objects that contain two values ​​or pointers to values. These objects are known as (cons)cells, cons, non-atomic s-expressions (“NATSes”), or (cons)pairs. What does cons do in the scheme? In Scheme, car , cdr and cons are the most important functions. The cons function is used to build…

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What to do when RDP connection freezes in Windows 10? To fix RDP connection hangs in Windows 10, you need to disable the RDP client UDP protocol using local group policy. RDP uses the UDP and TCP protocols on port 3389. How to fix Remote Desktop freezing in Windows 10? Remote Desktop Freezes on Windows 10 – How to Fix 1 Run Command Prompt as administrator on the client machine. 2 Run the following command: reg add “HKLMsoftwarepoliciesmicrosoftwindows ntTerminal ServicesClient” /v… 3 Reboot the client machine. Plus Why does my UDP connection freeze in Windows 10? The purpose of UDP…

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How to filter your dataframe by multiple conditions? The filter() function is used to produce a subset of the data frame, keeping all rows that meet the specified conditions. The filter() method in R can be applied to grouped and ungrouped data. What is the correct way to filter in R? In R in general (and in dplyr specifically), they are: 1 == (Equal to) 2 != (Not equal to) 3 < (Less than) 4 (Greater than) 6 >= (Greater than or equal to) How to use dplyr to filter a data frame? However, that’s not the only way we…

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How do I display shortcodes in a WordPress template? To use a shortcode in a page/theme template, simply wrap the standard WordPress do_shortcode function (created for this very purpose) with a bit of PHP coding, as follows (to insert it anywhere in the page template file /theme you would like to enable the specific functionality of your shortcode): How do I create a shortcode in WordPress? In this article, you learned that it only takes three simple steps to create a shortcode: Write a regular function that executes the desired custom code. Save the code in your WordPress plugin or…

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How do I make my Samsung Smart TV automatically open apps? On the menu screen, select Smart Hub. Select Autostart Settings to set applications to start automatically. Select Smart Hub to open Smart Hub automatically when the TV is turned on. Select On to enable this feature. How do I change the home app on my Samsung TV? On the menu screen, select Smart Hub. b). Select Autostart Settings to set applications to start automatically. How do I run the Tizen app on my TV? Connect the SDK to the TV Open the smart center. Select the Applications panel. In…

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What is a Cloud Developer Job? Cloud Scheduler is a fully managed enterprise-grade cron job scheduler. It allows you to schedule virtually any job, including batch jobs, big data jobs, cloud infrastructure operations, and more. You can automate everything, including retries on failure to reduce manual work and intervention. What is the function of the schedule? A schedule or schedule, as a basic time management tool, consists of a list of times in which possible tasks, events or actions are intended to be carried out, or a sequence of events in the chronological order in which such things are planned.…

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Can Minecraft run on Windows 11? Minecraft is compatible with Windows 11, which means you can play that game on Microsoft’s latest desktop platform. You can download a free trial version of Minecraft Windows 11 Edition from the game’s official website. Can you play Minecraft Windows 10 on Windows 11? Minecraft for Windows 10 is a Bedrock edition that enables cross-platform play on devices like Xbox One, iOS and Android phones, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation. Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition is also available for new Windows 11 PCs and works well on the latest operating system. Does Windows 11 support Java?…

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What are custom validators in angular? A validator in Angular is a function that returns null if a control is valid or an error object if it is invalid. For model-driven forms, we create custom validation functions and pass them to the FormControl’s constructor. How do I create a custom validator in angular 10? Angular 10 Custom Validator Tutorial Example Step 1: Install the Angular app. Step 2: Import FormsModule. Step 3: Form with ngModel. Step 4: Ts file updated. Step 5: Create a custom validation file. What is dirty in angular? ng-dirty: The ng-dirty class indicates that the user…

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What is the main difference between running a 32-bit and a 64-bit operating system? When it comes to computers, the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit has to do with processing power. Computers with 32-bit processors are older, slower, and less secure, while a 64-bit processor is newer, faster, and more secure. What is the performance difference between 32-bit and 64-bit? Simply put, a 64-bit processor is more capable than a 32-bit processor because it can handle more data at once. A 64-bit processor can store more computational values, including memory addresses, which means it can access more than 4 billion…

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How do I reload my Prometheus Yml file? Prometheus can reload your configuration at runtime. If the new configuration is not well formed, the changes will not be applied. A configuration reload is triggered by sending a SIGHUP to the Prometheus process or by sending an HTTP POST request to the /-/reload endpoint (when the –web.enable-lifecycle flag is enabled). What is the Prometheus sample? Architecture. Prometheus pulls metrics from instrumented jobs, either directly or through an intermediate push gateway for short-lived jobs. Store all the samples drawn locally and run rules on this data to add and record new time…

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When should I create a Windows service? You must create a Windows service to run code in the background, without user interaction. For example, a Windows service will run even though no one is logged on. Any server that accepts connections (such as a mail, web, or FTP server) should normally be a Windows service. What does it mean to run something as a Windows service? Windows services definition Unlike regular software that is started by the end user and only runs when the user is logged on, Windows services can start without user intervention and can continue to run…

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How to get a list of all open ports in Windows 7? How to get a list of all open ports in Windows 7, Vista and XP? There is a free little utility called CurrPorts from Nirsoft that shows all open ports in Windows. Download CurrPorts to your computer: How to add a port to the exception list in Windows 7? To add a port to the Windows 7 firewall exception list: 1. Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall. 2. Click Advanced Settings. The Windows Firewall with Advanced Security on Local Computer screen is displayed.…

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How do I change the color of a logo in CSS? Use the filter function to change the color of the png image. The filter property is mainly used to set the visual effect on the image. There are many property values ​​for the filter function. filter: none|blur()|brightness()|contrast()|drop-shadow()|grayscale() |tone-rotate()|invert()|opacity()|saturate()|sepia()|url ( ); How do I change the header color on scroll? on(‘scroll’, function(){ if ($(window). scrollTop() > 30) { $(‘#container-header’). addClass(‘change-color’); } else { $(‘# container-header’). removeClass(‘change-color’); } }); How do you make a scroll animation in CSS? Triggering a CSS animation on hover is a type of hover-triggered animation… Add…

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How do you check that Mod_headers is enabled? 1. Check if mod_expires is enabled. You can simply use apachectl -M command to list all enabled modules in Apache web server. Since the output contains a list of all modules installed in Apache, we can pass its output to grep and search for the string “expires”. What are headers in Apache? The header is modified just before the content handler is executed, allowing incoming headers to be modified. The action it performs is determined by the first argument. It can be one of the following values: add. The request header is…

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Does Webpack convert ES6 to ES5? ES6 downgrade ES5 Babel Webpack package can perfectly convert ES6 code to ES5 code, so we can use ES6 features in our projects without waiting for browser support. Does Babel convert ES6 to ES5? Babel is a transpiler (it translates the code from one language to another computer language with the same level of abstraction) that can convert our ES6 code into ES5. How does Babel work with Webpack? If Babel is a translator for JS, you can think of Webpack as a mega multi-translator that works with all kinds of languages ​​(or assets).…

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What is generic method in Python? A generic function is made up of multiple functions that implement the same operation for different types. The implementation to use during a call is determined by the dispatch algorithm. When the implementation is chosen based on the type of a single argument, this is known as single dispatch. Does Python support generic methods? No. Python is not a statically typed language, so it is not necessary. Java generics only provide compile-time security; they do nothing at runtime. Python doesn’t have any compile-time security, so it wouldn’t make sense to add generics to enforce…

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Why is my computer so slow in Windows 7? If your Windows 7 computer suddenly becomes slower than normal, it could be a malware infection or a bad hard drive. Or, it could be a Windows update slowing everything down in the background. How to fix a very slow, hung or frozen Windows 7 PC? How to fix a very slow, hung or frozen Windows 7 PC. Search for msconfig.exe and open the Windows System Configuration tool as shown in the following screenshot. On the Startup tab, click the disable all button to disable all apps that run at startup.…

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How to resolve conflicts in Android Gradle dependencies? Once there is a dependency conflict in the build, the developer must decide which version of the library to finally include in the build. There are many ways to resolve conflict. Exclude the conflicting module/library from one of the dependencies. By declaring a dependency, we can specify modules that we don’t want. How does Gradle select the highest version of a dependency? Gradle will consider all requested versions, wherever they appear in the dependency graph. Of these versions, it will select the highest. As you’ve seen, Gradle supports a rich version declaration…

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How to apply sort on template field in GridView? Register or login to vote. Check out these links to find the solutions. 1. SORT GRIDVIEW MANUALLY WITH TEMPLATEFIELDS [ ^ ]. 2. Sort gridView by proper column which is TemplateField [ ^] 3. Gridview sorting with custom template fields [ ^ ]. How are template fields used in GridView control? Using TemplateFields in the GridView Control (C#) To provide flexibility, the GridView provides a TemplateField, which is rendered using a template. A template can include a combination of static HTML, web controls, and data binding syntax. How to create a…

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What is an escape closure in Swift? An escape closure is a closure that is called after the function it was passed to returns. In other words, it survives the function it was passed to. An unescaped closure is a closure that is called within the function it was passed to, that is, before it returns. What is completing @escaping? @escaping closures: When a closure is passed in the function arguments, it is used after the function body is executed and the compiler is returned. When the function ends, the scope of the passed closure exists and has existence in…

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How does GWT help in cross browser development? GWT handles some cross-browser issues for the developer. Developers can mix handwritten JavaScript into Java source code using the JavaScript Native Interface (JSNI). Developers can design and develop their application in a purely object-oriented way, since they use Java (instead of JavaScript). Are there third party libraries for GWT? Many common widgets not found in GWT have been implemented in third party libraries. GWT uses or is compatible with Java, Apache Tomcat (or a similar web container), Eclipse IDE, Internet Explorer, and internationalization and localization. Java-based GWT RIAs can be tested with…

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How do I fix the ISDone DLL code? Method 1. The Windows page file or virtual memory is extracted from the hard drive. It can be used to handle data that your PC’s RAM cannot fully process. Therefore, increasing the amount of page file or virtual memory can save more RAM, which can solve the Isdone. dll error How do I fix Windows 10 error 0xc00d36fa? How to fix error code 0xc00d36fa in Windows 10 Solution #1 – Restart audio services. Error code 0xc00d36fa occurs because the audio service is not responding or has suddenly stopped for some reason. Solution…

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What are the two types of recursive types? There are two forms of recursive types: so-called isorecursive types and equirecursive types. The two forms differ in how recursively typed terms are introduced and eliminated. μα. How do you define a recursive data type in ML? In Standard ML, the tree and forest data types can be mutually defined recursively as follows, which allows for empty trees: In Haskell, the tree and forest data types can be defined in a similar way: In type theory, a recursive type has the general form μα.T where the variable of type α can appear…

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What is satellite mounting? A satellite assembly is a .NET Framework assembly that contains resources specific to a particular language. By using satellite assemblies, you can put resources for different languages ​​in different assemblies, and the correct assembly is loaded into memory only if the user selects to view the application in that language. Is it necessary to deploy the RESX files? resx” are not deployed to the server. I would like to implement the file “. resx” on the server to do the same. In addition, the session must not be expired at the time of updating the “.…

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What does turning off animation scale do? If you are using a not so fast Android device, turning off animations will improve the performance of your device. If you’re using a speedy device, speeding up the animations or turning them off completely will make switching between apps and screens seem almost instantaneous. How do I stop the screen animation? Alternatively, select the Start menu, then Settings, then Ease of Access. In the Ease of Access settings, select Show in the left column. On the right, scroll down to the Simply and Personalize Windows section. Select the toggle switch under Show…

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How do I find Remote Desktop on my computer? How to use Remote Desktop Make sure you have Windows 10 Pro. To check, go to Start > Settings > System > About and look for Edition. When you’re ready, select Start > Settings > System > Remote Desktop and turn on Enable remote desktop. Make a note of the name of this PC in How to connect to this PC. How to enable remote desktop in Windows 7 Home? Click the Windows Start button, right-click Computer, and click Properties. Click Remote Setup. Under the Remote Desktop heading, click the middle…

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How do you center a header tag? To set the header alignment in HTML, use the style attribute. The style attribute specifies an inline style for an element. The attribute is used with the HTML to tag, with the CSS text-align property. HTML5 doesn’t support the alignment attribute of the header tag, so CSS styling is used to set the alignment. How do I align an image and header in Word? On the Header & Footer Tools > Layout tab, click Insert Alignment Tab. In the Alignment tab window, select Left and then click OK. Leave all other settings as…

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How do you change the time in the Iphone simulator? Go to the ‘TimeZone’ tap instead of the ‘Dateime’ tap. Uncheck the ‘Set time zone automatically using current location’ box and slide the vertical rectangular bar (with a blue dot) to simulate your system time. How do you change the time in the simulation? On the world map screen, select Flight Conditions at the top right of the screen. Once you do, various settings that appear allow you to adjust parameters such as the weather, date, and time. You can use the slider on the right side of the screen…

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How do I subscribe to the webhook on Facebook? To add a new webhook subscription on a given topic, provide a callback URL and verification token, then select the subscription fields you need for the functionality your app will provide. You can only subscribe to one URL per webhook topic, but you can use the same URL for multiple topics. How do I sign up for webhooks? You can create webhook subscriptions through your developer account: In the Developer App Dashboard, select the app you want to send webhooks for. Select the “Webhook Subscriptions” navigation item. Click “Create Subscription” What…

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What determines the increment size for pointer arithmetic? Knows the size of the targeted object type. If you don’t know the size of the pointed object, ie that type is incomplete, then you can’t increment the pointer. How do you increase the value of a pointer? When a pointer is incremented, it is actually incremented by a number equal to the size of the data type it is a pointer to. For example: if an integer pointer that stores address 1000 is incremented, it will be incremented by 2 (size of an int) and the new address will point to…

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Does Windows 10 play Unreal Gold? Like most titles of this era, Unreal can run on almost any modern Windows PC, with the GOG version list compatible with Windows 10 and a file size of 223.2 MB. Those who are interested in playing Unreal Gold can access the game on both GOG and Steam. When did Unreal Gold for Windows come out? Another classic, released in 1998 for the Windows 95/98 operating system. Although the original unpatched Unreal or Unreal Gold game will probably work fine on modern operating systems like Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10, it is…

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How do I convert a DataFrame to a List in R? The list() function in the R Language is used to convert an object to a list. These objects can be vectors, matrices, factors, and data frames. Just pass our sample dataframe object as an argument to as. list(), which will return a list of vectors. How do I convert a list to a table in Python? How to easily create tables in Python install table. import tab function. list of lists. We can convert it to a much more readable plain text table using the tabulate function: print(tabular(table)) How…

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Does HTML form support PUT method? Can I use the “Put” method on the html form to send data from the HTML form to the server? Yes you can, but note that it will not result in a PUT request but a GET request. If you use an invalid value for the tag’s method attribute, the browser will use the default value get . What is the put method in HTML? The PUT method requests that the attached entity be stored under the provided request URI. If the Request-URI references an existing resource, the attached entity MUST be considered a…

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How do I disable Drupal maintenance mode? Disable maintenance mode using the administrative interface In the Manage administrative menu, go to Settings > Development > Maintenance Mode (admin/config/development/maintenance). Fill in the fields as shown below. Click Save Settings. What does Drupal’s maintenance mode do? Maintenance mode simply prevents anonymous users and authenticated users without access to the site in maintenance mode from accessing the site. These users will only be able to see the special maintenance page. How do I log into Drupal in maintenance mode? Please configure maintenance mode in settings.php file And you can also exit maintenance mode…

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What object is used for browser detection? JavaScript has a standard object called a browser that contains data about the browser that is being used. How does modernizr detect the browser? Configuring Modernizr for feature detection To perform feature detection with Modernizr, you must add Modernizr. Now include the downloaded Modernizr file in the section of your page. Add the “no-js” class to the tag. Modernizr adds several CSS classes in the root element. How do I find the browser properties? Open the browser and click the “Tools” button in the menu bar… For Google Chrome (see example): Click on…

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Where are my Arduino libraries installed? Please note: Arduino libraries are managed in three different places: inside the IDE installation folder, inside the main folder, and in the libraries folder inside your sketchbook. How do I remove an Arduino library? To do this, you can go to the Arduino IDE and then File > Preferences > Sketchbook Location. Go to the location, open the libraries folder, then delete the folder that contains your library by right clicking on the folder you want to delete. How do I reset my Arduino library? 1 answer Delete Documents -> Arduino -> Libraries to…

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When to use default values ​​in INSERT statement? Just don’t include the columns you want to use the default value for in your insert statement. For example: …will take the default values ​​for field2 and field4, and assign 5 to field1 and 10 to field3. What if the column doesn’t have default values ​​defined and it’s also set to “DON’T ALLOW NULLS”? — Danon Jan 23 How do inserts work with a default constraint? If your column is NOT NULL it will automatically use the default value. for all existing records, whether you specify WITH VALUES or not. How inserts…

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What determines the size of the screen? The size of a screen is usually described by the length of its diagonal, which is the distance between opposite corners, usually in inches. It is also sometimes called physical image size to distinguish it from “logical image size,” which describes the display resolution of a screen and is measured in pixels. What happens if we reduce the screen resolution? At higher resolutions, such as 1600 x 1200 pixels, elements appear sharper. They also appear smaller to fit more items on the screen. At lower resolutions, such as 800 x 600 pixels, fewer…

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How do I disable app badges on Android? You can also deactivate your badges with a nearly identical process. Go to the Settings app and open the apps/notifications section. Select the app you want to manage, go to its notification panel and swipe left on the “notification dot” feature. Goodbye badges. How do I remove the shortcut watermark? If you can’t remove a watermark with Remove Watermark, try this: Double-click near the top of the page to open the header area. Hover over the watermark until you see a four-way arrow. Select the watermark. Press the Delete key on your…

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What is web services recommendation? CF-based web services recommendation aims to predict missing QoS (quality of service) values ​​of web services. Although several CF-based web service QoS prediction methods have been proposed in recent years, the performance still needs significant improvement. How do Web services communicate with their clients? Most web services communicate through XML. A client sends an XML message containing a request to the web service, and the web service responds with an XML message containing the results of the operation. The message types supported by a particular web service are described in the service’s WSDL file. Which…

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Why does the mouse cursor disappear on my Mac? When your mouse keeps disappearing on your Mac, open System Preferences to try and get it back; Here’s how to do it: Choose Apple menu > System Preferences. In System Preferences, select Accessibility > Display > Cursor. Drag your mouse across the scale to see if that returns it. Why is my mouse not working properly in Windows 10? After upgrading your system to Windows 10, your Logitech mouse is not working properly or not working at all, the problem is most likely caused by driver issues. The mouse driver may…

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How do you create a form for a table and use it? Create a form from an existing table or query in Access. To create a form from a table or query in your database, in the Navigation Pane, click the table or query that contains your form data, and on the Create tab, click Form. Access creates a form and displays it in Design view. How do I open a table in form view? How to Open a Table in Design View in Microsoft Access Locate the table in the navigation pane and right click on it. From the…

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How do I connect my Android to a public Wi-Fi network? Connect to a Wi-Fi network Open the Settings app. It’s in the app drawer, but you’ll also find a shortcut in the quick actions drawer. Choose Wi-Fi or Wireless & networks. Choose a wireless network from the list. If prompted, type the network password. Tap the Connect button. Why won’t my phone connect to public Wi-Fi? If your Android phone is not connecting to Wi-Fi, you should first make sure that your phone is not in airplane mode and that Wi-Fi is enabled on your phone. If your Android…

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How do I add a list to a DataFrame cell? crazy[1,’B’] and/or df3. crazy[1,’B’] . If the dataframe has columns with only integer values ​​and/or NaN values ​​and/or list values, inserting a list into a cell works perfectly. If the dataframe has columns with only string values ​​and/or NaN values ​​and/or list values, inserting a list into a cell works perfectly. How do I create a column in a list? Add a column to a list or library Navigate to the list or library in which you want to create a column. To the right of the last column name…

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How do I find my Windows Application ID? To find the AUMID using File Explorer Open Run, enter shell:Applications Folder and select OK. A File Explorer window opens. Press Alt > View > Choose Details. In the Choose Details window, select AppUserModelId, and then select OK. (You may need to change the Tile View setting to Details.) What is Application ID in Swift? An App ID is a two-part string used to identify one or more apps from a single development team. The string consists of a team ID and a package ID search string, with a period ( .…

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What is the default font on the computer? Calibri has been the default font in Word since 2007, when it replaced Times New Roman. What is the normal Microsoft font? calibriCalibri has been the default font for all things Microsoft since 2007, when it replaced Times New Roman in Microsoft Office. What is the standard font? The most common font used is black Times New Roman 12 point size. Other serif fonts, the ones with tails, that work well include Cambria, Georgia, Garamond, Book Antiqua, and Didot. Sans serif fonts, those without tails, that work well include Calibri, Helvetica, Verdana,…

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Can you create a class with a class variable in ES6? In ES6 you can create classes natively, but there is no option to have class variables: unfortunately the above won’t work, as classes can only contain methods. I understand that I can do this.myVar = true in the constructor… but I don’t want to “get rid of” my constructor, especially when I have more than 20-30 parameters for a larger class. Why do you use VAR instead of leave in ES6? Remember that the idea behind these types of declarations is to control the scope of a variable and…

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Can software cause a blue screen? Blue screens are usually caused by problems with your computer’s hardware or problems with your hardware driver software. Sometimes they can be caused by problems with low-level software that runs in the Windows kernel. The only thing that Windows can do at that point is to restart the PC. How do I fix the frequent blue screen? 11 Tips to Help You Fix Windows 10 Blue Screen Error Note your Windows blue screen stop code. Try troubleshooting specific to your blue screen error code. Check the recent changes of the computer. Check for driver…

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How do I get data from Firebase in WordPress? How to retrieve data from Firestore and display it in WordPress Install and activate the Integrate Firebase plugin. Update your Firebase settings in the Firebase Dashboard. Make sure your Firebase security rules allow you to access the document with or without signing in. Can we connect Firebase to WordPress? In version 0.6. 1, user can integrate Firebase authentication in WordPress. That means you can: log in, log out, and show custom data to registered users only. How is the data updated in the database in real time? To update a single…

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How do I display numbers on a pie chart in Excel? Show percentage on pie chart in Excel Select the data on which to create a pie chart, click Insert > Insert Pie or Donut Chart > Pie. Then a pie chart is created. Now the corresponding values ​​are displayed in the circular sectors. How do you show percentages and numbers on a pie chart? Select the chart you want to edit and click Settings. In the Circular Settings section, you will find an option: Slice Text option. Click the option The quantitative value and the percentage of the slice.…

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How do I get desktop icons on my Desktop? To get the icons on your desktop, open Settings and in the search box type: desktop icons and press Enter. That will open Themes and from there click on the Desktop icon settings. There you go Where are my desktop icons? Open configuration. Click Personalization. Click Themes. Click the desktop icon settings link. Check each icon you want to see on the desktop, including Computer (This PC), User Files, Network, Recycle Bin, and Control Panel. Click Apply. How are shortcuts displayed on the desktop? For those who don’t use the quick…

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How do you edit a word document in Python? Python can create and modify Word documents, which have the extension . docx file extension, with the python-docx module. You can install the module by running pip install python-docx. How do I edit an existing Word document? Click Edit Document > Edit in Word for the web to make changes to a document. When you open a document from OneDrive, Word for the web displays it in Reading view. To make changes to your document, switch to editing view, where you can add and remove content and do other things, such…

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Which function returns the number of characters in an ASCII string? character functionThe Char function converts a decimal ASCII code to its associated character. This function supports the return of any of the 128 standard characters assigned to an ASCII code. What is the relationship between Unicode and ASCII? Unicode is the universal character encoding used to process, store and facilitate the exchange of text data in any language, while ASCII is used for the representation of text as symbols, letters, digits, etc. In computers. ASCII: It is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. How many characters does the…

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Can we concatenate string and int? To concatenate a string to an int value, use the concatenation operator. int value = 3; Now, to concatenate a string, you must declare a string and use the + operator. Can different types of data be concatenated? The way most of us are used to concatenating data together is by using the + sign. You must do an explicit conversion if they are not the same data type. The following example tries to concatenate an INT and a String together, you can see that SQL cannot handle the different data types. How do…

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How do I install pip code in python? Make sure you can run pip from the command line Secure download 1. Run python 2 This will install or update pip. Also, it will install the configuration tools and the wheel if they are not already installed. Caveat. Does pip install python 2 or 3? installing pip To use pip, first install a custom version of Python 2. Then pip is installed with it. You can then use the pip command to create a virtualenv and install modules. Does Python 3.7 3 have pip? Pip is not installed with…

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What is the use of the fourth button on the mouse? Show desktop. Next/previous track (for media playback) Open any program. Simulate any keystroke or combination of keystrokes. What is mouse 4 AHK? Fourth mouse button. Generally performs the same function as Browser_Back. What is Mouse4 and Mouse5? Usually the Mouse4 and Mouse5 keys are the little buttons on the side of your mouse, if you have them. Which button is mouse 3? Mouse button “3” is the user’s fourth mouse button if there are additional buttons, for example extra volume buttons. Unity defines it as mouse button “3”, since…

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How can I tell if an app has been updated to Android? Alternatively, on phones running Android 7.1 Nougat and above, you can tap and hold the Google Play Store icon. Then touch My Apps to directly view available updates. In the latest versions of Android, the app prompts you for an available update every time you open it. How is a user notified when an app needs to be updated? Just put the latest version in an XML file and retrieve it at regular intervals from your code. If the version code is out of date, please enable the…

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How to add data manually in MongoDB? To insert a single document using MongoDB Compass: Navigate to the collection you want to insert the document into: Click the Insert Document button: For each field in the document, select the field type and fill in the field name and value. Once all the fields are filled in, click Insert. How do I import data into MongoDB? Go to to sign in to your user account. In the cluster panel, click the “…” button as shown below. Select Command Line Tools from the menu. Under the heading Import and Export Tools,…

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Can we use IntelliJ for Angular? IntelliJ IDEA supports Angular and helps you through every step of the development process, from creating a new Angular application and working on components to debugging and testing them. How do I run angular test cases in IntelliJ? How to configure IntelliJ IDEA for Angular JS tests Install the Karma plugin. Go to Settings > Plugins > Browse Repositories > search for “karma”: Configure Karma run settings. Go to Run > Edit Configurations, add a new configuration of type Karma: Configure Jasmine. Enable the Jasmine library for your project. How do I start an…

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What does jmenu mean in swing zentut? The JMenu class represents the menu that can be attached to a menu bar or to another menu. The menu attached directly to a menu bar is known as a top level menu. If the menu is attached to a menu, it is called a submenu. Here are the constructors for the JMenu class: Create an instance of JMenu with no text. How to open two jframes in Java Swing? Here, instead of opening two JFrame, what you can do is just switch the JPanels using CardLayout. And the code that is responsible…

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Where is view advanced settings? Most of the advanced display settings from previous versions of Windows are now available on the display settings page. Select Start > Settings > System > Display. Where is Microsoft Edge settings? In the upper corner of the browser window, select Settings and more, or use the keyboard shortcut Alt+F and select Settings. How do I change my browser settings in Microsoft Edge? For Edge, tap on the three-dot icon and select Settings. Swipe down the Settings screen and tap Set Default Browser, then tap Set Default Browser in the pop-up window. This takes you…

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Which operator has higher precedence in Java? Operator precedence is responsible for evaluating expressions. In Java, parentheses() and the Array subscript[] they have the highest priority in Java. For example, addition and subtraction have higher precedence than the shift left and shift right operators. Does the unary operator have the highest precedence? All operators on the same line have the same precedence. The first line has the highest precedence. Lary Huang has told me that the unary suffix and the unary ++ suffix have a higher precedence than the unary prefix and the unary ++ prefix. Which operator has higher…

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How do you create a definition in a text? paraphrasing Paraphrasing is the act of retelling a text in your own words. Make connections. Another way a reader can construct the meaning of the text is to connect their prior knowledge to the text. Visualizing. Another way to use text to build meaning is through visualization. What does a text mean in reading? In literary theory, a text is any object that can be “read,” whether this object is a work of literature, a street sign, an arrangement of buildings on a city block, or styles of clothing. It is…

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How do I sign a message with MetaMask? After connecting your MetaMask to MEW, you can now write the message you want to sign. After writing your message, you can click “Sign Message” to continue to the next process. Frequent questions Install MetaMask Mobile on Open the MetaMask mobile app and select ‘Sync or Import’ > ‘Scan QR Code’. Login to your MetaMask extension. Click Settings > Advanced > Sync with mobile. You will see a QR code. Scan this QR code with your MetaMask mobile app (see step 2). Once you are in the Chrome web store, simply…

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How are delegates used in events? Delegates Overview Delegates are derived from the System. They have a signature and a return type. Delegates can point to static or instance methods. Once a delegate object has been created, it can dynamically invoke the methods it points to at run time. Delegates can call methods synchronously and asynchronously. How is the delegate different from an event? Delegate is a function pointer. Contains the reference to one or more methods at run time. The delegate is independent and does not depend on events. An event depends on a delegate and cannot be created…

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How legit is CDKeys? Although some customers may be concerned about purchasing a code from the website, CDKeys is a safe and legitimate way to purchase game codes. CDKeys is a “gray market” website, which means that all products are sold legally but do not necessarily have the permission of the respective brand. What is the cheapest Microsoft Windows 10 Pro CD key? GVGMall is the cheapest GLOBAL Microsoft Windows 10 Pro OEM CD-KEY GLOBAL online software store in the market, which we are enabled to offer you the best gaming experience. With the help of suppliers from all over…

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How do you ensure data consistency across microservices? For transactions, use patterns like Scheduler Agent Supervisor and Compensating Transaction to keep data consistent across multiple services. You may need to store additional data that captures the state of a unit of work that spans multiple services, to avoid partial failures between multiple services. How is data consistency maintained? Ensuring data consistency Use of referential integrity for data consistency. Referential integrity ensures that data is consistent across all tables. Use of locks for data consistency. Locks can ensure that data remains consistent even when multiple users try to access the same…

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Does Crystal Reports work with Access? SAP Crystal Reports is a natural solution for creating pixel-perfect reports from Access databases. Crystal Reports provides several methods to connect to Microsoft Access. The method you choose and the steps required to achieve it depend on the format of the Access database you want to report from. What is Crystal Reports for Eclipse? Help business users access and act on mission-critical information through a powerful runtime engine, flexible API, and intuitive report viewer that delivers an integrated reporting experience. What is Crystal Report in Java? SAP Crystal Reports is a business intelligence tool…

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